[Android-tools-devel] moving to Debian's gitlab: https://salsa.debian.org/android-tools-team

殷啟聰 | Kai-Chung Yan seamlikok at gmail.com
Thu Jan 11 03:13:52 UTC 2018

Thank you. Strange, I'm still not a member of the group.

Importing Alioth repos should be easy, just a one-click experience in GitLab.

Hans-Christoph Steiner 於 2018年01月10日 星期三 07:02 下午 寫道:
> They will be moved from Alioth to Salsa somehow.  We can do it manually
> for sure.  I'm not sure if there will be some kind of automatic migration.
> You should now have admin access on the android-tools-team.
> .hc
> 殷啟聰:
>> Great to hear! Thank you for this. I have requested to join the team (using
>> a "seamlik-guest" account), I hope I'm doing it right.
>> What happens to our repos on Alioth? Are we supposed to manually move them
>> to Salsa before Alioth gets shutdown entirely?
>> Hans-Christoph Steiner <hans at guardianproject.info> 於 2018年1月10日週三 上午2:18寫道:
>>> Debian now has its own GitLab instance called http://salsa.debian.org,
>>> and I have created a group there for the Android Tools Team:
>>> https://salsa.debian.org/android-tools-team
>>> If you are a Debian developer, you should already have an account there.
>>>  If not, then you just need to create one and I can add you to the
>>> GitLab group.
>>> I'm pretty sure we'll want to migrate to Gitlab, and Alioth is shutting
>>> down anyway.  One great addition is GitLab CI, which will run the whole
>>> build/test process for each merge request.  For example:
>>> https://salsa.debian.org/eighthave/python-vagrant/-/jobs/4005
>>> .hc
>>> --
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