[Android-tools-devel] androidsdk-tools now part of the android-tools project

Hans-Christoph Steiner hans at at.or.at
Fri Oct 10 17:30:52 UTC 2014

Jakub Adam just moved the androidsdk-tools repository to a new location [1]
and updated Vcs-* Maintainer fields accordingly:

I'd like to propose changing the source package of the androidsdk-tools
package to follow the structure of the other source packages here: based on
the upstream git repo.  So since all of the code for this package comes from
[2], the source package would called android-platform-sdk.  Since there are no
upstream tarballs, I have been including the upstream git commits in the git
repos for the debian packages.  This makes it easy to generate the orig
tarballs that Debian needs.  Since [2] is only about 33megs, it should be no
problem to include it.

I can do this work, or let anyone else do it.

[1] http://anonscm.debian.org/git/android-tools/androidsdk-tools.git/
[2] https://android.googlesource.com/platform/sdk

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