[Android-tools-devel] Does this thing actually work?

殷啟聰 | Kai-Chung Yan seamlik at debian.org
Mon Jul 29 02:15:11 BST 2019

Thanks for trying out the packages.

Android SDK is in fact only the metapackage `android-sdk` and additionally `android-sdk-platform-23`. We mostly focus on maintaining them. If you tell your IDE or Gradle to use `/usr/lib/android-sdk` as the SDK plus the upstream Gradle plugin, you should be able to build something.

However, for now we only maintain one SDK Platform (23) and one version of Build-Tools, so you must configure the project to use them. We are trying to package a more recent SDK Platform, but we will unlikely maintain multiple versions of anything.

The Gradle plugin we packaged as well as `android-sdk-helper` is just a workaround to let you build a project that skip the configurations mentioned above. Unfortunately any recent versions of them requires Kotlin which is being worked on. As of now the Gradle plugin and Gradle itself is terribly outdated so I don't recommend using them.

Paul 於 2019/7/27 上午4:36 寫道:
> Hi fluffrabbit,
> your issue is most likely the following:
> To target a specific android platform version, you need a build tools version that is compatible with the target you use.
> To make it even more complicated, the build tools expect a specific gradle plugin version.
> But this is not all: this bundle of "build tools" and "gradle plugin" are only compatible with a specific gradle version.
> To put it in other words: you are likely using a gradle version not compatible with the gradle plugin and the build tools. Most likely, you need an *older* gradle version.
> (Incompatible gradle versions always seem to throw really strange error messages :-) )
> Proceed the following way:
> 1) Check the version of the build tools and the gradle plugin that comes with the android debian packages. (In your case, the ones that come with ubuntu 18.04.)
> 2) Look up here ( https://developer.android.com/studio/releases/gradle-plugin ) which gradle version you need. This page has a table that will tell you.
> 3) download the gradle version you need directly from the gradle project page ( https://gradle.org/ ) and install it (e.g. in /opt folder) locally.
> 4) try to compile using this gradle version.
> I agree with hc that the docs could be more detailed - if I have some spare time in the next 2 weeks, I'll try to write a up-to-date tutorial how to set up the build environment.

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