[Android-tools-devel] RFS: android-platform-libcore/6.0.1+r55-1

殷啟聰 seamlikok at gmail.com
Tue Jul 26 07:43:21 UTC 2016


I have prepared a new version (again!) of android-platform-libcore.
The changelog is:

  [ Hans-Christoph Steiner ]
  * New upstream release to sync with all android-tools projects

  [ Kai-Chung Yan ]
  * Set JARs version to "android-6.0.1"
  * Add groupId to JAR filename (Upstream does not name them)
  * Rename package: libdex-java => libandroid-dex-java
  * d/control: Move all BD-Indep to BD since there is no arch packages
  * d/copyright: Refinements
  * New package: libandroid-luni-java
  * Remove Javadoc packages: Provided by libandroid-${version}-java-doc
  * Standards-Version => 3.9.8 (no changes)

  [ Chirayu Desai ]
  * New upstream release.
  * debian: Add watch file for usage with uscan
  * debian/watch: recompress using xz

The last RFS for 6.0.1+r16-1 was postponed because of the discussion
of the newly introduced binary package
android-platform-libcore-source-6.0.1. We now decided that
"android.jar" is being built in a new source package consisting of
multiple upstreams including the one of src:android-platform-libcore,
therefore pkg:android-platform-libcore-source-6.0.1 is no longer
needed and is removed.

Kai-Chung Yan

* 殷啟聰 | Kai-Chung Yan
* 一生只向真理與妻子低頭
* Undergraduate student in National Taichung University of Education
* LinkedIn: <https://linkedin.com/in/seamlik>
* Blog: <http://seamlik.logdown.com>

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