[Aptitude-devel] [aptitude-gtk] errors

Daniel Burrows dburrows at debian.org
Sat Jan 17 02:22:14 UTC 2009

  OK, it looks like the problem really is a version string that's bad.
To debug this farther we'll need to know which package is generating
that version string.  I've attached a patch that will make that
information more accessible at debug time, as well as writing it to
standard output.

  Save the patch in the root of your aptitude tree, then run

$ patch -p1 < aptitude-debug-patch.patch

  to apply it.  Run

$ make

  to recompile, then run aptitude like you have been:

$ gdb ./src/aptitude
(gdb) run
(gdb) backtrace

  Hopefully we'll at least be able to find out which package is
triggering the problem for you.

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