[Android-tools-devel] Bug#738119: include AndroidConfig.h directly

Vincent Bernat bernat at debian.org
Fri Aug 7 17:46:31 UTC 2015

 ❦ 12 janvier 2015 10:02 +0100, Hans-Christoph Steiner <hans at eds.org> :

> This package is already separate from the rest of the android-tools packages,
> so it won't do harm for now.  In the long run, adb, fastboot, etc. should all
> be built as part of the android-tools packages, but that won't happen
> in jessie.

I just stomped on this bug because adb was not working anymore for me
either. Why is that complex to compile all that in android-tools? I see
that ArchLinux seems to have a pretty simple package for all that:

They also use an external Makefile, but it seems up-to-date.

And I am unsure to understand the "as part of the android-tools
packages". For me, this is already the case.
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