[Android-tools-devel] Regarding android-platform-tools-base

Chirayu Desai chirayudesai1 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 27 17:08:55 UTC 2016


I'm trying to build an android app using the package
android-platform-tools-base for the android libraries (jars), instead of
downloading them from maven central or bintray.

The app I'm building is at [1], and apart from that I have done a simple
'cp /etc/maven/settings-debian.xml .m2/settings.xml' to use
/usr/share/maven-repo as the local maven repo.

[1]: https://gitlab.com/cde/AndroidHelloWorld/blob/debian-test/build.gradle

The debian maven-repo currently does not contain all the jars built by
android-platform-tools-base, and those are installed to
/usr/share/android-platform-tools-base directly as jars. Bug #819074 is
related, hc has compiled a list of the pom files needed to get these
installed as maven artifacts.

Right now what I'm trying to do it use the jars directly from
/usr/share/android-platform-tools-base, by using gradle flatDIr, and then
the rest by using mavenLocal() (See [1] above)

However, the build fails with [2].
The error mentions "Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
com/android/utils/ILogger", however that class is included in

[2]: http://ix.io/Xj8

Now, I'm pretty sure I have got confused somewhere in my understanding of
the whole build tools jars / gradle / maven interaction, and I haven't had
too much time to clear that up due to exams, so any hints would be

Note: While this build was done with the package 'android-sdk', some
components were replaced / added from google's sdk temporarily, to test
See #827214 and #827216

Chirayu Desai
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