[Aptitude-devel] r3017 - branches/aptitude-0.3/aptitude/src/generic/problemresolver
Daniel Burrows
Wed, 20 Apr 2005 23:58:56 +0000
Author: dburrows
Date: Wed Apr 20 23:58:56 2005
New Revision: 3017
Add placeholders for the rest of the stuff.
Modified: branches/aptitude-0.3/aptitude/src/generic/problemresolver/model.tex
--- branches/aptitude-0.3/aptitude/src/generic/problemresolver/model.tex (original)
+++ branches/aptitude-0.3/aptitude/src/generic/problemresolver/model.tex Wed Apr 20 23:58:56 2005
@@ -566,4 +566,23 @@
Therefore, the theorem holds with $I_c'=D_{n+1}$.
+TODO: content
+\item Score/penalty per broken dependency
+\item Score/penalty per ``step''
+\item Score/penalty for each package version
+\item Arbitrary cutoff to avoid exponential blowup
+A prototype implementation exists in the experimental branch of
+\pkg{aptitude}, but it is not currently used as the main problem
+resolver of the program and as a result has not been widely tested.
+Work is ongoing to connect this prototype to the main user interface
+of \pkg{aptitude}.