[Android-tools-devel] Where is the file build.gradle?

paul_adt at kaffeemitkoffein.de paul_adt at kaffeemitkoffein.de
Mon Oct 2 08:01:16 UTC 2017

Dear Tizio,

the debian build tools work like a charm, however I found the tutorial 
quite short and it took me a couple of hours to get everything to work. 
Therefore, I wrote a small "how-to" that explains how to compile an 
android app with the debian tools:

Debian stretch, which has been released in July 2017 (see 
https://bits.debian.org/2017/06/stretch-released.html), now includes all 
the necessarypackages to build android apps from scratch ( see 
means that you can build your Android app without using any proprietary 
software from Google.

As explained in the “Bits from Debian” blog 
the Android Tools Team at the current point does not support everything 
that is possible with Android Studio and/or the binaries provided by 
Google, but it is more than sufficient to build your own open source app 
with the now available open source SDK. The available SDK packages make 
it possible to build Android apps against the API Level 23 
(“Marshmellow”). As Android is an open source operating system, you now 
have an open source SDK.

However, I found the explanations given by the Android Tools Team very 
compact. In truth, it took me many hours to establish a working build 
environment and to build my first app with the Debian tools. For this 
reason, I found it worth to give some more explanations on how to do this.

1. Prerequisites

You need to install Debian Stretch. When saying Debian Stretch, I mean 
https://www.debian.org/releases/stretch/ . As this stuff is very new to 
Debian, I do not know if it is already included in any Debian 
derivatelike Ubuntu. Personally, I was not able to install the SDK 
successfully on Ubuntu 16.04. You may take a pen drive and install 
Debian Stretch on it to test the SDK. That is the way I did it.

After running Debian Stretch, of course, there are some packages you 
need to install first:

Do a fresh update of your packages database:

apt-get update

Install the necessary packages to build an Android app:

a) You need the openJDK:

apt-get install default-jdk

b) You need the Android SDK as outlined in 

apt-get install android-sdk android-sdk-platform-23

c) You need to install Gradle

apt-get install gradle

d) You need to install the Gradle-Android-Plugin

apt-get install libgradle-android-plugin-java

e) To properly sign your apk file after it is build, you need to install 

apt-get install apksigner

2. Short explanation on how the whole thing works with Gradle

Gradle is a build tool that we use to build Android apps. Basically, you 
create a file called build.gradle that describes what needs to be done 
to build your app. To build Android apps with Gradle and the SDK 
provided by the Debian Android Tools Team, you need some basic 
understanding on how Gradle works.

To get some understanding about gradle that goes beyond this short 
tutorial, you may have a look at 
http://tools.android.com/tech-docs/new-build-system/user-guide that 
explains why and how Gradle is used for Android.

3. Define where your SDK is

In the top folder of your app project, you need to create a file called 
local.properties that says where your SDK is. In our case, this file 
needs to have the following single line:


4. The project directory structure

Before building, you need to have a look at the structureof your app 
project. If you are coming from the eclipse plugin, you will notice that 
the default directory structure that gradle expects is a little bit 
different than what you are used to. This is well described here 
http://tools.android.com/tech-docs/new-build-system/user-guide in the 
section “Project Structure”. Basically, you have to say Gradle in the 
build.gradlefile what your structure looks like.

The typical and minimalistic structure of your Android app should look 
like this:


+src/main/AndroidMaifest.xml (your AndroidManifest.xml file)

+src/main/java/ (your java source code goes here)

+res/ (your resources go here)

+build.gradle (your build.gradle file, see later)

+local.properties (a file saying where your SDK is)

5. Write the build.grade file for your app project

In the top folder of your app project, you need to create a file called 
build.gradle. This file describes what Gradle needs to do to build your 
app. For the needs of an Android app, the basic structure of this file 
is quite simple:

buildscript {

repositories {

// this defines a local maven repository that is installed with the sdk

maven {url “file:///usr/share/maven-repo” }


dependencies {

// this tells Gradle to use the gradle android plugin installed locally

classpath “com.android.tools.build:gradle:debian”



// this tells Gradle to use the android plugin defined above

apply plugin: “com.android.application”

android {

// here goes the specific android stuff for your app.

CompileSDKVersion = 23


// we define that Lint errors do not abort the build process.

lintOptions {

abortOnError false


// we define our directory structure, because it is not 100% what Gradle 

souceSets {

main {

java.srcDirs =[“src”]





6. Build your project

Go into the top folder of your project (where the build.gradle file is) 
and run

gradle build

If everything went fine, you will find your unsigned apk file in 
build/outputs/apk/ named MyAppProject-unsigned.apk.

7. Sign your app before installation / publication

To install the apk file on an android device, you need to sign it with 
your key first. At this point, we assume you have a key to use for 
signing an app. (A self-signed key pair is sufficient! If you do not 
have one, please see the documentation of apksigner for details.)

In the build/outputs/apk/ directory, do the following:

apksigner sign --ks yourkey.keystore MyAppProject-unsigned.apk

8. End

You have done it!

Am 02.10.2017 um 01:04 schrieb tizio incognito:
> Acording to the tutorial in AndroidTools - Debian Wiki I should edit the file build.gradle, but I don't know where to find it.
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> AndroidTools - Debian Wiki
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