[Android-tools-devel] GSoC 2016 Week 4 & 5: Android SDK Tools in Debian

Mouaad Aallam mouaad at aallam.com
Tue Jun 28 15:31:52 UTC 2016


During this last two weeks, working pace increased though I have exams.

First, I've continued the work I started before by testing the packaged
android-sdk, and I've added suggested packages[0].
Then I've worked on a patch[1] for the bug 827215[2] which was blocking the
building of apps using android-sdk package only, this patch creates a stub
of the missing file. llvm-rs-cc will be implemented later.

Then, I've created my first new package
google-android-m2repository-installer[3][4], which contains a packaged
script that automatically downloads Google's Android support m2 repository
package and unpacks it into Debian-friendly paths.
I've done an attempt for another package which downloads google m2
repository[5] too, but after discussing with the team, we concluded that
it's better to turn our focus on the free alternatives even if they are
incomplete. so this something to do later on.

Now next, I will attempt to package an installer script for Android-NDK.

[2]: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=827215
[3]: https://bugs.debian.org/828059
[5]: https://github.com/Aallam/debian_google-google-m2repository-installer

*Mouaad Aallam*
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