[Android-tools-devel] Bug#824930: Bug#824930: Bug#824930: Bug#824930: apktool: creates directories and an empty 1.apk file in $HOME

Hans-Christoph Steiner hans at at.or.at
Wed Jun 8 12:07:57 UTC 2016

I think it might be more honest to help the user fetch framework-res.apk
from a connected device or emulator using `adb pull` rather than
including one in Debian, since for many use cases, it'll require a
different framework-res.apk.  Like the example in the apktool docs,
where it talks about an HTC-specific framework-res.apk:

Perhaps `apktool install-framework` could modified to do this? Or just a
standalone script?

I think we should definitely patch apktool to set an XDG dir.  I prefer
~/.local/share/apktool since the file is required for apktool to work,
but ~/.cache/apktool would be OK.

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