[Android-tools-devel] GSoC 2016 Week 10-11: Android SDK Tools in Debian
seamlikok at gmail.com
Mon Aug 15 10:34:28 UTC 2016
This week I packaged src:android-platform-tools-swt [1] which provides
3 GUI tools of the Android SDK using SWT and JFace. We can't upload it
yet because it's waiting for src:android-platform-tool-base getting
I also filed an RFS for src:android-platform-external-doclava which
provides the Doclava modified by AOSP. Doclava is the tool that builds
"android.jar", so an src:android-platform-23 is waiting for it. We
package AOSP's Doclava instead of the upstream one because Doclava's
recent development happens inside AOSP and the upstream project is
still in Google Code which is read-only.
In order to package Jack & Jill, I started packaging the missing
dependencies of them. I finished uncommons-maths [2] and
java-allocation-instrumenter [3], which are all uploaded thanks to
Tony Mancill from pkg-java team.
In the last report I mentioned that we are going to upload all Android
packages to the latest upstream version. For now I am holding this,
because we do not gain too much from this activity. Most of the
packages do not receive any changes even the version evolves, so
updating all of them can be considered an unnecessary task, which
needs further discussion.
This is the final week of Google Summer of Code 2016, I hope every
student can pass the final evaluation and take a rest and sleep well!
:) Insomnia is always a form of nightmare. :(
The following is my previous reports:
* Week 1: <https://lists.debian.org/debian-outreach/2016/05/msg00009.html>
* Week 2-3: <https://lists.debian.org/debian-outreach/2016/06/msg00019.html>
* Week 4: <https://lists.debian.org/debian-outreach/2016/06/msg00035.html>
* Week 5-6: <https://lists.debian.org/debian-outreach/2016/07/msg00023.html>
* Week 7-8: <https://lists.debian.org/debian-outreach/2016/07/msg00066.html>
* Week 9: <https://lists.debian.org/debian-outreach/2016/07/msg00067.html>
[1]: https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/android-tools/android-platform-tools-swt.git
[2]: https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-java/uncommons-maths.git
[3]: https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-java/java-allocation-instrumenter.git
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