[Android-tools-devel] Fwd: google-android-platform-* packages WAS: android-platform-libcore/6.0.1+r16-1

Hans-Christoph Steiner hans at at.or.at
Mon Jul 11 15:23:47 UTC 2016

Mouaad Aallam:
> (forgot to cc.. again..)
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Mouaad Aallam <mouaad at aallam.com>
> Date: Mon, Jul 11, 2016 at 4:03 PM
> Subject: Re: [Android-tools-devel] google-android-platform-* packages WAS:
> android-platform-libcore/6.0.1+r16-1
> To: Hans-Christoph Steiner <hans at at.or.at>
> That's an interesting idea. The tricky part is that there should be a
>> way to do it in a script, without a human doing it.  I suppose it could
>> put up a debconf multiple choice menu where the user can check which
>> ones they want to install.  But once its installed, how would they add
>> more platform versions?
> dpkg-reconfigure I think would do the work ! I'm doing some searching about
> this :)

This approach would make the packaging simpler, but I think we would
provide a much better experience to users who are installing the
platforms if there was one Debian package per platform package.  That's
how the platforms are represented using the `android list sdk` command
line tool, and the `android` GUI package installer.  That's what Android
devs are used to.

I think it also provides a more Debian-ish experience, I need X so I do
`apt-get install X`.


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