[Android-tools-devel] Bug#1024902: android-platform-tools: missing version prefix in shlibs dependencies

Thomas Uhle thomas.uhle at mailbox.tu-dresden.de
Wed Jul 12 19:12:07 BST 2023

On Wed, 12 Jul 2023, Chris Lamb wrote:

> Hi all,
> > dh_makeshlibs automatically generates the shlibs files for the libraries
> > in android-platform-tools during the build process.  By default it does
> > not include any prefix in the versions.  So '29.0.6' is used instead of
> > '1:29.0.6' which leads to […]
> Could this be related to what I'm seeing in diffoscope? Specifically,
> I am getting:
> $ aapt2 dump resources tests/data/resources1.arsc
> aapt2: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/android/libandroidfw.so.0: undefined symbol: _Z18ExtractEntryToFileP10ZipArchiveP8ZipEntryi

Hello Chris,

hard to say.  There seems to be an issue with libandroidfw.so.0 not 
properly linking to libziparchive.so.0 for sure.  On the other hand, 
android-libandroidfw has this dependency: android-libziparchive (>= 1:29). 
That seems to be sufficient.

> Very happy to file this as a different bug. (I suspect it might be,
> as I've upgraded all packages in this chroot, so it's unlikely to be
> a 'missing' upgrade due to incomplete dependencies.)

I also think that this is probably a different bug.

Best regards,

Thomas Uhle

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