[Aptitude-devel] Bug#624542: aptitude: better default parameter for package view

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo manuel.montezelo at gmail.com
Sun Feb 26 13:57:33 UTC 2012

tags 624542 + pending

Thank you for your interest in improving Debian, and sorry to keep the
bug unattended for so long.  There's now an effort to review the open
bugs related with aptitude and resume development.

This request has been implemented in this commit:

It has not been implemented as in your patch because of the related
bug report and commit:

This previous report made necessary to change the size of
'sizechange'/%Z field taking 9 spaces (rather than previous 7 or your
suggestion of 8 spaces), so the version fields are reduced to 14
instead of your suggestion of 15.  Still, a "sizable" improvement, if
you excuse the pun ;-)

Unless a problem is found with the modifications, they will be present
in the next release of aptitude.  Thus marking the bug as "pending".


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