[Android-tools-devel] migration to gitlab, what's our membership policy?

殷啟聰 | Kai-Chung Yan seamlikok at gmail.com
Mon Mar 26 13:04:59 UTC 2018

Sounds good to me.

Hans-Christoph Steiner 於 2018年03月21日 星期三 11:19 下午 寫道:
> How about in the README.md for the admin repo?
> .hc
> 殷啟聰 | Kai-Chung Yan:
>> Sounds good to me.
>> Where should we put this policy? The Wiki page, or under the "admin" repo?
>> Hans-Christoph Steiner 於 2018年03月08日 星期四 04:38 下午 寫道:
>>> Now that the migration to gitlab must happen, I think its good to have a
>>> discussion about what the Android Tools Team policy for granting
>>> membership to the team on gitlab should be.  Right now, seamlik, cdesai,
>>> and me are "Owner", deki is "Developer", and Manas Kashyap is
>>> "Reporter".  Here are the descriptions of the roles:
>>> https://salsa.debian.org/help/user/permissions
>>> Lots of Debian teams generally grant project privileges pretty easily.
>>> I think that makes sense for this team, though its easier to do more
>>> damage in gitlab than on alioth.  So here's a quick stab at an idea for
>>> this policy:
>>> * any request to become a member is granted at least "Reporter" level
>>> * any Debian Developer or previous contributor is granted at least
>>>   "Developer" level
>>> * specific requests for "Master" level must be posted to
>>>   https://salsa.debian.org/android-tools-team/admin/issues and are
>>>   approved by "lazy consensus"
>>> "Lazy consensus" goes like this: if no one objects to a request within
>>> one week or so, then any Master/Owner is free to grant the request.  So
>>> silence is considered approval, but not automatic approval.  An existing
>>> Master/Owner must actually grant the request after the waiting period.
>>> I'm open to other ideas, discussion, objections, etc.
>>> .hc
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