[Android-tools-devel] android-tools backport

Ximin Luo infinity0 at debian.org
Mon Apr 16 15:16:00 BST 2018

Yes, android-tools hasn't been properly maintained in a long time, and I only touched it to update it because I had to flash my personal phone.

hc, maybe you could post a short summary list of what needs to be done for the migration to the android-platform-* packages.

(Sorry if what I said was already repeated elsewhere, I am no longer on the android-tools-devel thread either, since I don't maintain any of these packages.)


Hans-Christoph Steiner:
> Sorry, I was updating the Android SDK packages, e.g. android-platform-*.
>  I thought that's what you meant.  I no longer work on the
> 'android-tools' source package.  IMHO the best path forward maintaining
> the binary packages from 'android-tools' is to get those things ported
> and building as part of the android-platform-* source packages.
> .hc
> Pierre Rudloff:
>> Hello,
>> I only backported android-tools because it is not available in Stretch
>> whereas all the android-platform-* packages are.
>> You mentionned an update but AFAICS the latest version of android-tools
>> (5.1.1.r38-1.1) is still the one I backported, isn't it?
>> Regards,
>> Le 02/03/2018 à 11:37, Hans-Christoph Steiner a écrit :
>>> Ok, this round of updates is complete.  Turns out that a full upgrade
>>> wasn't possible at the moment.  Let me konw when you complete the
>>> updates to your backport, and I'll upload them all!
>>> Also, I just realized, you just backported the 'android-tools' source
>>> package, but not the whole android-tools-team suite of packages.  The
>>> android-tools source package only includes three very specific, rarely
>>> used tools: fsutils, mkbootimg, and adbd (not adb!).
>>> .hc
>>> Hans-Christoph Steiner:
>>>> Yes, should be possible.  I'm planning on updating all the packages
>>>> tomorrow.  Once they get accepted into testing, that would be a good
>>>> time for you to do the final backport.
>>>> .hc
>>>> Pierre Rudloff:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> Do you think it would be possible to backport android-tools to Stretch?
>>>>> These tools are quite useful for Android developers.
>>>>> I tried to rebuild the package on Stretch and it seems to work fine:
>>>>> https://mentors.debian.net/package/android-tools
>>>>> Regards,
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