[Aptitude-devel] tabs-manager-eliminate-casts-qt

Daniel Burrows dburrows at debian.org
Tue Jul 27 00:55:32 UTC 2010

  I have a proof-of-concept branch up showing one way of eliminating the
explicit casts from QWidget in tabs_manager.  It works by writing an
explicit interface describing what the manager needs from its associated
widget, with protections assigned so that only the manager can invoke
the methods.  To the other widgets, this object is just an opaque
reference that they pass along to the manager.

  The branch tabs-manager-eliminate-casts-qt in my personal git
repository (SHA c32f42b) has the patches.

  I also created a branch tabs-manager-eliminate-casts-sigc (SHA
b9dc49b) with a sigc++-based implementation.  I think this is a lot
cleaner (there are some kind of ugly things in the Qt implementation),
but it doesn't fit into the Qt idioms in src/qt/.


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