[Android-tools-devel] RFS: android-platform-dalvik/6.0.1+r55-1

Markus Koschany apo at debian.org
Sun Aug 21 14:06:18 UTC 2016

On 21.08.2016 10:24, 殷啟聰 wrote:
> Hi,
> I have prepared an update for this package. The changelog is:
>   [ Kai-Chung Yan ]
>   * d/control:
>     - Build-Depends of C/C++ libraries are limited to [amd64 i386]
>     - Move some Build-Depends to Build-Depends-Indep
>     - Change dependency: libdex-java => libandroid-dex-java
>     - Mention that dexdump on amd64 will not work
>     - Standards-Version => 3.9.8 (no changes)
>   * Add multi-arch support (Closes: #828958)
>     - Depends on packages from src:android-platform-system-core >=
>       1:6.0.1+r55-1~
>   * dalvik-exchange: Install com.android.dx.jar instead of dx.jar into
>     /usr/share/java
>   * New package "libandroid-jack-dx-java" based on "dalvik-exchange"
>     - Add libjarjar-java to Build-Depends
>   * Remove the use of javahelper
>   * Enable NDEBUG macro for all binaries
>   [ Chirayu Desai ]
>   * New upstream release
>   * debian: Add watch file for usage with uscan
>   * debian/watch: recompress using xz
> This new upstream release has code changes.
> This update fixes the FTBFS <https://bugs.debian.org/828958>!!

Uploaded. Thanks for the update!

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