[Android-tools-devel] google-android-*-installer updates

Hans-Christoph Steiner hans at at.or.at
Mon Aug 22 21:26:25 UTC 2016

I uploaded NDK, SDK Docs, and M2.  I looked at
google-android-installers, and its getting quite close, it'll be amazing
to update all those packages in one source package.  One question I have
is about the binary package versions.  They should be separately set,
e.g. google-android-ndk-installer would be 12b while
google-android-sdk-docs-installer should be 24.  You can see how to do
this in android-sdk-meta's debian/rules.

It looks like google-android-platform-installers covers the packages
that are in google-android-installers.  Are they still separate source

How about adding all the build-tools versions to google-android-installers?


Mouaad Aallam:
> Hello !
> I have done some updates to the following packages:
> * google-android-m2repository-installer[1]: Update to revision 36
> * google-android-ndk-installer.git[2]: Update to latest version: 12b
> * google-android-*-installer[1][2][3][4]: Add Czech and Dutch PO
> translation files
> Waiting to be verified:
> * google-android-installers[5]
> * google-android-platform-installers[6]
> Doing Next:
> * google-android-studio-installer
> * google-android-sdk-meta
> [1]: https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/android-tools/google-
> android-m2repository-installer.git
> [2]: https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/android-tools/google-
> android-ndk-installer.git/
> [3]: https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/android-tools/google-
> android-sdk-docs-installer.git/
> [4]: https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/android-tools/google-
> android-build-tools-installer.git/
> [5]: https://github.com/Aallam/debian_google-android-installers
> [6]: https://github.com/Aallam/debian_google-android-platform-installers
> *Mouaad Aallam*
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