[Android-tools-devel] RFS: android-platform-system-core_6.0.0+r26-1~stage1
seamlikok at gmail.com
Fri Jan 22 13:11:21 UTC 2016
I have prepared android-platform-system-core_6.0.0+r26-1~stage1:
* New upstream release
* stage1 upload
- Remove <!stage1> sections in d/control
- export DEB_BUILD_PROFILES = stage1 in d/rules
* Use traditional import-orig way to fetch source
* Change version scheme to follow upstream
* Makefiles independent from Quilt
* Add support for Build-Profiles
* New binary packages:
- adb
- android-libadb(-dev)
- android-libbacktrace(-dev)
- android-libbase(-dev)
- android-libsparse(-dev)
- android-libutils(-dev)
- android-libziparchive(-dev)
- android-platform-system-core-headers
- fastboot
* Remove android-libzipfile(-dev): Removed from upstream
* New patches:
- disable_android_set_abort_message.diff
- add_missing_headers.diff: Various headers are missing which causes
compiler errors
- use_separated_cutils_atomic.diff: cutils/atomic.h uses stdatomic.h which
is not supported by C++11
- libutils_use_unique_ptr: Use std::unique_ptr instead of Bionic's one
* d/control:
- Add (Build-)Depends:
- android-libunwind(-dev)
- libsafe-iop-dev
- android-platform-build-headers
- Add myself to Uploaders
- Change architecture to i386 & amd64
- Fix Vcs-Git typo
- Update android-liblog(-dev) package description
There are several Lintian outputs that may need explanations:
I set the compiler flags appropriately but I have no idea why
libziparchive is still not hardening.
extended-description-is-probably-too-short & duplicate-long-description:
Most libraries in this android-platform-system-core do not have
documentation describing their functionalities or usages, so I have to
write similar descriptions for them.
Kai-Chung Yan
* 殷啟聰 | Kai-Chung Yan
* 一生只向真理與妻子低頭
* Full-time student of National Taichung University of Education
* LinkedIn: <https://linkedin.com/in/seamlik>
* Blog: <seamlik.logdown.com>
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