[Android-tools-devel] RFS: android-platform-dalvik/6.0.1+r16-1

Hans-Christoph Steiner hans at at.or.at
Sun Feb 7 10:00:59 UTC 2016

The rest of the packages are from version 6.0.0+r26, this one is
6.0.1+r16.  We should keep all the versions the same.  They need to be
updated all together.

Like I said in IRC (posting here for the archives):  Google never tests
or even builds it any other way but all together.  The official build is
always to update the whole source base to the exact same version, then
build that.  To make things worse, the libraries are not versioned at
all. If somehow one piece gets built against a newer or older piece,
that can easily introduce bugs that will be difficult to find.

I suppose if we come up with a way to track changes in a library, then
we wouldn't need to be so specific with the version, since most git
repos/source packages won't change when the r value is increased.


> Hi all,
> I have prepared this package for initial upload. You can access it via Alioth
> [1]. This package produces the following:
>   * dexdump: Tool to display information about Android .dex files
>   * android-libdex(-dev): Dependency of dexdump
>   * dmtracedump: Java method trace dump tool
>   * hprof-conv: HPROF Converter
>   * dalvik-exchange: Officially named "dx" but with naming conflict with OpenDX
> These are the "Build-tools" of Android SDK.
> Cheers,
> Kai-Chung Yan
> [1]: https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/android-tools/android-platform-dalvik.git

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