[Android-tools-devel] android-platform-build

殷啟聰 seamlikok at gmail.com
Tue Sep 29 16:27:07 UTC 2015

Hi Hans,

Apologies for the late reply.

libhost seems to be not used by any Android projects so far, so I
removed it. However I am not sure if Google has abandoned this

As far As I know, zopfli maintainer Laszlo Boszormenyi has not replied
to my patch, so libzopfli-dev is still unavailable in Debian.
android-platform-build is actually ready provided that zopfli is
updated, but as long as it is not, the Build-Depends won't be
satisfied. So the package is not ready for upload yet.

The patch can be viewed at <https://bugs.debian.org/794232>

I do not know about the discussion of zopfli dependency, but removing
it will definitely lead to the loss of zopfli support, so I think
zopfli is anyway necessary.

Kai-Chung Yan

2015-09-01 17:04 GMT+08:00 Hans-Christoph Steiner <hans at at.or.at>:
> Hey seamlik,
> I was just reviewing your changes to android-platform-build, and I have a
> couple of questions:
> * is it ready for uploading?
> * why was libhost* removed?
> * is libzopfli-dev still needed?  I thought I remembered some discussion of
> that not being needed.
> .hc

* 殷啟聰 | Kai-Chung Yan
* 一生只向真理與妻子低頭
* Full-time student of National Taichung University of Education
* LinkedIn: <https://linkedin.com/in/seamlik>
* Blog: <seamlik.logdown.com>

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