[Android-tools-devel] Propose to Upload android-libunwind and android-libselinux to Unstable

Hans-Christoph Steiner hans at at.or.at
Sun Feb 7 09:25:51 UTC 2016

It is important to force building against the same SDK version for all
packages, so I think that the #2 option is the best.  We want to stick
as close as possible to how Google builds the Android SDK to avoid
introducing odd bugs.  That means that these packages need to require
that they are always only built against Android SDK libaries of the
exact same version.  Uploading to experimental is providing us a way to
test whether that is happening.

I wonder if there is a way to do force the upstream version, but allow
any package version, something like this:

  android-libunwind-dev (= 6.0.0+r26)

Or this:

 android-libunwind-dev (>= 6.0.0+r26 << 6.0.0+r27)


> Hi,
> Please check out the buildd log [1], src:android-platform-frameworks-base
> failed to build because of the same reason why
> src:android-platform-system-core/1:6.0.0+r26-1~stage1 failed -- It fetched
> libunwind 5.1.1+r8-1 from unstable instead of 6.0.0+r26-2 from experimental.
> However, src:android-platform-frameworks-base does not depend on libunwind
> directly, instead, libbacktrace depends on it. And because libbacktrace uses
> ${shlibs:Depends} it does not have a version restriction on its dependencies.
> There are two ways to deal with this problem:
> 1) Upload libunwind (and perhaps libselinux) 6.0.0+r26-2 to unstable
> 2) Add android-libunwind-dev (>= 1:6) to B-D
> The second approach is simple and easy but this B-D is unnecessary. So I highly
> propose that we upload android-libunwind (and perhaps android-libselinux) 6.0 to
> unstable, which will save lots of time.
> There's no need to keep android-libselinux and android-libunwind in
> experimental. experimental is for avoiding breaking anything, but now
> they are not breaking anything but they make our lives easier if they
> are in unstable :)
> Cheers,
> Kai-Chung Yan
> [1]: https://buildd.debian.org/status/package.php?p=android-platform-frameworks-base&suite=experimental

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