[Android-tools-devel] latest changes to android-tools missing from git repo
Hans-Christoph Steiner
hans at at.or.at
Mon Oct 6 19:51:47 UTC 2014
Loïc Minier wrote:
> Hey,
> On Tue, Sep 30, 2014, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
>> I'd like to update the android-tools package, and I've noticed that the latest
>> changes and tag are not included in the android-tools.git. Could you push
>> them there? Or do they only exist in the source package form? If so, I can
>> check them into git.
>> I also want to update the package some, including more udev rules and bash
>> completion. Shall we move this package to being officially maintained by the
>> android-tools team? Then I'd update it directly. Or the maintainership can
>> stay the same.
> I fixed the git history / repo with some pain a while back and had
> pushed 4.2.2+git20130529-1 back when I uploaded it.
> Some time back, someone said this package would be taken over in some
> merge of Android source packages in Debian.
That is probably the work I've been doing. I won't get to replacing the
android-tools source package for a while, but I'm happy to help anyone who
wants to do it. The idea is to structure the source packages around the
source git repos. So for example, android-tools-fsutils would be provided by
the android-platform-system-extras source package, since the ext4-utils are in:
And a binary package called android-ext4-utils, since the upstream name is
> The git repo also had permissions issues breaking the webview. I didn't
> have enough permissions to fix these; I've opened an Alioth ticket
> requesting admin help, but it's still open without action.
> I didn't participate in this merge nor in recent uploads and don't have
> the time to go merge uploads done by others.
> All the best to your efforts to update android-tools to latest source;
> thanks for that.
> Cheers,
gcs (Laszlo) and Marcin are listed as the current 'android-tools' admins. I
cc'ed them. Could either of you either check the pending admin requests, or
add Loïc and/or me as an admin?
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