[Android-tools-devel] Gradle : Call for help.

Raman Sarda theloudspeaker at disroot.org
Sat Jul 25 14:44:51 BST 2020

Hey everyone!

I am trying to update gradle to version 6.4.1 as a part of my project for GSoC 2020. We currently have 4.4.1 in archives. I have fixed major issues and converted all the patches to Kotlin as gradle shifted from Groovy to Koltin after 4.4.1. Some of the patches have been removed from series as they were no longer needed. But as the jump is major, there have been other changes in Gradle, e.g: using the latest zinc [1]. Which is kinda a blocker right now for the upgrade. I am currently stuck on following error while building[2]. I have tried to patch out scala and zinc related stuff in this patch[3] but I am still stuck. I have tried to revert the files to the state they were before new zinc was used in gradle. As far as I can see, the file ZincScalaCompilerFactory.java is in the same state as in 4.4.1. But I still land on the same error. It would be great if someone could help me out here a little. I am tracking all the progress in this issue on salsa[4]. Working repository is the fork of Gradle on salsa under my namespace.[5] I have considered upgrading sbt in archives to latest version as zinc comes along with sbt since sbt 1.0 but upgrading sbt is another mammoth task and will require a lot of time. Gradle upgrade has already been in works for almost 2 months now and I want to complete it as fast as I can since the project has other higher goals.

	Gradle depends on itself so we need a bootstrap package. I have created it using the bootstrap script present in the source and uploaded here on salsa[6] It can be used when building gradle from source.

[1] https://github.com/gradle/gradle/pull/8485 (https://github.com/gradle/gradle/pull/8485)
[2] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/YCvxfvXhXY/
[3] https://salsa.debian.org/theloudspeaker-guest/gradle/-/blob/testing2/debian/patches/33_scala_zinc.diff
[4] https://salsa.debian.org/android-tools-team/admin/-/issues/16
[5] https://salsa.debian.org/theloudspeaker-guest/gradle (https://salsa.debian.org/theloudspeaker-guest/gradle)
[6] (https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/YCvxfvXhXY/) https://salsa.debian.org/theloudspeaker-guest/gradle-source-build/-/blob/master/gradle_6.4.1+bootstrap_all.deb (https://salsa.debian.org/theloudspeaker-guest/gradle-source-build/-/blob/master/gradle_6.4.1+bootstrap_all.deb)

Raman Sarda
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