[Android-tools-devel] Bug#894330: apktool FTBFS with openjdk-9

Markus Koschany apo at debian.org
Fri Mar 30 14:43:52 UTC 2018

Control: reassign -1 src:proguard


this is a proguard bug. Version 5.3.3-1 works for me but 6.0.1-1 fails.
The reason is that the gradle.ProguardTask class is not included in
proguard-base.jar. The gradle/build.sh script requires the existence of
Gradle, fails to detect it because proguard doesn't build-depend on
gradle and thus the gradle plugin is not built at all.

I'm going to reassign the RC bugs for apktool and libsmali-java and
upload a new revision of proguard that build-depends on gradle again.



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