[Android-tools-devel] migration to gitlab, what's our membership policy?

Hans-Christoph Steiner hans at at.or.at
Tue Apr 10 10:28:10 BST 2018

Ok, I wrote up this policy.  It is of course open to changes, if anyone
has concerns.  I posted this text to the AndroidTools page:

We want make it as easy as possible for anyone to get involved in the
Android Tools Team, and contribute in ways that they think are
important.  It is important to note that some of the packages here are
quite complicated, and the Android SDK is a very large project.  That
means that changes must be discussed with the team before they can be
committed and pushed.  That discussion can happen in anywhere, including
merge requests.

So here is the Android Tools Team policy for granting membership to the
team, based on the
[[https://salsa.debian.org/help/user/permissions|GitLab user roles]]:

* any request to become a member is granted at least "Reporter" level

* any Debian Developer or previous contributor is granted at least
"Developer" level

* requests from anyone else must be posted to
https://salsa.debian.org/android-tools-team/admin/issues and are
approved by "lazy consensus"

* specific requests for "Master" level must also be posted to
https://salsa.debian.org/android-tools-team/admin/issues and are
approved by "lazy consensus"

This is based on "Lazy consensus": if no one objects to a request within
one week or so, then any Master/Owner is free to grant the request.  So
silence is considered approval, but not automatic approval.  An existing
Master/Owner must actually grant the request after the waiting period.


殷啟聰 | Kai-Chung Yan:
> Now that the migration to gitlab must happen, I think its good to have a
> discussion about what the Android Tools Team policy for granting
> membership to the team on gitlab should be.  Right now, seamlik, cdesai,
> and me are "Owner", deki is "Developer", and Manas Kashyap is
> "Reporter".  Here are the descriptions of the roles:
> https://salsa.debian.org/help/user/permissions
> Lots of Debian teams generally grant project privileges pretty easily.
> I think that makes sense for this team, though its easier to do more
> damage in gitlab than on alioth.  So here's a quick stab at an idea for
> this policy:
> * any request to become a member is granted at least "Reporter" level
> * any Debian Developer or previous contributor is granted at least
>   "Developer" level
> * specific requests for "Master" level must be posted to
>   https://salsa.debian.org/android-tools-team/admin/issues and are
>   approved by "lazy consensus"
> "Lazy consensus" goes like this: if no one objects to a request within
> one week or so, then any Master/Owner is free to grant the request.  So
> silence is considered approval, but not automatic approval.  An existing
> Master/Owner must actually grant the request after the waiting period.

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