[Aptitude-devel] Bug#758226: [l10n] Updated Czech translation of aptitude

Miroslav Kure kurem at upcase.inf.upol.cz
Fri Aug 15 15:09:59 UTC 2014

Package: aptitude
Severity: wishlist
Tags: l10n, patch


in attachement there is updated Czech (cs.po) translation of aptitude
together with updated aptitude-defaults.cs (translation of newly added
sections), please include it with the package.

Thank you
Miroslav Kure
-------------- next part --------------
# Czech translation of Aptitude.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Aptitude package.
# Miroslav Kure <kurem at debian.cz>, 2004-2014.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: aptitude\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: aptitude at packages.debian.org\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-15 15:57+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-15 16:37+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Miroslav Kure <kurem at debian.cz>\n"
"Language-Team: Czech <debian-l10n-czech at lists.debian.org>\n"
"Language: cs\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n"
"%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"

#. TRANSLATORS: These strings describing config items
#. should be the same width.
#: src/apt_config_treeitems.cc:99 src/apt_config_treeitems.cc:210
#: src/apt_config_treeitems.cc:396
msgid "%BOption:%b  "
msgstr "%BVolba:%b   "

#. TRANSLATORS: These strings describing config items
#. should be the same width.
#: src/apt_config_treeitems.cc:101 src/apt_config_treeitems.cc:212
#: src/apt_config_treeitems.cc:400
msgid "%BDefault:%b "
msgstr "%BV?choz?:%b "

#: src/apt_config_treeitems.cc:102 src/apt_config_treeitems.cc:104
msgid "True"
msgstr "Povoleno"

#: src/apt_config_treeitems.cc:102 src/apt_config_treeitems.cc:104
msgid "False"
msgstr "Zak?z?no"

#. TRANSLATORS: These strings describing config items
#. should be the same width.
#: src/apt_config_treeitems.cc:103 src/apt_config_treeitems.cc:214
#: src/apt_config_treeitems.cc:404
msgid "%BValue:%b   "
msgstr "%BHodnota:%b "

#: src/apt_config_treeitems.cc:280
#, c-format
msgid "Editing \"%ls\": "
msgstr "Upravuji ?%ls?: "

#. TRANSLATORS: These strings describing config items
#. should be the same width.
#: src/apt_config_treeitems.cc:410
msgid "%BChoice:%b  "
msgstr "%BMo?nost:%b "

#: src/apt_options.cc:160
msgid "Display some available commands at the top of the screen"
msgstr "Zobrazit vybran? p??kazy naho?e na obrazovce"

#: src/apt_options.cc:161
msgid ""
"If this option is enabled, a brief summary of some of the most important "
"aptitude commands will appear beneath the menu bar."
msgstr ""
"Je-li tato volba povolena, zobraz? se pod menu stru?n? souhrn "
"nejd?le?it?j??ch p??kaz? aptitude."

#: src/apt_options.cc:165
msgid "Hide the menu bar when it is not being used"
msgstr "Skr?t menu, pokud se nepou??v?"

#: src/apt_options.cc:166
msgid ""
"If this option is enabled, the menu bar will only appear when it has been "
"activated by pressing the menu key."
msgstr ""
"Je-li tato volba povolena, menu se objev? pouze pokud jej aktivujete "
"kl?vesou pro vstup do menu."

#: src/apt_options.cc:170
msgid "Use a minibuffer-style prompt when possible"
msgstr "Kde to lze, pou??vat v?zvy ve stylu ?minibufferu?"

#: src/apt_options.cc:171
msgid ""
"If this option is enabled, prompts will be displayed in a single line at the "
"bottom of the screen.  If not, prompts will be displayed as pop-up dialog "
msgstr ""
"Je-li tato volba povolena, budou se v?echny v?zvy zobrazovat v ??dku na "
"spodn? stran? obrazovky. V opa?n?m p??pad? se v?zvy zobraz? jako dialogov? "

#: src/apt_options.cc:176
msgid "Show partial search results (incremental search)"
msgstr "Zobrazit v?sledky ??ste?n?ho hled?n? (p??r?stkov? hled?n?)"

#: src/apt_options.cc:177
msgid ""
"If this option is enabled, aptitude will perform searches within the package "
"list as you type them.  This is convenient, but may slow the program down, "
"particularly on older computers."
msgstr ""
"Je-li tato volba povolena, bude aptitude hledat v bal?c?ch okam?it? b?hem "
"psan? hledan?ho v?razu. Je to velmi pohodln?, ale na slab??ch po??ta??ch "
"m??ete poc?tit zpomalen?."

#: src/apt_options.cc:183
msgid "Closing the last view exits the program"
msgstr "Zav?en?m posledn?ho pohledu se ukon?? program"

#: src/apt_options.cc:184
msgid ""
"If this option is enabled, aptitude will stop running when all views "
"(package lists, package details, etc) have been closed.  Otherwise, aptitude "
"will continue running until you select 'Quit' from the Actions menu."
msgstr ""
"Je-li tato volba povolena, aptitude se po zav?en? v?ech pohled? (seznamy "
"bal?k?, podrobnosti bal?ku, atd.) ukon??. V opa?n?m p??pad? aptitude pob???, "
"dokud z menu Akce nevyberete ?Konec?."

#: src/apt_options.cc:190
msgid "Prompt for confirmation at exit"
msgstr "P?i ukon?en? vy?adovat potvrzen?"

#: src/apt_options.cc:191
msgid ""
"If this option is enabled, aptitude will not terminate until you confirm "
"that you really want to quit."
msgstr ""
"Je-li tato volba povolena, aptitude bude p?ed ukon?en?m vy?adovat potvrzen?, "
"?e ji opravdu chcete ukon?it."

#: src/apt_options.cc:195
msgid "Pause after downloading files"
msgstr "Pozastavit po sta?en? soubor?"

#: src/apt_options.cc:196
msgid ""
"This option controls whether aptitude will wait for confirmation after a "
"download before it goes ahead and installs packages."
msgstr ""
"Tato mo?nost ur?uje, zda m? aptitude mezi sta?en?m bal?k? a samotnou "
"instalac? po?kat na potvrzen?."

#: src/apt_options.cc:199
msgid "Never"
msgstr "Nikdy"

#: src/apt_options.cc:200
msgid ""
"Never wait for the user after downloading packages: always begin the "
"installation immediately."
msgstr ""
"Ne?ek? na potvrzen?, instalace bal?k? za?ne okam?it? po jejich sta?en?."

#: src/apt_options.cc:201
msgid "When an error occurs"
msgstr "Kdy? se objev? chyba"

#: src/apt_options.cc:202
msgid ""
"Wait for confirmation if an error occurred during the download.  If there "
"were no errors, begin installing packages immediately."
msgstr ""
"Zobraz? potvrzen? pouze pokud se b?hem stahov?n? objev? chyba. Jestli?e "
"stahov?n? prob?hne bez probl?m?, okam?it? zah?j? instalaci."

#: src/apt_options.cc:203
msgid "Always"
msgstr "V?dy"

#: src/apt_options.cc:204
msgid ""
"Always wait for the user to confirm the download before proceeding with the "
msgstr ""
"Mezi sta?en?m bal?k? a jejich instalac? se v?dy zastav? a po?k? na potvrzen?."

#: src/apt_options.cc:206
msgid "Use a 'status-line' download indicator for all downloads"
msgstr "Pou??t pro v?echna stahov?n? pouze indik?tor ve stavov? ??dce"

#: src/apt_options.cc:207
msgid ""
"If this option is enabled, aptitude will display the status of ongoing "
"downloads at the bottom of the screen, rather than opening a new view."
msgstr ""
"Je-li tato volba povolena, aptitude nezobraz? stav prob?haj?c?ch stahov?n? "
"na samostatn? obrazovce, ale ve spodn? ??sti obrazovky."

#: src/apt_options.cc:211
msgid "Display the information area by default"
msgstr "Implicitn? zobrazovat informa?n? oblast"

#: src/apt_options.cc:212
msgid ""
"If this option is enabled, the information area (the pane at the bottom of "
"the screen) in the package list will be visible when the program starts; "
"otherwise, it will be initially hidden."
msgstr ""
"Je-li tato volba povolena, zobraz? se v seznamu bal?k? informa?n? oblast "
"(zab?r? v?t?inu spodn? ??sti obrazovky). V opa?n?m p??pad? z?stane oblast "

#: src/apt_options.cc:217
msgid "Display tabs for the available views"
msgstr "Zobrazovat k pohled?m z?lo?ky"

#: src/apt_options.cc:218
msgid ""
"If this option is enabled, tabs will appear at the top of the screen listing "
"the currently opened views."
msgstr ""
"Je-li tato volba povolena, zobraz? se v horn? ??sti obrazovky pruh se "
"seznamem aktu?ln? otev?en?ch pohled?."

#: src/apt_options.cc:221
msgid "Display tabs for the information area"
msgstr "Zobrazovat z?lo?ky v informa?n? oblasti"

#: src/apt_options.cc:222
msgid ""
"If this option is enabled, tabs will appear at the top of the information "
"area (the pane at the bottom of the screen) listing the different displays "
"of information that can be viewed there."
msgstr ""
"Je-li tato volba povolena, zobraz? se v horn? ??sti informa?n? oblasti pruh "
"se seznamem informac?, kter? lze v t?to oblasti zobrazit."

#: src/apt_options.cc:227
msgid "Advance to the next item after changing the state of a package"
msgstr "Po zm?n? stavu bal?ku automaticky p?ej?t na dal?? polo?ku"

#: src/apt_options.cc:228
msgid ""
"If this option is enabled, then performing an action on a package (for "
"instance, installing or removing it) will move the selection to the next "
"package in the list."
msgstr ""
"Je-li tato volba povolena, kurzor se po vykon?n? akce na bal?ku (nap?. "
"ozna?en? k instalaci nebo odebr?n?) automaticky p?esune na n?sleduj?c? bal?k "
"v seznamu."

#: src/apt_options.cc:233
msgid "Automatically show why packages are broken"
msgstr "Automaticky zobraz?, pro? jsou bal?ky poru?eny"

#: src/apt_options.cc:234
msgid ""
"If this option is enabled, then highlighting a package that has broken "
"dependencies will automatically display the dependencies that are "
"unfulfilled in the lower pane of the display."
msgstr ""
"Je-li tato volba povolena, p?ejit? na bal?k s poru?en?mi z?vislostmi "
"automaticky v informa?n? oblasti zobraz? jeho nespln?n? z?vislosti."

#: src/apt_options.cc:240
msgid "Display flat view instead of default view on startup"
msgstr "P?i startu zobraz? m?sto v?choz?ho pohledu pohled ploch?."

#: src/apt_options.cc:241
msgid ""
"If this option is enabled, then the first view displayed on startup will be "
"a flat view instead of the default view."
msgstr ""
"Je-li tato volba povolena, zobraz? se p?i startu m?sto v?choz?ho pohledu "
"pohled ploch?."

#: src/apt_options.cc:245
msgid "The default grouping method for package views"
msgstr "V?choz? zp?sob seskupov?n? bal?k?"

#: src/apt_options.cc:246
msgid ""
"This option controls how aptitude organizes the package list.  See the "
"aptitude user's manual for information on how to specify a grouping method."
msgstr ""
"Tato volba ur?uje, jak aptitude organizuje seznam bal?k?. Podrobnosti o "
"seskupov?n? bal?k? naleznete v u?ivatelsk? p??ru?ce."

#: src/apt_options.cc:250
msgid "The default display-limit for package views"
msgstr "V?choz? omezen? pro zobrazen? bal?k?"

#: src/apt_options.cc:251
msgid ""
"By default, the limit of each package view will be set to the value "
"specified by this option.  See the aptitude user's manual for detailed "
"information about searches."
msgstr ""
"V?echny pohledy na seznam bal?k? budou omezeny podle zadan?ho vzoru. "
"Podrobnosti o vyhled?v?n? bal?k? naleznete v u?ivatelsk? p??ru?ce."

#: src/apt_options.cc:256
msgid "The display format for package views"
msgstr "Form?t pro zobrazen? bal?k?"

#: src/apt_options.cc:257
msgid ""
"This option controls how aptitude formats lines of the package list.  See "
"the aptitude user's manual for information on how to specify a display "
msgstr ""
"Tato volba ur?uje, jak aptitude form?tuje ??dky v seznamu bal?k?. "
"Podrobnosti o form?tovac?ch ?et?zc?ch naleznete v u?ivatelsk? p??ru?ce."

#: src/apt_options.cc:263
msgid "The display format for the status line"
msgstr "Form?t pro zobrazen? stavov?ho ??dku"

#: src/apt_options.cc:264
msgid ""
"This option controls how aptitude formats the status line (the line between "
"the package list and the lower pane).  See the aptitude user's manual for "
"information on how to specify a display format."
msgstr ""
"Tato volba ur?uje, jak aptitude form?tuje stavov? ??dek (??dek mezi seznamem "
"bal?k? a informa?n? oblast?). Podrobnosti o form?tovac?ch ?et?zc?ch "
"naleznete v u?ivatelsk? p??ru?ce."

#: src/apt_options.cc:271
msgid "The display format for the header line"
msgstr "Form?t pro zobrazen? hlavi?ky"

#: src/apt_options.cc:272
msgid ""
"This option controls how aptitude formats the header line (the line above "
"the package list).  See the aptitude user's manual for information on how to "
"specify a display format."
msgstr ""
"Tato volba ur?uje, jak aptitude form?tuje z?hlav? (??dek nad seznamem "
"bal?k?). Podrobnosti o form?tovac?ch ?et?zc?ch naleznete v u?ivatelsk? "

#: src/apt_options.cc:282
msgid "Automatically upgrade installed packages"
msgstr "Automaticky aktualizovat instalovan? bal?ky"

#: src/apt_options.cc:283
msgid ""
"If this option is enabled, then on startup, aptitude will select all "
"upgradable packages for upgrade."
msgstr ""
"Je-li tato volba povolena, aptitude p?i startu ozna?? v?echny "
"aktualizovateln? bal?ky k aktualizaci."

#: src/apt_options.cc:287
msgid "Remove obsolete package files after downloading new package lists"
msgstr "Po sta?en? nov?ch seznam? bal?k? odstranit star? soubory bal?k?"

#: src/apt_options.cc:288
msgid ""
"If this option is enabled, then after every install run, aptitude will "
"delete from the package cache any package files that can no longer be "
"downloaded from any archive in sources.list."
msgstr ""
"Je-li tato volba povolena, pak aptitude po ka?d? instalaci bal?k? odstran? "
"ze sv? cache bal?k? ty soubory, kter? se ji? nedaj? st?hnout z ??dn?ho "
"archivu zadan?ho v sources.list."

#: src/apt_options.cc:293
msgid "URL to use to download changelogs"
msgstr "URL pro stahov?n? z?znam? o zm?n?ch"

#: src/apt_options.cc:294
msgid ""
"This option controls the server used to download changelogs.  You should "
"only need to change this if the changelogs move to a different URL."
msgstr ""
"Tato volba ur?uje server, kter? se pou?ije pro sta?en? seznam? zm?n. Tuto "
"volbu byste m?li m?nit jen v p??pad?, ?e se seznamy zm?n p?esunou na jin? "

#: src/apt_options.cc:300
msgid "Display a preview of what will be done before doing it"
msgstr "P?ed vlastn? akc? zobrazit, co se bude prov?d?t"

#: src/apt_options.cc:301
msgid ""
"If this option is enabled, then when you ask aptitude to perform an install "
"run, it will first display a summary of the actions it is going to perform."
msgstr ""
"Je-li tato volba povolena, pak se p?ed samotnou (od)instalac? bal?k? zobraz? "
"p?ehled akc?, kter? jsou pro tuto instalaci napl?nov?ny."

#: src/apt_options.cc:307
msgid ""
"Forget which packages are \"new\" whenever the package lists are updated"
msgstr "Zapomenout seznam ?nov?ch? bal?k? p?i ka?d? aktualizaci seznam? bal?k?"

#: src/apt_options.cc:308
msgid ""
"If this option is enabled, then aptitude will clear the list of new packages "
"after you update the package lists (e.g., by pressing 'u')."
msgstr ""
"Je-li tato volba povolena, aptitude po aktualizaci seznamu bal?k? (nap?. "
"kl?vesou ?u?) vyma?e seznam nov?ch bal?k? (tzn. tyto se neobjev? ve skupin? "
"?Nov? bal?ky?, ale v ?Nenainstalovan? bal?ky?)."

#: src/apt_options.cc:313
msgid ""
"Forget which packages are \"new\" whenever packages are installed or removed"
msgstr "Zapomenout seznam ?nov?ch? bal?k? p?i ka?d? (od)instalaci bal?k?"

#: src/apt_options.cc:314
msgid ""
"If this option is enabled, then aptitude will clear the list of new packages "
"after you perform an install run or install or remove packages from the "
msgstr ""
"Je-li tato volba povolena, aptitude vyma?e seznam nov?ch bal?k? po ka?d? "
"instalaci/odinstalaci/aktualizaci bal?k?."

#: src/apt_options.cc:320
msgid ""
"Do not display a warning when the first change is made in read-only mode"
msgstr "Nezobrazovat varov?n? p?i prvn? zm?n? v re?imu pouze pro ?ten?"

#: src/apt_options.cc:321
msgid ""
"If this option is %Bnot%b enabled, aptitude will display a warning when you "
"modify the state of a package if you do not have permissions to apply the "
"change to the system."
msgstr ""
"%BNen?-li%b tato volba povolena a nem?te-li pot?ebn? opr?vn?n? ke zm?n? "
"stavu bal?ku, aptitude zobraz? varov?n?."

#: src/apt_options.cc:327
msgid "Warn when attempting to perform a privileged action as a non-root user"
msgstr ""
"Varovat p?i pokusu o spu?t?n? privilegovan? akce jako oby?ejn? u?ivatel"

#: src/apt_options.cc:328
msgid ""
"If this option is enabled, aptitude will warn you when you attempt to "
"perform an action which you do not have permission to do: for instance, "
"installing packages as a non-root user.  You will be given the option to log "
"in as root and perform the action with root privileges."
msgstr ""
"Je-li tato volba povolena, aptitude v?s bude varovat p?i pokusu o proveden? "
"akce, ke kter? nem?te pot?ebn? opr?vn?n? (nap??klad p?i pokusu o instalaci "
"bal?k? pod b??n?m u?ivatelem). Nab?dne se mo?nost p?epnut? na u?ivatele root "
"a proveden? dan? akce s jeho pr?vy."

#: src/apt_options.cc:337
msgid "File to log actions into"
msgstr "Soubor pro zaznamen?v?n? akc?"

#: src/apt_options.cc:338
msgid ""
"When you install or remove packages, a summary of what aptitude does will be "
"written to this file.  If the first character of the file name is a pipe "
"character ('%B|%b'), the remainder of the name will be interpreted as a "
"shell command that is to receive the log on standard input."
msgstr ""
"P?i instalaci nebo odstran?n? bal?k? se do tohoto souboru zap??e souhrn "
"krok?, kter? aptitude provedla. Je-li prvn?m znakem n?zvu souboru znak roury "
"(?%B|%b?), bude zbytek jm?na interpretov?n jako p??kaz, kter?mu se souhrn "
"akc? po?le na standardn? vstup."

#: src/apt_options.cc:350
msgid "Automatically resolve dependencies of a package when it is selected"
msgstr "P?i v?b?ru bal?ku automaticky vy?e?it jeho z?vislosti"

#: src/apt_options.cc:351
msgid ""
"If this option is enabled, aptitude will use a simple heuristic to "
"immediately resolve the dependencies of each package you flag for "
"installation.  This is much faster than the built-in dependency resolver, "
"but may produce suboptimal results or fail entirely in some scenarios."
msgstr ""
"Je-li tato volba povolena, aptitude pou?ije okam?it? po ozna?en? bal?ku k "
"instalaci jednoduchou heuristiku pro vy?e?en? nespln?n?ch z?vislost?. Tato "
"mo?nost je je mnohem rychlej?? ne? zabudovan? ?e?itel z?vislost?, ov?em m??e "
"produkovat nevyhovuj?c? v?sledky a v n?kter?ch p??padech dokonce zcela "

#: src/apt_options.cc:359
msgid "Automatically fix broken packages before installing or removing"
msgstr "P?ed instalac? nebo odstran?n?m automaticky opravit poru?en? bal?ky"

#: src/apt_options.cc:360
msgid ""
"If this option is enabled, and you perform an install run while some "
"packages are broken, aptitude will automatically apply the current "
"suggestion of the problem resolver.  Otherwise, aptitude will prompt you for "
"a solution to the broken dependencies."
msgstr ""
"Je-li tato volba povolena a pokus?te-li se nainstalovat/odinstalovat bal?ky, "
"p?i?em? n?kter? bal?ky jsou poru?en?, aptitude automaticky aplikuje aktu?ln? "
"n?vrh ?e?en? od ?e?itele z?vislost?. V opa?n?m p??pad? v?s aptitude vyzve k "
"vy?e?en? poru?en?ch z?vislost?."

#: src/apt_options.cc:367
msgid "Install recommended packages automatically"
msgstr "Automaticky instalovat doporu?en? bal?ky"

#: src/apt_options.cc:368
msgid ""
"If this option is enabled and \"automatically resolve dependencies\" is also "
"enabled, aptitude will attempt to install the recommendations of newly "
"installed packages in addition to their outright dependencies.  Suggestions "
"will not be automatically installed.\n"
"If this option is enabled and \"Remove unused packages automatically\" is "
"enabled, packages that are recommended by an installed package will not be "
"automatically removed."
msgstr ""
"Je-li tato volba povolena z?rove? s volbou ?P?i v?b?ru bal?ku automaticky "
"vy?e?it jeho z?vislosti?, aptitude se u nov? instalovan?ch bal?k? pokus? "
"krom? siln?ch z?vislost? nainstalovat tak? doporu?en? bal?ky. Navrhovan? "
"bal?ky nebudou instalov?ny automaticky.\n"
"Je-li tato volba povolena z?rove? s volbou ?Automaticky odstranit "
"nepou??van? bal?ky?, nebudou automaticky odstran?ny bal?ky doporu?ovan? "
"instalovan?m bal?kem."

#: src/apt_options.cc:380
msgid "Remove unused packages automatically"
msgstr "Automaticky odstranit nepou??van? bal?ky"

#: src/apt_options.cc:381
msgid ""
"If this option is enabled, packages that are automatically installed and "
"that no manually installed package depends on will be removed from the "
"system.  Cancelling the removal will flag the package as manually "
"If this option is enabled and \"Install recommended packages automatically\" "
"is enabled, automatically installed packages will not be removed if any "
"installed package recommends them."
msgstr ""
"Je-li tato volba povolena, aptitude automaticky odstran? ze syst?mu bal?ky, "
"kter? byly nainstalov?ny automaticky, ale ji? na nich nez?vis? ??dn? ru?n? "
"instalovan? bal?k. Zru??te-li n?vrh k odstran?n?, bal?k se ozna?? jako "
"instalovan? ru?n?.\n"
"Je-li tato volba povolena z?rove? s volbou ?Automaticky instalovat "
"doporu?en? bal?ky?, nebudou automaticky instalovan? bal?ky odstran?ny, ani "
"kdy? je instalovan? bal?k pouze doporu?uje."

#: src/apt_options.cc:392
msgid "Packages that should never be automatically removed"
msgstr "Bal?ky, kter? by se nikdy nem?ly odstranit automaticky"

#: src/apt_options.cc:393
msgid ""
"Packages matching this search pattern will always be treated as if an "
"installed package depends on them: they will never be targeted for removal "
"as unused packages."
msgstr ""
"Bal?ky odpov?daj?c? tomuto vzoru budou v?dy ch?p?ny tak, jako by na nich "
"z?visel n?jak? instalovan? bal?k. To znamen?, ?e nikdy nebudou ozna?eny k "
"odstran?n? z d?vodu toho, ?e by byly nepou??van?."

#: src/apt_options.cc:398
msgid "Allow dependency resolutions that break holds or forbids"
msgstr "Povolit ?e?en? z?vislost?, kter? ignoruje podr?en? a zak?zan? verze"

#: src/apt_options.cc:399
msgid ""
"If this option is enabled, then whenever aptitude solves a dependency "
"problem, it will consider modifying held packages, or installing forbidden "
"package versions.  With this option disabled, these solutions will be "
"rejected by default.\n"
"NOTE: At present, this restriction only applies to situations in which "
"aptitude's dependency resolver (the red bar at the bottom of the screen) is "
"activated.  aptitude will still break holds when automatically installing "
"the dependencies of a package that has just been selected for installation "
"or upgrade, due to apt bug #470035."
msgstr ""
"Je-li tato volba povolena, bude aptitude p?i ?e?en? z?vislost? uva?ovat i o "
"zm?n?ch podr?en?ch bal?k? a instalaci zak?zan?ch verz? bal?k?. V opa?n?m "
"p??pad? budou takov?to ?e?en? okam?it? zam?tnuta.\n"
"POZN?MKA: V sou?asnosti se toto omezen? vztahuje pouze na situace, ve "
"kter?ch je aktivov?n ?e?itel z?vislost? (?erven? pruh dole na obrazovce). To "
"znamen?, ?e p?i automatick? instalaci z?vislost? bal?ku, kter? byl pr?v? "
"vybr?n pro instalaci nebo aktualizaci, bude aptitude stejn? ignorovat "
"podr?en? (chyba #470035)."

#: src/apt_options.cc:525
msgid "UI options"
msgstr "Nastaven? zobrazen?"

#: src/apt_options.cc:527
msgid "Dependency handling"
msgstr "Spr?va z?vislost?"

#: src/apt_options.cc:529 src/pkg_grouppolicy.cc:1063
msgid "Miscellaneous"
msgstr "R?zn?"

#: src/broken_indicator.cc:128
#, c-format
msgid "%ls: Examine"
msgstr "%ls: Prozkoumat"

#: src/broken_indicator.cc:137
#, c-format
msgid "%ls: Apply"
msgstr "%ls: Pou??t"

#: src/broken_indicator.cc:142
#, c-format
msgid "%ls: Next"
msgstr "%ls: Dal??"

#: src/broken_indicator.cc:148
#, c-format
msgid "%ls: Previous"
msgstr "%ls: P?edchoz?"

#: src/broken_indicator.cc:243
msgid "Dependency resolution disabled."
msgstr "?e?en? z?vislost? zak?z?no."

#: src/broken_indicator.cc:254
msgid "Unable to resolve dependencies."
msgstr "Nelze vy?e?it z?vislosti."

#: src/broken_indicator.cc:265
msgid "Fatal error in resolver"
msgstr "Fat?ln? chyba v ?e?iteli"

#: src/broken_indicator.cc:277
#, c-format
msgid "[%d(%d)/...] Resolving dependencies"
msgstr "[%d(%d)/...] ?e?en? z?vislost?"

#: src/broken_indicator.cc:313 src/gtk/resolver.cc:1294
#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:1462 src/solution_dialog.cc:140
#: src/solution_screen.cc:569
msgid "Internal error: unexpected null solution."
msgstr "Vnit?n? chyba: neo?ek?van? pr?zdn? ?e?en?."

#: src/broken_indicator.cc:371
msgid "Suggest keeping all packages at their current version."
msgstr "Navrhuji ponechat v?echny bal?ky v jejich st?vaj?c? verzi."

#: src/broken_indicator.cc:379
#, c-format
msgid "%d install"
msgid_plural "%d installs"
msgstr[0] "%d instalace"
msgstr[1] "%d instalace"
msgstr[2] "%d instalac?"

#: src/broken_indicator.cc:389
#, c-format
msgid "%d removal"
msgid_plural "%d removals"
msgstr[0] "%d odstran?n?"
msgstr[1] "%d odstran?n?"
msgstr[2] "%d odstran?n?"

#: src/broken_indicator.cc:399
#, c-format
msgid "%d keep"
msgid_plural "%d keeps"
msgstr[0] "%d ponech?n?"
msgstr[1] "%d ponech?n?"
msgstr[2] "%d ponech?n?"

#: src/broken_indicator.cc:409
#, c-format
msgid "%d upgrade"
msgid_plural "%d upgrades"
msgstr[0] "%d aktualizace"
msgstr[1] "%d aktualizace"
msgstr[2] "%d aktualizac?"

#: src/broken_indicator.cc:419
#, c-format
msgid "%d downgrade"
msgid_plural "%d downgrades"
msgstr[0] "%d degradace"
msgstr[1] "%d degradace"
msgstr[2] "%d degradac?"

#. TRANSLATORS: %F is replaced with a comma separated list such as
#. "n1 installs, n2 removals", ...
#: src/broken_indicator.cc:430
#, c-format
msgid "Suggest %F"
msgstr "N?vrh na %F"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_action.cc:55
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to find the source package for \"%s\".\n"
msgstr "Nelze naj?t zdrojov? bal?k pro ?%s?.\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_action.cc:212
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to satisfy the build-depends: %s.\n"
msgstr "Nelze uspokojit z?vislosti pro sestaven?: %s.\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_action.cc:249
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Note: \"%s\", providing the virtual package\n"
"      \"%s\", is already installed.\n"
msgstr ""
"Pozn: ?%s?, poskytuj?c? virtu?ln? bal?k\n"
"      ?%s?, je ji? nainstalov?n.\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_action.cc:257
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Note: \"%s\", providing the virtual package\n"
"      \"%s\", is already going to be installed.\n"
msgstr ""
"Pozn: ?%s?, poskytuj?c? virtu?ln? bal?k\n"
"      ?%s?, se ji? bude instalovat.\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_action.cc:280
#, c-format
msgid ""
"\"%s\" exists in the package database, but it is not a\n"
"real package and no package provides it.\n"
msgstr ""
"?%s? existuje v datab?zi bal?k?, ale nen? re?ln? a\n"
"??dn? bal?k jej neposkytuje.\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_action.cc:288
#, c-format
msgid "\"%s\" is a virtual package provided by:\n"
msgstr "?%s? je virtu?ln? bal?k poskytovan?:\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_action.cc:291
#, c-format
msgid "You must choose one to install.\n"
msgstr "Pro instalaci mus?te vybrat jeden z nich.\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_action.cc:299
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Note: selecting \"%s\" instead of the\n"
"      virtual package \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
"Pozn: vyb?r?m ?%s? m?sto\n"
"      virtu?ln?ho bal?ku ?%s?\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_action.cc:321
#, c-format
msgid "%s is already installed at the requested version (%s)\n"
msgstr "%s je ji? nainstalov?n v po?adovan? verzi (%s)\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_action.cc:331
#, c-format
msgid "%s is not currently installed, so it will not be upgraded.\n"
msgstr "%s nen? nainstalov?n, tud?? nebude aktualizov?n.\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_action.cc:335
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s is already installed at the latest version, so it will not be upgraded.\n"
msgstr ""
"%s je ji? nainstalov?n v nejnov?j?? verzi, tud?? nebude aktualizov?n.\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_action.cc:341
#, c-format
msgid "%s is not currently installed, so it will not be reinstalled.\n"
msgstr "%s nen? nainstalov?n, tud?? nebude reinstalov?n.\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_action.cc:349 src/cmdline/cmdline_action.cc:356
#, c-format
msgid "Package %s is not installed, so it will not be removed\n"
msgstr "Bal?k %s nen? nainstalov?n, nebude tedy odstran?n\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_action.cc:375
#, c-format
msgid "Package %s is not installed, cannot forbid an upgrade\n"
msgstr "Bal?k %s nen? nainstalov?n, nelze tedy zak?zat aktualizaci\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_action.cc:378
#, c-format
msgid "Package %s is not upgradable, cannot forbid an upgrade\n"
msgstr "Bal?k %s nen? aktualizovateln?, nelze tedy zak?zat aktualizaci\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_action.cc:483
#, c-format
msgid "Note: selecting the task \"%s: %s\" for installation\n"
msgstr "Pozn: vyb?r?m pro instalaci ?lohu ?%s: %s?\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_action.cc:513
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You can only specify a package version with an 'install' command or a "
"'forbid-version' command.\n"
msgstr ""
"Verzi bal?ku m??ete zadat jen s p??kazem ?install? nebo ?forbid-version?.\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_action.cc:522
#, c-format
msgid "You can only specify a package archive with an 'install' command.\n"
msgstr "Archiv bal?ku m??ete zadat jen s p??kazem ?install?.\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_action.cc:560
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Couldn't find package \"%s\", and more than 40\n"
"packages contain \"%s\" in their name.\n"
msgstr ""
"Nemohl jsem naj?t bal?k ?%s? a v?ce ne? 40\n"
"bal?k? obsahuje ?%s? ve sv?m n?zvu.\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_action.cc:563
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Couldn't find package \"%s\".  However, the following\n"
"packages contain \"%s\" in their name:\n"
msgstr ""
"Nemohl jsem naj?t bal?k ?%s?, ale n?sleduj?c? bal?ky\n"
"obsahuj? ?%s? ve sv?m n?zvu:\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_action.cc:585
#, c-format
msgid "Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "Nemohl jsem naj?t bal?k, jeho? n?zev nebo popis se shoduje s ?%s?\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_action.cc:587
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Couldn't find any package matching \"%s\", and more than 40\n"
"packages contain \"%s\" in their description.\n"
msgstr ""
"Nemohl jsem naj?t bal?k vyhovuj?c? ?%s? a v?ce ne? 40\n"
"bal?k? obsahuje ?%s? ve sv?m popisu.\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_action.cc:590
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Couldn't find any package matching \"%s\".  However, the following\n"
"packages contain \"%s\" in their description:\n"
msgstr ""
"Nemohl jsem naj?t bal?k vyhovuj?c? ?%s?, ale n?sleduj?c? bal?ky\n"
"obsahuj? ?%s? ve sv?m popisu:\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_action.cc:732
#, c-format
msgid "Bad action character '%c'\n"
msgstr "Chybn? akce ?%c?\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_clean.cc:60
#, c-format
msgid "E: The clean command takes no arguments\n"
msgstr "E: P??kaz clean neakceptuje ??dn? argumenty\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_clean.cc:66
#, c-format
msgid "Del %s* %spartial/*\n"
msgstr "Teoreticky sma?e %s* %spartial/*\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_clean.cc:76 src/cmdline/cmdline_clean.cc:146
#: src/ui.cc:1788 src/ui.cc:1876
msgid "Unable to lock the download directory"
msgstr "Nelze zamknout adres?? pro stahov?n?"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_clean.cc:106
#, c-format
msgid "Del %s %s [%sB]\n"
msgstr "Smaz?n %s %s [%sB]\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_clean.cc:134
#, c-format
msgid "E: The autoclean command takes no arguments\n"
msgstr "E: P??kaz autoclean neakceptuje ??dn? argumenty\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_clean.cc:172
#, c-format
msgid "Would free %sB of disk space\n"
msgstr "Teoreticky by se na disku se uvolnilo %sB\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_clean.cc:175
#, c-format
msgid "Freed %sB of disk space\n"
msgstr "Na disku se uvolnilo %sB\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_do_action.cc:159
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid operation %s"
msgstr "Neplatn? operace %s"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_do_action.cc:233
msgid "Unexpected pattern argument following \"keep-all\""
msgstr "Neo?ek?van? vzor n?sleduj?c? za ?keep-all?"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_do_action.cc:345
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Unable to safely resolve dependencies, try running with --full-resolver.\n"
msgstr "Nelze vy?e?it z?vislosti, zkuste parametr --full-resolver.\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_do_action.cc:385 src/cmdline/cmdline_simulate.cc:60
#: src/main.cc:1223
#, c-format
msgid "Abort.\n"
msgstr "P?eru?eno.\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_download.cc:45
#, c-format
msgid "download: you must specify at least one package to download\n"
msgstr "download: mus?te zadat alespo? jeden bal?k ke sta?en?\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_download.cc:63
#: src/generic/apt/download_install_manager.cc:83
msgid "Couldn't read source list"
msgstr "Nelze ??st seznam zdroj?"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_download.cc:90
#, c-format
msgid "Can't find a package named \"%s\""
msgstr "Nemohu naj?t bal?k nazvan? ?%s?"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_download.cc:134
#, c-format
msgid ""
"No downloadable files for %s version %s; perhaps it is a local or obsolete "
msgstr ""
"Bal?k %s verze %s se ned? st?hnout. Pravd?podobn? se jedn? o lok?ln? nebo "
"zastaral? bal?k?"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_download_progress_display.cc:131
#: src/cmdline/cmdline_changelog.cc:134
msgid "Get:"
msgstr "M?m:"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_download_progress_display.cc:154
msgid "Hit"
msgstr "C?l"

#. TRANSLATORS: this stands for "ignored" and should be
#. the same width as the translation of "Err".
#: src/cmdline/cmdline_download_progress_display.cc:181
msgid "Ign"
msgstr "Ign"

#. TRANSLATORS: this stands for "error" and should be the
#. same width as the translation of "Ign".
#: src/cmdline/cmdline_download_progress_display.cc:185
#: src/cmdline/cmdline_changelog.cc:144
msgid "Err"
msgstr "Err"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_download_progress_display.cc:211
#, c-format
msgid "Fetched %sB in %s (%sB/s)"
msgstr "Sta?eno %sB za %s (%s/B/s)"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_download_progress_display.cc:230
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Media change: Please insert the disc labeled '%s' into the drive '%s' and "
"press [Enter]."
msgstr ""
"V?m?na m?dia: Vlo?te disk nazvan? ?%s? do mechaniky ?%s? a stiskn?te [Enter]."

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_download_progress_display.cc:436
msgid "[Working]"
msgstr "[Pracuji]"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_extract_cache_subset.cc:57
#, c-format
msgid ""
"extract-cache-entries: at least one argument is required (the directory\n"
"to which to write files).\n"
msgstr ""
"extract-cache-entries: je vy?adov?n nejm?n? jeden argument (adres??,\n"
"do kter?ho se maj? zapsat soubory).\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_extract_cache_subset.cc:93
#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:361 src/cmdline/cmdline_user_tag.cc:131
#: src/cmdline/cmdline_versions.cc:295
#, c-format
msgid "No such package \"%s\""
msgstr "Bal?k ?%s? neexistuje"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_extract_cache_subset.cc:133
#, c-format
msgid "No packages were selected by the given search pattern; nothing to do.\n"
msgstr "Zadan?m vzorem nebyly vybr?ny ??dn? bal?ky; nem?m co d?lat.\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_forget_new.cc:56
#, c-format
msgid "E: The forget-new command takes no arguments\n"
msgstr "E: P??kaz forget-new neakceptuje ??dn? argumenty\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_forget_new.cc:83
#, c-format
msgid "Would forget what packages are new\n"
msgstr "Teoreticky by zapomn?l, kter? bal?ky jsou nov?\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_changelog.cc:177
#, c-format
msgid "Changelog download failed: %s"
msgstr "Sta?en? seznamu zm?n selhalo: %s"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_changelog.cc:198 src/generic/apt/pkg_changelog.cc:442
#: src/generic/apt/pkg_changelog.cc:596 src/view_changelog.cc:272
#, c-format
msgid "Changelog of %s"
msgstr "Soubor zm?n %s"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_changelog.cc:296
msgid "Can't execute sensible-pager, is this a working Debian system?"
msgstr "Nelze spustit sensible-pager - je tento Debian v?bec funk?n??"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_changelog.cc:347
#, c-format
msgid "%s is not an official Debian package, cannot display its changelog."
msgstr "%s nen? ofici?ln? debian? bal?k, nemohu zobrazit jeho seznam zm?n."

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_changelog.cc:408
#, c-format
msgid "Couldn't find a changelog for %s"
msgstr "Nelze nal?zt seznam zm?n bal?ku %s"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_changelog.cc:412
#, c-format
msgid "Couldn't run pager %s"
msgstr "Nelze spustit str?nkova? %s"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_moo.cc:16
#, c-format
msgid "There are no Easter Eggs in this program.\n"
msgstr "V tomto programu nejsou ??dn? velikono?n? vaj??ka.\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_moo.cc:19
#, c-format
msgid "There really are no Easter Eggs in this program.\n"
msgstr "V tomto programu opravdu nejsou ??dn? velikono?n? vaj??ka.\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_moo.cc:22
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Didn't I already tell you that there are no Easter Eggs in this program?\n"
msgstr ""
"Ne??kal jsem snad, ?e v tomto programu nejsou ??dn? velikono?n? vaj??ka?\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_moo.cc:25
#, c-format
msgid "Stop it!\n"
msgstr "P?esta?!\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_moo.cc:28
#, c-format
msgid "Okay, okay, if I give you an Easter Egg, will you go away?\n"
msgstr "Fajn. Kdy? ti d?m velikono?n? vaj??ko, p?jde? u? pry??\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_moo.cc:31
#, c-format
msgid "All right, you win.\n"
msgstr "Dobr?, vyhr?ls.\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_moo.cc:42
#, c-format
msgid "What is it?  It's an elephant being eaten by a snake, of course.\n"
msgstr "Co to je? Co by to bylo! P?ece had ?erouc? slona.\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_progress_display.cc:168 src/gtk/download.cc:204
msgid "Done"
msgstr "Hotovo"

#. TRANSLATORS: the string replacing "DONE"
#. be truncated or padded to 4 characters.
#: src/cmdline/cmdline_progress_display.cc:173
msgid "DONE"
msgstr "OK"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:84
msgid "Couldn't read list of sources"
msgstr "Nelze ??st seznam zdroj?"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:342
msgid "Config files"
msgstr "Konfigura?n? soubory"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:393
msgid "The following packages are BROKEN:"
msgstr "N?sleduj?c? bal?ky jsou PORU?ENY:"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:394
msgid "The following packages are unused and will be REMOVED:"
msgstr "N?sleduj?c? bal?ky jsou nepou??van? a budou ODSTRAN?NY:"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:395
msgid "The following packages have been automatically kept back:"
msgstr "N?sleduj?c? bal?ky jsou automaticky podr?eny v aktu?ln?m stavu:"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:396
msgid "The following NEW packages will be automatically installed:"
msgstr "N?sleduj?c? NOV? bal?ky budou nainstalov?ny automaticky:"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:397
msgid "The following packages will be automatically REMOVED:"
msgstr "N?sleduj?c? bal?ky budou automaticky ODSTRAN?NY:"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:398
msgid "The following packages will be DOWNGRADED:"
msgstr "N?sleduj?c? bal?ky budou DEGRADOV?NY:"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:399
msgid "The following packages have been kept back:"
msgstr "N?sleduj?c? bal?ky jsou podr?eny v aktu?ln?m stavu:"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:400
msgid "The following packages will be REINSTALLED:"
msgstr "N?sleduj?c? bal?ky budou reinstalov?ny:"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:401
msgid "The following NEW packages will be installed:"
msgstr "N?sleduj?c? NOV? bal?ky budou instalov?ny:"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:402
msgid "The following packages will be REMOVED:"
msgstr "N?sleduj?c? bal?ky budou ODSTRAN?NY:"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:403
msgid "The following packages will be upgraded:"
msgstr "N?sleduj?c? bal?ky budou aktualizov?ny:"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:404
msgid "The following partially installed packages will be configured:"
msgstr "N?sleduj?c? ??ste?n? nainstalovan? bal?ky budou zkonfigurov?ny:"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:459 src/ui.cc:1575
#, c-format
msgid "The following ESSENTIAL packages will be REMOVED!\n"
msgstr "N?sleduj?c? NEZBYTN? bal?ky budou ODSTRAN?NY!\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:468 src/ui.cc:1590
#, c-format
msgid "The following ESSENTIAL packages will be BROKEN by this action:\n"
msgstr "N?sleduj?c? NEZBYTN? bal?ky budou touto akc? PORU?ENY:\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:478 src/ui.cc:1603
#, c-format
msgid ""
"WARNING: Performing this action will probably cause your system to break!\n"
"         Do NOT continue unless you know EXACTLY what you are doing!\n"
msgstr ""
"VAROV?N?: Proveden?m t?to akce pravd?podobn? po?kod?te syst?m!\n"
"          Pokud P?ESN? nev?te, co d?l?te, NEPOKRA?UJTE!\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:480
msgid "I am aware that this is a very bad idea"
msgstr "Jsem si v?dom, ?e to je ?patn? n?pad"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:484 src/ui.cc:1604
#, c-format
msgid "To continue, type the phrase \"%s\":\n"
msgstr "Pro pokra?ov?n? napi?te fr?zi ?%s?:\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:526
#, c-format
msgid ""
"WARNING: untrusted versions of the following packages will be installed!\n"
"Untrusted packages could compromise your system's security.\n"
"You should only proceed with the installation if you are certain that\n"
"this is what you want to do.\n"
msgstr ""
"VAROV?N?: budou instalov?ny ned?v?ryhodn? verze n?sleduj?c?ch bal?k?!\n"
"Ned?v?ryhodn? bal?ky mohou kompromitovat bezpe?nost va?eho syst?mu.\n"
"V instalaci byste m?li pokra?ovat pouze v p??pad?, ?e jste si\n"
"naprosto jisti, ?e to je to, co opravdu chcete ud?lat.\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:538
#, c-format
msgid ""
"*** WARNING ***   Ignoring these trust violations because\n"
"                  %s::CmdLine::Ignore-Trust-Violations is 'true'!\n"
msgstr ""
"*** VAROV?N? ***  Ignoruji tato poru?en? d?v?ry, proto?e volba\n"
"                  %s::CmdLine::Ignore-Trust-Violations\n"
"                  je nastavena na hodnotu 'true'!\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:547
msgid ""
"*** WARNING ***   Ignoring these trust violations because\n"
"                  Apt::Get::AllowUnauthenticated is 'true'!\n"
msgstr ""
"*** VAROV?N? ***  Ignoruji tato poru?en? d?v?ry, proto?e volba\n"
"                  Apt::Get::AllowUnauthenticated\n"
"                  je nastavena na hodnotu 'true'!\n"

#. TRANSLATORS: This string is a confirmation message, which
#. users (especially CJK users) should be able to input without
#. input methods.  Please include nothing but ASCII characters.
#. The text preceding the pipe character (|) will be ignored and
#. can be removed from your translation.
#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:558
msgid "Go ahead and ignore the warning|Yes"
msgstr "Ano"

#. TRANSLATORS: This string is a confirmation message, which
#. users (especially CJK users) should be able to input without
#. input methods.  Please include nothing but ASCII characters.
#. The text preceding the pipe character (|) will be ignored and
#. can be removed from your translation.
#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:564
msgid "Abort instead of overriding the warning|No"
msgstr "Ne"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:575
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to ignore this warning and proceed anyway?\n"
msgstr "Chcete ignorovat toto varov?n? a p?eze v?e pokra?ovat?\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:576
#, c-format
msgid "To continue, enter \"%s\"; to abort, enter \"%s\": "
msgstr "Pro pokra?ov?n? zadejte ?%s?, pro p?eru?en? ?%s?: "

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:593
#, c-format
msgid "Unrecognized input.  Enter either \"%s\" or \"%s\".\n"
msgstr "Nerozpoznan? vstup. Zadejte bu? ?%s? nebo ?%s?.\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:707
#, c-format
msgid "The following packages are RECOMMENDED but will NOT be installed:\n"
msgstr "N?sleduj?c? bal?ky jsou DOPORU?EN?, ale NEBUDOU instalov?ny:\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:713
#, c-format
msgid "The following packages are SUGGESTED but will NOT be installed:\n"
msgstr "N?sleduj?c? bal?ky jsou NAVRHOVAN?, ale NEBUDOU instalov?ny:\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:719
#, c-format
msgid "No packages will be installed, upgraded, or removed.\n"
msgstr "??dn? bal?ky se nebudou instalovat, aktualizovat nebo odstra?ovat.\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:721
#, c-format
msgid "%lu packages upgraded, %lu newly installed, "
msgstr "%lu bal?k? aktualizov?no, %lu nov? instalov?no, "

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:725
#, c-format
msgid "%lu reinstalled, "
msgstr "%lu reinstalov?no, "

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:727
#, c-format
msgid "%lu downgraded, "
msgstr "%lu degradov?no, "

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:729
#, c-format
msgid "%lu to remove and %lu not upgraded.\n"
msgstr "%lu k odstran?n? a %lu neaktualizov?no.\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:736
#, c-format
msgid "Need to get %sB/%sB of archives. "
msgstr "Je t?eba st?hnout %sB/%sB archiv?. "

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:739
#, c-format
msgid "Need to get %sB of archives. "
msgstr "Je t?eba st?hnout %sB archiv?. "

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:746
#, c-format
msgid "After unpacking %sB will be used.\n"
msgstr "Po rozbalen? bude pou?ito %sB.\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:749
#, c-format
msgid "After unpacking %sB will be freed.\n"
msgstr "Po rozbalen? bude uvoln?no %sB.\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:771
#, c-format
msgid "No packages to show -- enter the package names on the line after 'i'.\n"
msgstr "Nen? co zobrazit -- zadejte n?zvy bal?k? na ??dek za ?i?.\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:777 src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:792
#: src/pkg_item.cc:411 src/ui.cc:1220
msgid "Press Return to continue."
msgstr "Pro pokra?ov?n? stiskn?te Enter."

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:788
#, c-format
msgid "No packages found -- enter the package names on the line after 'c'.\n"
msgstr "??dn? bal?ky nenalezeny -- zadejte n?zvy bal?k? na ??dek za ?c?.\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:803
#, c-format
msgid ""
"No packages found -- enter zero or more roots of the search followed by the "
"package to justify.\n"
msgstr ""
"??dn? bal?ky nebyly nalezeny -- zadejte ??dn? nebo v?ce ko?en? hled?n? "
"n?sledovan? bal?kem, kter? se m? od?vodnit.\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:836
#, c-format
msgid "y: %F"
msgstr "y: %F"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:838
msgid "continue with the installation"
msgstr "bude pokra?ovat v instalaci"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:840
#, c-format
msgid "n: %F"
msgstr "n: %F"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:842
msgid "abort and quit"
msgstr "p?eru?? proces a skon??"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:844
#, c-format
msgid "i: %F"
msgstr "i: %F"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:846
msgid ""
"show information about one or more packages; the package names should follow "
"the 'i'"
msgstr "zobraz? informace o bal?c?ch, jejich? n?zvy n?sleduj? za ?i?"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:848
#, c-format
msgid "c: %F"
msgstr "c: %F"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:850
msgid ""
"show the Debian changelogs of one or more packages; the package names should "
"follow the 'c'"
msgstr ""
"zobraz? seznamy zm?n, kter? provedli spr?vci bal?k?; n?zvy bal?k? uve?te za "

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:852
#, c-format
msgid "d: %F"
msgstr "d: %F"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:854
msgid "toggle the display of dependency information"
msgstr "zapne/vypne zobrazen? informac? o z?vislostech"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:856
#, c-format
msgid "s: %F"
msgstr "s: %F"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:858
msgid "toggle the display of changes in package sizes"
msgstr "zapne/vypne zobrazen? zm?n ve velikostech bal?k?"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:860
#, c-format
msgid "v: %F"
msgstr "v: %F"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:862
msgid "toggle the display of version numbers"
msgstr "zapne/vypne zobrazen? verz? bal?k?"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:864
#, c-format
msgid "w: %F"
msgstr "w: %F"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:866
msgid ""
"try to find a reason for installing a single package, or explain why "
"installing one package should lead to installing another package."
msgstr ""
"zkus? naj?t d?vod pro instalaci ka?d?ho bal?ku, nebo vysv?tl?, pro? by "
"instalace jednoho bal?ku vedla k instalaci jin?ho bal?ku."

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:869
#, c-format
msgid "r: %F"
msgstr "r: %F"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:871
msgid "run the automatic dependency resolver to fix the broken dependencies."
msgstr "spust? automatick? ?e?en? poru?en?ch z?vislost?."

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:873
#, c-format
msgid "e: %F"
msgstr "e: %F"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:875
msgid "enter the full visual interface"
msgstr "vstoup? do pln? vizu?ln?ho rozhran?"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:878
msgid ""
"You may also specify modification to the actions which will be taken.  To do "
"so, type an action character followed by one or more package names (or "
"patterns).  The action will be applied to all the packages that you list.  "
"The following actions are available:"
msgstr ""
"Tak? m??ete zadat dodate?n? akce nad bal?ky. Sta?? napsat znak akce "
"n?sledovan? jedn?m nebo v?ce n?zvy bal?k? nebo vzor?. Akce se provede na "
"v?ech zadan?ch bal?c?ch. K dispozici jsou n?sleduj?c? akce:"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:885 src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:267
msgid "'+' to install packages"
msgstr "?+? pro instalaci bal?k?"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:888 src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:269
msgid ""
"'+M' to install packages and immediately flag them as automatically installed"
msgstr ""
"?+M? pro instalaci bal?k? a n?sledn? ozna?en? jako instalovan? automaticky"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:890 src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:271
msgid "'-' to remove packages"
msgstr "?-? pro odstran?n? bal?k?"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:892 src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:273
msgid "'_' to purge packages"
msgstr "?_? pro odstran?n? bal?k? i s konfigurac?"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:894 src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:275
msgid "'=' to place packages on hold"
msgstr "?=? pro podr?en? bal?k? v aktu?ln? verzi"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:896 src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:277
msgid ""
"':' to keep packages in their current state without placing them on hold"
msgstr "?:? pro ponech?n? bal?k? v aktu?ln?m stavu bez permanentn?ho podr?en?"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:898 src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:279
msgid "'&M' to mark packages as automatically installed"
msgstr "?&M? pro ozna?en? bal?k? jako instalovan? automaticky"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:900 src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:281
msgid "'&m' to mark packages as manually installed"
msgstr "?&m? pro ozna?en? bal?k? jako instalovan? ru?n?"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:902
msgid "'&BD' to install the build-dependencies of a package."
msgstr "?&BD? pro instalaci z?vislost? pro sestaven? bal?ku"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:905
msgid ""
"In the list of actions to be performed, some packages will be followed by "
"one or more characters enclosed in braces; for instance: \"aptitude{u}\".  "
"These characters provide extra information about the package's state, and "
"can include any combination of the following:"
msgstr ""
"V seznamu pl?novan?ch akc? m??e za jm?nem bal?ku n?sledovat slo?en? z?vorka "
"s jedn?m nebo v?ce znaky. Nap??klad: ?aptitude{u}?. Tyto znaky poskytuj? "
"dal?? informace o stavu bal?ku. M??ete se setkat s:"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:909
msgid "'a': the package was automatically installed or removed."
msgstr "?a?: bal?k bude instalov?n nebo odstran?n automaticky."

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:911
msgid ""
"'b': some of the package's dependencies are violated by the proposed changes."
msgstr "?b?: n?kter? ze z?vislost? bal?ku jsou navrhovan?mi zm?nami poru?eny."

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:913
msgid "'p': the package will be purged in addition to being removed."
msgstr "?p?: bal?k bude odstran?n v?etn? konfigura?n?ch soubor?."

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:915
msgid "'u': the package is being removed because it is unused."
msgstr "?u?: bal?k bude odstran?n, proto?e je nevyu?it?."

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:920
msgid "Commands:"
msgstr "P??kazy:"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:1036
msgid ""
"aptitude failed to find a solution to these dependencies.  You can solve "
"them yourself by hand or type 'n' to quit."
msgstr ""
"aptitude se nepoda?ilo naj?t ?e?en? t?chto z?vislost?. M??ete je bu? vy?e?it "
"ru?n?, nebo skon?it kl?vesou ?n?."

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:1055
msgid "Do you want to continue? [Y/n/?] "
msgstr "Chcete pokra?ovat? [Y/n/?] "

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:1056
msgid "Resolve these dependencies by hand? [N/+/-/_/:/?] "
msgstr "Vy?e?it tyto z?vislosti ru?n?? [N/+/-/_/:/?] "

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:1074
msgid "Invalid response.  Please enter a valid command or '?' for help.\n"
msgstr "Chybn? odpov??. Zadejte platn? p??kaz nebo ??? pro n?pov?du.\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:1080
msgid ""
"Enter a package management command (such as '+ package' to install a "
"package), 'R' to attempt automatic dependency resolution or 'N' to abort."
msgstr ""
"Zadejte p??kaz pro spr?vu bal?k? (nap?. ?+ bal?k? pro instalaci bal?ku), ?R? "
"pro automatick? vy?e?en? z?vislost?, nebo ?N? pro konec."

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:1112
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Dependency information will be shown.\n"
msgstr ""
"Informace o z?vislostech budou zobrazeny.\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:1114
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Dependency information will not be shown.\n"
msgstr ""
"Informace o z?vislostech nebudou zobrazeny.\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:1120
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Versions will be shown.\n"
msgstr ""
"Verze budou zobrazeny.\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:1122
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Versions will not be shown.\n"
msgstr ""
"Verze nebudou zobrazeny.\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:1127
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Size changes will be shown.\n"
msgstr ""
"Zm?ny velikost? budou zobrazeny.\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_prompt.cc:1129
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Size changes will not be shown.\n"
msgstr ""
"Zm?ny velikost? nebudou zobrazeny.\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:149 src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:1002
#: src/generic/apt/apt.cc:289
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to open %s for writing"
msgstr "Nelze otev??t %s pro z?pis"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:155 src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:1007
#, c-format
msgid "Error writing resolver state to %s"
msgstr "Chyba p?i z?pisu du?evn?ho stavu ?e?itele do %s"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:157 src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:1009
msgid "Resolver state successfully written!"
msgstr "Stav ?e?itele byl ?sp??n? zaps?n!"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:222
#, c-format
msgid ""
"y: %Fn: %Fq: %F.: %F,: %Fo: %Fe: %Fx: %Fr (ID|pkg ver) ...: %F%na (ID|pkg "
"ver) ...: %F%n<ID>: %F%n<ACTION> pkg... : %F%n%F%F%F%F%F%F%F%F"
msgstr ""
"y: %Fn: %Fq: %F.: %F,: %Fo: %Fe: %Fx: %Fr (ID|bal?k verze) ?: %F%na (ID|"
"bal?k verze) ?: %F%n<ID>: %F%n<AKCE> pkg? : %F%n%F%F%F%F%F%F%F%F"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:243
msgid "accept the proposed changes"
msgstr "p?ijme navrhovan? zm?ny"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:245
msgid "reject the proposed changes and search for another solution"
msgstr "zam?tne navrhovan? zm?ny a bude hledat dal?? ?e?en?"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:247
msgid "give up and quit the program"
msgstr "podd? se a ukon?? program"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:249
msgid "move to the next solution"
msgstr "p?ejde na dal?? ?e?en?"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:251
msgid "move to the previous solution"
msgstr "p?ejde na p?edchoz? ?e?en?"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:253
msgid ""
"toggle between the contents of the solution and an explanation of the "
msgstr "p?epne mezi obsahem ?e?en? a vysv?tlen?m dan?ho ?e?en?"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:255
msgid "examine the solution in the visual user interface"
msgstr "prozkoum? ?e?en? ve vizu?ln?m u?ivatelsk?m rozhran?"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:257
msgid ""
"abort automatic dependency resolution; resolve dependencies by hand instead"
msgstr ""
"p?eru?? automatick? ?e?en? z?vislost?; ?e?en? z?vislost? nech? na u?ivateli"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:259
msgid ""
"reject the given package versions; don't display any solutions in which they "
"occur.  Enter UNINST instead of a version to reject removing the package.  "
"ID is the integer printed to the left of the action."
msgstr ""
"zam?tne dan? verze bal?k?; nezobraz? ??dn? ?e?en?, ve kter?ch se vyskytuj?. "
"Pro zam?tnut? odstran?n? bal?ku zadejte m?sto verze ?UNINST?. ID je ??slo "
"zobrazen? nalevo od akce."

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:261
msgid ""
"accept the given package versions; display only solutions in which they "
"occur.  Enter UNINST instead of a version to accept removing the package.  "
"ID is the integer printed to the left of the action."
msgstr ""
"povol? dan? verze bal?k?; zobraz? pouze ?e?en?, ve kter?ch se vyskytuj?. Pro "
"povolen? odstran?n? bal?ku zadejte m?sto verze ?UNINST?. ID je ??slo "
"zobrazen? nalevo od akce."

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:263
msgid ""
"display information about the action labeled ID from the solution.  The "
"label is the integer printed to the left of the action."
msgstr ""
"zobraz? informace o akci ID z dan?ho ?e?en?. ID je ??slo zobrazen? nalevo od "

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:265
msgid "adjust the state of the listed packages, where ACTION is one of:"
msgstr "uprav? stav vypsan?ch bal?k?, kde AKCE m??e b?t:"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:283
msgid ""
"Adjustments will cause the current solution to be discarded and recalculated "
"as necessary."
msgstr ""
"?pravy zp?sob?, ?e se aktu?ln? ?e?en? zahod? a p?epo??t? se podle pot?eb."

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:298
#, c-format
msgid "The version %s is available in the following archives:"
msgstr "Verze %s je dostupn? v n?sleduj?c?ch archivech:"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:306
#, c-format
msgid "Select the version of %s that should be used: "
msgstr "Vyberte verzi %s, kter? se m? pou??t: "

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:313
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid response.  Please enter an integer between 1 and %d."
msgstr "Chybn? odpov??. Zadejte pros?m cel? ??slo mezi 1 a %d."

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:329
#, c-format
msgid "Expected at least one package/version pair following '%c'"
msgstr "O?ek?v?na alespo? jedna dvojice bal?k/verze n?sledovan? ?%c?"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:351
#, c-format
msgid "Expected a version or \"%s\" after \"%s\""
msgstr "O?ek?v?na verze nebo ?%s? za ?%s?"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:377
#, c-format
msgid "%s has no version named \"%s\""
msgstr "%s nem? verzi ?%s?"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:403
#, c-format
msgid "Allowing the removal of %s"
msgstr "Povoluje se odstran?n? %s"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:406
#, c-format
msgid "Allowing the installation of %s version %s (%s)"
msgstr "Povoluje se instalace bal?ku %s verze %s (%s)"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:416
#, c-format
msgid "Rejecting the removal of %s"
msgstr "Zam?t? se odstran?n? bal?ku %s"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:419
#, c-format
msgid "Rejecting the installation of %s version %s (%s)"
msgstr "Zam?t? se instalace bal?ku %s verze %s (%s)"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:432
#, c-format
msgid "No longer requiring the removal of %s"
msgstr "Ji? nevy?aduji odstran?n? bal?ku %s"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:435
#, c-format
msgid "No longer requiring the installation of %s version %s (%s)"
msgstr "Ji? nevy?aduji instalaci bal?ku %s verze %s (%s)"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:444
#, c-format
msgid "Requiring the removal of %s"
msgstr "Vy?aduji odstran?n? bal?ku %s"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:447
#, c-format
msgid "Requiring the installation of %s version %s (%s)"
msgstr "Vy?aduji instalaci bal?ku %s verze %s (%s)"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:496
#, c-format
msgid "Allowing this recommendation to be ignored: %s"
msgstr "Umo??uji ignorovat toto doporu?en?: %s"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:502
#, c-format
msgid "Always obeying this recommendation: %s"
msgstr "V?dy se ??d?m t?mto doporu?en?m: %s"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:511
#, c-format
msgid "No longer ignoring this recommendation: %s"
msgstr "P?est?v?m ignorovat toto doporu?en?: %s"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:517
#, c-format
msgid "Ignoring this recommendation: %s"
msgstr "Ignoruje se doporu?en?: %s"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:576
#, c-format
msgid "Action \"%s\""
msgstr "Akce ?%s?"

#. TRANSLATORS: the substitution is
#. replaced in English with something
#. like "Pkg1 depends upon Pkg2".
#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:589
#, c-format
msgid "This action was selected because %ls."
msgstr "Akce byla vybr?na, proto?e %ls."

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:591
msgid "This action is currently rejected; it will not appear in new solutions."
msgstr "Tato akce je moment?ln? zam?tnuta a neobjev? se v nov?ch ?e?en?ch."

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:592
msgid ""
"This action is currently approved; it will be selected whenever possible."
msgstr ""
"Tato akce je moment?ln? povolena a bude vyb?rana, kdykoliv to bude mo?n?."

#. TRANSLATORS: the "r" here is
#. for "reject", but should not be
#. translated since the commands in
#. aptitude's internal command-line
#. aren't translated.
#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:599
#, c-format
msgid "Enter \"r %s\" to allow this action to appear in new solutions."
msgstr "Zad?n?m ?r %s? povol?te, aby se akce objevila v nov?ch ?e?en?ch."

#. TRANSLATORS: the "r" here is
#. for "reject", but should not be
#. translated since the commands in
#. aptitude's internal command-line
#. aren't translated.
#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:605
#, c-format
msgid "Enter \"r %s\" to prevent this action from appearing in new solutions."
msgstr "Zad?n?m ?r %s? zak??ete, aby se tato akce objevila v nov?ch ?e?en?ch."

#. TRANSLATORS: the "a" here is
#. for "approve", but should not be
#. translated since the commands in
#. aptitude's internal command-line
#. aren't translated.
#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:611
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Enter \"a %s\" to cease requiring that new solutions include this action if "
msgstr ""
"Zad?n?m ?a %s? p?estanete vy?adovat, aby nov? ?e?en? obsahovala tuto akci."

#. TRANSLATORS: the "a" here is
#. for "approve", but should not be
#. translated since the commands in
#. aptitude's internal command-line
#. aren't translated.
#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:617
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Enter \"a %s\" to require that new solutions include this action if possible."
msgstr ""
"Zad?n?m ?a %s? vynut?te, aby nov? ?e?en? pokud mo?no obsahovala tuto akci."

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:790
#, c-format
msgid "open: %zd; closed: %zd; defer: %zd; conflict: %zd"
msgstr "otev?en?: %zd; zav?en?: %zd; odlo?en?: %zd; konfliktn?: %zd"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:814
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Would resolve dependencies, but dependency resolution is disabled.\n"
"   (%s::ProblemResolver::StepLimit = 0)\n"
msgstr ""
"Teoreticky by vy?e?il z?vislosti, ale ?e?en? z?vislost? je zak?z?no.\n"
"   (%s::ProblemResolver::StepLimit = 0)\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:823
msgid "I want to resolve dependencies, but no dependency resolver was created."
msgstr "Chci ?e?it z?vislosti, ale ??dn? ?e?itel z?vislost? nebyl vytvo?en."

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:837 src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:1180
#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:2058 src/solution_dialog.cc:127
#: src/solution_screen.cc:546
msgid "Resolving dependencies..."
msgstr "?e?? se z?vislosti?"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:897
msgid "The following actions will resolve these dependencies:"
msgstr "N?sleduj?c? akce vy?e?? tyto z?vislosti:"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:915
msgid "Accept this solution? [Y/n/q/?] "
msgstr "P?ijmout toto ?e?en?? [Y/n/q/?] "

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:942 src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:1077
msgid "Abandoning all efforts to resolve these dependencies."
msgstr "Kon??m v?echny snahy na vy?e?en? t?chto z?vislost?."

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:945
msgid ""
"Abandoning automatic dependency resolution and reverting to manual "
msgstr "Kon??m automatick? ?e?en? z?vislost? a vrac?m se k ru?n?mu ?e?en?."

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:978
msgid "The following commands are available:"
msgstr "K dispozici jsou n?sleduj?c? p??kazy:"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:999 src/ui.cc:2317
msgid "File to write resolver state to: "
msgstr "Soubor, do kter?ho zapsat stav ?e?itele: "

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:1031
msgid "Invalid response; please enter one of the following commands:"
msgstr "Chybn? odpov??; zadejte n?kter? z n?sleduj?c?ch p??kaz?:"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:1051
msgid "No solution found within the allotted time.  Try harder? [Y/n] "
msgstr "V p?id?len?m ?ase nebylo nalezeno ?e?en?. Zkusit d?kladn?ji? [Y/n] "

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:1080
msgid "Invalid response; please enter 'y' or 'n'."
msgstr "Chybn? odpov??; zadejte ?y? nebo ?n?."

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:1089
msgid "Unable to resolve dependencies!  Giving up..."
msgstr "Nemohu vy?e?it z?vislosti! Vzd?v?m se?"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:1095
msgid "*** No more solutions available ***"
msgstr "*** ??dn? dal?? ?e?en? nejsou dostupn? ***"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:1114
msgid ""
"*** ERROR: search aborted by fatal exception.  You may continue\n"
"           searching, but some solutions will be unreachable."
msgstr ""
"*** CHYBA: hled?n? p?eru?eno fat?ln? chybou. M??ete pokra?ovat\n"
"           v hled?n?, ale n?kter? ?e?en? budou nedostupn?."

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:1191
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Unable to resolve dependencies for the upgrade because the resolver timed "
"  You may be able to solve this problem by increasing\n"
"  Aptitude::ProblemResolver::StepLimit (currently %d)."
msgstr ""
"Nelze vy?e?it z?vislosti pro aktualizaci, proto?e ?as ?e?itele vypr?el.\n"
"  Mo?n? m??ete tento probl?m potla?it zv??en?m hodnoty\n"
"  Aptitude::ProblemResolver::StepLimit (aktu?ln? %d)."

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:1201
msgid "Unable to resolve dependencies for the upgrade: no solution found."
msgstr ""
"Nelze vy?e?it z?vislosti pro aktualizaci: nebylo nalezeno ??dn? ?e?en?."

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_resolver.cc:1207
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to resolve dependencies for the upgrade: %s"
msgstr "Nelze vy?e?it z?vislosti pro aktualizaci: %s"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_search.cc:199 src/cmdline/cmdline_versions.cc:567
#, c-format
msgid "iconv of %s failed.\n"
msgstr "iconv selhal na %s.\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_search.cc:216
#, c-format
msgid "search: You must provide at least one search term\n"
msgstr "search: Mus?te zadat alespo? jeden hledan? term\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show_broken.cc:81
#, c-format
msgid "but %s is to be installed."
msgstr "ale %s se bude instalovat."

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show_broken.cc:84
#, c-format
msgid "but %s is installed and it is kept back."
msgstr "ale %s je nainstalov?n a je podr?en v aktu?ln?m stavu."

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show_broken.cc:87
#, c-format
msgid "but %s is installed."
msgstr "ale %s je nainstalovan?."

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show_broken.cc:94
#, c-format
msgid "but it is not installable."
msgstr "ale ten nelze nainstalovat."

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show_broken.cc:96
#, c-format
msgid "but it is not going to be installed."
msgstr "ale ten se nebude instalovat."

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show_broken.cc:101
#, c-format
msgid " which is a virtual package."
msgstr " co? je virtu?ln? bal?k."

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show_broken.cc:104
#, c-format
msgid " or"
msgstr " nebo"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show_broken.cc:127
#, c-format
msgid "The following packages have unmet dependencies:\n"
msgstr "N?sleduj?c? bal?ky maj? nespln?n? z?vislosti:\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:198 src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:448
#: src/cmdline/cmdline_versions.cc:208 src/gtk/resolver.cc:1192
#: src/solution_fragment.cc:68
msgid "<NULL>"
msgstr "<NULL>"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:215 src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:220
#: src/qt/widgets/packages_tab.cc:73
msgid "not installed"
msgstr "nenainstalovan?"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:222 src/pkg_columnizer.cc:250
#: src/pkg_ver_item.cc:227
msgid "unpacked"
msgstr "rozbalen?"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:224
msgid "partially configured"
msgstr "??ste?n? zkonfigurovan?"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:226
msgid "partially installed"
msgstr "??ste?n? nainstalovan?"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:228
msgid "not installed (configuration files remain)"
msgstr "nenainstalovan? (ponech?ny konfigura?n? soubory)"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:231
msgid "awaiting trigger processing by other package(s)"
msgstr "?ek? na proveden? spou?t??e jin?mi bal?ky"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:233
msgid "awaiting trigger processing"
msgstr "?ek? na proveden? spou?t??e"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:236 src/pkg_columnizer.cc:258
#: src/pkg_ver_item.cc:235 src/qt/widgets/packages_tab.cc:72
msgid "installed"
msgstr "nainstalovan?"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:259
#, c-format
msgid "%s; will be purged because nothing depends on it"
msgstr "%s; bude vy?i?t?n, proto?e na n?m nic nez?vis?"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:261 src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:357
#, c-format
msgid "%s; will be purged"
msgstr "%s; bude vy?i?t?n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:266
#, c-format
msgid "%s; will be removed because nothing depends on it"
msgstr "%s; bude odstran?n, proto?e na n?m nic nez?vis?"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:268
#, c-format
msgid "%s; will be removed"
msgstr "%s; bude odstran?n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:286
#, c-format
msgid "%s%s; will be downgraded [%s -> %s]"
msgstr "%s%s; bude degradov?n [%s -> %s]"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:289
#, c-format
msgid "%s%s; will be upgraded [%s -> %s]"
msgstr "%s%s; bude aktualizov?n [%s -> %s]"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:298
msgid "not a real package"
msgstr "nen? skute?n? bal?k"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:311
msgid " [held]"
msgstr " [podr?en]"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:325
#, c-format
msgid "%s%s; will be installed"
msgstr "%s%s; bude instalov?n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:327
#, c-format
msgid "%s%s; will be installed automatically"
msgstr "%s%s; bude instalov?n automaticky"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:347
#, c-format
msgid "%s; version %s will be installed"
msgstr "%s; bude instalov?na verze %s"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:351
#, c-format
msgid "%s; version %s will be installed automatically"
msgstr "%s; automaticky bude instalov?na verze %s"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:377 src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:400
msgid "Package: "
msgstr "Bal?k: "

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:378 src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:408
#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:92
msgid "State"
msgstr "Stav"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:379 src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:472
msgid "Provided by"
msgstr "Poskytov?n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:402 src/pkg_info_screen.cc:120
msgid "Essential: "
msgstr "Nezbytn?: "

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:402 src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:406
#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:417 src/pkg_info_screen.cc:120
msgid "yes"
msgstr "ano"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:406
msgid "New"
msgstr "Nov?"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:411 src/gtk/gui.cc:98
msgid "Forbidden version"
msgstr "Zak?zan? verze"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:415
msgid "Automatically installed"
msgstr "Automaticky instalovan?"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:417
msgid "no"
msgstr "ne"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:421 src/pkg_info_screen.cc:125
msgid "Multi-Arch: "
msgstr "Multi-Arch: "

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:423 src/gtk/entitysummary.cc:361
#: src/gtk/previewtab.cc:230
msgid "Version: "
msgstr "Verze: "

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:424 src/pkg_info_screen.cc:134
msgid "Priority: "
msgstr "Priorita: "

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:425 src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:427
msgid "N/A"
msgstr "N/A"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:426 src/pkg_info_screen.cc:135
msgid "Section: "
msgstr "Sekce: "

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:428 src/pkg_info_screen.cc:136
msgid "Maintainer: "
msgstr "Spr?vce: "

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:430 src/pkg_info_screen.cc:137
msgid "Architecture: "
msgstr "Architektura: "

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:433 src/pkg_info_screen.cc:139
msgid "Uncompressed Size: "
msgstr "Velikost po rozbalen?: "

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:437 src/pkg_info_screen.cc:138
msgid "Compressed Size: "
msgstr "Komprimovan? velikost: "

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:439
msgid "Filename: "
msgstr "N?zev souboru: "

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:441
msgid "MD5sum: "
msgstr "MD5 sou?et: "

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:445 src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:448
#: src/gtk/entityview.cc:606
msgid "Archive"
msgstr "Archiv"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:453
msgid "Depends"
msgstr "Z?vis? na"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:455
msgid "PreDepends"
msgstr "P?edz?vis? na"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:457 src/cmdline/cmdline_why.cc:299
msgid "Recommends"
msgstr "Doporu?uje"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:459 src/cmdline/cmdline_why.cc:302
msgid "Suggests"
msgstr "Navrhuje"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:461
msgid "Conflicts"
msgstr "Koliduje s"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:463
msgid "Breaks"
msgstr "Poru?uje"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:465
msgid "Replaces"
msgstr "Nahrazuje"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:467
msgid "Obsoletes"
msgstr "Zastar?v?"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:469
msgid "Enhances"
msgstr "Roz?i?uje"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:471 src/cmdline/cmdline_why.cc:230
#: src/cmdline/cmdline_why.cc:1632 src/gtk/dependency_chains_tab.cc:205
msgid "Provides"
msgstr "Poskytuje"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:475 src/gtk/entitysummary.cc:369
#: src/gtk/info.cc:716 src/gtk/previewtab.cc:238 src/pkg_info_screen.cc:102
msgid "Description: "
msgstr "Popis: "

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:481 src/pkg_info_screen.cc:107
#: src/pkg_view.cc:259
msgid "Homepage: "
msgstr "Domovsk? str?nka: "

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:575
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to locate package %s"
msgstr "Nemohu nal?zt bal?k %s"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_show.cc:596
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to parse pattern %s"
msgstr "Nemohu zpracovat vzor %s"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_simulate.cc:66
#, c-format
msgid "Would download/install/remove packages.\n"
msgstr "Teoreticky by st?hl/nainstaloval/odstranil bal?ky.\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_simulate.cc:77
msgid "Internal Error, Ordering didn't finish"
msgstr "Vnit?n? chyba, v?b?r neskon?il"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_update.cc:44 src/ui.cc:1712 src/ui.cc:1881
msgid "Deleting obsolete downloaded files"
msgstr "Ma?u star? sta?en? soubory"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_update.cc:55
#, c-format
msgid "E: The update command takes no arguments\n"
msgstr "E: P??kaz update neakceptuje ??dn? argumenty\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_user_tag.cc:65
#, c-format
msgid "Adding user tag \"%s\" to the package \"%s\".\n"
msgstr "P?id?v?m u?ivatelsk? ?t?tek ?%s? k bal?ku ?%s?.\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_user_tag.cc:72
#, c-format
msgid "Removing user tag \"%s\" from the package \"%s\".\n"
msgstr "Odeb?r?m u?ivatelsk? ?t?tek ?%s? z bal?ku ?%s?.\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_user_tag.cc:104
#, c-format
msgid "%s: too few arguments; expected at least a tag name and a package.\n"
msgstr "%s: p??li? m?lo argument?; o?ek?v?no alespo? jm?no ?t?tku a bal?k.\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_util.cc:167
#, c-format
msgid "No candidate version found for %s\n"
msgstr "K bal?ku %s nebyla nalezena kandid?tsk? verze\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_util.cc:169
#, c-format
msgid "No current or candidate version found for %s\n"
msgstr "K bal?ku %s nebyla nalezena aktu?ln? ani kandid?tsk? verze\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_util.cc:193
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to find an archive \"%s\" for the package \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "Nelze naj?t archiv ?%s? bal?ku ?%s?\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_util.cc:203
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to find a version \"%s\" for the package \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "Nelze naj?t verzi ?%s? bal?ku ?%s?\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_util.cc:209
#, c-format
msgid "Internal error: invalid value %i passed to cmdline_find_ver!\n"
msgstr "Vnit?n? chyba: cmdline_find_ver byla p?ed?na neplatn? hodnota %i!\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_util.cc:239
#, c-format
msgid "You cannot specify both an archive and a version for a package\n"
msgstr "Nem??ete sou?asn? zadat archiv a verzi bal?ku\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_util.cc:273
#, c-format
msgid "Couldn't find task '%s'"
msgstr "Nelze naj?t ?lohu ?%s?"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_util.cc:361
#, c-format
msgid "%d broken [%+d]"
msgid_plural "%d broken [%+d]"
msgstr[0] "%d poru?en? [%+d]"
msgstr[1] "%d poru?en? [%+d]"
msgstr[2] "%d poru?en?ch [%+d]"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_util.cc:375
#, c-format
msgid "%d update [%+d]"
msgid_plural "%d updates [%+d]"
msgstr[0] "%d aktualizace [%+d]"
msgstr[1] "%d aktualizace [%+d]"
msgstr[2] "%d aktualizac? [%+d]"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_util.cc:389
#, c-format
msgid "%d new [%+d]"
msgid_plural "%d new [%+d]"
msgstr[0] "%d nov? [%+d]"
msgstr[1] "%d nov? [%+d]"
msgstr[2] "%d nov?ch [%+d]"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_util.cc:400
#, c-format
msgid "Current status: %F."
msgstr "Aktu?ln? stav: %F."

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_util.cc:411
#, c-format
msgid "There is %d newly obsolete package."
msgid_plural "There are %d newly obsolete packages."
msgstr[0] "Existuje %d nov? zastaral? bal?k."
msgstr[1] "Existuj? %d nov? zastaral? bal?ky."
msgstr[2] "Existuje %d nov? zastaral?ch bal?k?."

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_util.cc:423
#, c-format
msgid "There is %d newly obsolete package: "
msgid_plural "There are %d newly obsolete packages: "
msgstr[0] "Existuje %d nov? zastaral? bal?k: "
msgstr[1] "Existuj? %d nov? zastaral? bal?ky: "
msgstr[2] "Existuje %d nov? zastaral?ch bal?k?: "

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_versions.cc:125
#, c-format
msgid "Package %s:"
msgstr "Bal?k %s:"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_versions.cc:152 src/cmdline/cmdline_versions.cc:191
#, c-format
msgid "Source package %s:"
msgstr "Zdrojov? bal?k %s:"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_versions.cc:213
#, c-format
msgid "Archive %s:"
msgstr "Archiv %s:"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_versions.cc:502
msgid "--group-by|archive"
msgstr "--group-by|archive"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_versions.cc:506
msgid "--group-by|auto"
msgstr "--group-by|auto"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_versions.cc:510
msgid "--group-by|none"
msgstr "--group-by|none"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_versions.cc:514
msgid "--group-by|package"
msgstr "--group-by|package"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_versions.cc:518
msgid "--group-by|source-package"
msgstr "--group-by|source-package"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_versions.cc:522
msgid "--group-by|source-version"
msgstr "--group-by|source-version"

#. TRANSLATORS: --group-by is the argument name and shouldn't
#. be translated.
#: src/cmdline/cmdline_versions.cc:528
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Invalid package grouping mode \"%s\" (should be \"auto\", \"none\", \"package"
"\", or \"source-package\")"
msgstr ""
"Neplatn? seskupovac? re?im ?%s? (m?l by b?t ?auto?, ?none?, ?package? nebo "

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_versions.cc:584
#, c-format
msgid "versions: You must provide at least one package selector\n"
msgstr "versions: Mus?te zadat alespo? jeden bal?k\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_why.cc:290
msgid "dep_level"
msgstr "?rove? z?vislost?"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_why.cc:296
msgid "DependsOnly"
msgstr "Z?vis? pouze"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_why.cc:310
msgid "version_selection"
msgstr "v?b?r verze"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_why.cc:315
msgid "Current"
msgstr "Aktu?ln?"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_why.cc:318
msgid "Candidate"
msgstr "Kandid?t"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_why.cc:321 src/gtk/gui.cc:91 src/gtk/gui.cc:1417
msgid "Install"
msgstr "Instalovat"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_why.cc:324
msgid "InstallNotCurrent"
msgstr "Instalovat neaktu?ln?"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_why.cc:332
msgid "allow_choices"
msgstr "povolit mo?nosti"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_why.cc:335
msgid "true"
msgstr "pravda"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_why.cc:337
msgid "false"
msgstr "nepravda"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_why.cc:381
#, c-format
msgid "Install(%s)"
msgstr "Instalovat(%s)"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_why.cc:383
#, c-format
msgid "Remove(%s)"
msgstr "Odstranit(%s)"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_why.cc:385
#, c-format
msgid "Install(%s provides %s)"
msgstr "Instalovat(%s poskytuje %s)"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_why.cc:389
#, c-format
msgid "Remove(%s provides %s)"
msgstr "Odstranit(%s poskytuje %s)"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_why.cc:1074
#, c-format
msgid "    ++ Examining %F\n"
msgstr "    ++ Zkoum?m %F\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_why.cc:1082
msgid "    ++   --> skipping, not a conflict\n"
msgstr "    ++   --> p?eskakuji, nen? konflikt\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_why.cc:1088
msgid "    ++   --> skipping conflict\n"
msgstr "    ++   --> p?eskakuji konflikt\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_why.cc:1094
msgid "    ++   --> skipping, not relevant according to params\n"
msgstr "    ++   --> p?eskakuji, vzhledem k parametr?m nen? relevantn?\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_why.cc:1100
msgid "    ++   --> skipping, parent is not the selected version\n"
msgstr "    ++   --> p?eskakuji, rodi? nen? vybranou verz?\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_why.cc:1106
msgid "    ++   --> skipping, the dep is satisfied by the current version\n"
msgstr "    ++   --> p?eskakuji, z?vislost nen? spln?na aktu?ln? verz?\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_why.cc:1112
msgid "Skipping this solution, I've already seen it.\n"
msgstr "P?eskakuji toto ?e?en?, ji? jsem jej vid?l.\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_why.cc:1118
msgid "    ++   --> skipping, version check failed\n"
msgstr "    ++   --> p?eskakuji, selhala kontrola verze\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_why.cc:1124
msgid "    ++   --> ENQUEUING\n"
msgstr "    ++   --> ZA?AZUJI DO FRONTY\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_why.cc:1130
#, c-format
msgid "    ++   --> ENQUEUING %s Provides %s\n"
msgstr "    ++   --> ZA?AZUJI %s DO FRONTY, poskytuje %s\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_why.cc:1138
#, c-format
msgid "Starting search with parameters %ls\n"
msgstr "Zahajuje se hled?n? s parametry %ls\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_why.cc:1194
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to find a reason to remove %s.\n"
msgstr "Nelze naj?t d?vod pro odstran?n? %s.\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_why.cc:1196
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to find a reason to install %s.\n"
msgstr "Nelze naj?t d?vod pro instalaci %s.\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_why.cc:1235
#, c-format
msgid "Packages requiring %s:"
msgstr "Bal?ky vy?aduj?c? %s:"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_why.cc:1299 src/cmdline/cmdline_why.cc:1327
#: src/cmdline/cmdline_why.cc:1391
#, c-format
msgid "No package named \"%s\" exists."
msgstr "Bal?k nazvan? ?%s? neexistuje."

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_why.cc:1331
msgid "Unable to parse some match patterns."
msgstr "Nelze zpracovat n?kter? vzory."

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_why.cc:1366
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s: this command requires at least one argument (the package to query).\n"
msgstr "%s: tento p??kaz vy?aduje nejm?n? jeden argument (zkouman? bal?k).\n"

#: src/cmdline/cmdline_why.h:212
msgid "Unknown version selection, something is very wrong."
msgstr "V?b?r nezn?m? verze, n?co je velmi ?patn?."

#: src/cmdline/terminal.cc:46
msgid "Unexpected end-of-file on standard input"
msgstr "Neo?ek?van? konec souboru na standardn?m vstupu"

#. TRANSLATORS: the text between [] should be
#. exactly 4 character cells wide; "ERR" is short
#. for "ERROR".
#: src/cmdline/text_progress.cc:96
#, c-format
msgid "[ ERR] %s"
msgstr "[ ERR] %s"

#: src/dep_item.cc:151
msgstr "NESPLN?NO"

#: src/dep_item.cc:151 src/reason_fragment.cc:234
msgstr "NEDOSTUPN?"

#: src/desc_render.cc:124 src/gtk/aptitude.glade:1051
msgid "Tags"
msgstr "?t?tky"

#: src/desc_render.cc:139
msgid "User Tags"
msgstr "U?ivatelsk? ?t?tky"

#: src/download_item.cc:80 src/download_item.cc:84 src/download_item.cc:106
msgid " [Working]"
msgstr " [Pracuji]"

#: src/download_item.cc:110 src/download_list.cc:362
msgid "[Hit]"
msgstr "[Z?sah]"

#: src/download_item.cc:110 src/download_list.cc:384
msgid "[Downloaded]"
msgstr "[Sta?eno]"

#: src/download_list.cc:82
#, c-format
msgid "Downloaded %sB in %s (%sB/s)."
msgstr "Sta?eno %sB za %s (%s/B/s)."

#: src/download_list.cc:88
#, c-format
msgid "%n%nSome files were not downloaded successfully."
msgstr "%n%nN?kter? soubory se nest?hly spr?vn?."

#: src/download_list.cc:98 src/download_list.cc:346 src/gtk/download.cc:444
msgid "Continue"
msgstr "Pokra?ovat"

#: src/download_list.cc:100 src/mine/cmine.cc:301 src/mine/cmine.cc:366
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Zru?it"

#: src/download_list.cc:214
msgid "Total Progress: "
msgstr "Celkov? postup: "

#: src/download_list.cc:243
#, c-format
msgid " [ %i%% ] (%sB/s, %s remaining)"
msgstr " [ %i%% ] (%sB/s, %s zb?v?)"

#: src/download_list.cc:245
#, c-format
msgid " [ %i%% ] (stalled)"
msgstr " [ %i%% ] (stagnuje)"

#: src/download_list.cc:247
#, c-format
msgid " [ %i%% ]"
msgstr " [ %i%% ]"

#: src/download_list.cc:265
msgid "Downloading... "
msgstr "Stahuje se? "

#: src/download_list.cc:341 src/gtk/download.cc:441
#, c-format
msgid "Please insert the disc labeled \"%s\" into the drive \"%s\""
msgstr "Vlo?te disk nazvan? ?%s? do mechaniky ?%s?"

#: src/download_list.cc:348 src/gtk/download.cc:445
msgid "Abort"
msgstr "P?eru?it"

#: src/download_list.cc:406
msgid "[IGNORED]"
msgstr "[IGNOROV?N]"

#: src/download_list.cc:412
msgid "[ERROR]"
msgstr "[CHYBA]"

#: src/download_thread.h:138
msgid "Attempt to start a download thread twice!"
msgstr "Pokus o druh? spu?t?n? stahovac?ho vl?kna!"

#: src/edit_pkg_hier.cc:192
msgid "No hierarchy information to edit"
msgstr "Neexistuj? ??dn? informace o hierarchii"

#: src/edit_pkg_hier.cc:294
#, c-format
msgid "Couldn't open \"%s\" for writing"
msgstr "Nelze otev??t ?%s? pro z?pis"

#: src/edit_pkg_hier.cc:340
msgid "Unable to look up your home directory!"
msgstr "Nelze naj?t v?? domovsk? adres??!"

#: src/generic/apt/aptcache.cc:271
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error parsing a user-tag for the package %s: unexpected end-of-line "
"following %s."
msgstr ""
"Chyba zpracov?n? u?ivatelsk?ho ?t?tku bal?ku %s: neo?ek?van? konec ??dku za "

#: src/generic/apt/aptcache.cc:288
#, c-format
msgid "Unterminated '\"' in the user-tags list of the package %s."
msgstr "Neukon?en? uvozovky (\") v seznamu u?ivatelsk?ch ?t?tk? bal?ku %s."

#: src/generic/apt/aptcache.cc:392
msgid "Can't open Aptitude extended state file"
msgstr "Nelze otev??t roz???en? stavov? soubor programu Aptitude"

#: src/generic/apt/aptcache.cc:406 src/generic/apt/aptcache.cc:501
#: src/generic/apt/aptcache.cc:503
msgid "Reading extended state information"
msgstr "?tou se roz???en? stavov? informace"

#: src/generic/apt/aptcache.cc:509 src/generic/apt/aptcache.cc:591
#: src/generic/apt/aptcache.cc:594
msgid "Initializing package states"
msgstr "Inicializuj? se stavy bal?k?"

#: src/generic/apt/aptcache.cc:752
msgid "Cannot open Aptitude state file"
msgstr "Nelze otev??t stavov? soubor programu Aptitude"

#: src/generic/apt/aptcache.cc:756 src/generic/apt/aptcache.cc:863
#: src/generic/apt/aptcache.cc:866
msgid "Writing extended state information"
msgstr "Zapisuj? se roz???en? stavov? informace"

#: src/generic/apt/aptcache.cc:854
msgid "Couldn't write state file"
msgstr "Nelze zapsat stavov? soubor"

#: src/generic/apt/aptcache.cc:871
msgid "Error writing state file"
msgstr "Chyba p?i z?pisu stavov?ho souboru"

#: src/generic/apt/aptcache.cc:889
#, c-format
msgid "failed to remove %s"
msgstr "selhalo odstran?n? %s"

#: src/generic/apt/aptcache.cc:896
#, c-format
msgid "failed to rename %s to %s"
msgstr "selhalo p?ejmenov?n? %s na %s"

#: src/generic/apt/aptcache.cc:904
#, c-format
msgid "couldn't replace %s with %s"
msgstr "nelze nahradit %s za %s"

#: src/generic/apt/aptcache.cc:1525
msgid "Unable to correct dependencies, some packages cannot be installed"
msgstr "Nelze opravit z?vislosti, n?kter? bal?ky nemohou b?t nainstalov?ny"

#: src/generic/apt/aptcache.cc:2172
msgid "The list of sources could not be read."
msgstr "Nelze p?e??st seznam zdroj?."

#: src/generic/apt/aptcache.cc:2179
msgid "The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened."
msgstr "Seznamy bal?k? nebo stavov? soubor nelze otev??t nebo zpracovat."

#: src/generic/apt/aptcache.cc:2182
msgid "You may want to update the package lists to correct these missing files"
msgstr "Pro opraven? chyb?j?c?ch soubor? zkuste aktualizovat seznamy bal?k?"

#. TRANSLATORS: Set this string to the name of a configuration
#. file in $pkgdatadir/aptitude that overrides defaults for your
#. language.  This is particularly intended for overriding entries
#. in the Aptitude::Sections::Descriptions tree.
#. For instance, Sections localized for the language .ww might be
#. stored in a file named aptitude-defaults.ww, which would be
#. indicated by translating "Localized defaults|" below to
#. "aptitude-defaults.ww".  If you use this mechanism, you should
#. also add your defaults file to pkgdata_DATA in Makefile.am.
#: src/generic/apt/apt.cc:188
msgid "Localized defaults|"
msgstr "aptitude-defaults.cs"

#: src/generic/apt/apt.cc:261
#, c-format
msgid "%s is readable but not writable; unable to write configuration file."
msgstr "%s se d? ??st, ale ne zapisovat; nelze zapsat konfigura?n? soubor."

#: src/generic/apt/apt.cc:306
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to replace %s with new configuration file"
msgstr "Nelze nahradit %s nov?m konfigura?n?m souborem"

#: src/generic/apt/apt.cc:457
msgid ""
"Could not lock the cache file; this usually means that dpkg or another apt "
"tool is already installing packages.  Opening in read-only mode; any changes "
"you make to the states of packages will NOT be preserved!"
msgstr ""
"Nelze zamknout cache soubor. To obvykle znamen?, ?e ji? b??? dpkg nebo jin? "
"apt n?stroj. Otev?r?m v re?imu pouze pro ?ten?. Zm?ny, kter? provedete se "
"stavem bal?k?, NEBUDOU ulo?eny!"

#: src/generic/apt/apt.cc:1269
msgid "foreign"
msgstr "ciz?"

#: src/generic/apt/apt.cc:1271
msgid "same"
msgstr "stejn?"

#: src/generic/apt/apt.cc:1274
msgid "allowed"
msgstr "povolen?"

#: src/generic/apt/apt.cc:1363
msgid "main"
msgstr "hlavn?"

#: src/generic/apt/apt.cc:1363
msgid "contrib"
msgstr "contrib"

#: src/generic/apt/apt.cc:1363
msgid "non-free"
msgstr "non-free"

#: src/generic/apt/apt.cc:1363
msgid "non-US"
msgstr "non-US"

#: src/generic/apt/aptitude_resolver.cc:441
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid hint \"%s\": expected an action, but found nothing."
msgstr "Neplatn? rada ?%s?: o?ek?v?na akce, nenalezeno nic."

#: src/generic/apt/aptitude_resolver.cc:466
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Invalid hint \"%s\": expected a component name and a number, but found "
msgstr "Neplatn? rada ?%s?: o?ek?v?n n?zev komponenty a ??slo, nenalezeno nic."

#: src/generic/apt/aptitude_resolver.cc:485
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Invalid hint \"%s\": expected the numeric value following the component "
"name, but found nothing."
msgstr ""
"Neplatn? rada ?%s?: o?ek?v?na ??seln? hodnota n?sledovan? n?zvem komponenty, "
"nenalezeno nic."

#: src/generic/apt/aptitude_resolver.cc:505
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid hint \"%s\": the numeric component \"%s\" cannot be parsed."
msgstr "Neplatn? rada ?%s?: ??selnou hodnotu ?%s? nelze zpracovat."

#: src/generic/apt/aptitude_resolver.cc:516
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid hint \"%s\": expected a level, but found nothing."
msgstr "Neplatn? rada ?%s?: o?ek?v?na ?rove?, nenalezeno nic."

#: src/generic/apt/aptitude_resolver.cc:538
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid hint \"%s\": expected a target, but found nothing."
msgstr "Neplatn? rada ?%s?: o?ek?v?n c?l, nenalezeno nic."

#: src/generic/apt/aptitude_resolver.cc:565
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid hint \"%s\": invalid target: %s"
msgstr "Neplatn? rada ?%s?: neplatn? c?l: %s"

#: src/generic/apt/aptitude_resolver.cc:585
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid hint \"%s\": trailing junk after the version."
msgstr "Neplatn? rada ?%s?: za ??slem verze n?sleduje smet?."

#: src/generic/apt/aptitude_resolver.cc:682
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Invalid hint \"%s\": the action \"%s\" should be \"approve\", \"reject\", or "
"a number."
msgstr ""
"Neplatn? rada ?%s?: akce ?%s? by m?la b?t ?approve?, ?reject? nebo ??slo."

#: src/generic/apt/aptitude_resolver_cost_settings.cc:130
#, c-format
msgid "Conflicting types for the cost component %s."
msgstr "Konfliktn? typy penaliza?n? slo?ky %s."

#: src/generic/apt/aptitude_resolver_universe.cc:837
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Invalid safety level \"%s\" (not \"discard\", \"maximum\", \"minimum\", or "
"an integer)."
msgstr ""
"Neplatn? bezpe?nostn? ?rove? ?%s? (nen? ?discard?, ?minimum?, ?maximum? ani "
"cel? ??slo)."

#: src/generic/apt/download_install_manager.cc:60
msgid ""
"The package cache is not available; unable to download and install packages."
msgstr ""
"Vyrovn?vac? pam?? bal?k? nen? nen? dostupn?, nelze tedy bal?ky stahovat ani "

#: src/generic/apt/download_install_manager.cc:93
msgid "Internal error: couldn't generate list of packages to download"
msgstr "Vnit?n? chyba: nelze vytvo?it seznam bal?k? ke sta?en?"

#: src/generic/apt/download_install_manager.cc:120
#: src/generic/apt/download_update_manager.cc:130
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to fetch %s: %s"
msgstr "Selhalo sta?en? %s: %s"

#: src/generic/apt/download_install_manager.cc:129
msgid "Some files failed to download"
msgstr "N?kter? soubory se nepoda?ilo st?hnout"

#: src/generic/apt/download_install_manager.cc:140
msgid "Unable to correct for unavailable packages"
msgstr "Nelze opravit kv?li nedostupn?m bal?k?m"

#: src/generic/apt/download_install_manager.cc:175
msgid "Failed to perform requested operation on package.  Trying to recover:"
msgstr "Proveden? po?adovan? operace na bal?ku selhalo. Pokus o obnovu:"

#: src/generic/apt/download_install_manager.cc:219
msgid ""
"Could not regain the system lock!  (Perhaps another apt or dpkg is running?)"
msgstr "Nelze z?skat syst?mov? z?mek! (Mo?n? b??? dal?? apt nebo dpkg?)"

#: src/generic/apt/download_update_manager.cc:70
msgid "Couldn't read list of package sources"
msgstr "Nelze ??st seznam se zdroji bal?k?"

#: src/generic/apt/download_update_manager.cc:150
msgid "Couldn't clean out list directories"
msgstr "Nelze vy?istit adres??e seznam?"

#: src/generic/apt/download_update_manager.cc:155
#: src/generic/apt/download_update_manager.cc:157
msgid ""
"Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones "
"used instead."
msgstr ""
"N?kter? indexov? soubory se nepoda?ilo st?hnout. Jsou ignorov?ny, nebo se "
"pou??vaj? star?? verze."

#: src/generic/apt/download_update_manager.cc:178
msgid "Couldn't rebuild package cache"
msgstr "Nelze vytvo?it vyrovn?vac? pam?? pro bal?ky"

#: src/generic/apt/dpkg.cc:102
#, c-format
msgid "Couldn't chroot into %s for %s"
msgstr "Nelze zm?nit root na %s pro p??kaz %s"

#: src/generic/apt/dpkg.cc:124
#, c-format
msgid "Waited for %s but it wasn't there"
msgstr "?ekali jsme na %s, kter? tam nebyl"

#: src/generic/apt/dump_packages.cc:539 src/generic/apt/dump_packages.cc:629
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to stat %s."
msgstr "Nelze zavolat stat na %s."

#: src/generic/apt/dump_packages.cc:674
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to create truncated cache: %s."
msgstr "Nelze vytvo?it o?ezanou cache: %s."

#: src/generic/apt/log.cc:55
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to open %s to log actions"
msgstr "Nelze otev??t %s pro z?znam akc?"

#. TRANSLATORS: This is a date and time format.  See strftime(3).
#: src/generic/apt/log.cc:66
msgid "%a, %b %e %Y %T %z"
msgstr "%a, %b %e %Y %T %z"

#: src/generic/apt/log.cc:68
#, c-format
msgid "Error generating local time (%s)"
msgstr "Chyba p?i vytv??en? m?stn?ho ?asu (%s)"

#: src/generic/apt/log.cc:72
msgid "log report"
msgstr "z?znam hl??en?"

#: src/generic/apt/log.cc:73
#, c-format
msgid ""
"IMPORTANT: this log only lists intended actions; actions which fail due to\n"
"dpkg problems may not be completed.\n"
msgstr ""
"D?LE?IT?: tento z?znam obsahuje pouze pl?novan? akce. Akce, kter? sel?ou \n"
"kv?li probl?m?m v dpkg nemus? b?t dokon?eny.\n"

#: src/generic/apt/log.cc:74
#, c-format
msgid "Will install %li packages, and remove %li packages.\n"
msgstr "Budu instalovat %li bal?k? a odstra?ovat %li bal?k?.\n"

#: src/generic/apt/log.cc:78
#, c-format
msgid "%sB of disk space will be used\n"
msgstr "%sB m?sta na disku bude pou?ito\n"

#: src/generic/apt/log.cc:81
#, c-format
msgid "%sB of disk space will be freed\n"
msgstr "%sB m?sta na disku bude uvoln?no\n"

#: src/generic/apt/log.cc:91
#, c-format
msgid "[UPGRADE] %s %s -> %s\n"
msgstr "[AKTUALIZACE] %s %s -> %s\n"

#: src/generic/apt/log.cc:95
#, c-format
msgid "[DOWNGRADE] %s %s -> %s\n"
msgstr "[DEGRADACE] %s %s -> %s\n"

#: src/generic/apt/log.cc:105
msgid "REMOVE"
msgstr "ODSTRANIT"

#: src/generic/apt/log.cc:111
msgid "INSTALL"

#: src/generic/apt/log.cc:114

#: src/generic/apt/log.cc:117
msgid "HOLD"
msgstr "PODR?ET"

#: src/generic/apt/log.cc:120
msgid "BROKEN"
msgstr "PORU?EN?"

#: src/generic/apt/log.cc:123

#: src/generic/apt/log.cc:126

#: src/generic/apt/log.cc:129

#: src/generic/apt/log.cc:132

#: src/generic/apt/log.cc:135

#: src/generic/apt/log.cc:138
msgid "????????"
msgstr "????????"

#: src/generic/apt/log.cc:142
#, c-format
msgid "[%s] %s\n"
msgstr "[%s] %s\n"

#: src/generic/apt/log.cc:145
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Log complete.\n"
msgstr ""
"Z?znam kompletn?.\n"

#: src/generic/apt/matching/match.cc:3054
#: src/generic/apt/matching/match.cc:3171
msgid "Accessing index"
msgstr "P?istupuje se k indexu"

#: src/generic/apt/matching/match.cc:3064
#: src/generic/apt/matching/match.cc:3178
msgid "Filtering packages"
msgstr "Filtruj? se bal?ky"

#: src/generic/apt/matching/parse.cc:315
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown action type: %s"
msgstr "Nezn?m? akce: %s"

#: src/generic/apt/matching/parse.cc:330
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown multiarch type: %s"
msgstr "Nezn?m? typ multiarch: %s"

#: src/generic/apt/matching/parse.cc:370
#, c-format
msgid "Unterminated literal string after %s"
msgstr "Neukon?en? ?et?zec za %s"

#: src/generic/apt/matching/parse.cc:467
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown priority %s"
msgstr "Nezn?m? priorita: %s"

#: src/generic/apt/matching/parse.cc:486
#, c-format
msgid "Match pattern ends unexpectedly (expected '%c')."
msgstr "Vyhled?vac? vzor skon?il neo?ek?van? (o?ek?v?no ?%c?)."

#: src/generic/apt/matching/parse.cc:489
#, c-format
msgid "Expected '%c', got '%c'."
msgstr "O?ek?v?n znak ?%c?, obdr?en ?%c?."

#: src/generic/apt/matching/parse.cc:861
#: src/generic/apt/matching/parse.cc:1306
#: src/generic/apt/matching/parse.cc:1346
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown dependency type: %s"
msgstr "Nezn?m? typ z?vislosti: %s"

#: src/generic/apt/matching/parse.cc:914
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown term type: \"%s\"."
msgstr "Nezn?m? typ termu: ?%s?."

#. TRANSLATORS: Question marks ("?") are used as prefix for function names.
#. Leave the question marks attached to the string placeholders.
#: src/generic/apt/matching/parse.cc:928 src/generic/apt/matching/parse.cc:937
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The ?%s term must be used in a \"wide\" context (a top-level context, or a "
"context enclosed by ?%s)."
msgstr ""
"Term ?%s se mus? pou??t v ??irok?m? kontextu (v nejvy???m kontextu, nebo v "
"kontextu uzav?en?m do ?%s)."

#: src/generic/apt/matching/parse.cc:1164
msgid "Unmatched '('"
msgstr "Nep?rov? ?(?"

#: src/generic/apt/matching/parse.cc:1312
msgid "Provides: cannot be broken"
msgstr "Poskytuje: nem??e b?t poru?en?"

#: src/generic/apt/matching/parse.cc:1370
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown pattern type: %c"
msgstr "Nezn?m? vzor: %c"

#: src/generic/apt/matching/parse.cc:1390
msgid "Can't search for \"\""
msgstr "Nelze hledat \"\""

#: src/generic/apt/matching/parse.cc:1418
msgid "Unexpected empty expression"
msgstr "Neo?ek?van? pr?zdn? v?raz"

#: src/generic/apt/matching/parse.cc:1447
#, c-format
msgid "Badly formed expression: expected '|', got '%c'"
msgstr "?patn? zformulovan? v?raz: o?ek?v?n ?|?, obdr?en ?%c?"

#: src/generic/apt/matching/parse.cc:1494
msgid "Unexpected ')'"
msgstr "Neo?ek?van? ?)?"

#: src/generic/apt/parse_dpkg_status.cc:72
msgid "<aptitude: internal parse error: no apostrophe>"
msgstr "<aptitude: intern? chyba zpracov?n?: chyb? apostrof>"

#: src/generic/apt/parse_dpkg_status.cc:80
msgid "<aptitude: internal parse error: missing terminal apostrophe>"
msgstr "<aptitude: intern? chyba zpracov?n?: chyb? koncov? apostrof>"

#: src/generic/apt/pkg_acqfile.cc:50
#, c-format
msgid ""
"I wasn't able to locate a file for the %s package. This might mean you need "
"to manually fix this package. (due to missing arch)"
msgstr ""
"Nelze naj?t soubor p??slu?n? bal?ku %s. To m??e znamenat, ?e budete muset "
"bal?k opravit ru?n? (kv?li chyb?j?c? architektu?e)"

#: src/generic/apt/pkg_acqfile.cc:99
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The package index files are corrupted. No Filename: field for package %s."
msgstr ""
"Soubory s indexy bal?k? jsou po?kozeny. Chyb? pole Filename: pro bal?k %s."

#: src/generic/apt/pkg_hier.cc:28 src/generic/apt/pkg_hier.cc:49
#, c-format
msgid "Warning: group %s is involved in a cycle"
msgstr "Varov?n?: skupina %s je ??st? kruhu"

#: src/generic/apt/pkg_hier.cc:143
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot open package hierarchy file %s"
msgstr "Nelze otev??t soubor s hierarchi? bal?k? %s"

#: src/generic/apt/pkg_hier.cc:164
msgid "Global block encountered after first record, ignoring"
msgstr "Zaznamen?n glob?ln? blok po prvn?m z?znamu, ignoruji"

#: src/generic/apt/pkg_hier.cc:177
msgid "Bad record encountered (no Package or Group entry), skipping"
msgstr "Zaznamen?n ?patn? z?znam (nen? bal?k ani skupina), p?eskakuji"

#: src/generic/apt/pkg_hier.cc:179
#, c-format
msgid "Bad record encountered (Package=%s, Group=%s), skipping"
msgstr "Zaznamen?n ?patn? z?znam (bal?k=%s, skupina=%s), p?eskakuji"

#: src/generic/apt/pkg_hier.cc:242
#, c-format
msgid "Multiple descriptions found for group %s, ignoring one"
msgstr "Pro skupinu %s existuje v?ce popis?, n?kter? ignoruji"

#: src/generic/apt/pkg_changelog.cc:572 src/generic/apt/pkg_changelog.cc:577
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to download changelogs: %s"
msgstr "Nepoda?ilo se st?hnout seznamy zm?n: %s"

#: src/generic/apt/pkg_changelog.cc:582
msgid "Failed to download changelogs: unexpected exception."
msgstr "Nepoda?ilo se st?hnout seznamy zm?n: neo?ek?van? v?jimka"

#: src/generic/apt/resolver_manager.cc:489
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to create the output file: child killed by signal %d."
msgstr "Nelze vytvo?it v?stupn? soubor: potomek zabit sign?lem %d."

#: src/generic/apt/resolver_manager.cc:491
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to create the output file: child exited with status %d."
msgstr "Nelze vytvo?it v?stupn? soubor: potomek skon?il se stavem %d."

#: src/generic/apt/resolver_manager.cc:910
#: src/generic/apt/resolver_manager.cc:912
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to parse the cost settings string: %s"
msgstr "Nelze zpracovat nastaven? penalizace: %s"

#: src/generic/apt/tags.cc:211 src/generic/apt/tags.cc:219
#: src/generic/apt/tags.cc:264 src/generic/apt/tags.cc:272
msgid "Building tag database"
msgstr "Vytv???m datab?zi ?t?tk?"

#: src/generic/apt/tags.cc:401
msgid "legacy"
msgstr "star?"

#: src/generic/apt/tasks.cc:123
#, c-format
msgid "Unhandled packages method in task %s: %s"
msgstr "Nezpracovan? bal?ky v ?loze %s: %s"

#: src/generic/apt/tasks.cc:484
msgid "Reading task descriptions"
msgstr "Na??taj? se popisy ?loh"

#: src/generic/controllers/search_input.cc:110 src/gtk/packagestab.cc:60
msgid "Parse error"
msgstr "Chyba vstupu"

#: src/generic/problemresolver/exceptions.h:105
msgid "Cost increments must be strictly positive."
msgstr "P??r?stky penalizace mus? b?t striktn? kladn?."

#: src/generic/problemresolver/exceptions.h:114
msgid "The maximum cost value was exceeded."
msgstr "Maxim?ln? hodnota penalizace byla p?ekro?ena."

#: src/generic/problemresolver/exceptions.h:124
msgid "A single cost level was both added and lower-bounded."
msgstr "Penaliza?n? ?rove? byla nav??ena a z?rove? je minim?ln? hodnotou."

#: src/generic/util/parsers.h:735
#, c-format
msgid "Expected '%s', but got EOF."
msgstr "O?ek?v?n ?%s?, obdr?en konec souboru."

#: src/generic/util/parsers.h:737
#, c-format
msgid "Expected '%s', but got '%s'."
msgstr "O?ek?v?n ?%s?, obdr?en ?%s?."

#: src/generic/util/parsers.h:778
msgid "Expected any character, but got EOF."
msgstr "O?ek?v?n libovoln? znak, obdr?en konec souboru."

#: src/generic/util/parsers.h:791
msgid "any character"
msgstr "libovoln? znak"

#: src/generic/util/parsers.h:832
#, c-format
msgid "Expected %s, but got EOF."
msgstr "O?ek?v?n %s, obdr?en konec souboru."

#: src/generic/util/parsers.h:843
#, c-format
msgid "Expected %s, but got '%c'."
msgstr "O?ek?v?n %s, obdr?en ?%c?."

#: src/generic/util/parsers.h:1017
msgid "Expected an integer, got EOF."
msgstr "O?ek?v?no cel? ??slo, obdr?en konec souboru"

#: src/generic/util/parsers.h:1026
msgid "Expected an integer following '-', got EOF."
msgstr "O?ek?v?n znak ?-? n?sledovan? cel?m ??slem, obdr?en konec souboru."

#: src/generic/util/parsers.h:1032
#, c-format
msgid "Expected an integer, got '%c'."
msgstr "O?ek?v?no cel? ??slo, obdr?eno ?%c?"

#: src/generic/util/parsers.h:1046 src/generic/util/parsers.h:1054
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid integer: \"%s\"."
msgstr "Neplatn? cel? ??slo: ?%s?."

#: src/generic/util/parsers.h:1077
#, c-format
msgid "Expected EOF, got '%c'."
msgstr "O?ek?v?n konec souboru, obdr?en ?%c?."

#: src/generic/util/parsers.h:1191
msgid "anything"
msgstr "cokoliv"

#. TRANSLATORS: this is used to generate an error
#. message; a brief description of what we expected to see
#. is inserted into it.
#: src/generic/util/parsers.h:1941 src/generic/util/parsers.h:2034
#: src/generic/util/parsers.h:2085
#, c-format
msgid "Expected %s"
msgstr "O?ek?v?n %s"

#: src/generic/util/parsers.h:2007
msgid " or "
msgstr " nebo "

#: src/generic/util/parsers.h:2770
#, c-format
msgid "Unexpected %s"
msgstr "Neo?ek?van? %s"

#: src/generic/util/temp.cc:201 src/generic/util/temp.cc:275
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to create temporary directory from template \"%s\": %s"
msgstr "Nelze vytvo?it do?asn? adres?? dle ?ablony ?%s?: %s"

#: src/generic/util/temp.cc:342
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to create temporary filename from prefix \"%s\""
msgstr "Nelze vytvo?it do?asn? jm?no souboru z prefixu ?%s?"

#: src/generic/util/util.cc:377
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to stat \"%s\""
msgstr "Nelze zavolat stat na ?%s?"

#: src/generic/util/util.cc:383
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to remove \"%s\""
msgstr "Nelze odebrat ?%s?"

#: src/generic/util/util.cc:393
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to list files in \"%s\""
msgstr "Nelze vypsat soubory v ?%s?"

#: src/generic/util/util.cc:410
#, c-format
msgid "Failure closing directory \"%s\""
msgstr "Chyba p?i zav?r?n? adres??e ?%s?"

#: src/generic/util/util.cc:416
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to remove directory \"%s\""
msgstr "Nelze odstranit adres?? ?%s?"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:6 src/gtk/aptitude.glade:2251
#: src/qt/windows/main_window.cc:44
msgid "Aptitude Package Manager"
msgstr "Spr?vce bal?k? Aptitude"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:19 src/gtk/aptitude.glade:2264
msgid "_File"
msgstr "_Soubor"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:28 src/gtk/aptitude.glade:2274 src/ui.cc:2348
msgid "Perform all pending installs and removals"
msgstr "Provede v?echny nevy??zen? instalace a odstra?ov?n?"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:38 src/gtk/aptitude.glade:2285 src/ui.cc:2351
msgid "Check for new versions of packages"
msgstr "Zjist?, zda nejsou k dispozici nov?j?? verze bal?k?"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:53 src/gtk/aptitude.glade:2301 src/ui.cc:2356
msgid "Mark all upgradable packages which are not held for upgrade"
msgstr "Ozna?? v?echny aktualizovateln? bal?ky, kter? nejsou podr?eny"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:63 src/gtk/aptitude.glade:2312 src/ui.cc:2361
msgid "Forget which packages are \"new\""
msgstr "Zapomene, kter? bal?ky jsou ?nov??"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:72 src/gtk/aptitude.glade:2322 src/ui.cc:2365
msgid "Cancel all pending installations, removals, holds, and upgrades."
msgstr ""
"Zru?? v?echny napl?novan? instalace, odstran?n?, podr?en? a aktualizace."

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:81 src/gtk/aptitude.glade:2332 src/ui.cc:2369
msgid "Delete package files which were previously downloaded"
msgstr "Sma?e sta?en? soubory (bal?ky) z /var/cache/apt"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:90 src/gtk/aptitude.glade:2342 src/ui.cc:2373
msgid "Delete package files which can no longer be downloaded"
msgstr "Sma?e soubory, kter? se ji? nedaj? st?hnout"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:104 src/gtk/aptitude.glade:2357 src/ui.cc:2380
msgid "Reload the package cache"
msgstr "Znovu na?te obsah cache"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:118 src/gtk/aptitude.glade:2372 src/ui.cc:2390
msgid "Restart the program as root; your settings will be preserved"
msgstr "Znovu spust? program pod u?ivatelem root; nastaven? budou zachov?na"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:127 src/gtk/aptitude.glade:2382 src/ui.cc:2393
msgid "Exit the program"
msgstr "Ukon?? program"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:139 src/gtk/aptitude.glade:2394
msgid "E_dit"
msgstr "?pr_avy"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:148 src/gtk/aptitude.glade:2404 src/ui.cc:2400
msgid "Undo the last package operation or group of operations"
msgstr "Vr?t? zp?t posledn? operaci nebo skupinu operac? s bal?ky"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:197 src/gtk/aptitude.glade:2453
msgid "_Package"
msgstr "_Bal?k"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:209 src/gtk/aptitude.glade:2465
msgid "_View"
msgstr "Po_hled"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:218 src/gtk/aptitude.glade:2475
msgid "Change which columns are visible in the currently active view."
msgstr "Nastav?, kter? sloupce budou vid?t v aktu?ln?m pohledu."

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:232 src/gtk/aptitude.glade:2490
msgid ""
"View errors that have occurred in the apt system since the program was "
msgstr "Zobraz? chyby, kter? nastaly v syst?mu APT od startu programu."

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:241 src/gtk/aptitude.glade:2500
msgid "Find chains of dependencies linking one package to another."
msgstr "Hled? ?et?zce z?vislost? od jednoho bal?ku ke druh?mu."

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:288 src/gtk/aptitude.glade:2547
msgid "_Help"
msgstr "N?po_v?da"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:317 src/gtk/aptitude.glade:2576
#: src/gtk/dashboardtab.cc:740 src/gtk/gui.cc:1603 src/gtk/gui.cc:1801
msgid "Dashboard"
msgstr "Centrum"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:336 src/gtk/aptitude.glade:2595
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Aktualizovat"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:347 src/gtk/aptitude.glade:2606 src/gtk/gui.cc:1323
#: src/qt/tabs_manager.cc:241 src/ui.cc:855 src/ui.cc:857 src/ui.cc:902
#: src/ui.cc:904 src/ui.cc:930 src/ui.cc:932 src/ui.cc:953 src/ui.cc:955
msgid "Packages"
msgstr "Bal?ky"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:358 src/gtk/aptitude.glade:2617 src/gtk/gui.cc:1033
#: src/gtk/previewtab.cc:118 src/qt/tabs_manager.cc:220 src/ui.cc:1396
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "N?hled"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:369 src/gtk/aptitude.glade:2628 src/gtk/gui.cc:1028
#: src/qt/tabs_manager.cc:263 src/ui.cc:2788
msgid "Resolver"
msgstr "?e?itel"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:380 src/gtk/aptitude.glade:2639
msgid "Install/Remove"
msgstr "Instalovat/Odstranit"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:583
msgid "Edit Columns..."
msgstr "Upravit sloupce?"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:625
msgid "Make this the default for new package lists."
msgstr "Pou??t toto nastaven? jako v?choz? pro nov? seznamy bal?k?."

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:640
msgid "Apply these settings to all active package lists."
msgstr "Pou??t toto nastaven? pro v?echny aktivn? seznamy bal?k?."

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:714 src/gtk/aptitude.glade:1448
#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:1780 src/gtk/aptitude.glade:1919
msgid "Search:"
msgstr "Hledat:"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:745
msgid "Incremental"
msgstr "P??r?stkov?"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:765 src/gtk/aptitude.glade:1487
#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:1819 src/gtk/aptitude.glade:1958
msgid "Errors"
msgstr "Chyby"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:782 src/gtk/aptitude.glade:1836
#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:1975
msgid "Show "
msgstr "Zobrazit"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:892
msgid "<span size=\"xx-large\">Versions:</span>"
msgstr "<span size=\"xx-large\">Verze:</span>"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:953
msgid "Dependencies"
msgstr "Z?vislosti"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:983
msgid "Changelog"
msgstr "Seznam zm?n"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:1011
msgid "Files"
msgstr "Soubory"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:1022
msgid "popcon"
msgstr "popcon"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:1031
msgid "Popcon"
msgstr "Popcon"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:1042
msgid "tags"
msgstr "?t?tky"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:1076
msgid "Screenshot"
msgstr "Sn?mek obrazovky"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:1128
msgid "Fixing upgrade manually:"
msgstr "Ru?n? oprava aktualizace:"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:1138 src/gtk/dashboardtab.cc:526
msgid "Calculating upgrade..."
msgstr "Po??t? se aktualizace?"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:1186
msgid "<b>Solutions</b>"
msgstr "<b>?e?en?</b>"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:1204 src/gtk/download.cc:261
#: src/gtk/entityview.cc:551
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Stav"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:1238
msgid "Group by action type"
msgstr "Seskupit dle akc?"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:1242
msgid ""
"Arrange the actions of the current solution so that actions that are of the "
"same type are placed together (for instance, all the actions that remove "
"This is the default view mode."
msgstr ""
"Se?ad? akce aktu?ln?ho ?e?en? tak, aby byly stejn? akce pohromad? (nap?. "
"v?echny akce, kter? odstra?uj? bal?ky).\n"
"Toto je v?choz? zp?sob zobrazen?."

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:1256
msgid "Group by dependency"
msgstr "Seskupit dle z?vislost?"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:1260
msgid ""
"Show the order in which the actions in the current solution were performed "
"and the dependency that triggered each action."
msgstr ""
"Se?ad? akce podle toho, jak byly postupn? prov?d?ny a zobraz? z?vislosti, "
"kter? ka?dou akci vyvolaly."

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:1277
msgid "<b>View Mode</b>"
msgstr "<b>Zp?sob zobrazen?</b>"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:1319
msgid "Rejected"
msgstr "Zam?tnout"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:1334
msgid "No preference"
msgstr "Bez n?zoru"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:1350
msgid "Accepted"
msgstr "P?ijmout"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:1370
msgid "<b>Status of selected action</b>"
msgstr "<b>Stav vybran? akce</b>"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:1391
msgid "Find a new solution"
msgstr "Naj?t nov? ?e?en?"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:1395
msgid "Calculate the next solution that has not yet been generated."
msgstr "Vypo??t? dal?? ?e?en? z?vislostn?ch probl?m?."

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:1410
msgid ""
"Perform the actions in the currently selected solution and close this tab."
msgstr "Provede akce obsa?en? v aktu?ln? vybran?m ?e?en? a zav?e tuto kartu."

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:1567
msgid "Upgrade Summary"
msgstr "P?ehled aktualizac?"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:1596
msgid "Selected Package"
msgstr "Vybran? bal?k"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:1643
msgid "Fix Manually"
msgstr "Opravit ru?n?"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:1656 src/gtk/areas.cc:72 src/gtk/gui.cc:93
#: src/gtk/gui.cc:1408
msgid "Upgrade"
msgstr "Aktualizovat"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:1687
msgid "<b>Available Upgrades:</b>"
msgstr "<b>Dostupn? aktualizace:</b>"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:1884
msgid "<b>Start at these packages:</b>"
msgstr "<b>Za??t s t?mito bal?ky:</b>"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:2023
msgid "<b>End at these packages:</b>"
msgstr "<b>Doj?t k t?mto bal?k?m:</b>"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:2091
msgid "A terminal running dpkg will appear here."
msgstr "Zde se zobraz? termin?l se spu?t?n?m dpkg."

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:2104
msgid ""
"Placeholder label for the explanation that two conffiles are being "
"This text should not appear in the program."
msgstr ""
"Text vysv?tluj?c?, ?e se budou porovn?vat dva konfigura?n? soubory.\n"
"Za b?hu programu by nem?l b?t vid?t."

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:2133
msgid "View the differences\t"
msgstr "Zobrazit rozd?ly"

#: src/gtk/aptitude.glade:2159
msgid ""
"Do you want to apply these changes?\n"
"You can also modify the files by hand, then click \"No\"."
msgstr ""
"Chcete prov?st tyto zm?ny?\n"
"Tak? m??ete soubory upravit ru?n? - potom vyberte ?Ne?."

#: src/gtk/areas.cc:73
msgid "Keep your computer up-to-date."
msgstr "Udr?uje po??ta? aktu?ln?."

#: src/gtk/areas.cc:75
msgid "Browse"
msgstr "Proch?zet"

#: src/gtk/areas.cc:76
msgid "Explore the available packages."
msgstr "Prozkoum? dostupn? bal?ky."

#: src/gtk/areas.cc:78
msgid "Find"
msgstr "Hledat"

#: src/gtk/areas.cc:79
msgid "Search for packages."
msgstr "Hled? bal?ky."

#: src/gtk/areas.cc:81
msgid "Go"
msgstr "Prov?st"

#: src/gtk/areas.cc:82
msgid "Finalize and apply your changes to the system."
msgstr "Provede v syst?mu napl?novan? zm?ny."

#: src/gtk/areas.cc:84 src/ui.cc:714 src/ui.cc:716
msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "P?edvolby"

#: src/gtk/areas.cc:85
msgid "Configure aptitude."
msgstr "Nastav? aptitude."

#: src/gtk/dashboardtab.cc:215
msgid "Resolve Upgrade Manually"
msgstr "Vy?e?it aktualizaci ru?n?"

#: src/gtk/dashboardtab.cc:298
msgid "Preparing to download changelogs"
msgstr "P?ipravuje se sta?en? seznam? zm?n"

#: src/gtk/dashboardtab.cc:383
msgid "Available upgrades:"
msgstr "Dostupn? aktualizace:"

#: src/gtk/dashboardtab.cc:400
#, c-format
msgid "%d available upgrade:"
msgid_plural "%d available upgrades:"
msgstr[0] "%d dostupn? aktualizace"
msgstr[1] "%d dostupn? aktualizace"
msgstr[2] "%d dostupn?ch aktualizac?"

#: src/gtk/dashboardtab.cc:619
msgid "No upgrades are available."
msgstr "??dn? aktualizace nejsou dostupn?."

#: src/gtk/dashboardtab.cc:631
msgid "Unable to calculate an upgrade."
msgstr "Nelze vypo??tat aktualizaci."

#: src/gtk/dashboardtab.cc:640
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Press \"%s\" to install <span size='large'>%d</span> upgrade out of <span "
msgid_plural ""
"Press \"%s\" to install <span size='large'>%d</span> upgrades out of <span "
msgstr[0] ""
"Stiskem ?%s? se nainstaluje <span size='large'>%d</span> aktualizace z <span "
msgstr[1] ""
"Stiskem ?%s? se nainstaluj? <span size='large'>%d</span> aktualizace z <span "
msgstr[2] ""
"Stiskem ?%s? se nainstaluje <span size='large'>%d</span> aktualizac? z <span "

#: src/gtk/dashboardtab.cc:652
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Press \"%s\" to manually attempt to install the remaining <span size='large'>"
"%d</span> upgrade."
msgid_plural ""
"Press \"%s\" to manually attempt to install the remaining <span size='large'>"
"%d</span> upgrades."
msgstr[0] ""
"Stiskem ?%s? se m??ete pokusit o ru?n? instalaci zb?vaj?c? <span "
"size='large'>%d</span> aktualizace."
msgstr[1] ""
"Stiskem ?%s? se m??ete pokusit o ru?n? instalaci zb?vaj?c?ch <span "
"size='large'>%d</span> aktualizac?."
msgstr[2] ""
"Stiskem ?%s? se m??ete pokusit o ru?n? instalaci zb?vaj?c?ch <span "
"size='large'>%d</span> aktualizac?."

#: src/gtk/dashboardtab.cc:677
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Unable to calculate an upgrade.  Press \"%s\" to manually search for a "
msgstr ""
"Nelze vypo??tat aktualizaci. Stiskem ?%s? se m??ete pokusit o ru?n? hled?n? "

#: src/gtk/dashboardtab.cc:694
#, c-format
msgid "Internal error encountered while calculating an upgrade: %s"
msgstr "Vnit?n? chyba p?i v?po?tu aktualizace: %s"

#: src/gtk/dependency_chains_tab.cc:78
msgid "Find dependency chains: start"
msgstr "Hled?n? ?et?z? z?vislost?: start"

#: src/gtk/dependency_chains_tab.cc:82
msgid "Find dependency chains: end"
msgstr "Hled?n? ?et?z? z?vislost?: konec"

#: src/gtk/dependency_chains_tab.cc:86
msgid "Find dependency chains: results"
msgstr "Hled?n? ?et?z? z?vislost?: v?sledky"

#: src/gtk/dependency_chains_tab.cc:226
msgid "Select one or more starting packages and an ending package to search."
msgstr ""
"Vyberte jeden nebo v?ce po??te?n?ch bal?k? a koncov? bal?k, mezi kter?mi se "
"m? hledat ?et?z z?vislost?."

#: src/gtk/dependency_chains_tab.cc:282
msgid "No dependency chain found."
msgstr "Nebyl nalezen ??dn? ?et?zec z?vislost?."

#: src/gtk/download.cc:179
msgid "Ignored"
msgstr "Ignorov?no"

#: src/gtk/download.cc:185
msgid "Failed"
msgstr "Selhalo"

#: src/gtk/download.cc:193
msgid "Already downloaded"
msgstr "Ji? sta?eno"

#: src/gtk/download.cc:248 src/gtk/entityview.cc:397 src/pkg_columnizer.cc:94
#: src/pkg_view.cc:675
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Popis"

#: src/gtk/download.cc:253
msgid "Progress"
msgstr "Postup"

#: src/gtk/download.cc:264
msgid "Short Description"
msgstr "Kr?tk? popis"

#: src/gtk/download.cc:272
msgid "URI"
msgstr "URI"

#: src/gtk/download.cc:319
msgid "The download is still in progress.  Should it be canceled?"
msgstr "Stahov?n? st?le prob?h?. M? se zru?it?"

#: src/gtk/download.cc:395 src/gtk/gui.cc:832
msgid "View Details"
msgstr "Zobrazit podrobnosti"

#: src/gtk/download.cc:439
msgid "Change media"
msgstr "V?m?na m?dia"

#: src/gtk/download.cc:460
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %sB/s"
msgstr "%s: %sB/s"

#: src/gtk/download.cc:480
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %lu/%lu, %sB/s"
msgstr "%s: %lu/%lu, %sB/s"

#: src/gtk/download.cc:486
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %lu/%lu, stalled"
msgstr "%s: %lu/%lu, stagnuje"

#: src/gtk/download.cc:507
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %sB of %sB at %sB/s, %s remaining"
msgstr "%s: %sB z %sB, %sB/s, %s zb?v?"

#: src/gtk/download.cc:514
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %sB of %sB, stalled"
msgstr "%s: %sB z %sB, stagnuje"

#: src/gtk/download.cc:541
msgid "Completed"
msgstr "Dokon?eno"

#: src/gtk/download.cc:543
msgid "Completed with errors"
msgstr "Dokon?eno s chybami"

#: src/gtk/dpkg_terminal.cc:352
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Unable to create a Unix-domain socket: %s"
msgstr "%s: Nelze vytvo?it unixov? socket: %s"

#: src/gtk/dpkg_terminal.cc:388 src/gtk/dpkg_terminal.cc:466
#, c-format
msgid "Internal error: the temporary socket name \"%s\" is too long!"
msgstr "Intern? chyba: jm?no do?asn?ho socketu ?%s? je p??li? dlouh?!"

#: src/gtk/dpkg_terminal.cc:429
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Unable to accept a connection: %s"
msgstr "%s: Nelze p?ijmout spojen?: %s"

#: src/gtk/dpkg_terminal.cc:532
#, c-format
msgid "[%s] dpkg process starting...\n"
msgstr "[%s] spou?t? se proces dpkg?\n"

#: src/gtk/dpkg_terminal.cc:565
#, c-format
msgid "[%s] dpkg process complete.\n"
msgstr "[%s] proces dpkg skon?il.\n"

#: src/gtk/dpkg_terminal.cc:568
#, c-format
msgid "[%s] dpkg process failed.\n"
msgstr "[%s] proces dpkg selhal.\n"

#: src/gtk/dpkg_terminal.cc:571
#, c-format
msgid "[%s] dpkg process complete; there are more packages left to process.\n"
msgstr "[%s] proces dpkg skon?il; dal?? bal?ky ?ekaj? na zpracov?n?.\n"

#: src/gtk/entitysummary.cc:115
#, c-format
msgid "Upgrade to %s version %s"
msgstr "Aktualizovat na %s verze %s"

#: src/gtk/entitysummary.cc:123
#, c-format
msgid "Install %s version %s"
msgstr "Instalovat %s verze %s"

#: src/gtk/entitysummary.cc:131
#, c-format
msgid "Downgrade to %s version %s"
msgstr "Degradovat na %s verze %s"

#: src/gtk/entitysummary.cc:142
#, c-format
msgid "Don't hold %s at its current version."
msgstr "Nedr?et %s v aktu?ln? verzi"

#: src/gtk/entitysummary.cc:145 src/gtk/entitysummary.cc:165
#: src/gtk/entitysummary.cc:168
#, c-format
msgid "Cancel any actions on %s."
msgstr "Zru?it jak?koliv akce na %s"

#: src/gtk/entitysummary.cc:150
#, c-format
msgid "Cancel the purge of %s."
msgstr "Zru?it vy?i?t?n? %s"

#: src/gtk/entitysummary.cc:152
#, c-format
msgid "Cancel the removal of %s."
msgstr "Zru?it odstran?n? %s"

#: src/gtk/entitysummary.cc:157
#, c-format
msgid "Cancel the upgrade of %s."
msgstr "Zru?it aktualizaci %s"

#: src/gtk/entitysummary.cc:159
#, c-format
msgid "Cancel the installation of %s."
msgstr "Zru?it instalaci %s"

#: src/gtk/entitysummary.cc:161
#, c-format
msgid "Cancel the downgrade of %s."
msgstr "Zru?it degradaci %s"

#: src/gtk/entitysummary.cc:163
#, c-format
msgid "Cancel the reinstallation of %s."
msgstr "Zru?it p?einstalaci %s"

#: src/gtk/entitysummary.cc:206
#, c-format
msgid "Remove %s"
msgstr "Odstranit %s"

#: src/gtk/entitysummary.cc:210
#, c-format
msgid "Purge %s"
msgstr "Vy?istit %s"

#: src/gtk/entitysummary.cc:218
#, c-format
msgid "Hold %s at its current version."
msgstr "Podr?et %s v aktu?ln? verzi"

#: src/gtk/entitysummary.cc:223
#, c-format
msgid "Mark %s as automatically installed."
msgstr "Ozna?it %s jako instalovan? automaticky"

#: src/gtk/entitysummary.cc:228
#, c-format
msgid "Mark %s as manually installed."
msgstr "Ozna?it %s jako instalovan? ru?n?."

#: src/gtk/entitysummary.cc:279
#, c-format
msgid "%s is a virtual package provided by:\n"
msgstr "%s je virtu?ln? bal?k poskytovan?:\n"

#: src/gtk/entitysummary.cc:343 src/gtk/previewtab.cc:215
msgid "(more info...)"
msgstr "(v?ce?)"

#: src/gtk/entitysummary.cc:375
msgid "Source: "
msgstr "Zdrojov? bal?k: "

#: src/gtk/entityview.cc:381 src/gtk/entityview.cc:575
#: src/qt/widgets/packages_tab.cc:105
msgid "Name"
msgstr "N?zev"

#: src/gtk/entityview.cc:385
msgid "Visible?"
msgstr "Viditeln??"

#: src/gtk/entityview.cc:411
#, c-format
msgid "Columns of \"%s\":"
msgstr "Sloupce ?%s?:"

#: src/gtk/entityview.cc:412
#, c-format
msgid "Editing the columns of \"%s\""
msgstr "?prava sloupc? ?%s?"

#: src/gtk/entityview.cc:552
msgid "Icons showing the current and future status of this package."
msgstr "Ikony zobrazuj?c? aktu?ln? a budouc? stav tohoto bal?ku."

#: src/gtk/entityview.cc:564 src/pkg_columnizer.cc:103
msgid "Auto"
msgstr "Auto"

#: src/gtk/entityview.cc:570
msgid "Whether the package is automatically installed."
msgstr "Zda je bal?k instalovan? automaticky."

#: src/gtk/entityview.cc:576
msgid "The name and description of the package."
msgstr "N?zev a popis bal?ku."

#: src/gtk/entityview.cc:591 src/qt/widgets/packages_tab.cc:105
msgid "Version"
msgstr "Verze"

#: src/gtk/entityview.cc:592
msgid "The version number of the package."
msgstr "Verze bal?ku."

#: src/gtk/entityview.cc:607
msgid "The package archives that contain this version."
msgstr "Kter? archiv bal?k? obsahuje tuto verzi."

#: src/gtk/filesview.cc:295
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This file list pertains to the currently installed version \"%s\", not the "
"selected version \"%s\"."
msgstr ""
"Tento seznam soubor? pat?? aktu?ln? nainstalovan? verzi ?%s?, ne zvolen? "
"verzi ?%s?."

#: src/gtk/filesview.cc:309
msgid "Files list is only available for installed packages."
msgstr "Seznam soubor? je dostupn? pouze pro nainstalovan? bal?ky."

#: src/gtk/gui.cc:80
msgid "Not installed"
msgstr "Nenainstalovan?"

#: src/gtk/gui.cc:81
msgid "Virtual"
msgstr "Virtu?ln?"

#: src/gtk/gui.cc:82
msgid "Unpacked"
msgstr "Rozbalen?"

#: src/gtk/gui.cc:83
msgid "Half-configured"
msgstr "Nap?l zkonfigurovan?"

#: src/gtk/gui.cc:84
msgid "Half-installed"
msgstr "Nap?l instalovan?"

#: src/gtk/gui.cc:85
msgid "Configuration files and data remain"
msgstr "Ponech?ny konfigura?n? soubory a data"

#: src/gtk/gui.cc:86
msgid "Triggers awaited"
msgstr "O?ek?v?ny spou?t??e"

#: src/gtk/gui.cc:87
msgid "Triggers pending"
msgstr "Nevy??zen? spou?t??e"

#: src/gtk/gui.cc:88
msgid "Installed"
msgstr "Nainstalovan?"

#: src/gtk/gui.cc:92
msgid "Reinstall"
msgstr "P?einstalovat"

#: src/gtk/gui.cc:94 src/gtk/gui.cc:1414
msgid "Downgrade"
msgstr "Degradovat"

#: src/gtk/gui.cc:95 src/gtk/gui.cc:1424
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Odstranit"

#: src/gtk/gui.cc:96
msgid "Remove and purge configuration/data"
msgstr "Vy?istit v?etn? konfigurace/dat"

#: src/gtk/gui.cc:97
msgid "Hold (don't upgrade)"
msgstr "Podr?et (neaktualizovat)"

#: src/gtk/gui.cc:99
msgid "Unsatisfied dependencies"
msgstr "Nespln?n? z?vislosti"

#: src/gtk/gui.cc:269
msgid "Checking for updates"
msgstr "Hledaj? se aktualizace"

#: src/gtk/gui.cc:287
msgid "Insufficient privileges."
msgstr "Nedostate?n? opr?vn?n?."

#: src/gtk/gui.cc:290
msgid "You must be root to update the package lists."
msgstr "Pro aktualizaci seznamu bal?k? mus?te b?t root."

#: src/gtk/gui.cc:298 src/gtk/gui.cc:946
msgid "Download already running."
msgstr "Stahov?n? ji? prob?h?."

#: src/gtk/gui.cc:300 src/gtk/gui.cc:948 src/ui.cc:1527 src/ui.cc:1766
msgid "A package-list update or install run is already taking place."
msgstr "Aktualizace seznamu bal?k? nebo jejich instalace ji? prob?h?."

#: src/gtk/gui.cc:359
#, c-format
msgid "Update %s?"
msgstr "Aktualizovat %s?"

#: src/gtk/gui.cc:385
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Replace configuration file\n"
msgstr ""
"Nahradit konfigura?n? soubor\n"

#: src/gtk/gui.cc:389
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The configuration file %s was modified (by you or by a script). An updated "
"version is shipped in this package. If you want to keep your current "
"version, choose 'No'. Do you want to replace the current file and install "
"the new package maintainers version? "
msgstr ""
"Konfigura?n? soubor %s byl zm?n?n (v?mi nebo konfigura?n?m skriptem). Tento "
"bal?k obsahuje nov?j?? verzi souboru. Chcete-li ponechat sou?asnou verzi, "
"zvolte ?Ne?. Chcete-li nahradit aktu?ln? soubor a nainstalovat nov?j?? verzi "
"od spr?vce bal?ku?"

#: src/gtk/gui.cc:417
#, c-format
msgid "Comparing %s to %s..."
msgstr "Porovn?n? %s v??i %s?"

#: src/gtk/gui.cc:738
msgid ""
"Interrupting this process could leave your system in an inconsistent state.  "
"Are you sure you want to stop applying your changes?"
msgstr ""
"P?eru?en? tohoto procesu m??e zanechat syst?m v nekonzistentn?m stavu. Jste "
"si jisti, ?e chcete zastavit prov?d?n? zm?n?"

#: src/gtk/gui.cc:776
msgid "Done applying changes!"
msgstr "Zm?ny provedeny!"

#: src/gtk/gui.cc:823
msgid "Applying changes..."
msgstr "Prov?d? se zm?ny?"

#: src/gtk/gui.cc:875
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s"
msgstr "%s: %s"

#: src/gtk/gui.cc:878
#, c-format
msgid "Error in package %s"
msgstr "Chyba v bal?ku %s"

#: src/gtk/gui.cc:906
#, c-format
msgid "Asking whether to replace the configuration file %s"
msgstr "Dotazuji se, zda nahradit konfigura?n? soubor %s"

#: src/gtk/gui.cc:962 src/ui.cc:1267
msgid "Downloading packages"
msgstr "Stahuj? se bal?ky"

#: src/gtk/gui.cc:1038
msgid "Broken packages"
msgstr "Poru?en? bal?ky"

#: src/gtk/gui.cc:1071
msgid "Show broken packages"
msgstr "Zobrazit poru?en? bal?ky"

#: src/gtk/gui.cc:1075
msgid "Resolve dependencies"
msgstr "Vy?e?it z?vislosti"

#: src/gtk/gui.cc:1103
#, c-format
msgid "%d package is broken"
msgid_plural "%d packages are broken."
msgstr[0] "%d bal?k je poru?en"
msgstr[1] "%d bal?ky jsou poru?eny"
msgstr[2] "%d bal?k? je poru?eno"

#: src/gtk/gui.cc:1147
msgid "View changes"
msgstr "Zobrazit zm?ny"

#: src/gtk/gui.cc:1151
msgid "Apply changes"
msgstr "Prov?st zm?ny"

#. TRANSLATORS: any numbers in this
#. string will be displayed in a larger
#. font.
#: src/gtk/gui.cc:1192
#, c-format
msgid "%d package to install"
msgid_plural "%d packages to install"
msgstr[0] "%d bal?k k instalaci"
msgstr[1] "%d bal?ky k instalaci"
msgstr[2] "%d bal?k? k instalaci"

#. TRANSLATORS: any numbers in this
#. string will be displayed in a larger
#. font.
#: src/gtk/gui.cc:1207
#, c-format
msgid "%d package to remove"
msgid_plural "%d packages to remove"
msgstr[0] "%d bal?k k odstran?n?"
msgstr[1] "%d bal?ky k odstran?n?"
msgstr[2] "%d bal?k? k odstran?n?"

#: src/gtk/gui.cc:1246
#, c-format
msgid "Download size: %sB."
msgstr "Ke sta?en?: %sB."

#: src/gtk/gui.cc:1289
#, c-format
msgid "Tags of %s:\n"
msgstr "?t?tky %s:\n"

#: src/gtk/gui.cc:1345
msgid "This feature is not implemented, yet."
msgstr "Tato vlastnost zat?m nen? implementovan?."

#: src/gtk/gui.cc:1351
msgid "Not implemented"
msgstr "Nen? implementov?no"

#: src/gtk/gui.cc:1403 src/gtk/gui.cc:1422
msgid "Install/Upgrade"
msgstr "Instalovat/Aktualizovat"

#: src/gtk/gui.cc:1429
msgid "Purge"
msgstr "Vy?istit"

#: src/gtk/gui.cc:1434
msgid "Keep"
msgstr "Ponechat"

#: src/gtk/gui.cc:1439
msgid "Hold"
msgstr "Podr?et"

#: src/gtk/gui.cc:1445
msgid "Set as automatic"
msgstr "Nastavit jako instalovan? automaticky"

#: src/gtk/gui.cc:1450
msgid "Set as manual"
msgstr "Nastavit jako instalovan? ru?n?"

#: src/gtk/gui.cc:1455
msgid "Toggle automatic status"
msgstr "P?epnout automatick?/ru?n? stav"

#: src/gtk/gui.cc:1780 src/gtk/init.cc:144
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to load the user interface definition file %s/aptitude.glade."
msgstr ""
"Nepoda?ilo se nahr?t soubor s definic? u?ivatelsk?ho rozhran? %s/aptitude."

#: src/gtk/changelog.cc:284
msgid "The changelog is empty."
msgstr "Seznam zm?n je pr?zdn?."

#: src/gtk/changelog.cc:286
msgid ""
"No new changelog entries; it looks like you installed a locally compiled "
"version of this package."
msgstr ""
"??dn? nov? zm?ny; zd? se, ?e jste nainstalovali lok?ln? vytvo?enou verzi "

#: src/gtk/changelog.cc:288
msgid ""
"No new changelog entries; this is likely due to a binary-only upload of this "
msgstr ""
"??dn? nov? zm?ny; to je nejsp?? kv?li tomu, ?e spr?vce nahr?l pouze bin?rn? "
"verzi bal?ku."

#: src/gtk/changelog.cc:390
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to download the changelog: %s"
msgstr "Nepoda?ilo se st?hnout seznam zm?n: %s"

#: src/gtk/changelog.cc:554 src/gtk/changelog.cc:692
#, c-format
msgid "Parsing the changelog of %s version %s..."
msgstr "Zpracov?v? se seznam zm?n bal?ku %s verze %s?"

#: src/gtk/changelog.cc:659
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You can only view changelogs of official Debian packages; the origin of %s "
"is unknown."
msgstr ""
"Seznamy zm?n m??ete prohl??et pouze u ofici?ln?ch debian?ch bal?k?; p?vod %s "
"je nezn?m?."

#: src/gtk/changelog.cc:663
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You can only view changelogs of official Debian packages; %s is from %s."
msgstr ""
"Seznamy zm?n m??ete prohl??et pouze u ofici?ln?ch debian?ch bal?k?; %s "
"poch?z? z %s."

#: src/gtk/changelog.cc:739
#, c-format
msgid "Downloading the changelog of %s version %s..."
msgstr "Stahuje se seznam zm?n bal?ku %s verze %s?"

#: src/gtk/changelog.cc:931
#, c-format
msgid "Preparing to download the changelog of %s version %s."
msgstr "P?ipravuje se sta?en? seznamu zm?n bal?ku %s verze %s."

#: src/gtk/info.cc:161 src/gtk/pkgview.cc:169
msgid "Current status"
msgstr "Aktu?ln? stav"

#: src/gtk/info.cc:163 src/gtk/pkgview.cc:171
msgid "Selected status"
msgstr "Zvolen? stav"

#: src/gtk/info.cc:496
msgid "Not available"
msgstr "Nen? dostupn?"

#: src/gtk/info.cc:545
msgid "Package information: version list"
msgstr "Informace o bal?ku: seznam verz?"

#: src/gtk/info.cc:555
msgid "Package information: dependency list"
msgstr "Informace o bal?ku: seznam z?vislost?"

#: src/gtk/info.cc:597
msgid "Please wait; reloading cache..."
msgstr "?ekejte pros?m, nahr?v? se cache?"

#: src/gtk/info.cc:779
msgid "Info"
msgstr "Informace"

#: src/gtk/packageinformation.cc:104 src/gtk/packageinformation.cc:106
#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:354 src/pkg_columnizer.cc:375
#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:382 src/pkg_grouppolicy.cc:269
#: src/pkg_info_screen.cc:134 src/pkg_info_screen.cc:135
#: src/pkg_ver_item.cc:345 src/pkg_ver_item.cc:379 src/qt/package.cc:224
#: src/qt/version.cc:114
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Nezn?m?"

#: src/gtk/packagestab.cc:203
#, c-format
msgid "No packages matched \"%s\"."
msgstr "??dn? bal?ky nevyhovuj? vzoru ?%s?."

#: src/gtk/packagestab.cc:313
msgid "Enter a search and click \"Find\" to display packages."
msgstr "Pro zobrazen? bal?k? zadejte vyhled?vac? vzor a klikn?te na ?Hledat?."

#: src/gtk/packagestab.cc:415
msgid "Packages: "
msgstr "Bal?ky: "

#: src/gtk/pkgview.cc:224
#, c-format
msgid "%s was installed automatically."
msgstr "%s byl nainstalov?n automaticky."

#: src/gtk/pkgview.cc:227
#, c-format
msgid "%s is being installed automatically."
msgstr "%s je instalov?n automaticky."

#: src/gtk/pkgview.cc:235
#, c-format
msgid "%s was installed manually."
msgstr "%s byl nainstalov?n ru?n?."

#: src/gtk/pkgview.cc:238
#, c-format
msgid "%s is being installed manually."
msgstr "%s je instalov?n ru?n?"

#: src/gtk/pkgview.cc:401
msgid "Cache reloading, please wait..."
msgstr "Cache se nahr?v?, ?ekejte pros?m?"

#: src/gtk/pkgview.cc:607
msgid "Searching..."
msgstr "Hled? se?"

#: src/gtk/pkgview.cc:718
msgid "Finalizing view"
msgstr "Dokon?uje se pohled"

#: src/gtk/pkgview.cc:718 src/pkg_tree.cc:204 src/pkg_tree.cc:215
#: src/pkg_tree.cc:226 src/pkg_tree.cc:238
msgid "Building view"
msgstr "Sestavuje se pohled"

#: src/gtk/previewtab.cc:97 src/pkg_grouppolicy.cc:677
msgid ""
"Packages with unsatisfied dependencies\n"
" The dependency requirements of these packages will be unmet after the "
"install is complete.\n"
" .\n"
" The presence of this tree probably indicates that something is broken, "
"either on your system or in the Debian archive."
msgstr ""
"Bal?ky s nespln?n?mi z?vislostmi\n"
" Z?vislosti t?chto bal?k? nebudou po dokon?en? instalace spln?ny.\n"
" .\n"
" P??tomnost tohoto stromu nazna?uje, ?e je n?co divn?ho ve va?em syst?mu "
"nebo v archivu Debianu."

#: src/gtk/previewtab.cc:98 src/pkg_grouppolicy.cc:678
msgid ""
"Packages being removed because they are no longer used\n"
" These packages are being deleted because they were automatically installed "
"to fulfill dependencies, and the planned action will result in no installed "
"package declaring an 'important' dependency on them.\n"
msgstr ""
"Bal?ky, kter? se ji? nepou??vaj? a budou odstran?ny\n"
" Tyto bal?ky jsou ozna?eny pro smaz?n?, proto?e byly nainstalov?ny "
"automaticky kv?li z?vislostem, kter? ji? nejsou pot?eba.\n"

#: src/gtk/previewtab.cc:99 src/pkg_grouppolicy.cc:679
msgid ""
"Packages being automatically held in their current state\n"
" These packages could be upgraded, but they have been kept in their current "
"state to avoid breaking dependencies."
msgstr ""
"Bal?ky automaticky podr?en? v aktu?ln?m stavu\n"
" Tyto bal?ky mohou b?t aktualizov?ny na nov?j?? verzi, ale jsou podr?eny ve "
"sv? st?vaj?c? verzi, aby se neporu?ily z?vislosti."

#: src/gtk/previewtab.cc:100 src/pkg_grouppolicy.cc:680
msgid ""
"Packages being automatically installed to satisfy dependencies\n"
" These packages are being installed because they are required by another "
"package you have chosen for installation."
msgstr ""
"Bal?ky automaticky instalovan? pro spln?n? z?vislost?\n"
" Tyto bal?ky budou automaticky nainstalov?ny, proto?e jsou vy?adov?ny jin?mi "
"bal?ky, kter? jste vybrali pro instalaci."

#: src/gtk/previewtab.cc:101 src/pkg_grouppolicy.cc:681
msgid ""
"Packages being deleted due to unsatisfied dependencies\n"
" These packages are being deleted because one or more of their dependencies "
"is no longer available, or because another package conflicts with them."
msgstr ""
"Bal?ky automaticky odstran?n? kv?li nespln?n?m z?vislostem\n"
" Tyto bal?ky budou odstran?ny, proto?e jedna nebo v?ce jejich z?vislost? ji? "
"nen? spln?na, nebo proto?e je s nimi jin? bal?k v konfliktu."

#: src/gtk/previewtab.cc:102 src/pkg_grouppolicy.cc:682
msgid ""
"Packages to be downgraded\n"
" An older version of these packages than is currently installed will be "
msgstr ""
"Bal?ky k degradaci\n"
" Tyto bal?ky budou nahrazeny svou star?? verz?."

#: src/gtk/previewtab.cc:103 src/pkg_grouppolicy.cc:683
msgid ""
"Packages being held back\n"
" These packages could be upgraded, but you have asked for them to be held at "
"their current version."
msgstr ""
"Bal?ky podr?en? v aktu?ln?m stavu\n"
" Tyto bal?ky mohou b?t aktualizov?ny na nov?j?? verzi, ale vy jste po??dali "
"o jejich podr?en? ve st?vaj?c? verzi."

#: src/gtk/previewtab.cc:104 src/pkg_grouppolicy.cc:684
msgid ""
"Packages to be reinstalled\n"
" These packages will be reinstalled."
msgstr ""
"Bal?ky k reinstalaci\n"
" Tyto bal?ky budou p?einstalov?ny."

#: src/gtk/previewtab.cc:105 src/pkg_grouppolicy.cc:685
msgid ""
"Packages to be installed\n"
" These packages have been manually selected for installation on your "
msgstr ""
"Bal?ky k instalaci\n"
" Tyto bal?ky jste vybrali pro instalaci na sv?j po??ta?."

#: src/gtk/previewtab.cc:106 src/pkg_grouppolicy.cc:686
msgid ""
"Packages to be removed\n"
" These packages have been manually selected for removal."
msgstr ""
"Bal?ky k odstran?n?\n"
" Tyto bal?ky jste vybrali pro odstran?n? ze syst?mu."

#: src/gtk/previewtab.cc:107 src/pkg_grouppolicy.cc:687
msgid ""
"Packages to be upgraded\n"
" These packages will be upgraded to a newer version."
msgstr ""
"Bal?ky k aktualizaci\n"
" Tyto bal?ky budou aktualizov?ny na nov?j?? verzi."

#: src/gtk/previewtab.cc:108 src/pkg_grouppolicy.cc:688
msgid ""
"Packages that are partially installed\n"
" These packages are not fully installed and configured; an attempt will be "
"made to complete their installation."
msgstr ""
"Bal?ky, kter? jsou nainstalov?ny jen ??ste?n?\n"
" Tyto bal?ky nejsou pln? nainstalov?ny a zkonfigurov?ny; aptitude se pokus? "
"dokon?it jejich instalaci."

#: src/gtk/previewtab.cc:179
msgid "Preview: "
msgstr "N?hled: "

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:68
#, c-format
msgid "Error in dependency resolver: %s"
msgstr "Chyba v ?e?iteli z?vislost?: %s"

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:71
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Fatal error in dependency resolver.  You can continue searching, but some "
"solutions might be impossible to generate.\n"
msgstr ""
"Osudov? chyba v ?e?iteli z?vislost?. M??ete pokra?ovat v hled?n?, av?ak \n"
"n?kter? ?e?en? se nemus? poda?it vygenerovat.\n"

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:212
msgid "Virtual package"
msgstr "Virtu?ln? bal?k"

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:246 src/solution_fragment.cc:457
msgid "Not Installed"
msgstr "Nenainstalovan?"

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:377
#, c-format
msgid "Removing %s is rejected."
msgstr "Odstran?n? %s je zam?tnuto."

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:382
#, c-format
msgid "Canceling the installation of %s is rejected."
msgstr "Zru?en? instalace %s je zam?tnuto."

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:391
#, c-format
msgid "Canceling the removal of %s is rejected."
msgstr "Zru?en? odstran?n? %s je zam?tnuto."

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:394
#, c-format
msgid "Keeping %s at version %s is rejected."
msgstr "Ponech?n? %s ve verzi %s je zam?tnuto."

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:401
#, c-format
msgid "Installing %s version %s is rejected."
msgstr "Instalace %s verzi %s je zam?tnuta."

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:407
#, c-format
msgid "Downgrading %s to version %s is rejected."
msgstr "Degradace %s na verzi %s je zam?tnuta."

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:413
#, c-format
msgid "Upgrading %s to version %s is rejected."
msgstr "Aktualizace %s na verzi %s je zam?tnuta."

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:430
#, c-format
msgid "Removing %s is preferred over all un-accepted alternatives."
msgstr "Odstran?n? %s je preferov?no p?ed v?emi ne-p?ijmut?mi alternativami."

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:435
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Canceling the installation of %s is preferred over all un-accepted "
msgstr ""
"Zru?en? instalace %s je preferov?no p?ed v?emi ne-p?ijmut?mi alternativami."

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:444
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Canceling the removal of %s is preferred over all un-accepted alternatives."
msgstr ""
"Zru?en? odstran?n? %s je preferov?no p?ed v?emi ne-p?ijmut?mi alternativami."

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:447
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Keeping %s at version %s is preferred over all un-accepted alternatives."
msgstr ""
"Ponech?n? %s ve verzi %s je preferov?no p?ed v?emi ne-p?ijmut?mi "

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:454
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Installing %s version %s is preferred over all un-accepted alternatives."
msgstr ""
"Instalace %s verze %s je preferov?na p?ed v?emi ne-p?ijmut?mi alternativami."

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:460
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Downgrading %s to version %s is preferred over all un-accepted alternatives."
msgstr ""
"Degradace %s na verzi %s je preferov?na p?ed v?emi ne-p?ijmut?mi "

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:466
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Upgrading %s to version %s is preferred over all un-accepted alternatives."
msgstr ""
"Aktualizace %s na verzi %s je preferov?na p?ed v?emi ne-p?ijmut?mi "

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:484
#, c-format
msgid "Leaving %ls unresolved is rejected."
msgstr "Ponech?n? nevy?e?en? z?vislosti ?%ls? je zam?tnuto."

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:490
#, c-format
msgid "Leaving %ls unresolved is preferred over all un-accepted alternatives."
msgstr ""
"Ponech?n? nevy?e?en? z?vislosti ?%ls? je preferov?no p?ed v?emi ne-"
"p?ijmut?mi alternativami."

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:908
msgid "How to treat the selected action"
msgid_plural "How to treat the selected actions"
msgstr[0] "Jak nalo?it s vybranou akc?"
msgstr[1] "Jak nalo?it s vybran?mi akcemi"
msgstr[2] "Jak nalo?it s vybran?mi akcemi"

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:912
msgid "Ignore solutions containing this action."
msgid_plural "Ignore solutions containing these actions."
msgstr[0] "Ignorovat ?e?en? obsahuj?c? tuto akci."
msgstr[1] "Ignorovat ?e?en? obsahuj?c? tyto akce."
msgstr[2] "Ignorovat ?e?en? obsahuj?c? tyto akce."

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:916
msgid ""
"Allow solutions containing this action, but do not prefer them to other "
msgid_plural ""
"Allow solutions containing these actions, but do not prefer them to other "
msgstr[0] "Povolit ?e?en? obsahuj?c? tuto akci, ale nijak je nezv?hod?ovat."
msgstr[1] "Povolit ?e?en? obsahuj?c? tyto akce, ale nijak je nezv?hod?ovat."
msgstr[2] "Povolit ?e?en? obsahuj?c? tyto akce, ale nijak je nezv?hod?ovat."

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:920
msgid ""
"Always prefer this action over alternatives that have not been accepted."
msgid_plural ""
"Always prefer these actions over alternatives that have not been accepted."
msgstr[0] ""
"V?dy up?ednost?ovat ?e?en? s touto akci p?ed alternativami, kter? nebyly "
msgstr[1] ""
"V?dy up?ednost?ovat ?e?en? s t?mito akcemi p?ed alternativami, kter? nebyly "
msgstr[2] ""
"V?dy up?ednost?ovat ?e?en? s t?mito akcemi p?ed alternativami, kter? nebyly "

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:1240 src/solution_fragment.cc:131
#, c-format
msgid "%s depends upon %s"
msgstr "%s z?vis? na %s"

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:1243 src/solution_fragment.cc:134
#, c-format
msgid "%s pre-depends upon %s"
msgstr "%s p?edz?vis? na %s"

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:1246 src/solution_fragment.cc:137
#, c-format
msgid "%s suggests %s"
msgstr "%s navrhuje %s"

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:1249 src/solution_fragment.cc:140
#: src/solution_item.cc:599
#, c-format
msgid "%s recommends %s"
msgstr "%s doporu?uje %s"

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:1252 src/solution_fragment.cc:143
#, c-format
msgid "%s conflicts with %s"
msgstr "%s koliduje s %s"

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:1255 src/solution_fragment.cc:146
#, c-format
msgid "%s breaks %s"
msgstr "%s poru?uje %s"

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:1258 src/solution_fragment.cc:149
#, c-format
msgid "%s replaces %s"
msgstr "%s nahrazuje %s"

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:1261 src/solution_fragment.cc:152
#, c-format
msgid "%s obsoletes %s"
msgstr "%s zastar?v? %s"

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:1264 src/solution_fragment.cc:155
#, c-format
msgid "%s enhances %s"
msgstr "%s vylep?uje %s"

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:1376 src/gtk/resolver.cc:1841
#: src/solution_screen.cc:272
msgid "Remove the following packages:"
msgstr "Odstranit n?sleduj?c? bal?ky:"

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:1390 src/gtk/resolver.cc:1853
#: src/solution_screen.cc:296
msgid "Install the following packages:"
msgstr "Instalovat n?sleduj?c? bal?ky:"

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:1403 src/gtk/resolver.cc:1865
msgid "Keep the following packages:"
msgstr "Ponechat n?sleduj?c? bal?ky:"

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:1416 src/gtk/resolver.cc:1877
#: src/solution_screen.cc:308
msgid "Upgrade the following packages:"
msgstr "Aktualizovat n?sleduj?c? bal?ky:"

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:1429 src/gtk/resolver.cc:1890
#: src/solution_screen.cc:320
msgid "Downgrade the following packages:"
msgstr "Degradovat n?sleduj?c? bal?ky:"

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:1442 src/gtk/resolver.cc:1903
#: src/solution_fragment.cc:513
msgid "Leave the following dependencies unresolved:"
msgstr "Ponechat n?sleduj?c? z?vislosti nevy?e?en?:"

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:1519
#, c-format
msgid "Remove %s [<big>%s</big> (%s)]"
msgstr "Odstran?n? %s [<big>%s</big> (%s)]"

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:1526
#, c-format
msgid "Install %s [<big>%s</big> (%s)]"
msgstr "Instalace %s [<big>%s</big> (%s)]"

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:1534
#, c-format
msgid "Cancel the installation of %s"
msgstr "Zru?en? instalace %s"

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:1537
#, c-format
msgid "Cancel the removal of %s"
msgstr "Zru?en? odstran?n? %s"

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:1540
#, c-format
msgid "Keep %s at version <big>%s</big> (%s)"
msgstr "Ponech?n? %s ve verzi <big>%s</big> (%s)"

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:1547
#, c-format
msgid "Upgrade %s [<big>%s</big> (%s) -> <big>%s</big> (%s)]"
msgstr "Aktualizace %s [<big>%s</big> (%s) -> <big>%s</big> (%s)]"

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:1556
#, c-format
msgid "Downgrade %s [<big>%s</big> (%s) -> <big>%s</big> (%s)]"
msgstr "Degradace %s [<big>%s</big> (%s) -> <big>%s</big> (%s)]"

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:1615
#, c-format
msgid "<b>Remove</b> %s"
msgstr "<b>Odstran?n?</b> %s"

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:1615
#, c-format
msgid "<b>remove</b> %s"
msgstr "<b>odstran?n?</b> %s"

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:1624
#, c-format
msgid "<b>Keep</b> %s at version %s"
msgstr "<b>Ponech?n?</b> %s ve verzi %s"

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:1624
#, c-format
msgid "<b>keep</b> %s at version %s"
msgstr "<b>ponech?n?</b> %s ve verzi %s"

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:1632
#, c-format
msgid "<b>Cancel</b> the installation of %s"
msgstr "<b>Zru?en?</b> instalace %s"

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:1632
#, c-format
msgid "<b>cancel</b> the installation of %s"
msgstr "<b>zru?en?</b> instalace %s"

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:1639
#, c-format
msgid "<b>Install</b> %s %s"
msgstr "<b>Instalace</b> %s %s"

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:1639
#, c-format
msgid "<b>install</b> %s %s"
msgstr "<b>instalace</b> %s %s"

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:1648
#, c-format
msgid "<b>Downgrade</b> %s to version %s"
msgstr "<b>Degradace</b> %s na verzi %s"

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:1648
#, c-format
msgid "<b>downgrade</b> %s to version %s"
msgstr "<b>degradace</b> %s na verzi %s"

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:1657
#, c-format
msgid "<b>Upgrade</b> %s to version %s"
msgstr "<b>Aktualizace</b> %s na verzi %s"

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:1657
#, c-format
msgid "<b>upgrade</b> %s to version %s"
msgstr "<b>aktualizace</b> %s na verzi %s"

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:1670
#, c-format
msgid "Leave %s unresolved"
msgstr "Ponechat z?vislost %s nevy?e?enou"

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:1670
#, c-format
msgid "leave %s unresolved"
msgstr "ponechat z?vislost %s nevy?e?enou"

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:1738
#, c-format
msgid "%s install"
msgid_plural "%s installs"
msgstr[0] "%s instalace"
msgstr[1] "%s instalace"
msgstr[2] "%s instalac?"

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:1743
#, c-format
msgid "%s remove"
msgid_plural "%s removes"
msgstr[0] "%s odstran?n?"
msgstr[1] "%s odstran?n?"
msgstr[2] "%s odstran?n?"

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:1749
#, c-format
msgid "%s keep"
msgid_plural "%s keeps"
msgstr[0] "%s ponech?n?"
msgstr[1] "%s ponech?n?"
msgstr[2] "%s ponech?n?"

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:1755
#, c-format
msgid "%s upgrade"
msgid_plural "%s upgrades"
msgstr[0] "%s aktualizace"
msgstr[1] "%s aktualizace"
msgstr[2] "%s aktualizac?"

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:1761
#, c-format
msgid "%s downgrade"
msgid_plural "%s downgrades"
msgstr[0] "%s degradace"
msgstr[1] "%s degradace"
msgstr[2] "%s degradac?"

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:1767
#, c-format
msgid "%s unresolved recommendation"
msgid_plural "%s unresolved recommendations"
msgstr[0] "%s nevy?e?en? doporu?en?"
msgstr[1] "%s nevy?e?en? doporu?en?"
msgstr[2] "%s nevy?e?en?ch doporu?en?"

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:2059
msgid "No solutions yet."
msgstr "Zat?m ??dn? ?e?en?."

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:2066
msgid "No dependency solution was found."
msgstr "??dn? ?e?en? z?vislost? nebylo nalezeno."

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:2067
msgid "No solutions."
msgstr "??dn? ?e?en?."

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:2078
msgid "To view a solution, select it from the list to the right."
msgstr "Pro zobrazen? ?e?en? jej vyberte ze seznamu na prav? stran?."

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:2079
#, c-format
msgid "%u solution."
msgid_plural "%u solutions."
msgstr[0] "%u ?e?en?."
msgstr[1] "%u ?e?en?."
msgstr[2] "%u ?e?en?."

#: src/gtk/resolver.cc:2111
#, c-format
msgid "Solution %s of %s."
msgstr "?e?en? %s z %s."

#: src/gtk/tab.cc:68
msgid "Download"
msgstr "Stahov?n?"

#: src/load_config.cc:48
#, c-format
msgid "Unrecognized color name \"%s\""
msgstr "Nerozpoznan? jm?no barvy ?%s?"

#: src/load_config.cc:75
#, c-format
msgid "Unrecognized attribute name \"%s\""
msgstr "Nerozpoznan? jm?no atributu ?%s?"

#: src/load_config.cc:113
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid entry in style definition group: \"%s\""
msgstr "Chybn? z?znam v definic?ch stylu: ?%s?"

#: src/load_config.cc:115
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid tagless entry in style definition group: \"%s\""
msgstr "Chybn? neozna?en? z?znam v definic?ch stylu: ?%s?"

#: src/load_config.cc:127
msgid "The default color may only be used as a background."
msgstr "V?choz? barva m??e b?t pou?ita jen jako pozad?."

#: src/load_config.cc:144
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown style attribute %s"
msgstr "Nezn?m? atribut stylu: %s"

#: src/load_config.cc:167 src/load_config.cc:169
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid entry in keybinding group: \"%s\""
msgstr "Chybn? z?znam v definic?ch kl?ves: ?%s?"

#: src/load_config.cc:184
#, c-format
msgid "Ignoring invalid keybinding \"%s\" -> \"%s\""
msgstr "Ignoruji neplatn? v?z?n? kl?vesy ?%s? -> ?%s?"

#: src/load_grouppolicy.cc:289
#, c-format
msgid "Expected policy identifier, got '%c'"
msgstr "O?ek?v?n identifik?tor pravidla, obdr?en ?%c?"

#: src/load_grouppolicy.cc:305
#, c-format
msgid "Expected ',', '%c', or '('; got '%c'"
msgstr "O?ek?v?n znak ?,?, ?%c? nebo ?(?, obdr?en ?%c?"

#: src/load_grouppolicy.cc:309
#, c-format
msgid "Expected ',' or '(', got '%c'"
msgstr "O?ek?v?n znak ?,? nebo ?(?, obdr?en ?%c?"

#: src/load_grouppolicy.cc:317
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown grouping policy \"%s\""
msgstr "Nezn?m? seskupovac? pravidlo ?%s?"

#: src/load_grouppolicy.cc:324
#, c-format
msgid "Terminal policy '%s' should be the last policy in the list"
msgstr "Termin?ln? pravidlo ?%s? by m?lo b?t v seznamu posledn?"

#: src/load_grouppolicy.cc:385
msgid "Unmatched '(' in grouping policy"
msgstr "Nep?rov? ?(? v seskupovac?m mechanizmu"

#: src/load_grouppolicy.cc:413
#, c-format
msgid "Bad section name '%s' (use 'none', 'topdir', 'subdir', or 'subdirs')"
msgstr ""
"Chybn? n?zev sekce ?%s? (pou?ijte ?none?, ?topdir?, ?subdir? nebo ?subdirs?)"

#: src/load_grouppolicy.cc:423
#, c-format
msgid "Bad passthrough setting '%s' (use 'passthrough' or 'nopassthrough')"
msgstr ""
"Chybn? nastaven? passthrough ?%s? (pou?ijte ?passthrough? nebo "

#: src/load_grouppolicy.cc:428 src/load_grouppolicy.cc:544
#: src/load_grouppolicy.cc:621
#, c-format
msgid "Too many arguments to '%s' grouping policy"
msgstr "P??li? mnoho argument? pro seskupov?n? podle ?%s?"

#: src/load_grouppolicy.cc:441 src/load_grouppolicy.cc:521
#: src/load_grouppolicy.cc:532 src/load_grouppolicy.cc:555
#: src/load_grouppolicy.cc:566 src/load_grouppolicy.cc:577
#: src/load_grouppolicy.cc:608 src/load_grouppolicy.cc:766
#, c-format
msgid "Grouping policy '%s' takes no arguments"
msgstr "Seskupov?n? podle ?%s? nepou??v? ??dn? argumenty"

#: src/load_grouppolicy.cc:460 src/load_grouppolicy.cc:636
#, c-format
msgid "Expected '(' after '%s'"
msgstr "Za ?%s? se o?ek?v? ?(?"

#: src/load_grouppolicy.cc:497
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to parse pattern at '%s'"
msgstr "Nelze zpracovat vzor na ?%s?"

#: src/load_grouppolicy.cc:502
msgid "Exactly one filter must be provided as an argument to a 'filter' policy"
msgstr "Seskupov?n? podle ?filter? vy?aduje pr?v? jeden n?zev filtru."

#: src/load_grouppolicy.cc:644
#, c-format
msgid "Missing arguments to '%s' grouping policy"
msgstr "P??li? m?lo argument? pro seskupov?n? podle ?%s?"

#: src/load_grouppolicy.cc:667
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to parse pattern after \"%s\""
msgstr "Nelze zpracovat vzor za ?%s?"

#: src/load_grouppolicy.cc:705
#, c-format
msgid "Unexpectedly empty tree title after \"%s\""
msgstr "Neo?ek?van? pr?zdn? n?zev stromu po ?%s?"

#: src/load_grouppolicy.cc:724
#, c-format
msgid "Expected '{', ')', or ',' following '||', got '%s'"
msgstr "O?ek?v?n znak ?{?, ?)? nebo ?,? n?sledovan? ?||?, obdr?en ?%s?"

#: src/load_grouppolicy.cc:750
#, c-format
msgid "Unmatched '(' in '%s' grouping policy"
msgstr "Nep?rov? ?(? v seskupovac?m mechanizmu podle ?%s?"

#: src/load_pkgview.cc:64
msgid "Couldn't parse layout: No column format specified for static item"
msgstr "Nelze zpracovat rozlo?en?: Statick? polo?ka nem? zad?n form?t sloupce"

#: src/load_pkgview.cc:97
msgid "Couldn't parse layout: encoding error in column descriptor"
msgstr "Nelze zpracovat rozlo?en?: chyba k?dov?n? v popisu sloupce"

#: src/load_pkgview.cc:118
#, c-format
msgid "Couldn't parse layout: unknown view item type \"%s\""
msgstr "Nelze zpracovat rozlo?en?: nezn?m? typ polo?ky pohledu ?%s?"

#: src/load_pkgview.cc:125 src/load_pkgview.cc:133
msgid "Couldn't parse layout: no row number specified"
msgstr "Nelze zpracovat rozlo?en?: nen? zad?no ??slo sloupce"

#: src/load_pkgview.cc:141
msgid "Couldn't parse layout: no width specified"
msgstr "Nelze zpracovat rozlo?en?: nen? zad?na ???ka"

#: src/load_pkgview.cc:149
msgid "Couldn't parse layout: no height specified"
msgstr "Nelze zpracovat rozlo?en?: nen? zad?na v??ka"

#: src/load_pkgview.cc:180 src/load_pkgview.cc:198
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown alignment type '%s'"
msgstr "Nezn?m? typ zarovn?n? ?%s?"

#: src/load_sortpolicy.cc:51 src/load_sortpolicy.cc:64
#: src/load_sortpolicy.cc:77 src/load_sortpolicy.cc:90
#: src/load_sortpolicy.cc:103 src/load_sortpolicy.cc:117
#, c-format
msgid "Sorting policy '%s' takes no arguments"
msgstr "?azen? podle ?%s? nepou??v? ??dn? argumenty"

#: src/load_sortpolicy.cc:178
msgid "Invalid zero-length sorting policy name"
msgstr "Neplatn? n?zev ?ad?c?ho mechanizmu"

#: src/load_sortpolicy.cc:196
msgid "Unmatched '(' in sorting policy description"
msgstr "Nep?rov? ?(? v popisu ?ad?c?ho mechanizmu"

#: src/load_sortpolicy.cc:223
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid sorting policy type '%s'"
msgstr "Neplatn? ?ad?c? mechanizmus ?%s?"

#: src/main.cc:133
#, c-format
msgid "Can't decode multibyte string after \"%ls\""
msgstr "Nemohu dek?dovat v?cebajtov? ?et?zec za ?%ls?"

#: src/main.cc:142
#, c-format
msgid "Can't decode wide-character string after \"%s\""
msgstr "Nemohu dek?dovat ?et?zec se ?irok?mi znaky za ?%s?"

#: src/main.cc:150
#, c-format
msgid "%s %s compiled at %s %s\n"
msgstr "%s %s zkompilov?n %s %s\n"

#: src/main.cc:153
#, c-format
msgid "Compiler: g++ %s\n"
msgstr "Kompil?tor: g++ %s\n"

#: src/main.cc:155
msgid "Compiled against:\n"
msgstr "Zkompilov?no proti:\n"

#: src/main.cc:156
#, c-format
msgid "  apt version %d.%d.%d\n"
msgstr "  apt verze %d.%d.%d\n"

#: src/main.cc:159
#, c-format
msgid "  NCurses version: Unknown\n"
msgstr "  NCurses verze: nezn?m?\n"

#: src/main.cc:161
#, c-format
msgid "  NCurses version %s\n"
msgstr "  NCurses verze %s\n"

#: src/main.cc:163
#, c-format
msgid "  libsigc++ version: %s\n"
msgstr "  libsigc++ verze: %s\n"

#: src/main.cc:165
#, c-format
msgid "  Gtk+ version %d.%d.%d\n"
msgstr "  Gtk+ verze %d.%d.%d\n"

#: src/main.cc:167
#, c-format
msgid "  Gtk-- version %d.%d.%d\n"
msgstr "  Gtk-- verze %d.%d.%d\n"

#: src/main.cc:170
#, c-format
msgid "  Gtk+ support disabled.\n"
msgstr "  Podpora Gtk+ zak?z?na.\n"

#: src/main.cc:173
#, c-format
msgid "  Compiled with Qt %s\n"
msgstr "  Zkompilov?no s Qt %s\n"

#: src/main.cc:174
#, c-format
msgid "  Running on Qt %s\n"
msgstr "  Pou??v? Qt %s\n"

#: src/main.cc:176
#, c-format
msgid "  Qt support disabled.\n"
msgstr "  Podpora Qt zak?z?na.\n"

#: src/main.cc:178
msgid ""
"Current library versions:\n"
msgstr ""
"Aktu?ln? verze knihoven:\n"

#: src/main.cc:179
#, c-format
msgid "  NCurses version: %s\n"
msgstr "  NCurses verze: %s\n"

#: src/main.cc:180
#, c-format
msgid "  cwidget version: %s\n"
msgstr "  cwidget verze: %s\n"

#: src/main.cc:181
#, c-format
msgid "  Apt version: %s\n"
msgstr "  Apt verze: %s\n"

#: src/main.cc:187
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: aptitude [-S fname] [-u|-i]"
msgstr "Pou?it?: aptitude [-S n?zsoub] [-u|-i]"

#: src/main.cc:189
#, c-format
msgid "       aptitude [options] <action> ..."
msgstr "       aptitude [volby] <akce> ?"

#: src/main.cc:191
#, c-format
msgid ""
"  Actions (if none is specified, aptitude will enter interactive mode):\n"
msgstr ""
"  Akce (pokud nejsou zad?ny, aptitude spust? interaktivn? re?im):\n"

#: src/main.cc:192
#, c-format
msgid " install      - Install/upgrade packages.\n"
msgstr " install      - Instaluje/aktualizuje bal?ky.\n"

#: src/main.cc:193
#, c-format
msgid " remove       - Remove packages.\n"
msgstr " remove       - Odstran? bal?ky.\n"

#: src/main.cc:194
#, c-format
msgid " purge        - Remove packages and their configuration files.\n"
msgstr " purge        - Odstran? bal?ky a jejich konfigura?n? soubory.\n"

#: src/main.cc:195
#, c-format
msgid " hold         - Place packages on hold.\n"
msgstr " hold         - Ochr?n? bal?ky p?ed aktualizac?.\n"

#: src/main.cc:196
#, c-format
msgid " unhold       - Cancel a hold command for a package.\n"
msgstr " unhold       - Zru?? ochranu bal?ku p?ed aktualizac?.\n"

#: src/main.cc:197
#, c-format
msgid " markauto     - Mark packages as having been automatically installed.\n"
msgstr " markauto     - Ozna?? bal?ky, jako ?e byly instalov?ny automaticky.\n"

#: src/main.cc:198
#, c-format
msgid " unmarkauto   - Mark packages as having been manually installed.\n"
msgstr " unmarkauto   - Ozna?? bal?ky, jako ?e byly instalov?ny ru?n?.\n"

#: src/main.cc:199
#, c-format
msgid ""
" forbid-version - Forbid aptitude from upgrading to a specific package "
msgstr ""
" forbid-version - Zak??e aptitude aktualizaci na konkr?tn? verzi bal?ku.\n"

#: src/main.cc:200
#, c-format
msgid " update       - Download lists of new/upgradable packages.\n"
msgstr " update       - St?hne seznamy nov?ch/aktualizovateln?ch bal?k?.\n"

#: src/main.cc:201
#, c-format
msgid " safe-upgrade - Perform a safe upgrade.\n"
msgstr " safe-upgrade - Provede bezpe?nou aktualizaci.\n"

#: src/main.cc:202
#, c-format
msgid ""
" full-upgrade - Perform an upgrade, possibly installing and removing "
msgstr ""
" full-upgrade - Provede aktualizaci, p?i kter? mo?n? (na|od)instaluje "

#: src/main.cc:203
#, c-format
msgid " build-dep    - Install the build-dependencies of packages.\n"
msgstr " build-dep    - Instaluje z?vislosti pro sestaven? bal?k?.\n"

#: src/main.cc:204
#, c-format
msgid " forget-new   - Forget what packages are \"new\".\n"
msgstr " forget-new   - Zapomene, kter? bal?ky jsou ?nov??.\n"

#: src/main.cc:205
#, c-format
msgid " search       - Search for a package by name and/or expression.\n"
msgstr " search       - Hled? bal?ky podle jm?na a/nebo v?razu.\n"

#: src/main.cc:206
#, c-format
msgid " show         - Display detailed information about a package.\n"
msgstr " show         - Zobraz? podrobn? informace o bal?ku.\n"

#: src/main.cc:207
#, c-format
msgid " versions     - Displays the versions of specified packages.\n"
msgstr " versions     - Zobraz? verze zadan?ch bal?k?\n"

#: src/main.cc:208
#, c-format
msgid " clean        - Erase downloaded package files.\n"
msgstr " clean        - Sma?e sta?en? .deb soubory bal?k?.\n"

#: src/main.cc:209
#, c-format
msgid " autoclean    - Erase old downloaded package files.\n"
msgstr " autoclean    - Sma?e star? sta?en? .deb soubory bal?k?.\n"

#: src/main.cc:210
#, c-format
msgid " changelog    - View a package's changelog.\n"
msgstr " changelog    - Zobraz? seznam zm?n bal?ku.\n"

#: src/main.cc:211
#, c-format
msgid " download     - Download the .deb file for a package.\n"
msgstr " download     - St?hne .deb soubor bal?ku.\n"

#: src/main.cc:212
#, c-format
msgid ""
" reinstall    - Download and (possibly) reinstall a currently installed "
msgstr " reinstall    - St?hne a (mo?n?) p?einstaluje ji? instalovan? bal?k.\n"

#: src/main.cc:213
#, c-format
msgid ""
" why          - Show the manually installed packages that require a package, "
"                why one or more packages would require the given package.\n"
msgstr ""
" why          - Zobraz? ru?n? instalovan? bal?ky, kter? vy?aduj? bal?k,\n"
"                nebo pro? by jeden ?i v?ce bal?k? vy?adovalo dan? bal?k.\n"

#: src/main.cc:215
#, c-format
msgid ""
" why-not      - Show the manually installed packages that lead to a "
"                with the given package, or why one or more packages would\n"
"                lead to a conflict with the given package if installed.\n"
msgstr ""
" why-not      - Zobraz? ru?n? instalovan? bal?ky, kter? vedou ke konfliktu\n"
"                se zadan?m bal?kem, nebo pro? by jeden ?i v?ce bal?k?\n"
"                vedlo ke konfliktu s dan?m bal?kem, kdyby byl instalov?n.\n"

#: src/main.cc:219
#, c-format
msgid "  Options:\n"
msgstr "  Volby:\n"

#: src/main.cc:220
#, c-format
msgid " -h             This help text.\n"
msgstr " -h             Tato n?pov?da.\n"

#: src/main.cc:222
#, c-format
msgid ""
" --gui          Use the GTK GUI even if disabled in the configuration.\n"
msgstr " --gui          Pou?ije GTK GUI, i kdy? je v konfiguraci zak?z?no.\n"

#: src/main.cc:224
#, c-format
msgid " --no-gui       Do not use the GTK GUI even if available.\n"
msgstr " --no-gui       Nepou?ije GTK GUI, i kdy? je dostupn?.\n"

#: src/main.cc:226
#, c-format
msgid " --qt           Use the Qt GUI.\n"
msgstr " --qt           Pou?ije Qt GUI\n"

#: src/main.cc:227
#, c-format
msgid ""
" --no-qt        Do not use the Qt GUI even if enabled in the configuration.\n"
msgstr " --no-qt        Nepou?ije Qt GUI, i kdy? je v konfiguraci povoleno.\n"

#: src/main.cc:229
#, c-format
msgid " -s             Simulate actions, but do not actually perform them.\n"
msgstr " -s             Pouze simuluje, nic re?ln? neprov?d?.\n"

#: src/main.cc:230
#, c-format
msgid ""
" -d             Only download packages, do not install or remove anything.\n"
msgstr ""
" -d             St?hne bal?ky, ale nic neinstaluje nebo neodstra?uje.\n"

#: src/main.cc:231
#, c-format
msgid " -P             Always prompt for confirmation of actions.\n"
msgstr " -P             V?dy vy?aduje potvrzen? akc?.\n"

#: src/main.cc:232
#, c-format
msgid ""
" -y             Assume that the answer to simple yes/no questions is 'yes'.\n"
msgstr ""
" -y             Na jednoduch? ano/ne ot?zky odpov? automaticky ?ano?.\n"

#: src/main.cc:233
#, c-format
msgid ""
" -F format      Specify a format for displaying search results; see the "
msgstr ""
" -F form?t      Ur?? form?t pro zobrazen? v?sledk? hled?n?; viz manu?l.\n"

#: src/main.cc:234
#, c-format
msgid ""
" -O order       Specify how search results should be sorted; see the "
msgstr ""
" -O ?azen?      Ur??, jak se maj? v?sledky hled?n? se?adit; viz manu?l.\n"

#: src/main.cc:235
#, c-format
msgid ""
" -w width       Specify the display width for formatting search results.\n"
msgstr " -w ???ka       Ur?? ???ku zobrazen? v?sledk? hled?n?.\n"

#: src/main.cc:236
#, c-format
msgid " -f             Aggressively try to fix broken packages.\n"
msgstr " -f             Agresivn? zkus? opravit poru?en? bal?ky.\n"

#: src/main.cc:237
#, c-format
msgid " -V             Show which versions of packages are to be installed.\n"
msgstr " -V             Zobraz? verze bal?k?, kter? se maj? instalovat.\n"

#: src/main.cc:238
#, c-format
msgid ""
" -D             Show the dependencies of automatically changed packages.\n"
msgstr " -D             Zobraz? z?vislosti automaticky zm?n?n?ch bal?k?.\n"

#: src/main.cc:239
#, c-format
msgid " -Z             Show the change in installed size of each package.\n"
msgstr ""
" -Z             Zobraz? zm?nu v instalovan? velikosti ka?d?ho bal?ku.\n"

#: src/main.cc:240
#, c-format
msgid ""
" -v             Display extra information. (may be supplied multiple "
msgstr ""
" -v             Zobraz? dodate?n? informace. (M??ete zadat n?kolikr?t.)\n"

#: src/main.cc:241
#, c-format
msgid ""
" -t [release]   Set the release from which packages should be installed.\n"
msgstr ""
" -t [verze]     Vybere verzi Debianu, ze kter? se maj? bal?ky instalovat.\n"

#: src/main.cc:242
#, c-format
msgid ""
" -q             In command-line mode, suppress the incremental progress\n"
"                indicators.\n"
msgstr " -q             V p??kazov?m re?imu potla?? indik?tory postupu.\n"

#: src/main.cc:244
#, c-format
msgid " -o key=val     Directly set the configuration option named 'key'.\n"
msgstr " -o kl??=hodn   Nastav? konfigura?n? volbu nazvanou ?kl???.\n"

#: src/main.cc:245
#, c-format
msgid ""
" --with(out)-recommends\tSpecify whether or not to treat recommends as\n"
"                strong dependencies.\n"
msgstr ""
" --with(out)-recommends\tNastav?, zda se maj? doporu?en? z?vislosti\n"
"                br?t jako siln? z?vislosti.\n"

#: src/main.cc:247
#, c-format
msgid " -S fname       Read the aptitude extended status info from fname.\n"
msgstr " -S jmsou       Na?te roz???en? stavov? informace ze souboru jmsou.\n"

#: src/main.cc:248
#, c-format
msgid " -u             Download new package lists on startup.\n"
msgstr " -u             P?i startu st?hne nov? seznamy bal?k?.\n"

#: src/main.cc:249 src/main.cc:251
#, c-format
msgid "                  (terminal interface only)\n"
msgstr "                  (pouze v termin?lov?m rozhran?)\n"

#: src/main.cc:250
#, c-format
msgid " -i             Perform an install run on startup.\n"
msgstr " -i             P?i startu spust? instalaci.\n"

#: src/main.cc:253
#, c-format
msgid "                  This aptitude does not have Super Cow Powers.\n"
msgstr "                  Tato aptitude nem? schopnosti svat? kr?vy.\n"

#. TRANSLATORS: This is a log level that the user can pass on
#. the command-line or set in the configuration file.
#: src/main.cc:377
msgid "trace"
msgstr "trace"

#. TRANSLATORS: This is a log level that the user can pass on
#. the command-line or set in the configuration file.
#: src/main.cc:380
msgid "debug"
msgstr "debug"

#. TRANSLATORS: This is a log level that the user can pass on
#. the command-line or set in the configuration file.
#: src/main.cc:383
msgid "info"
msgstr "info"

#. TRANSLATORS: This is a log level that the user can pass on
#. the command-line or set in the configuration file.
#: src/main.cc:386
msgid "warn"
msgstr "warn"

#. TRANSLATORS: This is a log level that the user can pass on
#. the command-line or set in the configuration file.
#: src/main.cc:389
msgid "error"
msgstr "error"

#. TRANSLATORS: This is a log level that the user can pass on
#. the command-line or set in the configuration file.
#: src/main.cc:392
msgid "fatal"
msgstr "fatal"

#. TRANSLATORS: This is a log level that the user can pass on
#. the command-line or set in the configuration file.
#: src/main.cc:395
msgid "off"
msgstr "off"

#. TRANSLATORS: both the translated and the untranslated
#. log level names are accepted here.
#: src/main.cc:463
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Unknown log level name \"%s\" (expected \"trace\", \"debug\", \"info\", "
"\"warn\", \"error\", \"fatal\", or \"off\")."
msgstr ""
"Nezn?m? n?zev logovac? ?rovn? ?%s? (o?ek?v?no ?trace?, ?debug?, ?info?, "
"?warn?, ?error?, ?fatal? nebo ?off?)."

#. TRANSLATORS: following paragraph copied from src/generic/util/logging.h
#. *
#. *  A category consists of one or more nonempty components
#. *  separated by ".", such as "aptitude.util.logging", with
#. *  the exception that the root logger is indicated by the
#. *  empty string ("").
#. *
#. * A list of the used ones in src/loggers.h
#. *
#. * So 'logger' here is the name of the 'category', 'component' or
#. * 'module', in the case that users want to configure different logging
#. * levels for different categories (e.g. level 'warn' for
#. * 'aptitude.changelog', debug for 'aptitude.why'), etc.
#: src/main.cc:486
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid logger name \"%s\"."
msgstr "Neplatn? jm?no pro logov?n? ?%s?"

#: src/main.cc:763
#, c-format
msgid "Expected a number after -q=\n"
msgstr "Za -q= je o?ek?v?no ??slo\n"

#: src/main.cc:772
#, c-format
msgid "Expected a number after -q=, got %s\n"
msgstr "Za -q= je o?ek?v?no ??slo, zad?no %s\n"

#: src/main.cc:796
#, c-format
msgid "-o requires an argument of the form key=value, got %s\n"
msgstr "-o vy?aduje argument ve tvaru kl??=hodnota, zad?no %s\n"

#: src/main.cc:886
#, c-format
msgid "No comma following tag name \"%s\".\n"
msgstr "N?zev ?t?tku ?%s? nen?sleduje ??rka.\n"

#: src/main.cc:978 src/main.cc:988
msgid "WEIRDNESS: unknown option code received\n"
msgstr "PODIVN?: obdr?en k?d nezn?m? volby\n"

#: src/main.cc:1006
msgid "--show-package-names|never"
msgstr "--show-package-names|never"

#: src/main.cc:1009
msgid "--show-package-names|auto"
msgstr "--show-package-names|auto"

#: src/main.cc:1012
msgid "--show-package-names|always"
msgstr "--show-package-names|always"

#: src/main.cc:1017
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Invalid package names display mode \"%s\" (should be \"never\", \"auto\", or "
msgstr ""
"Neplatn? zp?sob zobrazen? bal?k? ?%s? (m?l by b?t ?never?, ?auto? nebo "

#: src/main.cc:1023
msgid "no-summary"
msgstr "no-summary"

#: src/main.cc:1025
msgid "first-package"
msgstr "first-package"

#: src/main.cc:1027
msgid "first-package-and-type"
msgstr "first-package-and-type"

#: src/main.cc:1029
msgid "all-packages"
msgstr "all-packages"

#: src/main.cc:1031
msgid "all-packages-with-dep-versions"
msgstr "all-packages-with-dep-versions"

#. TRANSLATORS: "why" here is the aptitude command name and should not
#. be translated.  Both the translated and the untranslated log level
#. names are accepted here.
#: src/main.cc:1038
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Invalid \"why\" summary mode \"%s\": expected \"no-summary\", \"first-package"
"\", \"first-package-and-type\", \"all-packages\", or \"all-packages-with-dep-"
msgstr ""
"Neplatn? typ souhrnu ?%s? p??kazu ?why? (o?ek?v?no ?no-summary?, ?first-"
"package?, ?first-package-and-type?, ?all-packages? nebo ?all-packages-with-"

#: src/main.cc:1079
msgid ""
"Only one of --auto-clean-on-startup, --clean-on-startup, -i, and -u may be "
msgstr ""
"M??ete zadat pouze jednu z voleb --auto-clean-on-startup, --clean-on-"
"startup, -i nebo -u\n"

#: src/main.cc:1088
msgid ""
"-u, -i, and --clean-on-startup may not be specified in command-line mode "
"(eg, with 'install')"
msgstr ""
"-u, -i a --clean-on-startup nemohou b?t pou?ity v ??dkov?m m?du (nap?. s "

#: src/main.cc:1105
msgid "-u, -i, and --clean-on-startup may not be specified with a command"
msgstr "-u, -i a --clean-on-startup nemohou b?t pou?ity spole?n? s p??kazem"

#: src/main.cc:1216
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown command \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "Nezn?m? p??kaz ?%s?\n"

#: src/main.cc:1228 src/main.cc:1313
#, c-format
msgid "Uncaught exception: %s\n"
msgstr "Neodchycen? v?jimka: %s\n"

#: src/main.cc:1232 src/main.cc:1317
#, c-format
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#: src/menu_text_layout.cc:43 src/menu_tree.cc:232 src/ui.cc:260
#: src/view_changelog.cc:168
msgid "Search for: "
msgstr "Hledat: "

#: src/menu_text_layout.cc:75 src/menu_tree.cc:249 src/view_changelog.cc:180
msgid "Search backwards for: "
msgstr "Hledat p?edchoz?: "

#: src/mine/cmine.cc:115 src/mine/cmine.cc:154 src/ui.cc:1771
msgid "Minesweeper"
msgstr "Hled?n? min"

#: src/mine/cmine.cc:120
#, c-format
msgid "%i/%i mines  %d %s"
msgstr "%i/%i min  %d %s"

#: src/mine/cmine.cc:124 src/mine/cmine.cc:129
msgid "second"
msgstr "sekundu"

#: src/mine/cmine.cc:124 src/mine/cmine.cc:129
msgid "seconds"
msgstr "sekund"

#: src/mine/cmine.cc:126
#, c-format
msgid "    %s in %d %s"
msgstr "    %s za %d %s"

#: src/mine/cmine.cc:127
msgid "Won"
msgstr "Vyhr?l"

#: src/mine/cmine.cc:127
msgid "Lost"
msgstr "Prohr?l"

#: src/mine/cmine.cc:169 src/mine/cmine.cc:209
#, c-format
msgid "Could not open file \"%s\""
msgstr "Nelze otev??t soubor ?%s?"

#: src/mine/cmine.cc:182
#, c-format
msgid "Could not load game from %s"
msgstr "Nelze nahr?t hru z %s"

#: src/mine/cmine.cc:247
msgid "The board height must be a positive integer"
msgstr "V??ka desky mus? b?t cel? kladn? ??slo"

#: src/mine/cmine.cc:258
msgid "The board width must be a positive integer"
msgstr "???ka desky mus? b?t cel? kladn? ??slo"

#: src/mine/cmine.cc:269
msgid "Invalid mine count; please enter a positive integer"
msgstr "Neplatn? po?et min; zadejte pros?m cel? kladn? ??slo"

#: src/mine/cmine.cc:289
msgid "Setup custom game"
msgstr "Nastavit vlastn? hru"

#: src/mine/cmine.cc:291
msgid "Height of board: "
msgstr "V??ka desky: "

#: src/mine/cmine.cc:294
msgid "Width of board: "
msgstr "???ka desky: "

#: src/mine/cmine.cc:297
msgid "Number of mines: "
msgstr "Po?et min: "

#: src/mine/cmine.cc:300 src/mine/cmine.cc:365 src/ui.cc:293 src/ui.cc:365
msgid "Ok"
msgstr "Ok"

#: src/mine/cmine.cc:358
msgid "Choose difficulty level"
msgstr "Zvolte obt??nost"

#: src/mine/cmine.cc:360
msgid "Easy"
msgstr "Jednoduch?"

#: src/mine/cmine.cc:361
msgid "Medium"
msgstr "Norm?ln?"

#: src/mine/cmine.cc:362
msgid "Hard"
msgstr "T??k?"

#: src/mine/cmine.cc:363
msgid "Custom"
msgstr "Vlastn?"

#: src/mine/cmine.cc:461
msgid "You have won."
msgstr "Vyhr?li jste."

#: src/mine/cmine.cc:464
msgid "You lose!"
msgstr "Prohr?li jste!"

#: src/mine/cmine.cc:469
msgid "You die...  --More--"
msgstr "Um?r??...  --V?ce--"

#: src/mine/cmine.cc:482
msgid "The spikes were poisoned!  The poison was deadly...  --More--"
msgstr "Bodce byly otr?ven?! Otrava byla smrteln?...  --V?ce--"

#: src/mine/cmine.cc:485
msgid "You land on a set of sharp iron spikes!  --More--"
msgstr "Spadl jsi na ostr? ?elezn? bodce!  --V?ce--"

#: src/mine/cmine.cc:488
msgid "You fall into a pit!  --More--"
msgstr "Spadl jsi do j?my!  --V?ce--"

#: src/mine/cmine.cc:491
msgid "KABOOM!  You step on a land mine.  --More--"
msgstr "PR?SK! ?l?pl jsi na minu.  --V?ce--"

#: src/mine/cmine.cc:496
msgid "The dart was poisoned!  The poison was deadly...  --More--"
msgstr "?ipka byla otr?ven?! Otrava byla smrteln?... --V?ce--"

#: src/mine/cmine.cc:498
msgid ""
"A little dart shoots out at you!  You are hit by a little dart!  --More--"
msgstr "Odn?kud na tebe vylet?la mal? ?ipka! ?ipka t? zas?hla!  --V?ce--"

#: src/mine/cmine.cc:502
msgid "You turn to stone... --More--"
msgstr "M?n?? se v k?men...  --V?ce--"

#: src/mine/cmine.cc:504
msgid "Touching the cockatrice corpse was a fatal mistake.  --More--"
msgstr "Dotknout se m?tick?ho zv??ete byla fat?ln? chyba.  --V?ce--"

#: src/mine/cmine.cc:506
msgid "You feel here a cockatrice corpse.  --More--"
msgstr "C?t?? p??tomnost m?tick?ho zv??ete.  --V?ce--"

#: src/mine/cmine.cc:510
msgid ""
"Click!  You trigger a rolling boulder trap!  You are hit by a boulder! --"
msgstr ""
"Cvak! Spustil jsi n?jak? mechanismus! Jsi zasa?en val?c?m se kamenem! --"

#: src/mine/cmine.cc:520
msgid "sleep"
msgstr "sp?nku"

#: src/mine/cmine.cc:523
msgid "striking"
msgstr "?deru"

#: src/mine/cmine.cc:526
msgid "death"
msgstr "smrti"

#: src/mine/cmine.cc:529
msgid "polymorph"
msgstr "polymorfismu"

#: src/mine/cmine.cc:532
msgid "magic missile"
msgstr "magick?ch st?el"

#: src/mine/cmine.cc:535
msgid "secret door detection"
msgstr "na detekci tajn?ch dve??"

#: src/mine/cmine.cc:538
msgid "invisibility"
msgstr "neviditelnosti"

#: src/mine/cmine.cc:541
msgid "cold"
msgstr "chladu"

#: src/mine/cmine.cc:545
#, c-format
msgid "Your wand of %s breaks apart and explodes!  --More--"
msgstr "Tv? h?l %s se rozpadne a exploduje!  --V?ce--"

#: src/mine/cmine.cc:551
msgid "You are jolted by a surge of electricity!  --More--"
msgstr "Jsi ot?esen vlnou elekt?iny!  --V?ce--"

#: src/mine/cmine.cc:655
msgid "Enter the filename to load: "
msgstr "Zadejte jm?no souboru pro na?ten?: "

#: src/mine/cmine.cc:662
msgid "Enter the filename to save: "
msgstr "Zadejte jm?no souboru pro ulo?en?: "

#: src/mine/cmine.cc:670
msgid "mine-help.txt"
msgstr "mine-help-cs.txt"

#: src/mine/cmine.cc:672
msgid "Encoding of mine-help.txt|UTF-8"
msgstr "Encoding of mine-help.txt|UTF-8"

#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:86
msgid "30 8 8 1 1 40 14 14 11 10 35 9 10 2 1 1 10 9 12 30 17 15"
msgstr "30 8 8 1 1 40 14 14 11 10 35 9 10 2 1 1 10 9 13 30 17 15"

#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:89 src/ui.cc:2787
msgid "Package"
msgstr "Bal?k"

#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:90
msgid "InstSz"
msgstr "InstVel"

#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:91
msgid "DebSz"
msgstr "VelBal"

#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:93
msgid "Action"
msgstr "Akce"

#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:95
msgid "InstVer"
msgstr "InstVer"

#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:96
msgid "CandVer"
msgstr "DostVer"

#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:97
msgid "LongState"
msgstr "Dlouh?Stav"

#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:98
msgid "LongAction"
msgstr "Dlouh?Akce"

#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:99 src/qt/widgets/packages_tab.cc:105
msgid "Maintainer"
msgstr "Spr?vce"

#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:100
msgid "Priority"
msgstr "Priorita"

#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:101
msgid "Section"
msgstr "Sekce"

#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:102
msgid "RC"
msgstr "RP"

#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:104
msgid "Tag"
msgstr "?t?tek"

#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:107
msgid "ProgName"
msgstr "JmProgramu"

#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:108
msgid "ProgVer"
msgstr "VerProgramu"

#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:109
msgid "#Broken"
msgstr "Poru?en?"

#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:110
msgid "DiskUsage"
msgstr "Vyu?Disku"

#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:111
msgid "DownloadSize"
msgstr "VelikSta?en?"

#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:139 src/pkg_columnizer.cc:151 src/pkg_ver_item.cc:99
#: src/pkg_ver_item.cc:164
msgid "<N/A>"
msgstr "<N/A>"

#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:181 src/pkg_columnizer.cc:192
msgid "<none>"
msgstr "<??dn?>"

#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:238 src/pkg_grouppolicy.cc:264
#: src/pkg_grouppolicy.cc:1747 src/qt/package.cc:234
#: src/qt/widgets/packages_tab.cc:73
msgid "virtual"
msgstr "virtu?ln?"

#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:245 src/pkg_ver_item.cc:214 src/pkg_ver_item.cc:222
msgid "purged"
msgstr "vy?i?t?n"

#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:252 src/pkg_ver_item.cc:229
msgid "half-config"
msgstr "nap?l zkonfigurovan?"

#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:254 src/pkg_ver_item.cc:231
msgid "half-install"
msgstr "nap?l instalovan?"

#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:256 src/pkg_ver_item.cc:233
msgid "config-files"
msgstr "konfigura?n? soubory"

#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:261
msgid "triggers-awaited"
msgstr "o?ek?van? spou?t??e"

#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:263
msgid "triggers-pending"
msgstr "nevy??zen? spou?t??e"

#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:266 src/pkg_columnizer.cc:551 src/pkg_ver_item.cc:237
msgid "ERROR"
msgstr "CHYBA"

#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:313 src/pkg_ver_item.cc:295
msgid "hold"
msgstr "p?idr?et"

#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:316
msgid "forbidden upgrade"
msgstr "zak?zan? aktualizovat"

#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:318
msgid "purge"
msgstr "vy?istit"

#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:318 src/pkg_ver_item.cc:319
msgid "delete"
msgstr "smazat"

#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:320 src/pkg_ver_item.cc:217 src/pkg_ver_item.cc:301
msgid "broken"
msgstr "poru?en?"

#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:322 src/pkg_ver_item.cc:305 src/pkg_ver_item.cc:312
#: src/pkg_ver_item.cc:321
msgid "install"
msgstr "instalovat"

#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:324
msgid "reinstall"
msgstr "reinstalovat"

#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:326
msgid "upgrade"
msgstr "aktualizovat"

#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:328 src/pkg_columnizer.cc:330 src/pkg_ver_item.cc:307
#: src/pkg_ver_item.cc:314 src/pkg_ver_item.cc:323 src/pkg_ver_item.cc:326
msgid "none"
msgstr "nic"

#. TRANSLATORS: Imp = Important
#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:362 src/pkg_ver_item.cc:354
msgid "Imp"
msgstr "D?l"

#. TRANSLATORS: Req = Required
#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:364 src/pkg_ver_item.cc:357
msgid "Req"
msgstr "Vy?"

#. TRANSLATORS: Std = Standard
#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:366 src/pkg_ver_item.cc:360
msgid "Std"
msgstr "Std"

#. TRANSLATORS: Opt = Optional
#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:368 src/pkg_ver_item.cc:363
msgid "Opt"
msgstr "Vol"

#. TRANSLATORS: Xtr = Extra
#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:370 src/pkg_ver_item.cc:366
msgid "Xtr"
msgstr "Xtr"

#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:372 src/pkg_ver_item.cc:368
msgid "ERR"
msgstr "ERR"

#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:394
#, c-format
msgid "#Broken: %ld"
msgstr "Poru?en?: %ld"

#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:409
#, c-format
msgid "Will use %sB of disk space"
msgstr "Na disku se pou?ije %sB"

#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:417
#, c-format
msgid "Will free %sB of disk space"
msgstr "Na disku se uvoln? %sB"

#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:431
#, c-format
msgid "DL Size: %sB"
msgstr "St?hnu: %sB"

#. TRANSLATORS: Hostname
#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:499
msgid "HN too long"
msgstr "P??li? dlouh? jm?no"

#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:676 src/pkg_columnizer.cc:685
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to transcode package display format after \"%ls\""
msgstr "Nelze p?ek?dovat form?t zobrazen? bal?k? po ?%ls?"

#: src/pkg_columnizer.cc:692
msgid "Internal error: Default column string is unparsable"
msgstr "Vnit?n? chyba: V?choz? ?et?zec sloupce je nezpracovateln?"

#: src/pkg_grouppolicy.cc:274 src/pkg_grouppolicy.cc:1124
msgid "Tasks"
msgstr "?lohy"

#: src/pkg_grouppolicy.cc:467
msgid ""
"Security Updates\n"
" Security updates for these packages are available from security.debian.org."
msgstr ""
"Bezpe?nostn? aktualizace\n"
" Bezpe?nostn? aktualizace t?chto bal?k? jsou k dispozici na security.debian."

#: src/pkg_grouppolicy.cc:468
msgid ""
"Upgradable Packages\n"
" A newer version of these packages is available."
msgstr ""
"Aktualizovateln? bal?ky\n"
" K t?mto bal?k?m existuje nov?j?? verze."

#: src/pkg_grouppolicy.cc:469
msgid ""
"New Packages\n"
" These packages have been added to Debian since the last time you cleared "
"the list of \"new\" packages (choose \"Forget new packages\" from the "
"Actions menu to empty this list)."
msgstr ""
"Nov? bal?ky\n"
" Tyto bal?ky byly p?id?ny do Debianu od posledn?ho ?i?t?n? ?nov?ch? bal?k?. "
"(Pro vypr?zdn?n? tohoto seznamu vyberte z menu Akce polo?ku ?Zapomenout nov? "

#: src/pkg_grouppolicy.cc:470
msgid ""
"Installed Packages\n"
" These packages are currently installed on your computer."
msgstr ""
"Instalovan? bal?ky\n"
" Tyto bal?ky m?te instalov?ny ve sv?m po??ta?i."

#: src/pkg_grouppolicy.cc:471
msgid ""
"Not Installed Packages\n"
" These packages are not installed on your computer."
msgstr ""
"Nenainstalovan? bal?ky\n"
" Tyto bal?ky nejsou nainstalov?ny v po??ta?i."

#: src/pkg_grouppolicy.cc:472
msgid ""
"Obsolete and Locally Created Packages\n"
" These packages are currently installed on your computer, but they are not "
"available from any apt source.  They may be obsolete and removed from the "
"archive, or you may have built a private version of them yourself."
msgstr ""
"Zastaral? a lok?ln? vytvo?en? bal?ky\n"
" Tyto bal?ky m?te moment?ln? nainstalov?ny, ale nejsou dostupn? v ??dn?m ze "
"zdroj? pro apt. Bu? ji? byly zastaral? a byly odstran?ny z archivu, nebo "
"jste si je vytvo?ili sami."

#: src/pkg_grouppolicy.cc:473
msgid ""
"Virtual Packages\n"
" These packages do not exist; they are names other packages use to require "
"or provide some functionality."
msgstr ""
"Virtu?ln? bal?ky\n"
" Tyto bal?ky fyzicky neexistuj?; jsou to pouze jm?na, kter? vyu??vaj? "
"ostatn? bal?ky vy?aduj?c? ur?itou funk?nost."

#: src/pkg_grouppolicy.cc:628
msgid ""
"Packages which are recommended by other packages\n"
" These packages are not strictly required, but they may be necessary to "
"provide full functionality in some other programs that you are installing or "
msgstr ""
"Bal?ky doporu?ovan? jin?mi bal?ky\n"
" Tyto bal?ky nejsou nutn? vy?adov?ny, ale mohou b?t nezbytn? pro plnou "
"funk?nost pr?v? instalovan?ch nebo aktualizovan?ch bal?k?."

#: src/pkg_grouppolicy.cc:649
msgid ""
"Packages which are suggested by other packages\n"
" These packages are not required in order to make your system function "
"properly, but they may provide enhanced functionality for some programs that "
"you are currently installing."
msgstr ""
"Bal?ky navrhovan? jin?mi bal?ky\n"
" Tyto bal?ky nejsou vy?adov?ny pro spr?vnou funk?nost syst?mu, ale mohou "
"roz???it mo?nosti n?kter?ch program?, kter? pr?v? instalujete."

#: src/pkg_grouppolicy.cc:806
msgid "unknown"
msgstr "nezn?m?"

#: src/pkg_grouppolicy.cc:817
#, c-format
msgid "Priority %s"
msgstr "Priorita %s"

#: src/pkg_grouppolicy.cc:931
msgstr "NEZA?AZENO"

#: src/pkg_grouppolicy.cc:1058
msgid "End-user"
msgstr "Koncov? u?ivatel"

#: src/pkg_grouppolicy.cc:1059
msgid "Servers"
msgstr "Servery"

#: src/pkg_grouppolicy.cc:1060
msgid "Development"
msgstr "V?voj"

#: src/pkg_grouppolicy.cc:1061
msgid "Localization"
msgstr "Lokalizace"

#: src/pkg_grouppolicy.cc:1062
msgid "Hardware Support"
msgstr "Hardwarov? podpora"

#: src/pkg_grouppolicy.cc:1064
msgid "Unrecognized tasks"
msgstr "Neza?azen? ?lohy"

#: src/pkg_grouppolicy.cc:1125
msgid ""
" Tasks are groups of packages which provide an easy way to select a "
"predefined set of packages for a particular purpose."
msgstr ""
" ?lohy jsou skupiny bal?k?, kter? nab?z? jednoduchou cestu pro v?b?r v?ech "
"pot?ebn?ch bal?k? pro spln?n? konkr?tn? ?lohy."

#: src/pkg_grouppolicy.cc:1254
#, c-format
msgid "Bad number in format string: %ls"
msgstr "Chybn? ??slo ve form?tovac?m ?et?zci: %ls"

#: src/pkg_grouppolicy.cc:1263
#, c-format
msgid "Match indices must be 1 or greater, not \"%s\""
msgstr "Indexy mus? b?t v?t?? nebo rovno 1, ne ?%s?"

#: src/pkg_grouppolicy.cc:1281
#, c-format
msgid "Match index %ls is too large; available groups are (%s)"
msgstr "Index %ls je p??li? velk?; dostupn? skupiny jsou (%s)"

#: src/pkg_grouppolicy.cc:1520
msgstr "BAL?KY BEZ ?T?TK?"

#: src/pkg_grouppolicy.cc:1521
msgid ""
" These packages have not yet been classified in debtags, or the debtags "
"database is not present (installing debtags may correct this problem)."
msgstr ""
" Tyto bal?ky zat?m nebyly v debtags za?azeny, nebo datab?ze ?t?tk? zcela "
"chyb? (probl?m by mohla spravit instalace debtags)."

#: src/pkg_info_screen.cc:140
msgid "Source Package: "
msgstr "Zdrojov? bal?k: "

#: src/pkg_info_screen.cc:150
#, c-format
msgid "Package names provided by %s"
msgstr "N?zvy bal?k? poskytovan?ch %s"

#: src/pkg_info_screen.cc:163
#, c-format
msgid "Packages which depend on %s"
msgstr "Bal?ky, kter? z?vis? na %s"

#: src/pkg_info_screen.cc:169
#, c-format
msgid "Versions of %s"
msgstr "Verze %s"

#: src/pkg_item.cc:88
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s is an essential package!%n%nAre you sure you want to remove it?%nType "
"'%s' if you are."
msgstr ""
"%s je nezbytn? bal?k!%n%nJste si jisti, ?e jej chcete odstranit?%nPokud ano, "
"napi?te ?%s?."

#: src/pkg_item.cc:373 src/pkg_ver_item.cc:748
#, c-format
msgid "Reporting a bug in %s:\n"
msgstr "Hl?s?m chybu v %s:\n"

#: src/pkg_item.cc:393
msgid ""
"You are not root and I cannot find any way to become root.  To reconfigure "
"this package, install the menu package, the login package, or run aptitude "
"as root."
msgstr ""
"Nejste root a nevid?m mo?nost, jak se j?m st?t. Pro rekonfiguraci tohoto "
"bal?ku nainstalujte bal?ky menu a login, nebo spus?te aptitude jako root."

#: src/pkg_item.cc:401
#, c-format
msgid "Reconfiguring %s\n"
msgstr "P?ekonfigurov?v? se %s\n"

#: src/pkg_item.cc:428 src/pkg_view.cc:673
msgid "Hierarchy Editor"
msgstr "Editor Hierarchie"

#: src/pkg_subtree.cc:159
#, c-format
msgid "This group contains %d package."
msgid_plural "This group contains %d packages."
msgstr[0] "Tato skupina obsahuje %d bal?k."
msgstr[1] "Tato skupina obsahuje %d bal?ky."
msgstr[2] "Tato skupina obsahuje %d bal?k?."

#: src/pkg_tree.cc:178
msgid "All Packages"
msgstr "V?echny bal?ky"

#: src/pkg_tree.cc:282
#, c-format
msgid "No packages matched the pattern \"%ls\"."
msgstr "??dn? bal?ky nevyhovuj? vzoru ?%ls?."

#: src/pkg_tree.cc:301
msgid "Enter the new package tree limit: "
msgstr "Omezit zobrazen? na: "

#: src/pkg_tree.cc:334
msgid "Enter the new package grouping mechanism for this display: "
msgstr "Seskupovac? mechanizmus: "

#: src/pkg_tree.cc:342
msgid "Enter the new package sorting mechanism for this display: "
msgstr "?ad?c? mechanizmus: "

#: src/pkg_view.cc:165
msgid "Couldn't cw::util::transcode column definition"
msgstr "Nelze p?ek?dovat (cw::util::transcode) definici sloupce"

#: src/pkg_view.cc:172
msgid "Couldn't parse column definition"
msgstr "Nelze zpracovat definici sloupce"

#: src/pkg_view.cc:223
msgid ""
"If you select a package, an explanation of why it should be installed or "
"removed will appear in this space."
msgstr ""
"Pokud vyberete bal?k, objev? se zde d?vod, pro? by m?l b?t instalov?n nebo "

#: src/pkg_view.cc:575
msgid "make_package_view: error in arguments -- two main widgets??"
msgstr "make_package_view: chyba v argumentech -- dva hlavn? widgety??"

#: src/pkg_view.cc:581
msgid ""
"make_package_view: error in arguments -- bad column list for static item"
msgstr "make_package_view: chyba v argumentech -- chybn? seznam sloupc?"

#: src/pkg_view.cc:678
msgid "Related Dependencies"
msgstr "Souvisej?c? z?vislosti"

#: src/pkg_view.cc:681
msgid "Why Installed"
msgstr "Pro? instalovan?"

#: src/pkg_view.cc:700
msgid "make_package_view: bad argument!"
msgstr "make_package_view: chybn? argument!"

#: src/pkg_view.cc:752
msgid "make_package_view: no main widget found"
msgstr "make_package_view: nebyl nalezen hlavn? widget"

#: src/qt/tabs_manager.cc:254
msgid "Perform Changes"
msgstr "Prov?st zm?ny"

#: src/qt/widgets/packages_tab.cc:72
msgid "all"
msgstr "v?echny"

#: src/qt/widgets/packages_tab.cc:72
msgid "installed locally"
msgstr "nainstalovan? lok?ln?"

#: src/qt/widgets/packages_tab.cc:72
msgid "new"
msgstr "nov?"

#: src/qt/widgets/packages_tab.cc:78
msgid "Show:"
msgstr "Zobrazit:"

#: src/qt/widgets/packages_tab.cc:84
msgid "Manage Filters"
msgstr "Spravovat filtry"

#: src/qt/widgets/packages_tab.cc:105
msgid "Name and Description"
msgstr "Jm?no a popis"

#: src/qt/widgets/packages_tab.cc:111
msgid "Find:"
msgstr "Hledat:"

#: src/qt/widgets/packages_tab.cc:113
msgid "by"
msgstr "v"

#: src/qt/windows/main_window.cc:96
msgid "&File"
msgstr "&Soubor"

#: src/qt/windows/main_window.cc:104
msgid "&Packages"
msgstr "&Bal?ky"

#: src/qt/windows/main_window.cc:112
msgid "&Help"
msgstr "&N?pov?da"

#: src/reason_fragment.cc:31
msgid "depends on"
msgstr "z?vis? na"

#: src/reason_fragment.cc:33
msgid "pre-depends on"
msgstr "p?edz?vis? na"

#: src/reason_fragment.cc:35
msgid "suggests"
msgstr "navrhuje"

#: src/reason_fragment.cc:36
msgid "recommends"
msgstr "doporu?uje"

#: src/reason_fragment.cc:38
msgid "conflicts with"
msgstr "koliduje s"

#: src/reason_fragment.cc:40
msgid "breaks"
msgstr "poru?uje"

#: src/reason_fragment.cc:42
msgid "replaces"
msgstr "nahrazuje"

#: src/reason_fragment.cc:43
msgid "obsoletes"
msgstr "zastar?v?"

#: src/reason_fragment.cc:44
msgid "enhances"
msgstr "roz?i?uje"

#: src/reason_fragment.cc:155
#, c-format
msgid " (provided by %F)"
msgstr " (poskytov?n %F)"

#: src/reason_fragment.cc:265
#, c-format
msgid "%F%s %F %F"
msgstr "%F%s %F %F"

#: src/reason_fragment.cc:314
msgid ""
"If you select a package, an explanation of its current state will appear in "
"this space."
msgstr "Pokud vyberete bal?k, objev? se zde popis jeho aktu?ln?ho stavu."

#: src/reason_fragment.cc:348
msgid ""
"%B%s%b was installed automatically;  it is being removed because all of the "
"packages which depend upon it are being removed:"
msgstr ""
"%B%s%b byl instalov?n automaticky;  nyn? bude odstran?n, proto?e v?echny "
"bal?ky, kter? na n?m z?visely, budou odstran?ny:"

#: src/reason_fragment.cc:352
msgid "%B%s%b will be automatically removed because of dependency errors:"
msgstr "%B%s%b bude automaticky odstran?n kv?li chyb?m v z?vislostech:"

#: src/reason_fragment.cc:356
msgid ""
"%B%s%b will be automatically installed to satisfy the following dependencies:"
msgstr ""
"%B%s%b bude instalov?n automaticky pro spln?n? n?sleduj?c?ch z?vislost?:"

#: src/reason_fragment.cc:362 src/reason_fragment.cc:374
msgid ""
"%B%s%b cannot be upgraded now, but if it could be, it would still be held at "
"version %B%s%b."
msgstr ""
"%B%s%b nem??e b?t aktualizov?n, a i kdyby mohl, stejn? by byl podr?en ve "
"verzi %B%s%b."

#: src/reason_fragment.cc:365
msgid ""
"%B%s%b will not be upgraded to version %B%s%b, to avoid breaking the "
"following dependencies:"
msgstr ""
"%B%s%b nebude aktualizov?n na verzi %B%s%b, aby neporu?il n?sleduj?c? "

#: src/reason_fragment.cc:377
msgid "%B%s%b is currently installed."
msgstr "%B%s%b je nainstalovan?.%n%n"

#: src/reason_fragment.cc:383
msgid "%B%s%b is not currently installed."
msgstr "%B%s%b nen? nainstalovan?."

#: src/reason_fragment.cc:391
msgid "Some dependencies of %B%s%b are not satisfied:"
msgstr "N?kter? z?vislosti %B%s%b nejsou spln?ny:"

#: src/reason_fragment.cc:395
msgid "%B%s%b will be downgraded."
msgstr "%B%s%b bude degradov?n."

#: src/reason_fragment.cc:402
msgid "%B%s%b will not be upgraded to the forbidden version %B%s%b."
msgstr "%B%s%b nebude aktualizov?n na zak?zanou verzi %B%s%b."

#: src/reason_fragment.cc:406
msgid ""
"%B%s%b could be upgraded to version %B%s%b, but it is being held at version "
msgstr ""
"%B%s%b by mohl b?t aktualizov?n na verzi %B%s%b, ale je podr?en ve verzi %B%s"

#: src/reason_fragment.cc:413
msgid "%B%s%b will be re-installed."
msgstr "%B%s%b bude reinstalov?n."

#: src/reason_fragment.cc:417
msgid "%B%s%b will be installed."
msgstr "%B%s%b bude instalov?n."

#: src/reason_fragment.cc:421
msgid "%B%s%b will be removed."
msgstr "%B%s%b bude odstran?n."

#: src/reason_fragment.cc:426
msgid "%B%s%b will be upgraded from version %B%s%b to version %B%s%b."
msgstr "%B%s%b bude aktualizov?n z verze %B%s%b na verzi %B%s%b."

#: src/reason_fragment.cc:433
msgid "%B%s%b is only partly installed; its installation will be completed."
msgstr "%B%s%b je nainstalov?n jen ??ste?n?, jeho instalace bude dokon?ena."

#: src/reason_fragment.cc:465
msgid ""
"The following packages depend on %B%s%b and will be broken by its removal:"
msgstr "N?sleduj?c? bal?ky z?vis? na %B%s%b a budou jeho odstran?n?m poru?eny:"

#: src/reason_fragment.cc:468
msgid "The following packages depend on %B%s%b and are broken:"
msgstr "N?sleduj?c? bal?ky z?vis? na %B%s%b a jsou poru?eny:"

#: src/reason_fragment.cc:475
msgid ""
"The following packages conflict with %B%s%b and will be broken by its "
msgstr ""
"N?sleduj?c? bal?ky jsou v konfliktu s %B%s%b a budou jeho instalac? poru?eny:"

#: src/reason_fragment.cc:508
msgid ""
"The following packages depend on a version of %B%s%b other than the "
"currently installed version of %B%s%b, or conflict with the currently "
"installed version:"
msgstr ""
"N?sleduj?c? bal?ky z?vis? na bal?ku %B%s%b v jin? verzi, ne? je aktu?ln? "
"instalovan? %B%s%b, nebo jsou s n? v konfliktu:"

#: src/reason_fragment.cc:512
msgid ""
"The following packages conflict with %B%s%b, or depend on a version of it "
"which is not going to be installed."
msgstr ""
"N?sleduj?c? bal?ky jsou v konfliktu s %B%s%b, nebo z?vis? na jeho verzi, "
"kter? nebude instalov?na."

#: src/reason_fragment.cc:516
msgid "The following packages conflict with %B%s%b:"
msgstr "N?sleduj?c? bal?ky jsou v konfliktu s %B%s%b:"

#: src/reason_fragment.cc:521
msgid ""
"The following packages depend on a version of %B%s%b other than the "
"currently installed version of %B%s%b:"
msgstr ""
"N?sleduj?c? bal?ky z?vis? na bal?ku %B%s%b v jin? verzi, ne? je aktu?ln? "
"instalovan? %B%s%b:"

#: src/reason_fragment.cc:525
msgid ""
"The following packages depend on a version of %B%s%b which is not going to "
"be installed."
msgstr ""
"N?sleduj?c? bal?ky z?vis? na verzi bal?ku %B%s%b, kter? se nebude instalovat."

#: src/reason_fragment.cc:531
msgid "upgraded"
msgstr "aktualizov?n"

#: src/reason_fragment.cc:531
msgid "downgraded"
msgstr "degradov?n"

#: src/reason_fragment.cc:537
msgid ""
"The following packages depend on the currently installed version of %B%s%b "
"(%B%s%b), or conflict with the version it will be %s to (%B%s%b), and will "
"be broken if it is %s."
msgstr ""
"N?sleduj?c? bal?ky z?vis? na aktu?ln? instalovan? verzi bal?ku %B%s%b (%B%s"
"%b), nebo jsou v konfliktu s verz?, na kterou bude bal?k %s (%B%s%b). Pokud "
"bude bal?k %s, budou tyto bal?ky poru?eny."

#: src/reason_fragment.cc:544
msgid ""
"The following packages conflict with version %B%s%b of %B%s%b, and will be "
"broken if it is %s."
msgstr ""
"N?sleduj?c? bal?ky jsou v konfliktu s verz? %B%s%b bal?ku %B%s%b. Pokud bude "
"bal?k %s, budou tyto bal?ky poru?eny."

#: src/reason_fragment.cc:549
msgid ""
"The following packages depend on version %B%s%b of %B%s%b, and will be "
"broken if it is %s."
msgstr ""
"N?sleduj?c? bal?ky jsou z?vis? na verzi %B%s%b bal?ku %B%s%b. Pokud bude "
"bal?k %s, budou tyto bal?ky poru?eny."

#: src/solution_dialog.cc:97 src/solution_screen.cc:505
msgid "The package cache is not available."
msgstr "Vyrovn?vac? pam?? bal?k? nen? nen? dostupn?."

#: src/solution_dialog.cc:105
msgid "No packages are broken."
msgstr "??dn? bal?ky nejsou poru?en?."

#: src/solution_dialog.cc:114 src/solution_screen.cc:528
msgid "No resolution found."
msgstr "??dn? ?e?en? nebylo nalezeno."

#: src/solution_dialog.cc:183
msgid "Previous"
msgstr "P?edchoz?"

#: src/solution_dialog.cc:184
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Dal??"

#: src/solution_dialog.cc:185
msgid "Apply"
msgstr "Pou??t"

#: src/solution_dialog.cc:186
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Zav??t"

#: src/solution_fragment.cc:168
#, c-format
msgid "%s conflicts with %s [provided by %s %s]"
msgstr "%s koliduje s %s [poskytov?n %s %s]"

#: src/solution_fragment.cc:181
#, c-format
msgid "Removing %s"
msgstr "Odstra?uje se %s"

#: src/solution_fragment.cc:183
#, c-format
msgid "Installing %s %s (%s)"
msgstr "Instaluje se %s %s (%s)"

#: src/solution_fragment.cc:189
#, c-format
msgid "Leave %ls unresolved."
msgstr "Ponechat %ls nevy?e?en?."

#: src/solution_fragment.cc:415
msgid "%BRemove%b the following packages:%n"
msgstr "%BOdstranit%b n?sleduj?c? bal?ky:%n"

#: src/solution_fragment.cc:430
msgid "%BInstall%b the following packages:%n"
msgstr "%BInstalovat%b n?sleduj?c? bal?ky:%n"

#: src/solution_fragment.cc:448
msgid "%BKeep%b the following packages at their current version:%n"
msgstr "%BPonechat%b n?sleduj?c? bal?ky v jejich aktu?ln? verzi:%n"

#: src/solution_fragment.cc:472
msgid "%BUpgrade%b the following packages:%n"
msgstr "%BAktualizovat%b n?sleduj?c? bal?ky:%n"

#: src/solution_fragment.cc:492
msgid "%BDowngrade%b the following packages:%n"
msgstr "%BDegradovat%b n?sleduj?c? bal?ky:%n"

#: src/solution_item.cc:97
#, c-format
msgid "Remove %F [%s (%s)]"
msgstr "Odstran?n? %F [%s (%s)]"

#: src/solution_item.cc:104
#, c-format
msgid "Install %F [%s (%s)]"
msgstr "Instalace %F [%s (%s)]"

#: src/solution_item.cc:112
#, c-format
msgid "Cancel the installation of %F"
msgstr "Zru?en? instalace %F"

#: src/solution_item.cc:115
#, c-format
msgid "Cancel the removal of %F"
msgstr "Zru?en? odstran?n? %F"

#: src/solution_item.cc:118
#, c-format
msgid "Keep %F at version %s (%s)"
msgstr "Ponech?n? %F ve verzi %s (%s)"

#: src/solution_item.cc:126
#, c-format
msgid "Upgrade %F [%s (%s) -> %s (%s)]"
msgstr "Aktualizace %F [%s (%s) -> %s (%s)]"

#: src/solution_item.cc:135
#, c-format
msgid "Downgrade %F [%s (%s) -> %s (%s)]"
msgstr "Degradace %F [%s (%s) -> %s (%s)]"

#: src/solution_item.cc:603
#, c-format
msgid "-> Leave the dependency \"%s recommends %s\" unresolved."
msgstr "-> Ponechat z?vislost ?%s doporu?uje %s? nevy?e?enou."

#: src/solution_screen.cc:164
msgid "The following actions will resolve this dependency:"
msgstr "N?sleduj?c? akce vy?e?? tuto z?vislost:"

#: src/solution_screen.cc:284
msgid "Keep the following packages at their current version:"
msgstr "Ponechat n?sleduj?c? bal?ky v jejich aktu?ln? verzi:"

#: src/solution_screen.cc:332
msgid "Leave the following recommendations unresolved:"
msgstr "Ponechat n?sleduj?c? z?vislosti nevy?e?en?:"

#: src/solution_screen.cc:512
msgid "No broken packages."
msgstr "??dn? poru?en? bal?ky."

#: src/solution_screen.cc:542
#, c-format
msgid "open: %d; closed: %d; defer: %d; conflict: %d"
msgstr "otev?en?: %d; zav?en?: %d; odlo?en?: %d; konfliktn?: %d"

#: src/trust.cc:19 src/trust.cc:21
msgid "WARNING"
msgstr "VAROV?N?"

#: src/trust.cc:20
msgid ""
"%F: This version of %s is from an %Buntrusted source%b!  Installing this "
"package could allow a malicious individual to damage or take control of your "
msgstr ""
"%F: Tato verze %s poch?z? z %Bned?v?ryhodn?ho zdroje%b! Instalac? tohoto "
"bal?ku mo?n? pom??ete zlovoln?mu jedinci po?kodit syst?m nebo nad n?m z?skat "

#. TRANSLATORS: This string is a confirmation message, which users
#. (especially CJK users) should be able to input without input
#. methods.  Please include nothing but ASCII characters.
#: src/ui.cc:211
msgid "Yes, I am aware this is a very bad idea"
msgstr "Ano, v?m, ?e to je ?patn? n?pad"

#: src/ui.cc:238
msgid "Er, there aren't any errors, this shouldn't have happened.."
msgstr "Hmm, nenastaly ??dn? chyby; to by se nem?lo st?vat.."

#: src/ui.cc:244
msgid "E:"
msgstr "E:"

#: src/ui.cc:246
msgid "W:"
msgstr "W:"

#: src/ui.cc:342
msgid ""
"WARNING: the package cache is opened in read-only mode!  This change and all "
"subsequent changes will not be saved unless you stop all other running apt-"
"based programs and select \"Become root\" from the Actions menu."
msgstr ""
"VAROV?N?: cache bal?k? je otev?ena v re?imu pouze pro ?ten?! Tato a v?echny "
"n?sleduj?c? zm?ny nebudou ulo?eny dokud neukon??te v?echny ostatn? programy "
"zalo?en? na APT a z menu Akce nevyberete polo?ku ?St?t se rootem?."

#: src/ui.cc:348
msgid "Never display this message again."
msgstr "Tuto hl??ku ji? p???t? nezobrazovat."

#: src/ui.cc:394
msgid ""
"You may not modify the state of any package while a download is underway."
msgstr "B?hem stahov?n? nem??ete m?nit stav ??dn?ho bal?ku."

#: src/ui.cc:425
msgid "You already are root!"
msgstr "Ji? jste root!"

#: src/ui.cc:440
msgid "Invalid Get-Root-Command; it should start with su: or sudo:"
msgstr "Neplatn? Get-Root-Command: m?l by za??nat na su: nebo sudo:"

#: src/ui.cc:447
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid Get-Root-Command; it should start with su: or sudo:, not %s:"
msgstr "Neplatn? Get-Root-Command: m?l by za??nat na su: nebo sudo:, ne %s:"

#: src/ui.cc:476
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to fork: %s"
msgstr "Nelze se rozdvojit: %s"

#: src/ui.cc:580
msgid ""
"Subprocess exited with an error -- did you type your password correctly?"
msgstr "Podproces skon?il chybou -- zadali jste spr?vn? heslo?"

#: src/ui.cc:619
msgid "Loading cache"
msgstr "Nahr?v? se cache"

#: src/ui.cc:661
msgid "Really quit Aptitude?"
msgstr "Opravdu ukon?it Aptitude?"

#: src/ui.cc:715 src/ui.cc:2550
msgid "Change the behavior of aptitude"
msgstr "M?n? chov?n? aptitude"

#: src/ui.cc:751
msgid "Really discard your personal settings and reload the defaults?"
msgstr "Opravdu zahodit osobn? nastaven? a na??st standardn? hodnoty?"

#: src/ui.cc:856 src/ui.cc:903 src/ui.cc:931 src/ui.cc:954
msgid "View available packages and choose actions to perform"
msgstr "Zobraz? dostupn? bal?ky a akce, kter? s nimi m??ete prov?d?t"

#: src/ui.cc:885
msgid "Recommended Packages"
msgstr "Doporu?en? bal?ky"

#: src/ui.cc:886
msgid "View packages that it is recommended that you install"
msgstr "Zobraz? bal?ky, kter? jsou doporu?eny k instalaci"

#: src/ui.cc:887
msgid "Recommendations"
msgstr "Doporu?en?"

#: src/ui.cc:982
#, c-format
msgid "Information about %s"
msgstr "Informace o %s"

#: src/ui.cc:984
#, c-format
msgid "%s info"
msgstr "informace o %s"

#: src/ui.cc:1005
#, c-format
msgid "Packages depending on %s"
msgstr "Bal?ky z?visej?c? na %s"

#: src/ui.cc:1006
#, c-format
msgid "Dependencies of %s"
msgstr "Z?vislosti %s"

#: src/ui.cc:1009
#, c-format
msgid "%s reverse deps"
msgstr "reverzn? z?vislosti %s"

#: src/ui.cc:1010
#, c-format
msgid "%s deps"
msgstr "z?vislosti %s"

#: src/ui.cc:1028
#, c-format
msgid "Available versions of %s"
msgstr "Dostupn? verze %s"

#: src/ui.cc:1030
#, c-format
msgid "%s versions"
msgstr "verze %s"

#: src/ui.cc:1036
msgid ""
"Aptitude %s%n%nCopyright 2000-2008 Daniel Burrows.%n%naptitude comes with "
"%BABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY%b; for details see 'license' in the Help menu.  "
"This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain "
"conditions; see 'license' for details."
msgstr ""
"Aptitude %s%n%nCopyright 2000-2008 Daniel Burrows.%n%nna aptitude se "
"nevztahuje %B??DN? Z?RUKA%b; podrobnosti naleznete v menu N?pov?da, "
"?Licence?. Toto je svobodn? software a budeme r?di, kdy? jej budete d?le "
"???it; podrobnosti viz ?Licence?."

#: src/ui.cc:1086 src/ui.cc:1088
msgid "License"
msgstr "Licence"

#: src/ui.cc:1087 src/ui.cc:2642
msgid "View the terms under which you may copy and distribute aptitude"
msgstr "Zobraz? podm?nky, za kter?ch m??ete aptitude ???it"

#. TRANSLATORS: You can translate help.txt and set the filename here.
#: src/ui.cc:1102
msgid "Localized file|help.txt"
msgstr "help-cs.txt"

#: src/ui.cc:1104
msgid "Encoding of help.txt|UTF-8"
msgstr "Encoding of help.txt|UTF-8"

#: src/ui.cc:1115
msgid "Online Help"
msgstr "Online n?pov?da"

#: src/ui.cc:1116
msgid "View a brief introduction to aptitude"
msgstr "Zobraz? kr?tk? ?vod do aptitude"

#: src/ui.cc:1117 src/ui.cc:2792
msgid "Help"
msgstr "N?pov?da"

#. TRANSLATORS: You can translate README and set the filename here.
#: src/ui.cc:1126
msgid "Localized file|README"
msgstr "README.cs"

#: src/ui.cc:1127
msgid "Encoding of README|ISO_8859-1"
msgstr "UTF-8"

#: src/ui.cc:1138
msgid "User's Manual"
msgstr "U?ivatelsk? ^manu?l"

#: src/ui.cc:1139
msgid "Read the full user's manual of aptitude"
msgstr "Zobraz? kompletn? manu?l k aptitude"

#: src/ui.cc:1140
msgid "Manual"
msgstr "Manu?l"

#: src/ui.cc:1147 src/ui.cc:1149
msgid "FAQ"
msgstr "FAQ"

#: src/ui.cc:1148 src/ui.cc:2634
msgid "View a list of frequently asked questions"
msgstr "Zobraz? seznam ?asto kladen?ch ot?zek"

#: src/ui.cc:1157 src/ui.cc:1159
msgid "News"
msgstr "Novinky"

#: src/ui.cc:1158
#, c-format
msgid "View the important changes made in each version of %s"
msgstr "Zobraz? d?le?it? zm?ny mezi jednotliv?mi verzemi %s"

#: src/ui.cc:1165
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Unable to remove the old temporary directory; you should remove %s by hand."
msgstr "Nelze odstranit star? do?asn? adres??; %s byste m?li odstranit ru?n?."

#: src/ui.cc:1170
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Will not remove %s; you should examine the files in it and remove them by "
msgstr ""
"Neodstran?m adres?? %s; m?li byste se pod?vat na soubory v n?m obsa?en? a "
"p??padn? je odstranit ru?n?."

#: src/ui.cc:1196
#, c-format
msgid ""
"It appears that a previous version of aptitude left files behind in %s.  "
"These files are probably useless and safe to delete.%n%nDo you want to "
"remove this directory and all its contents?  If you select \"No\", you will "
"not see this message again."
msgstr ""
"Zd? se, ?e p?edchoz? verze aptitude ponechala v adres??i %s n?jak? soubory. "
"Tyto soubory jsou pravd?podobn? zbyte?n? a je bezpe?n? je smazat.%n%nP?ejete "
"si tento adres?? odstranit v?etn? jeho obsahu? Zvol?te-li ?Ne?, ji? tuto "
"hl??ku neuvid?te."

#: src/ui.cc:1268
msgid "View the progress of the package download"
msgstr "Zobraz? pr?b?h stahov?n? bal?k?"

#: src/ui.cc:1269
msgid "Package Download"
msgstr "Sta?en? Bal?k?"

#: src/ui.cc:1316
msgid ""
"%BWARNING%b: untrusted versions of the following packages will be installed!"
"%n%nUntrusted packages could %Bcompromise your system's security%b.  You "
"should only proceed with the installation if you are certain that this is "
"what you want to do.%n%n"
msgstr ""
"%BVAROV?N?%b: budou instalov?ny ned?v?ryhodn? verze n?sleduj?c?ch bal?k?!%n"
"%nNed?v?ryhodn? bal?ky mohou %Bkompromitovat bezpe?nost va?eho syst?mu%b. V "
"instalaci byste m?li pokra?ovat pouze v p??pad?, ?e jste si naprosto jisti, "
"?e to je to, co opravdu chcete ud?lat.%n%n"

#: src/ui.cc:1322
msgid "  %S*%N %s [version %s]%n"
msgstr "  %S*%N %s [verze %s]%n"

#: src/ui.cc:1328
msgid "Really Continue"
msgstr "Opravdu pokra?ovat"

#: src/ui.cc:1330
msgid "Abort Installation"
msgstr "P?eru?it instalaci"

#: src/ui.cc:1394
msgid "Preview of package installation"
msgstr "N?hled instalace bal?k?"

#: src/ui.cc:1395
msgid "View and/or adjust the actions that will be performed"
msgstr "Zobraz? a/nebo uprav? akce, kter? se maj? vykonat"

#: src/ui.cc:1457
msgid "Some packages were broken and have been fixed:"
msgstr "N?kter? bal?ky byly poru?en?, ale ji? jsou spraveny:"

#: src/ui.cc:1465
msgid "No solution to these dependency problems exists!"
msgstr "K t?mto z?vislostn?m probl?m?m neexistuje ?e?en?!"

#: src/ui.cc:1471
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Ran out of time while trying to resolve dependencies (press \"%s\" to try "
msgstr ""
"P?i hled?n? ?e?en? vypr?el povolen? ?as (stiskem ?%s? spust?te d?kladn?j?? "

#: src/ui.cc:1517
msgid ""
"Installing/removing packages requires administrative privileges, which you "
"currently do not have.  Would you like to change to the root account?"
msgstr ""
"Instalace/odebr?n? bal?k? vy?aduje administr?torsk? pr?va, kter? moment?ln? "
"nem?te. Chcete se p?epnout na ??et root?"

#: src/ui.cc:1520 src/ui.cc:1759 src/ui.cc:1820 src/ui.cc:1915
msgid "Become root"
msgstr "St?t se rootem"

#: src/ui.cc:1522 src/ui.cc:1761 src/ui.cc:1822 src/ui.cc:1917
msgid "Don't become root"
msgstr "Nest?t se rootem"

#: src/ui.cc:1643
msgid "No packages are scheduled to be installed, removed, or upgraded."
msgstr "??dn? bal?ky nejsou ozna?eny k instalaci, aktualizaci nebo odstran?n?."

#: src/ui.cc:1649
msgid ""
"No packages will be installed, removed or upgraded.  Some packages could be "
"upgraded, but you have not chosen to upgrade them.  Type \"U\" to prepare an "
msgstr ""
"??dn? bal?ky nebudou instalov?ny, odstran?ny nebo aktualizov?ny. N?kter? "
"bal?ky sice mohou b?t aktualizov?ny, ale rozhodli jste, ?e se nemaj? "
"aktualizovat. Aktualizaci m??ete p?ipravit kl?vesou ?U?."

#: src/ui.cc:1729
msgid "Updating package lists"
msgstr "Aktualizuj? se seznamy bal?k?"

#: src/ui.cc:1730
msgid "View the progress of the package list update"
msgstr "Zobraz? pr?b?h aktualizace seznamu bal?k?"

#: src/ui.cc:1731
msgid "List Update"
msgstr "Aktualizace seznamu"

#: src/ui.cc:1756
msgid ""
"Updating the package lists requires administrative privileges, which you "
"currently do not have.  Would you like to change to the root account?"
msgstr ""
"Aktualizace seznamu bal?k? vy?aduje administr?torsk? pr?va, kter? moment?ln? "
"nem?te. Chcete se p?epnout na ??et root?"

#: src/ui.cc:1771 src/ui.cc:2385
msgid "Waste time trying to find mines"
msgstr "Ukr?tit ?as hled?n?m min."

#: src/ui.cc:1778 src/ui.cc:1866
msgid "Cleaning while a download is in progress is not allowed"
msgstr "?i?t?n? b?hem stahov?n? nen? dovoleno"

#: src/ui.cc:1793
msgid "Deleting downloaded files"
msgstr "Ma?u sta?en? soubory"

#: src/ui.cc:1807
msgid "Downloaded package files have been deleted"
msgstr "Sta?en? bal?ky byly smaz?ny"

#: src/ui.cc:1817
msgid ""
"Cleaning the package cache requires administrative privileges, which you "
"currently do not have.  Would you like to change to the root account?"
msgstr ""
"Vy?i?t?n? vyrovn?vac? pam?ti bal?k? vy?aduje administr?torsk? pr?va, kter? "
"moment?ln? nem?te. Chcete se p?epnout na ??et root?"

#: src/ui.cc:1863
msgid "The apt cache file is not available; cannot auto-clean."
msgstr "Vyrovn?vac? pam?? bal?k? nen? nen? dostupn?; nelze automaticky ?istit."

#: src/ui.cc:1901
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Obsolete downloaded package files have been deleted, freeing %sB of disk "
msgstr "Star? sta?en? bal?ky byly smaz?ny, co? uvolnilo %sB m?sta na disku."

#: src/ui.cc:1912
msgid ""
"Deleting obsolete files requires administrative privileges, which you "
"currently do not have.  Would you like to change to the root account?"
msgstr ""
"Smaz?n? star?ch soubor? vy?aduje administr?torsk? pr?va, kter? moment?ln? "
"nem?te. Chcete se p?epnout na ??et root?"

#: src/ui.cc:2014
msgid "No more solutions."
msgstr "??dn? dal?? ?e?en?."

#: src/ui.cc:2222
msgid "Unable to find a solution to apply."
msgstr "Nelze naj?t ?e?en?, kter? by se dalo pou??t."

#: src/ui.cc:2228
msgid "Ran out of time while trying to find a solution."
msgstr "P?i hled?n? ?e?en? vypr?el povolen? ?as."

#: src/ui.cc:2288 src/ui.cc:2290
msgid "Resolve Dependencies"
msgstr "?e?en? z?vislost?"

#: src/ui.cc:2289
msgid "Search for solutions to unsatisfied dependencies"
msgstr "Hled? ?e?en? nespln?n?ch z?vislost?"

#: src/ui.cc:2301
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to open %ls"
msgstr "Nelze otev??t %ls"

#: src/ui.cc:2307
msgid "Error while dumping resolver state"
msgstr "Chyba p?i ukl?d?n? stavu ?e?itele"

#: src/ui.cc:2347
msgid "^Install/remove packages"
msgstr "^Instalovat/odstranit bal?ky"

#: src/ui.cc:2350
msgid "^Update package list"
msgstr "^Aktualizovat seznam bal?k?"

#: src/ui.cc:2355
msgid "Mark Up^gradable"
msgstr "Ozna?it aktualizovateln?"

#: src/ui.cc:2360
msgid "^Forget new packages"
msgstr "^Zapomenout nov? bal?ky"

#: src/ui.cc:2364
msgid "Canc^el pending actions"
msgstr "Zru?it napl?novan? akc^e"

#: src/ui.cc:2368
msgid "^Clean package cache"
msgstr "Vy?istit ^cache s bal?ky"

#: src/ui.cc:2372
msgid "Clean ^obsolete files"
msgstr "Vy?istit star? s^oubory"

#: src/ui.cc:2379
msgid "^Reload package cache"
msgstr "Znovu na??st cache"

#: src/ui.cc:2384
msgid "^Play Minesweeper"
msgstr "Zahr?t si minov? ^pole"

#: src/ui.cc:2389
msgid "^Become root"
msgstr "St?t se rootem"

#: src/ui.cc:2392
msgid "^Quit"
msgstr "Konec"

#: src/ui.cc:2399 src/ui.cc:2786
msgid "Undo"
msgstr "Zp?t"

#: src/ui.cc:2408
msgid "^Install"
msgstr "^Instalovat"

#: src/ui.cc:2409
msgid "Flag the currently selected package for installation or upgrade"
msgstr "Ozna?? aktu?ln? vybran? bal?k pro instalaci nebo aktualizaci"

#: src/ui.cc:2412
msgid "R^einstall"
msgstr "P?^einstalovat"

#: src/ui.cc:2413
msgid "Flag the currently selected package for reinstallation"
msgstr "Ozna?? aktu?ln? vybran? bal?k pro p?einstalov?n?"

#: src/ui.cc:2416
msgid "^Remove"
msgstr "Odst^ranit"

#: src/ui.cc:2417
msgid "Flag the currently selected package for removal"
msgstr "Ozna?? aktu?ln? vybran? bal?k pro odstran?n?"

#: src/ui.cc:2420
msgid "^Purge"
msgstr "Vy?istit"

#: src/ui.cc:2421
msgid ""
"Flag the currently selected package and its configuration files for removal"
msgstr ""
"Ozna?? aktu?ln? vybran? bal?k pro odstran?n? v?etn? konfigura?n?ch soubor?"

#: src/ui.cc:2424
msgid "^Keep"
msgstr "Ponechat"

#: src/ui.cc:2425
msgid "Cancel any action on the selected package"
msgstr "Na vybran?m bal?ku zru?? ve?ker? akce"

#: src/ui.cc:2428
msgid "^Hold"
msgstr "P?idr?et"

#: src/ui.cc:2429
msgid ""
"Cancel any action on the selected package, and protect it from future "
msgstr ""
"Na vybran?m bal?ku zru?? ve?ker? akce a ochr?n? jej p?ed budouc?mi "

#: src/ui.cc:2432
msgid "Mark ^Auto"
msgstr "Spravovat ^automaticky"

#: src/ui.cc:2433
msgid ""
"Mark the selected package as having been automatically installed; it will "
"automatically be removed if no other packages depend on it"
msgstr ""
"Ozna?? vybran? bal?k, jako instalovan? automaticky; pokud na n?m nebudou "
"z?viset jin? bal?ky, bude automaticky odstran?n."

#: src/ui.cc:2436
msgid "Mark ^Manual"
msgstr "Spravovat ru?n?"

#: src/ui.cc:2437
msgid ""
"Mark the selected package as having been manually installed; it will not be "
"removed unless you manually remove it"
msgstr ""
"Ozna?? vybran? bal?k, jako by byl nainstalov?n ru?n?; takov? bal?k nebude "
"odstran?n, dokud jej neodstran?te sami"

#: src/ui.cc:2440
msgid "^Forbid Version"
msgstr "Zak?zat ^verzi"

#: src/ui.cc:2441
msgid ""
"Forbid the candidate version of the selected package from being installed; "
"newer versions of the package will be installed as usual"
msgstr ""
"Zak??e, aby se nainstalovala kandid?tsk? verze bal?ku; nov?j?? verze bal?ku "
"se budou instalovat jako obvykle"

#: src/ui.cc:2445
msgid "I^nformation"
msgstr "I^nformace"

#: src/ui.cc:2446
msgid "Display more information about the selected package"
msgstr "Pro vybran? bal?k zobraz? dal?? informace"

#: src/ui.cc:2449
msgid "C^ycle Package Information"
msgstr "P?epnout informa^ce o bal?ku"

#: src/ui.cc:2450
msgid ""
"Cycle through the modes of the package information area: it can show the "
"package's long description, a summary of its dependency status, or an "
"analysis of why the package is required."
msgstr ""
"P?ep?n? informa?n? oblast mezi r?zn?mi re?imy: um? zobrazit podrobn? popis "
"bal?ku, stav jeho z?vislost?, p??padn? d?vod, pro? je dan? bal?k vy?adovan?."

#: src/ui.cc:2453
msgid "^Changelog"
msgstr "Seznam zm?n"

#: src/ui.cc:2454
msgid "Display the Debian changelog of the selected package"
msgstr "U vybran?ho bal?ku zobraz? seznam zm?n proveden?ch spr?vcem bal?ku"

#: src/ui.cc:2461
msgid "^Examine Solution"
msgstr "Prozkoumat ?^e?en?"

#: src/ui.cc:2462
msgid "Examine the currently selected solution to the dependency problems."
msgstr "Prozkoum? aktu?ln? vybran? ?e?en? probl?m? se z?vislostmi."

#: src/ui.cc:2465
msgid "Apply ^Solution"
msgstr "Pou??t ?e?en?"

#: src/ui.cc:2466
msgid "Perform the actions contained in the currently selected solution."
msgstr "Provede akce obsa?en? v aktu?ln? vybran?m ?e?en?."

#: src/ui.cc:2469
msgid "^Next Solution"
msgstr "Dal?? ?e?e^n?"

#: src/ui.cc:2470
msgid "Select the next solution to the dependency problems."
msgstr "Vybere dal?? ?e?en? z?vislostn?ch probl?m?."

#: src/ui.cc:2473
msgid "^Previous Solution"
msgstr "^P?edchoz? ?e?en?"

#: src/ui.cc:2474
msgid "Select the previous solution to the dependency problems."
msgstr "Vybere p?edchoz? ?e?en? z?vislostn?ch probl?m?."

#: src/ui.cc:2477
msgid "^First Solution"
msgstr "Prvn? ?e?en?"

#: src/ui.cc:2478
msgid "Select the first solution to the dependency problems."
msgstr "Vybere prvn? ?e?en? z?vislostn?ch probl?m?."

#: src/ui.cc:2481
msgid "^Last Solution"
msgstr "Pos^ledn? ?e?en?"

#: src/ui.cc:2482
msgid ""
"Select the last solution to the dependency problems that has been generated "
"so far."
msgstr "Vybere zat?m posledn? vytvo?en? ?e?en? z?vislostn?ch probl?m?."

#: src/ui.cc:2488
msgid "Toggle ^Rejected"
msgstr "P?epnout zam?tnut?"

#: src/ui.cc:2489
msgid "Toggle whether the currently selected action is rejected."
msgstr "P?epne, zda je aktu?ln? vybran? akce zam?tnut?."

#: src/ui.cc:2493
msgid "Toggle ^Approved"
msgstr "P?epnout povolen?"

#: src/ui.cc:2494
msgid "Toggle whether the currently selected action is approved."
msgstr "P?epne, zda je aktu?ln? vybran? akce povolen?."

#: src/ui.cc:2498
msgid "^View Target"
msgstr "Zobrazit c?l"

#: src/ui.cc:2499
msgid "View the package which will be affected by the selected action"
msgstr "Zobraz? bal?k, kter? bude ovlivn?n vybranou akc?."

#: src/ui.cc:2505
msgid "Reject Breaking ^Holds"
msgstr "Zam?tnout poru?uj?c? podr?en?"

#: src/ui.cc:2507
msgid ""
"Reject all actions that would change the state of held packages or install "
"forbidden versions"
msgstr ""
"Zam?tne v?echny akce, kter? by zm?nily stav podr?en?ch bal?k?, nebo by "
"nainstalovaly zak?zan? verze."

#: src/ui.cc:2515
msgid "^Find"
msgstr "Hledat"

#: src/ui.cc:2516
msgid "Search forwards"
msgstr "Hled? sm?rem vp?ed"

#: src/ui.cc:2519
msgid "^Find Backwards"
msgstr "Hledat p?edchoz?"

#: src/ui.cc:2520
msgid "Search backwards"
msgstr "Hled? sm?rem vzad"

#: src/ui.cc:2523
msgid "Find ^Again"
msgstr "Hledat znovu"

#: src/ui.cc:2524
msgid "Repeat the last search"
msgstr "Zopakuje posledn? hled?n?"

#: src/ui.cc:2527
msgid "Find Again ^Backwards"
msgstr "Hledat znovu obr?cen?"

#: src/ui.cc:2528
msgid "Repeat the last search in the opposite direction"
msgstr "Zopakuje posledn? hled?n? v opa?n?m sm?ru"

#: src/ui.cc:2532
msgid "^Limit Display"
msgstr "Omezit zobrazen?"

#: src/ui.cc:2533
msgid "Apply a filter to the package list"
msgstr "Na seznam bal?k? aplikuje v?b?rov? filtr"

#: src/ui.cc:2536
msgid "^Un-Limit Display"
msgstr "Zru?it omezen?"

#: src/ui.cc:2537
msgid "Remove the filter from the package list"
msgstr "Odstran? filtr aplikovan? na seznam bal?k?"

#: src/ui.cc:2541
msgid "Find ^Broken"
msgstr "Hledat poru?en?"

#: src/ui.cc:2542
msgid "Find the next package with unsatisfied dependencies"
msgstr "Hled? dal?? bal?k s nespln?n?mi z?vislostmi"

#: src/ui.cc:2549
msgid "^Preferences"
msgstr "^P?edvolby"

#: src/ui.cc:2554
msgid "^UI options"
msgstr "Nastaven? zobrazen?"

#: src/ui.cc:2555
msgid "Change the settings which affect the user interface"
msgstr "Zm?n? nastaven?, kter? ovliv?uj? u?ivatelsk? rozhran?"

#: src/ui.cc:2558
msgid "^Dependency handling"
msgstr "Spr?va z?vislost?"

#: src/ui.cc:2559
msgid "Change the settings which affect how package dependencies are handled"
msgstr "Zm?n? nastaven?, kter? ovliv?uj? zp?sob ?e?en? z?vislost?"

#: src/ui.cc:2562
msgid "^Miscellaneous"
msgstr "R?zn?"

#: src/ui.cc:2563
msgid "Change miscellaneous program settings"
msgstr "Zm?n? ostatn? nastaven? programu"

#: src/ui.cc:2569
msgid "^Revert options"
msgstr "P?vodn? nastaven?"

#: src/ui.cc:2570
msgid "Reset all settings to the system defaults"
msgstr "Vr?t? v?echna nastaven? do p?vodn?ho stavu"

#: src/ui.cc:2581
msgid "^Next"
msgstr "Dal??"

#: src/ui.cc:2582
msgid "View next display"
msgstr "Zobraz? dal?? pohled"

#: src/ui.cc:2585
msgid "^Prev"
msgstr "^P?edchoz?"

#: src/ui.cc:2586
msgid "View previous display"
msgstr "Zobraz? p?edchoz? pohled"

#: src/ui.cc:2589
msgid "^Close"
msgstr "Zav??t"

#: src/ui.cc:2590
msgid "Close this display"
msgstr "Zav?e tento pohled"

#: src/ui.cc:2595
msgid "New Package ^View"
msgstr "No^v? pohled na bal?ky"

#: src/ui.cc:2596
msgid "Create a new default package view"
msgstr "Vytvo?? nov? standardn? pohled na bal?ky"

#: src/ui.cc:2599
msgid "Audit ^Recommendations"
msgstr "Prov??it dopo^ru?en?"

#: src/ui.cc:2600
msgid ""
"View packages which it is recommended that you install, but which are not "
"currently installed."
msgstr ""
"Zobraz? bal?ky, kter? jsou doporu?eny k instalaci, ale kter? moment?ln? "
"nejsou nainstalovan?."

#: src/ui.cc:2603
msgid "New ^Flat Package List"
msgstr "Nov? ploch? seznam bal?k?"

#: src/ui.cc:2604
msgid "View all the packages on the system in a single uncategorized list"
msgstr "Zobraz? v?echny bal?ky v syst?mu v jedin?m nerozt??d?n?m seznamu"

#: src/ui.cc:2607
msgid "New ^Debtags Browser"
msgstr "Nov? prohl??e? ^Debtags"

#: src/ui.cc:2609
msgid "Browse packages using Debtags data"
msgstr "Prohl??? bal?ky podle dat klasifika?n?ho syst?mu Debtags"

#: src/ui.cc:2612
msgid "New Categorical ^Browser"
msgstr "Nov? prohl??e? kategori?"

#: src/ui.cc:2614
msgid "Browse packages by category"
msgstr "Prohl??? bal?ky podle kategori?"

#: src/ui.cc:2622
msgid "^About"
msgstr "O progr^amu"

#: src/ui.cc:2623
msgid "View information about this program"
msgstr "Zobraz? informace o programu"

#: src/ui.cc:2626
msgid "^Help"
msgstr "N?pov?da"

#: src/ui.cc:2627
msgid "View the on-line help"
msgstr "Zobraz? on-line n?pov?du"

#: src/ui.cc:2629
msgid "User's ^Manual"
msgstr "U?ivatelsk? ^manu?l"

#: src/ui.cc:2630
msgid "View the detailed program manual"
msgstr "Zobraz? podrobn? manu?l tohoto programu"

#: src/ui.cc:2633
msgid "^FAQ"
msgstr "^FAQ"

#: src/ui.cc:2637
msgid "^News"
msgstr "^Novinky"

#: src/ui.cc:2638
msgid "View the important changes made in each version of "
msgstr "Zobraz? d?le?it? zm?ny mezi jednotliv?mi verzemi "

#: src/ui.cc:2641
msgid "^License"
msgstr "^Licence"

#: src/ui.cc:2785
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "Akce"

#: src/ui.cc:2789
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Hledat"

#: src/ui.cc:2790
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Volby"

#: src/ui.cc:2791
msgid "Views"
msgstr "Pohledy"

#: src/ui.cc:2857
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%ls: Menu  %ls: Help  %ls: Quit  %ls: Update  %ls: Download/Install/Remove "
msgstr ""
"%ls: Menu  %ls: N?pov?da  %ls: Konec  %ls: Aktualizace  %ls: Sta?en?/"

#: src/ui.cc:3216
msgid "yes_key"
msgstr "y"

#: src/ui.cc:3217
msgid "no_key"
msgstr "n"

#: src/view_changelog.cc:273
#, c-format
msgid "%s changes"
msgstr "Zm?ny v %s"

#: src/view_changelog.cc:274
msgid "View the list of changes made to this Debian package."
msgstr "Zobraz? seznam zm?n v tomto debian?m bal?ku."

#: src/view_changelog.cc:343
#, c-format
msgid "Preparing to download the changelog of %s"
msgstr "P?ipravuje se sta?en? seznamu zm?n bal?ku %s"

#: src/view_changelog.cc:371
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to download the changelog of %s: %s"
msgstr "Nepoda?ilo se st?hnout seznam zm?n bal?ku %s: %s"

#: src/view_changelog.cc:382
#, c-format
msgid "Downloading the changelog of %s"
msgstr "Stahuje se seznam zm?n bal?ku %s"

#: src/view_changelog.cc:415
msgid "You can only view changelogs of official Debian packages."
msgstr "M??ete prohl??et seznamy zm?n pouze u ofici?ln?ch debian?ch bal?k?."

#~ msgid "No tag descriptions are available."
#~ msgstr "??dn? popisy ?t?tk? nejsou dostupn?."

#~ msgid "No description available for %s."
#~ msgstr "??dn? popis %s neexistuje."

#~ msgid "  Ept support enabled.\n"
#~ msgstr "  Podpora Ept povolena.\n"

#~ msgid "  Ept support disabled.\n"
#~ msgstr "  Podpora Ept zak?z?na.\n"

#~ msgid "MISSING TAG"
#~ msgstr "CHYB?J?C? ?T?TEK"

#~ msgid "A package failed to install.  Trying to recover:"
#~ msgstr "Instalace bal?ku selhala. Zkou??m obnovit:"

#~ msgid "Dummy label (will be replaced at runtime)."
#~ msgstr "Fale?n? n?pis (bude nahrazen za b?hu)."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Label explaining the upgrade.  This text will not appear in the program "
#~ "at runtime."
#~ msgstr "Text vysv?tluj?c? aktualizaci. Za b?hu programu by nem?l b?t vid?t."

#~ msgid "Err "
#~ msgstr "Err "

#~ msgid "Unable to open /usr/share/tasksel/debian-tasks.desc"
#~ msgstr "Nemohu otev??t /usr/share/tasksel/debian-tasks.desc"

#~ msgid "Press return to continue.\n"
#~ msgstr "Pro pokra?ov?n? stiskn?te enter.\n"

#~ msgid "Hierarchy editor"
#~ msgstr "Editor hierarchie"

#~ msgid "Leave the following dependencies unresolved:%n"
#~ msgstr "Ponechat n?sleduj?c? z?vislosti nevy?e?en?:%n"

#~ msgid "File to which the resolver state should be dumped: "
#~ msgstr "Soubor, do kter?ho se m? ulo?it stav ?e?itele: "

#~ msgid "Couldn't lock list directory..are you root?"
#~ msgstr "Nemohu zamknout adres?? seznam?...jste root?"

#~ msgid "Unterminated quoted string in command: %s"
#~ msgstr "Neukon?en? ?et?zec v p??kazu: %s"

#~ msgid "fork() failed: %s"
#~ msgstr "vol?n? fork() selhalo: %s"

#~ msgid "waitpid() failed: %s"
#~ msgstr "vol?n? waitpid() selhalo: %s"

#~ msgid "The debtags command must not be an empty string."
#~ msgstr "P??kaz debtags nem??e b?t pr?zdn? ?et?zec."

#~ msgid "The debtags command must be an absolute path."
#~ msgstr "P??kaz debtags mus? b?t absolutn? cestou."

#~ msgid "The debtags command (%s) cannot be executed: %s"
#~ msgstr "P??kaz debtags (%s) se nepoda?ilo spustit: %s"

#~ msgid "Updating debtags database"
#~ msgstr "Vytv???m datab?zi ?t?tk?"

#~ msgid "(core dumped)"
#~ msgstr "(j?dro odhozeno)"

#~ msgid "The debtags update process (%s update %s) was killed by signal %d%s."
#~ msgstr "Proces aktualizace ?t?tk? (%s update %s) byl zabit sign?lem %d%s."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "The debtags update process (%s update %s) exited abnormally (code %d)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Proces aktualizace ?t?tk? (%s update %s) skon?il neobvykle (k?d %d)."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "The debtags update process (%s update %s) exited in an unexpected way "
#~ "(status %d)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Proces aktualizace ?t?tk? (%s update %s) skon?il neo?ek?van? (stav %d)."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Updating the debtags database (%s update %s) failed (perhaps debtags is "
#~ "not installed?): %s"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Aktualizace datab?ze ?t?tk? (%s update %s) selhala (mo?n? nejsou debtags "
#~ "nainstalov?ny?): %s"

#~ msgid "Invalid command-line option '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Neplatn? volba ?%s?"

#~ msgid "Too many arguments to by-section grouping policy"
#~ msgstr "P??li? mnoho argument? pro seskupov?n? podle sekce"

#~ msgid "By-status grouping policies take no arguments"
#~ msgstr "Seskupov?n? podle statutu nepou??v? ??dn? argumenty"

#~ msgid "By-mode grouping policies take no arguments"
#~ msgstr "Seskupov?n? podle m?du nepou??v? ??dn? argumenty"

#~ msgid "First-character grouping policies take no arguments"
#~ msgstr "Seskupov?n? podle prvn?ho znaku nepou??v? ??dn? argumenty"

#~ msgid "Version-generating grouping policies take no arguments"
#~ msgstr "Seskupov?n? podle verz? nepou??v? ??dn? argumenty"

#~ msgid "Dep-generating grouping policies take no arguments"
#~ msgstr "Seskupov?n? podle z?vislost? nepou??v? ??dn? argumenty"

#~ msgid "By-priority grouping policies take no arguments"
#~ msgstr "Seskupov?n? podle priorit nepou??v? ??dn? argumenty"

#~ msgid "Expected no more than one argument to a tag grouping policy"
#~ msgstr "Pro seskupov?n? podle ?t?tk? je o?ek?v?n nejv??e jeden argument"

#~ msgid "Expected '(' after 'pattern'"
#~ msgstr "Za ?pattern? se o?ek?v? ?(?"

#~ msgid "Missing arguments to 'pattern'"
#~ msgstr "Chyb?j?c? argumenty pro ?pattern?"

#~ msgid "By-version sorting policies take no arguments"
#~ msgstr "?azen? podle verze nepou??v? ??dn? argumenty"

#~ msgid "By-installed size sorting policies take no arguments"
#~ msgstr "?azen? podle instalovan? velikosti nepou??v? ??dn? argumenty"

#~ msgid "By-priority sorting policies take no arguments"
#~ msgstr "?azen? podle priority nepou??v? ??dn? argumenty"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "%BOption:%b  %s\n"
#~ "%BDefault:%b %s\n"
#~ "%BValue:%b   %s\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%BVolba:%b   %s\n"
#~ "%BV?choz?:%b %s\n"
#~ "%BHodnota:%b %s\n"

#~ msgid "Press Return to continue"
#~ msgstr "Pro pokra?ov?n? stiskn?te Enter"

#~ msgid "Search for:"
#~ msgstr "Hledat:"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Unable to resolve dependencies for the upgrade (the resolver timed out)."
#~ msgstr "Nemohu vy?e?it z?vislosti pro aktualizaci (?e?iteli vypr?el ?as)."

#~ msgid "Safe actions"
#~ msgstr "Bezpe?n? akce"

#~ msgid "Cancel all user actions"
#~ msgstr "Zru?en? v?ech u?ivatelov?ch akc?"

#~ msgid "Remove packages"
#~ msgstr "Odstran?n? bal?k?"

#~ msgid "Modify held packages"
#~ msgstr "?pravy podr?en?ch bal?k?"

#~ msgid "Install versions from non-default sources"
#~ msgstr "Instalace verz? z nestandardn?ch zdroj?"

#~ msgid "Remove essential packages"
#~ msgstr "Odstran?n? nezbytn?ch bal?k?"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "The tier \"%s\", configured in %s::ProblemResolver::Tier-Names, is "
#~ "missing a Tier entry."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "?rovni ?%s?, nastaven? v %s::ProblemResolver::Tier-Names, chyb? polo?ka "
#~ "Tier."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "The tier %d, configured in %s::ProblemResolver::Tier-Names, is missing a "
#~ "Name entry."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "?rovni %d, nastaven? v %s::ProblemResolver::Tier-Names, chyb? polo?ka "
#~ "Name."

#~ msgid "Unknown error"
#~ msgstr "Nezn?m? chyba"

#~ msgid "Tier: %s"
#~ msgstr "?rove?: %s"

#~ msgid "Downloading Changelog"
#~ msgstr "Stahuje se Changelog"

#~ msgid "No changelog found."
#~ msgstr "??dn? seznam zm?n nebyl nalezen."

#~ msgid "Can't create a temporary file: %s"
#~ msgstr "Nelze vytvo?it do?asn? soubor: %s"

#~ msgid "Download Changelog"
#~ msgstr "St?hnout Changelog"

#~ msgid "Unable to delete temporary directory \"%s\""
#~ msgstr "Nemohu smazat do?asn? adres?? ?%s?"

#~ msgid "_Install/Remove Packages"
#~ msgstr "_Instalovat/odstranit bal?ky"

#~ msgid "_Update Package List"
#~ msgstr "_Aktualizovat seznam bal?k?"

#~ msgid "Mark Up_gradable"
#~ msgstr "Ozna?it aktualizovateln?"

#~ msgid "_Forget New Packages"
#~ msgstr "_Zapomenout nov? bal?ky"

#~ msgid "Canc_el Pending Actions"
#~ msgstr "Zru?it napl?novan? akc_e"

#~ msgid "C_lean Package Cache"
#~ msgstr "Vy?istit _cache s bal?ky"

#~ msgid "Clean _Obsolete Files"
#~ msgstr "Vy?istit star? s_oubory"

#~ msgid "_Reload Package Cache"
#~ msgstr "Znovu na??st cache"

#~ msgid "_Play Minesweeper"
#~ msgstr "Zahr?t si minov? _pole"

#~ msgid "_Become Root"
#~ msgstr "St?t se rootem"

#~ msgid "_Quit"
#~ msgstr "Konec"

#~ msgid "_Edit Columns..."
#~ msgstr "Upravit sloupc_e..."

#~ msgid "View Apt _Errors"
#~ msgstr "Zobrazit chyby APT"

#~ msgid "Find _Dependency Chains"
#~ msgstr "Spr?va z?vislost?"

#~ msgid "gtk-close"
#~ msgstr "gtk-close"

#~ msgid "gtk-find"
#~ msgstr "gtk-find"

#~ msgid "gtk-apply"
#~ msgstr "gtk-apply"

#~ msgid "gtk-yes"
#~ msgstr "gtk-yes"

#~ msgid "gtk-no"
#~ msgstr "gtk-no"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "The package %s has no candidate version and will not be upgraded; unable "
#~ "to show its changelog."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Bal?k %s nem? ??dnou kandid?tskou verzi a nebude aktualizov?n; nelze "
#~ "zobrazit jeho seznam zm?n."

#~ msgid "but it is not installable"
#~ msgstr "ale ten nelze nainstalovat"

#~ msgid "The \"upgrade\" command is now named \"safe-upgrade\"."
#~ msgstr "P??kaz ?upgrade? se nyn? jmenuje ?safe-upgrade?."

#~ msgid "E: The %s command takes no arguments\n"
#~ msgstr "E: P??kaz %s neakceptuje ??dn? argumenty\n"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "The options --safe-resolver and --full-resolver are not meaningful\n"
#~ "for %s, which always uses the safe resolver.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Volby --safe-resolver a --full-resolver nemaj? pro %s v?znam,\n"
#~ "proto?e se v?dy pou?ije bezpe?n? ?e?itel.\n"

#~| msgid "delete"
#~ msgid "gtk-delete"
#~ msgstr "gtk-delete"

#~ msgid "(for %s)"
#~ msgid_plural "(for %s)"
#~ msgstr[0] "(pro %s)"
#~ msgstr[1] "(pro %s)"
#~ msgstr[2] "(pro %s)"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "The resolver timed out after producing a solution; some possible upgrades "
#~ "might not be performed."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Po nalezen? ?e?en? ?e?iteli vypr?el ?as; je mo?n?, ?e se n?kter? mo?n? "
#~ "aktualizace neprovedou."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Dependency resolution incomplete (%s); some possible upgrades might not "
#~ "be performed."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "?e?en? z?vislost? nen? ?pln? (%s); je mo?n?, ?e se n?kter? mo?n? "
#~ "aktualizace neprovedou."

#~| msgid "Dependency handling"
#~ msgid "Dependency Chain"
#~ msgstr "?et?z z?vislost?"

#~| msgid "No resolution found."
#~ msgid "No resolutions found."
#~ msgstr "??dn? ?e?en? nebyla nalezena."

#~ msgid "Score is %d"
#~ msgstr "Sk?re je %d"

#~| msgid "Install"
#~ msgid "_Install"
#~ msgstr "_Instalovat"

#~| msgid "Remove"
#~ msgid "_Remove"
#~ msgstr "Odst_ranit"

#~| msgid "^Purge"
#~ msgid "_Purge"
#~ msgstr "Vy?istit"

#~| msgid "Keep"
#~ msgid "_Keep"
#~ msgstr "Ponechat"

#~| msgid "Hold"
#~ msgid "_Hold"
#~ msgstr "Podr?et"

#~| msgid "Mark ^Auto"
#~ msgid "Mark _Auto"
#~ msgstr "Spravovat _automaticky"

#~| msgid "Mark ^Manual"
#~ msgid "Mark _Manual"
#~ msgstr "Spravovat ru?n?"

#~| msgid "^Forbid Version"
#~ msgid "_Forbid Version"
#~ msgstr "Zak?zat _verzi"

#~| msgid "Resolver"
#~ msgid "Resolver:"
#~ msgstr "?e?itel:"

#~| msgid "Preview"
#~ msgid "Preview:"
#~ msgstr "N?hled:"

#~| msgid "%d install"
#~| msgid_plural "%d installs"
#~ msgid "%d packages to install"
#~ msgstr "%d bal?k? k instalaci"

#~ msgid "Yes"
#~ msgstr "Ano"

#~ msgid "No"
#~ msgstr "Ne"

#~ msgid "Automatically Installed"
#~ msgstr "Instalovan? automaticky"

#~ msgid "Unchanged"
#~ msgstr "Nezm?n?n?"

#~ msgid "Remove [unused]"
#~ msgstr "Odstranit [nepou??van?]"

#~ msgid "Hold [auto]"
#~ msgstr "Podr?et [auto]"

#~ msgid "Install [auto]"
#~ msgstr "Instalovat [auto]"

#~ msgid "Remove [auto]"
#~ msgstr "Odstranit [auto]"

#~ msgid "Essential"
#~ msgstr "Nezbytn?"

#~ msgid "Config Files Remain"
#~ msgstr "Zb?vaj? konfigura?n? soubory"

#~ msgid "Garbage"
#~ msgstr "Brak"

#~ msgid "No reverse dependencies"
#~ msgstr "Bez reverzn?ch z?vislost?"

#~ msgid "New Package"
#~ msgstr "Nov? bal?k"

#~ msgid "Upgradable"
#~ msgstr "Aktualizovateln?"

#~ msgid "Obsolete"
#~ msgstr "Zastaral?"

#~ msgid "The package \"%s\" is a starting point of the search.\n"
#~ msgstr "Bal?k ?%s? je po??te?n?m bodem hled?n?.\n"

#~ msgid "No justification for removing %s could be constructed.\n"
#~ msgstr "??dn? od?vodn?n? pro odstran?n? %s nebylo nalezeno.\n"

#~ msgid "No justification for %s could be constructed.\n"
#~ msgstr "??dn? od?vodn?n? pro %s nebylo nalezeno.\n"

#~ msgid "Downloading "
#~ msgstr "Stahuji "

#~ msgid "Downloaded %sB in %ss (%sB/s)."
#~ msgstr "Sta?eno %sB za %ss (%sB/s)."

#~ msgid "Internal buffer overflow on package \"%s\" while writing state file"
#~ msgstr "P?i z?pisu stavov?ho souboru p?etekl intern? buffer na bal?ku ?%s?"

#~ msgid "Not enough resources to create thread"
#~ msgstr "Nedostatek zdroj? pro vytvo?en? vl?kna"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Packages which set up your computer to perform a particular task\n"
#~ " Packages in the 'Tasks' section contain no files; they merely depend "
#~ "upon other packages. These packages provide an easy way to select a "
#~ "predefined set of packages for a specialized task."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Bal?ky, kter? nastav? po??ta? pro vykon?v?n? ur?it? ?lohy\n"
#~ " Bal?ky v sekci ??lohy? neobsahuj? ??dn? soubory, pouze z?vis? na "
#~ "ostatn?ch bal?c?ch. Tyto bal?ky nab?z? jednoduchou cestu k instalaci "
#~ "v?ech bal?k? pot?ebn?ch pro vykon?v?n? ur?it? ?lohy."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Packages with no declared section\n"
#~ " No section is given for these packages. Perhaps there is an error in the "
#~ "Packages file?"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Bal?ky bez sekce\n"
#~ " T?mto bal?k?m nebyla p?i?azena ??dn? sekce. Mo?n? je chyba v souboru "
#~ "Packages?"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Administrative utilities (install software, manage users, etc)\n"
#~ " Packages in the 'admin' section allow you to perform administrative "
#~ "tasks such as installing software, managing users, configuring and "
#~ "monitoring your system, examining network traffic, and so on."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "N?stroje pro spr?vu (instalace softwaru, spr?va u?ivatel?, atd.)\n"
#~ " Bal?ky v sekci ?admin? umo??uj? prov?d?t spr?vu syst?mu, jako instalaci "
#~ "softwaru, spr?vu u?ivatel?, nastaven? a sledov?n? syst?mu, zkoum?n? "
#~ "s??ov?ho provozu, a tak podobn?."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Packages converted from foreign formats (rpm, tgz, etc)\n"
#~ " Packages in the 'alien' section were created by the 'alien' program from "
#~ "a non-Debian package format such as RPM"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Bal?ky konvertovan? z ciz?ch form?t? (rpm, tgz, atd.)\n"
#~ " Bal?ky ze sekce ?alien? byly vytvo?eny programem ?alien? z ciz?ch "
#~ "form?t? bal?k?, jako t?eba RPM"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "The Debian base system\n"
#~ " Packages in the 'base' section are part of the initial system "
#~ "installation."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Z?kladn? syst?m Debianu\n"
#~ " Bal?ky ze sekce ?base? jsou sou??st? minim?ln? instalace syst?mu."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Programs for faxmodems and other communication devices\n"
#~ " Packages in the 'comm' section are used to control modems and other "
#~ "hardware communications devices. This includes software to control "
#~ "faxmodems (for instance, PPP for dial-up internet connections and "
#~ "programs originally written for that purpose, such as zmodem/kermit), as "
#~ "well as software to control cellular phones, interface with FidoNet, and "
#~ "run a BBS."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Programy pro faxmodemy a jin? komunika?n? za??zen?\n"
#~ " Bal?ky ze sekce ?comm? se pou??vaj? k ovl?d?n? modem? a dal??ch "
#~ "hardwarov?ch komunika?n?ch za??zen?. To zahrnuje software pro faxmodemy "
#~ "(nap?. PPP pro vyt??en? p?ipojen? k Internetu a p?vodn? software jako "
#~ "zmodem/kermit), mobiln? telefony, rozhran? k FidoNetu, nebo vlastn? BBS "
#~ "server."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Utilities and programs for software development\n"
#~ " Packages in the 'devel' section are used to write new software and work "
#~ "on existing software. Non-programmers who do not compile their own "
#~ "software probably do not need much software from this section.\n"
#~ " .\n"
#~ " It includes compilers, debugging tools, programmer's editors, source "
#~ "processing tools, and other things related to software development."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "N?stroje pro v?voj softwaru\n"
#~ " Bal?ky ze sekce ?devel? jsou pou??v?ny k psan? nov?ch program? a "
#~ "upravov?n? program? st?vaj?c?ch. Neprogram?to?i, kte?? si sami "
#~ "nekompiluj? programy, z t?to sekce asi mnoho nepot?ebuj?.\n"
#~ " .\n"
#~ " Zahrnuty jsou kompil?tory, debugovac? n?stroje, program?torsk? editory, "
#~ "n?stroje pro zpracov?n? zdrojov?ch text? a dal?? v?ci s programov?n?m "
#~ "spojen?."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Documentation and specialized programs for viewing documentation\n"
#~ " Packages in the 'doc' section document parts of the Debian system, or "
#~ "are viewers for documentation formats."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Dokumentace a programy pro jej? prohl??en?\n"
#~ " Bal?ky ze sekce ?doc? dokumentuj? r?zn? ??sti Debianu, nebo slou?? k "
#~ "prohl??en? t?to dokumentace."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Text editors and word processors\n"
#~ " Packages in the 'editors' section allow you to edit plain ASCII text. "
#~ "These are not necessarily word processors, although some word processors "
#~ "may be found in this section."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Textov? editory a procesory\n"
#~ " Bal?ky ze sekce ?editors? umo??uj? upravovat ?ist? ASCII text. Tyto "
#~ "n?stroje nejsou textov?mi procesory, i kdy? i ty m??ete v t?to sekci "
#~ "nal?zt."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Programs for working with circuits and electronics\n"
#~ " Packages in the 'electronics' section include circuit design tools, "
#~ "simulators and assemblers for microcontrollers, and other related "
#~ "software."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Programy pro pr?ci s el. obvody a elektronikou\n"
#~ " Bal?ky ze sekce ?electronics? obsahuj? n?stroje pro n?vrh elektrick?ch "
#~ "obvod?, simul?tory a assemblery mikrokontroler? a podobn? software."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Programs for embedded systems\n"
#~ " Packages in the 'embedded' section are meant to run on embedded devices. "
#~ "Embedded devices are specialized hardware devices with much less power "
#~ "than a typical desktop system: for instance, a PDA, a cell phone, or a "
#~ "Tivo."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Programy pro vlo?en? (embeded) syst?my\n"
#~ " Bal?ky ze sekce ?embedded? slou?? k b?hu na vlo?en?ch za??zen?ch. "
#~ "Vlo?en? za??zen? jsou specializovan? hardwarov? za??zen? s minim?ln?m "
#~ "p??konem, jako t?eba PDA, mobiln? telefony, nebo Tivo."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "The GNOME Desktop System\n"
#~ " GNOME is a collection of software which provides an easy-to-use desktop "
#~ "environment for Linux.  Packages in the 'gnome' section are part of the "
#~ "GNOME environment or closely integrated into it."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Desktopov? prost?ed? GNOME\n"
#~ " GNOME je kolekce program?, kter? spole?n? nab?zej? jednoduch? a p??jemn? "
#~ "desktopov? prost?ed?. Bal?ky v sekci ?gnome? jsou p??mo sou??st? "
#~ "prost?ed? GNOME, nebo s n?m ?zce souvis?."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Games, toys, and fun programs\n"
#~ " Packages in the 'games' section are meant primarily for entertainment."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Hry, hra?ky a z?bavn? programy\n"
#~ " Bal?ky ze sekce ?games? slou?? prim?rn? pro z?bavu."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Utilities to create, view, and edit graphics files\n"
#~ " Packages in the 'graphics' section include viewers for image files, "
#~ "image processing and manipulation software, software to interact with "
#~ "graphics hardware (such as video cards, scanners, and digital cameras), "
#~ "and programming tools for handling graphics."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "N?stroje pro vytv??en?, prohl??en? a ?pravu grafick?ch soubor?\n"
#~ " Bal?ky v sekci ?graphics? zahrnuj? prohl??e?e obr?zk?, software pro "
#~ "?pravu obr?zk?, software pro komunikaci s grafick?m hardwarem (jako jsou "
#~ "grafick? karty, scannery a digit?ln? kamery) a tak? programovac? n?stroje "
#~ "pro ?e?en? grafick?ch ?loh"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Software for ham radio operators\n"
#~ " Packages in the 'hamradio' section are meant primarily for ham radio "
#~ "operators."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Software pro radioamat?ry\n"
#~ " Bal?ky v sekci ?hamradio? jsou prim?rn? c?len? na radioamat?ry."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Interpreters for interpreted languages\n"
#~ " Packages in the 'interpreters' section include interpreters for "
#~ "languages like Python, Perl, and Ruby, and libraries for these same "
#~ "languages."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Interprety pro interpretovan? jazyky\n"
#~ " Bal?ky v sekci ?interpreters? obsahuj? interprety pro jazyky jako "
#~ "Python, Perl nebo Ruby a tak? jejich roz?i?uj?c? knihovny."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "The KDE Desktop System\n"
#~ " KDE is a collection of software which provides an easy-to-use desktop "
#~ "environment for Linux.  Packages in the 'kde' section are part of the KDE "
#~ "environment or closely integrated into it."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Desktopov? prost?ed? KDE\n"
#~ " KDE je kolekce program?, kter? spole?n? nab?zej? jednoduch? a p??jemn? "
#~ "desktopov? prost?ed?. Bal?ky v sekci ?kde? jsou p??mo sou??st? prost?ed? "
#~ "KDE, nebo s n?m ?zce souvis?."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Development files for libraries\n"
#~ " Packages in the 'libdevel' section contain files required for building "
#~ "programs that use libraries in the 'libs' section.  You don't need "
#~ "packages from this section unless you want to compile software yourself."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "V?vojov? soubory pro knihovny\n"
#~ " Bal?ky ze sekce ?libdevel? obsahuj? soubory vy?adovan? pro sestaven? "
#~ "program?, kter? vyu??vaj? knihovny ze sekce ?libs?. B??n? u?ivatel tyto "
#~ "bal?ky nepot?ebuje. (Pokud si ov?em nechcete sestavit syst?m sami.)"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Collections of software routines\n"
#~ " Packages in the 'libs' section provide necessary functionality for other "
#~ "software on the computer. With very few exceptions, you should not need "
#~ "to explicitly install a package from this section; the package system "
#~ "will install them as required to fulfill dependencies."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Kolekce softwarov?ch knihoven\n"
#~ " Bal?ky ze sekce ?libs? poskytuj? nezbytnou funkcionalitu po??ta?ov?m "
#~ "program?m. Krom? n?kolika v?jimek nemus?te v t?to sekci nic vyb?rat; "
#~ "bal??kovac? syst?m si d?ky z?vislostem nainstaluje v?e pot?ebn?."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Perl interpreter and libraries\n"
#~ " Packages in the 'perl' section provide the Perl programming language and "
#~ "many third-party libraries for it. Unless you are a Perl programmer, you "
#~ "don't need to install packages from this section explicitly; the package "
#~ "system will install them if they are required."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Interpret Perlu a roz?i?uj?c? knihovny\n"
#~ " Bal?ky ze sekce ?perl? poskytuj? programovac? jazyk Perl a mnoho "
#~ "roz?i?uj?c?ch knihoven z dal??ch zdroj?. Pokud nejste perlov? "
#~ "program?tor, nemus?te zde nic vyb?rat; pokud budou n?jak? bal?ky pot?eba, "
#~ "bal??kovac? syst?m si d?ky z?vislostem nainstaluje v?e pot?ebn?."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Python interpreter and libraries\n"
#~ " Packages in the 'python' section provide the Python programming language "
#~ "and many third-party libraries for it. Unless you are a Python "
#~ "programmer, you don't need to install packages from this section "
#~ "explicitly; the package system will install them if they are required."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Interpret Pythonu a roz?i?uj?c? knihovny\n"
#~ " Bal?ky ze sekce ?python? poskytuj? programovac? jazyk Python a mnoho "
#~ "roz?i?uj?c?ch knihoven z dal??ch zdroj?. Pokud nejste pythonov? "
#~ "program?tor, nemus?te zde nic vyb?rat; pokud budou n?jak? bal?ky pot?eba, "
#~ "bal??kovac? syst?m si d?ky z?vislostem nainstaluje v?e pot?ebn?."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Programs to write, send, and route email messages\n"
#~ " Packages in the 'mail' section include mail readers, mail transport "
#~ "daemons, mailing list software, and spam filters, as well as various "
#~ "other software related to electronic mail."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Programy pro ?ten?, psan?, pos?l?n? a sm?rov?n? po?ty\n"
#~ " Bal?ky ze sekce ?mail? obsahuj? programy pro ?ten? po?ty, po?tovn? "
#~ "d?mony, software pro po?tovn? konference, spamov? filtry a sp??zn?n? "
#~ "n?stroje pro pr?ci s elektronickou po?tou."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Numeric analysis and other mathematics-related software\n"
#~ " Packages in the 'math' section include calculators, languages for "
#~ "mathematical computation (similar to Mathematica), symbolic algebra "
#~ "packages, and programs to visualize mathematical objects."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Numerick? anal?za a jin? matematick? software\n"
#~ " Bal?ky ze sekce ?math? zahrnuj? kalkula?ky, jazyky pro matematick? "
#~ "v?po?ty (podobn? s programem Mathematica), bal?ky pro symbolickou algebru "
#~ "a n?stroje pro vizualizaci matematick?ch objekt?."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Miscellaneous software\n"
#~ " Packages in the 'misc' section have too unusual a function to be "
#~ "classified."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Nejr?zn?j?? software\n"
#~ " Bal?ky v sekci ?misc? maj? tak neobvykl? ??el, ?e se nedaj? za?adit "
#~ "jinam."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Programs to connect to and provide various services\n"
#~ " Packages in the 'net' section include clients and servers for many "
#~ "protocols, tools to manipulate and debug low-level network protocols, IM "
#~ "systems, and other network-related software."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Programy pro s??ov?n? a poskytov?n? s??ov?ch slu?eb\n"
#~ " Bal?ky ze sekce ?net? obsahuj? klienty a servery mnoha protokol?, "
#~ "n?stroje pro manipulaci a lad?n? n?zko?rov?ov?ch s??ov?ch protokol?, IM "
#~ "syst?my a mnoho dal??ch s??ov?ch program?."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Usenet clients and servers\n"
#~ " Packages in the 'news' section are related to the Usenet distributed "
#~ "news system.  They include news readers and news servers."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Usenetov? klienti a servery\n"
#~ " Bal?ky ze sekce ?news? jsou spojeny s distribuovan?m syst?mem Usenet "
#~ "news. Naleznete zde prohl??e?e, stejn? jako news servery."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Obsolete libraries\n"
#~ " Packages in the 'oldlibs' section are obsolete and should not be used by "
#~ "new software.  They are provided for compatibility reasons, or because "
#~ "software distributed by Debian still requires them.\n"
#~ " .\n"
#~ " With very few exceptions, you should not need to explicitly install a "
#~ "package from this section; the package system will install them as "
#~ "required to fulfill dependencies."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Zastaral? knihovny\n"
#~ " Bal?ky ze sekce ?oldlibs? jsou star? a v nov?ch programech by se nem?ly "
#~ "pou??vat. Poskytujeme je z d?vod? kompatibility, proto?e n?kter? software "
#~ "je st?le m??e vy?adovat.\n"
#~ " .\n"
#~ " Krom? n?kolika v?jimek nemus?te v t?to sekci nic vyb?rat; bal??kovac? "
#~ "syst?m si d?ky z?vislostem nainstaluje v?e pot?ebn?."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Emulators and software to read foreign filesystems\n"
#~ " Packages in the 'otherosfs' section emulate hardware and operating "
#~ "systems and provide tools for transferring data between different "
#~ "operating systems and hardware platforms. (for instance, utilities to "
#~ "read DOS floppies, and utilities to communicate with Palm Pilots)\n"
#~ " .\n"
#~ " It is worth noting that CD burning software is included in THIS section."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Emul?tory a n?stroje pro p??stup k ciz?m souborov?m syst?m?m\n"
#~ " Bal?ky ze sekce ?otherosfs? emuluj? r?zn? hardware a opera?n? syst?my a "
#~ "poskytuj? n?stroje pro p?enos dat mezi r?zn?mi opera?n?mi syst?my a "
#~ "hardwarov?mi platformami. (Nap??klad komunikace s Palm Piloty.)\n"
#~ " .\n"
#~ " Je vhodn? zm?nit, ?e v T?TO sekci je i software pro vypalov?n? CD."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Software for scientific work\n"
#~ " Packages in the 'science' section include tools for astronomy, biology, "
#~ "and chemistry, as well as other science-related software."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Software pro v?deckou pr?ci\n"
#~ " Bal?ky ze sekce ?science? zahrnuj? n?stroje pro astronomii, biologii, "
#~ "chemii a software pro sp??zn?n? obory."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Command shells and alternative console environments\n"
#~ " Packages in the 'shells' section include programs providing a command-"
#~ "line interface."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Shelly a alternativn? konzolov? prost?ed?\n"
#~ " Bal?ky ze sekce ?shells? obsahuj? programy s ??dkov?m rozhran?m."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Utilities to play and record sound\n"
#~ " Packages in the 'sound' section include sound players, recorders, and "
#~ "encoders for many formats, mixers and volume controls, MIDI sequencers "
#~ "and programs to generate musical notation, drivers for sound hardware, "
#~ "and sound processing software."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "N?stroje pro p?ehr?v?n? a nahr?v?n? zvuk?\n"
#~ " Bal?ky ze sekce ?sound? zahrnuj? p?ehr?va?e, rekord?ry a enkod?ry mnoha "
#~ "form?t?, mix??n? pulty a ovlada?e hlasitosti, MIDI sekvenc?ry, programy "
#~ "pro z?pis not, ovlada?e zvukov?ch za??zen? a software pro zpracov?n? "
#~ "zvuku."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "The TeX typesetting system\n"
#~ " Packages in the 'tex' section are related to TeX, a system for producing "
#~ "high-quality typeset output.  They include TeX itself, TeX packages, "
#~ "editors designed for TeX, utilities to convert TeX and TeX output files "
#~ "to various formats, TeX fonts, and other software related to TeX."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Typografick? syst?m TeX\n"
#~ " Bal?ky ze sekce ?tex? jsou sp??zn?ny s TeXem, syst?mem pro vytv??en? "
#~ "vysoce kvalitn?ch v?stup?. Zahrnuj? samotn? TeX, editory speci?ln? "
#~ "navr?en? pro TeX, n?stroje pro p?evod TeXov?ch soubor? do mnoha form?t?, "
#~ "TeXov? fonty a dal?? p??buzn? software."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Text processing utilities\n"
#~ " Packages in the 'text' section include text filters and processors, "
#~ "spelling checkers, dictionary programs, utilities to convert between "
#~ "character encodings and text file formats (eg, Unix and DOS), text "
#~ "formatters and pretty-printers, and other software which operates on "
#~ "plain text."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "N?stroje pro zpracov?n? textu\n"
#~ " Bal?ky ze sekce ?text? obsahuj? textov? filtry, procesory, slovn?ky, "
#~ "hl?da?e p?eklep?, konverzn? programy pro p?evod mezi r?zn?mi form?ty a "
#~ "nejr?zn?j??mi k?dov?n?mi, form?tova?e textu a dal?? software, kter? "
#~ "pracuje s ?ist?m textem."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Various system utilities\n"
#~ " Packages in the 'utils' section are utilities whose purpose is too "
#~ "unique to be classified."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "R?zn? syst?mov? n?stroje\n"
#~ " Bal?ky v sekci ?utils? jsou n?stroje, jejich? ??el je p??li? specifick? "
#~ "pro za?azen? do konkr?tn? skupiny."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Web browsers, servers, proxies, and other tools\n"
#~ " Packages in the 'web' section include Web browsers, Web servers and "
#~ "proxies, software to write CGI scripts or Web-based programs, pre-written "
#~ "Web-based programs, and other software related to the World Wide Web."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Webov? prohl??e?e, servery a okoln? programy\n"
#~ " Bal?ky ze sekce ?web? nab?z? webov? prohl??e?e, webov? servery a proxy, "
#~ "software pro psan? CGI skript? nebo webov?ch slu?eb, a v?bec v?e, co se "
#~ "t?k? World Wide Webu."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "The X window system and related software\n"
#~ " Packages in the 'x11' section include the core packages for the X window "
#~ "system, window managers, utility programs for X, and miscellaneous "
#~ "programs with an X GUI which were placed here because they didn't fit "
#~ "anywhere else."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "X Window System a sp??zn?n? software\n"
#~ " Bal?ky v sekci ?x11? zahrnuj? j?dro X Window Syst?mu, spr?vce oken, "
#~ "n?stroje pro X a r?zn? programy s grafick?m X rozhran?m, kter? se "
#~ "nehodily do ??dn? jin? kategorie."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Programs which depend on software not in Debian\n"
#~ " Packages in the 'contrib' section are not part of Debian.\n"
#~ " .\n"
#~ " These packages are Free Software, but they depend on software which is "
#~ "not part of Debian.  This may be because it is not Free Software, but is "
#~ "packaged in the non-free section of the archive, because Debian cannot "
#~ "distribute it at all, or (in rare cases) because no-one has packaged it "
#~ "yet.\n"
#~ " .\n"
#~ " For more information about what Debian considers to be Free Software, "
#~ "see http://www.debian.org/social_contract#guidelines"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Programy z?visej?c? na softwaru, kter? nen? v Debianu\n"
#~ " Bal?ky v sekci ?contrib? nejsou sou??st? Debianu.\n"
#~ " .\n"
#~ " Tyto bal?ky jsou svobodn?m softwarem, ale z?vis? na softwaru, kter? nen? "
#~ "sou??st? Debianu. To m??e m?t dv? p???iny. Bu? je tento software "
#~ "nesvobodn?, nebo (z??dka) jej je?t? nikdo nezabalil.\n"
#~ " .\n"
#~ " V?ce informac? o tom, co Debian pova?uje za svobodn? software, naleznete "
#~ "v http://www.debian.org/social_contract#guidelines, nebo ?esky na http://"
#~ "www.debian.cz/info/social_contract.php#guidelines."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "The main Debian archive\n"
#~ " The Debian distribution consists of packages from the 'main' section. "
#~ "Every package in 'main' is Free Software.\n"
#~ " .\n"
#~ " For more information about what Debian considers to be Free Software, "
#~ "see http://www.debian.org/social_contract#guidelines"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Hlavn? archiv Debianu\n"
#~ " Debian se skl?d? z bal?k? ze sekce ?main?. Ka?d? bal?k v t?to sekci je "
#~ "svobodn?m softwarem.\n"
#~ " .\n"
#~ " V?ce informac? o tom, co Debian pova?uje za svobodn? software, naleznete "
#~ "v http://www.debian.org/social_contract#guidelines, nebo ?esky na http://"
#~ "www.debian.cz/info/social_contract.php#guidelines."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Programs stored outside the US due to export controls\n"
#~ " Packages in 'non-US' likely contain cryptography; a few implement "
#~ "patented algorithms. Because of this, they cannot be exported from the "
#~ "United States, and hence are stored on a server in the \"free world\".\n"
#~ " .\n"
#~ " Note: the Debian Project is currently merging cryptographic software "
#~ "into the US-based archives after consulting with legal experts about "
#~ "recent changes in export policies. Most packages which were formerly "
#~ "found in this section, therefore, are now in 'main'."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Programy ulo?en? mimo USA kv?li exportn?m omezen?m\n"
#~ " Bal?ky ze sekce ?non-US? nej?ast?ji obsahuj? kryptografii a n?kolik "
#~ "patentovan?ch algoritm?. D?ky tomu nemohou b?t vyv??eny ze Spojen?ch "
#~ "st?t? a proto jsou ulo?eny na serverech ve ?svobodn?m? sv?t?.\n"
#~ " .\n"
#~ " Pozn?mka: Po ned?vn?ch zm?n?ch v exportn? politice USA jsou nyn? tyto "
#~ "bal?ky p?esouv?ny do hlavn?ho archivu v sekci ?main?."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Programs which are not free software\n"
#~ " Packages in the 'non-free' section are not part of Debian.\n"
#~ " .\n"
#~ " These packages fail to meet one or more of the requirements of the "
#~ "Debian Free Software Guidelines (see below). You should read the license "
#~ "of programs in this section to be sure that you are allowed to use them "
#~ "in the way you intend.\n"
#~ " .\n"
#~ " For more information about what Debian considers to be Free Software, "
#~ "see http://www.debian.org/social_contract#guidelines"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Nesvobodn? software\n"
#~ " Bal?ky v sekci ?non-free? nejsou sou??st? Debianu.\n"
#~ " .\n"
#~ " Tyto bal?ky nespl?uj? n?kter? po?adavky z Debian Free Software "
#~ "Guidelines. P?ed pou?it?m t?chto bal?k? si p?e?t?te jejich licen?n? "
#~ "podm?nky, zda m??ete software pou??vat pro zam??len? ??ely.\n"
#~ " .\n"
#~ " V?ce informac? o tom, co Debian pova?uje za svobodn? software, naleznete "
#~ "v http://www.debian.org/social_contract#guidelines, nebo ?esky na http://"
#~ "www.debian.cz/info/social_contract.php#guidelines."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Virtual packages\n"
#~ " These packages do not exist; they are names other packages use to "
#~ "require or provide some functionality."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Virtu?ln? bal?ky\n"
#~ " Tyto bal?ky fyzicky neexistuj?; jsou to pouze jm?na, kter? vyu??vaj? "
#~ "ostatn? bal?ky vy?aduj?c? ur?itou funk?nost."

#~ msgid "Tasks/Tasks"
#~ msgstr "?lohy/?lohy"

#~ msgid "Unknown/Unknown"
#~ msgstr "Nezn?m?/Nezn?m?"

#~ msgid "virtual/virtual"
#~ msgstr "virtu?ln?/virtu?ln?"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "\n"
#~ " These packages have not yet been classified in debtags."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\n"
#~ " Tyto bal?ky zat?m nebyly syst?mem debtags klasifikov?ny."

#~ msgid "View the terms under which you may copy and distribute aptiutde"
#~ msgstr "Zobraz? podm?nky, za kter?ch m??ete aptitude ???it"

#~ msgid "Formatting marker with missing format code"
#~ msgstr "Form?tovac? zna?ka s chyb?j?c?m form?tovac?m k?dem"

#~ msgid "Bad number in format string: '%ls'"
#~ msgstr "Chybn? ??slo ve form?tovac?m ?et?zci: ?%ls?"

#~ msgid "Missing parameter number in format string"
#~ msgstr "Chyb?j?c? ??slo parametru ve form?tovac?m ?et?zci"

#~ msgid "Parameter numbers must be 1 or greater, not %ld"
#~ msgstr "??sla parametr? mus? b?t v?t?? nebo rovna 1, ne %ld"

#~ msgid "Unknown formatting code '%lc'"
#~ msgstr "Nezn?m? form?tovac? vzor: ?%lc?"

#~ msgid "Bad format parameter"
#~ msgstr "Chybn? form?tovac? parametr"

#~ msgid "Cannot parse key description: %ls"
#~ msgstr "Nemohu zpracovat popis kl?vesy: %ls"

#~ msgid "Invalid null keybinding"
#~ msgstr "Neplatn? pr?zdn? kl?vesov? zkratka"

#~ msgid "Sorry, control modifiers may not be used with unprintable characters"
#~ msgstr "Lituji, modifik?tory nemohou b?t pou?ity s netisknuteln?mi znaky"

#~ msgid "Ouch!  Got SIGTERM, dying..\n"
#~ msgstr "Au! Dostal m? SIGTERM, um?r?m..\n"

#~ msgid "Ouch!  Got SIGSEGV, dying..\n"
#~ msgstr "Au! Dostal m? SIGSEGV, um?r?m..\n"

#~ msgid "Ouch!  Got SIGABRT, dying..\n"
#~ msgstr "Au! Dostal m? SIGABRT, um?r?m..\n"

#~ msgid "Ouch!  Got SIGQUIT, dying..\n"
#~ msgstr "Au! Dostal m? SIGQUIT, um?r?m..\n"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Unable to load filename: the string %ls has no multibyte representation."
#~ msgstr "Nemohu na??st soubor: ?et?zec %ls nem? v?cebajtovou reprezentaci."

#~ msgid "TOP LEVEL"
#~ msgstr "NEJVY??? ?ROVE?"
-------------- next part --------------
// -*-c++-*-
// This file defines the names of sections known by aptitude for cs.
// Due to bug #260446, double-quotes (") cannot be backslash-escaped.
// For this reason, aptitude treats adjacent pairs of apostrophese('')
// as double-quotes: that is, the string "''" in a section description
// will be rendered as one double quote.  No other characters are
// affected by this behavior.

  Descriptions {
    Unknown	"Bal?ky bez sekce\n T?mto bal?k?m nebyla p?i?azena ??dn? sekce. Mo?n? je chyba v souboru Packages?";
    Virtual	"Virtu?ln? bal?ky\n Tyto bal?ky fyzicky neexistuj?; jsou to pouze jm?na, kter? vyu??vaj? ostatn? bal?ky vy?aduj?c? ur?itou funk?nost.";
    Tasks	"Bal?ky, kter? nastav? po??ta? pro vykon?v?n? ur?it? ?lohy\n Bal?ky v sekci ??lohy? neobsahuj? ??dn? soubory, pouze z?vis? na ostatn?ch bal?c?ch. Tyto bal?ky nab?z? jednoduchou cestu k instalaci v?ech bal?k? pot?ebn?ch pro vykon?v?n? ur?it? ?lohy.";

    admin	"N?stroje pro spr?vu (instalace softwaru, spr?va u?ivatel?, atd.)\n Bal?ky v sekci ?admin? umo??uj? prov?d?t spr?vu syst?mu, jako instalaci softwaru, spr?vu u?ivatel?, nastaven? a sledov?n? syst?mu, zkoum?n? s??ov?ho provozu, a tak podobn?.";
    alien	"Bal?ky konvertovan? z ciz?ch form?t? (rpm, tgz, atd.)\n Bal?ky ze sekce ?alien? byly vytvo?eny programem ?alien? z ciz?ch form?t? bal?k?, jako t?eba RPM.";
    base	"Z?kladn? syst?m Debianu\n Bal?ky ze sekce ?base? jsou sou??st? minim?ln? instalace syst?mu.";
    cli-mono	"Mono a Common Language Infrastructure\n Bal?ky ze sekce ?cli-mono? poskytuj? open source implementaci v?vojov?ho a b?hov?ho prost?ed? .NET od Microsoftu, kter? je zalo?eno ECMA standardech pro C# a Common Language Runtime.  Pokud nejste .NET program?tor, nemus?te zde nic vyb?rat; pokud budou n?jak? bal?ky pot?eba, bal?kovac? syst?m si d?ky z?vislostem nainstaluje v?e pot?ebn?.";
    comm	"Programy pro faxmodemy a jin? komunika?n? za??zen?\n Bal?ky ze sekce ?comm? se pou??vaj? k ovl?d?n? modem? a dal??ch hardwarov?ch komunika?n?ch za??zen?. To zahrnuje software pro faxmodemy (nap?. PPP pro vyt??en? p?ipojen? k Internetu a p?vodn? software jako zmodem/kermit), mobiln? telefony, rozhran? k FidoNetu, nebo vlastn? BBS server.";
    database	"Datab?zov? servery a n?stroje\n Bal?ky ze sekce ?database? obsahuj? datab?zov? servery typu PostgreSQL nebo SQLite, datab?zov? klienty a n?stroje pro spr?vu datab?z?.";
    debug	"Ladic? symboly\n Bal?ky ze sekce ?debug? obsahuj? soubory vy?adovan? pro lad?n? program?. Pokud zrovna nechcete ladit konkr?tn? program, bal?ky z t?to sekce nepot?ebujete.";
    devel	"N?stroje pro v?voj softwaru\n Bal?ky ze sekce ?devel? jsou pou??v?ny k psan? nov?ch program? a upravov?n? program? st?vaj?c?ch. Neprogram?to?i, kte?? si sami nekompiluj? programy, z t?to sekce asi mnoho nepot?ebuj?.\n .\n Zahrnuty jsou kompil?tory, debugovac? n?stroje, program?torsk? editory, n?stroje pro zpracov?n? zdrojov?ch text? a dal?? v?ci s programov?n?m spojen?.";
    doc		"Dokumentace a programy pro jej? prohl??en?\n Bal?ky ze sekce ?doc? dokumentuj? r?zn? ??sti Debianu, nebo slou?? k prohl??en? t?to dokumentace.";
    editors	"Textov? editory a procesory\n Bal?ky ze sekce ?editors? umo??uj? editovat ?ist? ASCII text. Tyto n?stroje nejsou textov?mi procesory, i kdy? i ty m??ete v t?to sekci nal?zt.";
    education	"Programy, dokumentace nebo data spojen? se vzd?l?v?n?m\n Bal?ky ze sekce ?education? se v??ou ke vzd?l?vac?m aktivit?m.";
    electronics	"Programy pro pr?ci s el. obvody a elektronikou\n Bal?ky ze sekce ?electronics? obsahuj? n?stroje pro n?vrh elektrick?ch obvod?, simul?tory a assemblery mikro?adi?? a podobn? software.";
    embedded	"Programy pro vlo?en? (embeded) syst?my\n Bal?ky ze sekce ?embedded? slou?? k b?hu na vlo?en?ch za??zen?ch. Vlo?en? za??zen? jsou specializovan? hardwarov? za??zen? s minim?ln?m p??konem, jako t?eba PDA, mobiln? telefony, nebo Tivo.";
    fonts	"P?sma a n?stroje pro pr?ci s p?smy\n Bal?ky ze sekce ?fonts? obsahuj? p?sma v nejr?zn?j??ch form?tech a tak? n?stroje pro jejich spr?vu.";
    games	"Hry, hra?ky a z?bavn? programy\n Bal?ky ze sekce ?games? slou?? prim?rn? pro z?bavu.";
    gnome	"Desktopov? prost?ed? GNOME\n GNOME je kolekce program?, kter? spole?n? nab?zej? jednoduch? a p??jemn? desktopov? prost?ed?. Bal?ky v sekci ?gnome? jsou p??mo sou??st? prost?ed? GNOME, nebo s n?m ?zce souvis?.";
    gnustep	"Prost?ed? GNUstep\n GNUstep je multiplatformn?, objektov? orientovan? r?mec pro v?voj desktopov?ch aplikac?. Bal?ky v sekci ?gnustep? jsou p??mo sou??st? prost?ed? GNUstep, nebo s n?m ?zce souvis?.";
    gnu-r	"Statistick? syst?m GNU R\n GNU R je svobodn? prost?ed? pro statistick? v?po?ty a grafiku. Bal?ky v sekci ?gnu-r? obsahuj? syst?m GNU R a mnoho roz?i?uj?c?ch knihoven z dal??ch zdroj?.";
    graphics	"N?stroje pro vytv??en?, prohl??en? a ?pravu grafick?ch soubor?\n Bal?ky v sekci ?graphics? zahrnuj? prohl??e?e obr?zk?, software pro ?pravu obr?zk?, software pro komunikaci s grafick?m hardwarem (jako jsou grafick? karty, scannery a digit?ln? kamery) a tak? programovac? n?stroje pro ?e?en? grafick?ch ?loh.";
    hamradio	"Software pro radioamat?ry\n Bal?ky v sekci ?hamradio? jsou prim?rn? c?len? na radioamat?ry.";
    haskell	"Programovac? jazyk Haskell a roz?i?uj?c? knihovny\n Bal?ky ze sekce ?haskell? poskytuj? programovac? jazyk Haskell a mnoho roz?i?uj?c?ch knihoven z dal??ch zdroj?. Pokud nejste haskel program?tor, nemus?te zde nic vyb?rat; pokud budou n?jak? bal?ky pot?eba, bal?kovac? syst?m si d?ky z?vislostem nainstaluje v?e pot?ebn?.";
    httpd	"Webov? servery a jejich moduly\n Bal?ky ze sekce ?httpd? obsahuj? r?zn? webov? servery, kter? se hod? jak pro miniaturn? za??zen? s n?kolika kilobajty pam?ti, tak pro servery poh?n?j?c? nejv?t?? webov? s?dla.";
    interpreters	"Interprety pro interpretovan? jazyky\n Bal?ky v sekci ?interpreters? obsahuj? interprety pro jazyky jako Lua, Pike, Smalltalk nebo Tcl a tak? jejich roz?i?uj?c? knihovny. N?kter? interpretovan? jazyky se spoustou knihoven maj? sv? vlastn? sekce, nap?. Perl, Python nebo Ruby.";
    introspection	"Podpora introspekce pro programovac? jazyky\n Bal?ky v sekci ?introspection? poskytuj? podporu introspekce (p?vodn? pro GObject). Introspekce znamen? schopnost n?kter?ch programovac?ch jazyk? zkoumat typy a vlastnosti objekt? za b?hu.";
    java	"Programovac? jazyk Java a roz?i?uj?c? knihovny\n Bal?ky ze sekce ?java? poskytuj? programovac? jazyk Java a mnoho roz?i?uj?c?ch knihoven z dal??ch zdroj?. Pokud nejste java program?tor, nemus?te zde nic vyb?rat; pokud budou n?jak? bal?ky pot?eba, bal?kovac? syst?m si d?ky z?vislostem nainstaluje v?e pot?ebn?.";
    kde		"Desktopov? prost?ed? KDE\n KDE je kolekce program?, kter? spole?n? nab?zej? jednoduch? a p??jemn? desktopov? prost?ed?. Bal?ky v sekci ?kde? jsou p??mo sou??st? prost?ed? KDE, nebo s n?m ?zce souvis?.";
    kernel	"J?dro a moduly j?dra\n Bal?ky ze sekce ?kernel? poskytuj? samotn? j?dro opera?n?ho syst?mu a roz?i?uj?c? moduly, kter? p?id?vaj? nap??klad podporu pro neobvykl? hardware nebo pro b?h virtu?ln?ch stroj?.";
    libdevel	"V?vojov? soubory pro knihovny\n Bal?ky ze sekce ?libdevel? obsahuj? soubory vy?adovan? pro sestaven? program?, kter? vyu??vaj? knihovny ze sekce ?libs?. B??n? u?ivatel tyto bal?ky nepot?ebuje. (Pokud si ov?em nechcete sestavit syst?m sami.)";
    libs	"Kolekce softwarov?ch knihoven\n Bal?ky ze sekce ?libs? poskytuj? nezbytnou funkcionalitu po??ta?ov?m program?m. Krom? n?kolika v?jimek nemus?te v t?to sekci nic vyb?rat; bal?kovac? syst?m si d?ky z?vislostem nainstaluje v?e pot?ebn?.";
    lisp	"Programovac? jazyk Lisp a roz?i?uj?c? knihovny\n Bal?ky ze sekce ?lisp? poskytuj? programovac? jazyk Lisp a mnoho roz?i?uj?c?ch knihoven z dal??ch zdroj?. Pokud nejste lispov? program?tor, nemus?te zde nic vyb?rat; pokud budou n?jak? bal?ky pot?eba, bal?kovac? syst?m si d?ky z?vislostem nainstaluje v?e pot?ebn?.";
    localization	"Jazykov? bal?ky\n Bal?ky ze sekce ?localization? obsahuj? p?eklady program? do nejr?zn?j??ch jazyk?.\n.\n Mnoh? programy obsahuj? p?eklady p??mo ve sv?m bal?ku, tak?e i kdy? zde nevid?te vhodn? lokaliza?n? bal?k, st?le existuje ?ance, ?e bude dan? program lokalizovan?.";
    mail	"Programy pro ?ten?, psan?, pos?l?n? a sm?rov?n? po?ty\n Bal?ky ze sekce ?mail? obsahuj? programy pro ?ten? po?ty, po?tovn? d?mony, software pro po?tovn? konference, spamov? filtry a sp??zn?n? n?stroje pro pr?ci s elektronickou po?tou.";
    math	"Numerick? anal?za a jin? matematick? software\n Bal?ky ze sekce ?math? zahrnuj? kalkula?ky, jazyky pro matematick? v?po?ty (podobn? s programem Mathematica), bal?ky pro symbolickou algebru a n?stroje pro vizualizaci matematick?ch objekt?.";
    metapackages	"Bal?ky, kter? pouze z?vis? na jin?ch bal?c?ch\n Bal?ky v sekci ?metapackages? nemaj? ??dn? obsah, pouze z?vis? na ostatn?ch bal?c?ch. Tato sekce byla vytvo?ena pro ??ely bal?kovac?ch n?stroj?, aby s nimi mohly l?pe pracovat.";
    misc	"Nejr?zn?j?? software\n Bal?ky v sekci ?misc? maj? tak neobvykl? ??el, ?e se nedaj? za?adit jinam.";
    net		"Programy pro s??ov?n? a poskytov?n? s??ov?ch slu?eb\n Bal?ky ze sekce ?net? obsahuj? klienty a servery mnoha protokol?, n?stroje pro manipulaci a lad?n? n?zko?rov?ov?ch s??ov?ch protokol?, IM syst?my a mnoho dal??ch s??ov?ch program?.";
    news	"Usenetov? klienti a servery\n Bal?ky ze sekce ?news? jsou spojeny s distribuovan?m syst?mem Usenet news. Naleznete zde prohl??e?e, stejn? jako news servery.";
    ocaml	"Programovac? jazyk OCaml a roz?i?uj?c? knihovny\n Bal?ky ze sekce ?ocaml? poskytuj? programovac? jazyk OCaml a mnoho roz?i?uj?c?ch knihoven z dal??ch zdroj?. Pokud nejste ocaml program?tor, nemus?te zde nic vyb?rat; pokud budou n?jak? bal?ky pot?eba, bal?kovac? syst?m si d?ky z?vislostem nainstaluje v?e pot?ebn?.";
    oldlibs	"Zastaral? knihovny\n Bal?ky ze sekce ?oldlibs? jsou star? a v nov?ch programech by se nem?ly pou??vat. Poskytujeme je z d?vod? kompatibility, proto?e n?kter? software je st?le m??e vy?adovat.\n .\n Krom? n?kolika v?jimek nemus?te v t?to sekci nic vyb?rat; bal?kovac? syst?m si d?ky z?vislostem nainstaluje v?e pot?ebn?.";
    otherosfs	"Emul?tory a n?stroje pro p??stup k ciz?m souborov?m syst?m?m\n Bal?ky ze sekce ?otherosfs? emuluj? r?zn? hardware a opera?n? syst?my a poskytuj? n?stroje pro p?enos dat mezi r?zn?mi opera?n?mi syst?my a hardwarov?mi platformami. (Nap??klad komunikace s Palm Piloty.)\n .\n Je vhodn? zm?nit, ?e v T?TO sekci je i software pro vypalov?n? CD.";
    perl	"Programovac? jazyk Perl a roz?i?uj?c? knihovny\n Bal?ky ze sekce ?perl? poskytuj? programovac? jazyk Perl a mnoho roz?i?uj?c?ch knihoven z dal??ch zdroj?. Pokud nejste perlov? program?tor, nemus?te zde nic vyb?rat; pokud budou n?jak? bal?ky pot?eba, bal?kovac? syst?m si d?ky z?vislostem nainstaluje v?e pot?ebn?.";
    php 	"Programovac? jazyk PHP a roz?i?uj?c? knihovny\n Bal?ky ze sekce ?php? poskytuj? programovac? jazyk PHP a mnoho roz?i?uj?c?ch knihoven z dal??ch zdroj?. Pokud nejste php program?tor, nemus?te zde nic vyb?rat; pokud budou n?jak? bal?ky pot?eba, bal?kovac? syst?m si d?ky z?vislostem nainstaluje v?e pot?ebn?.";
    python	"Programovac? jazyk Python a roz?i?uj?c? knihovny\n Bal?ky ze sekce ?python? poskytuj? programovac? jazyk Python a mnoho roz?i?uj?c?ch knihoven z dal??ch zdroj?. Pokud nejste pythonov? program?tor, nemus?te zde nic vyb?rat; pokud budou n?jak? bal?ky pot?eba, bal?kovac? syst?m si d?ky z?vislostem nainstaluje v?e pot?ebn?.";
    ruby	"Programovac? jazyk Ruby a roz?i?uj?c? knihovny\n Bal?ky ze sekce ?ruby? poskytuj? programovac? jazyk Ruby a mnoho roz?i?uj?c?ch knihoven z dal??ch zdroj?. Pokud nejste ruby program?tor, nemus?te zde nic vyb?rat; pokud budou n?jak? bal?ky pot?eba, bal?kovac? syst?m si d?ky z?vislostem nainstaluje v?e pot?ebn?.";
    science	"Software pro v?deckou pr?ci\n Bal?ky ze sekce ?science? zahrnuj? n?stroje pro astronomii, biologii, chemii a software pro sp??zn?n? obory.";
    shells	"Shelly a alternativn? konzolov? prost?ed?\n Bal?ky ze sekce ?shells? obsahuj? programy s ??dkov?m rozhran?m.";
    sound	"N?stroje pro p?ehr?v?n? a nahr?v?n? zvuk?\n Bal?ky ze sekce ?sound? zahrnuj? p?ehr?va?e, rekord?ry a enkod?ry mnoha form?t?, mix??n? pulty a ovlada?e hlasitosti, MIDI sekvencery, programy pro z?pis not, ovlada?e zvukov?ch za??zen? a software pro zpracov?n? zvuku.";
    tex		"Typografick? syst?m TeX\n Bal?ky ze sekce ?tex? jsou sp??zn?ny s TeXem, syst?mem pro vytv??en? vysoce kvalitn?ch v?stup?. Zahrnuj? samotn? TeX, editory speci?ln? navr?en? pro TeX, n?stroje pro p?evod TeXov?ch soubor? do mnoha form?t?, TeXov? fonty a dal?? p??buzn? software.";
    text	"N?stroje pro zpracov?n? textu\n Bal?ky ze sekce ?text? obsahuj? textov? filtry, procesory, slovn?ky, hl?da?e p?eklep?, konverzn? programy pro p?evod mezi r?zn?mi form?ty a nejr?zn?j??mi k?dov?n?mi, form?tova?e textu a dal?? software, kter? pracuje s ?ist?m textem.";
    utils	"R?zn? syst?mov? n?stroje\n Bal?ky v sekci ?utils? jsou n?stroje, jejich? ??el je p??li? specifick? pro za?azen? do konkr?tn? skupiny.";
    video	"N?stroje pro nahr?v?n?, p?ehr?v?n? a ?pravu video soubor?\n Bal?ky v sekci ?video? zahrnuj? software pro sledov?n? video soubor?, DVD a televize, software pro zpracov?n? videa a tak? n?stroje pro streamov?n?. Pomoc? t?chto n?stroj? lze vytvo?it kompletn? nahr?vac? studio nebo dom?c? multimedi?ln? centrum.";
    vcs 	"Syst?my pro spr?vu verz?\n Bal?ky ze sekce ?vcs? slou?? pro sledov?n? a spr?vu zm?n v dokumentech, programech a jin?ch po??ta?ov?ch souborech. Pomoc? t?chto n?stroj? je nap??klad mo?n? se vracet k p?edchoz?m verz?m, nebo sledovat paraleln? v?vojov? v?tve.";
    web		"Webov? prohl??e?e, servery a okoln? programy\n Bal?ky ze sekce ?web? nab?z? webov? prohl??e?e, webov? servery a proxy, software pro psan? CGI skript? nebo webov?ch slu?eb, a v?bec v?e, co se t?k? World Wide Webu.";
    x11		"X Window System a sp??zn?n? software\n Bal?ky v sekci ?x11? zahrnuj? j?dro X Window Syst?mu, spr?vce oken, n?stroje pro X a r?zn? programy s grafick?m X rozhran?m, kter? se nehodily do ??dn? jin? kategorie.";
    xfce	"Desktopov? prost?ed? Xfce\n Xfce je kolekce program?, kter? spole?n? nab?zej? jednoduch? a p??jemn? desktopov? prost?ed?. Bal?ky v sekci ?xfce? jsou p??mo sou??st? prost?ed? Xfce, nebo s n?m ?zce souvis?.";
    zope	"Aplika?n? server Zope/Plone\n Bal?ky ze sekce ?zope? poskytuj? aplika?n? server pro vytv??en? syst?m? pro spr?vu obsahu, intranet?, port?l? a specializovan?ch aplikac?. Jedn?m konkr?tn?m syst?mem pro spr?vu obsahu postaven?m nad serverem Zope je Plone.";

    main	"Hlavn? archiv Debianu\n Debian se skl?d? z bal?k? ze sekce ?main?. Ka?d? bal?k v t?to sekci je svobodn?m softwarem.\n .\n V?ce informac? o tom, co Debian pova?uje za svobodn? software, naleznete v http://www.debian.org/social_contract#guidelines, nebo ?esky na http://www.debian.cz/info/social_contract.php#guidelines.";
    contrib	"Programy z?visej?c? na softwaru, kter? nen? v Debianu\n Bal?ky v sekci ?contrib? nejsou sou??st? Debianu.\n .\n Tyto bal?ky jsou svobodn?m softwarem, ale z?vis? na softwaru, kter? nen? sou??st? Debianu. To m??e m?t dv? p???iny. Bu? je tento software nesvobodn?, nebo (z??dka) jej je?t? nikdo nezabalil.\n .\n V?ce informac? o tom, co Debian pova?uje za svobodn? software, naleznete v http://www.debian.org/social_contract#guidelines, nebo ?esky na http://www.debian.cz/info/social_contract.php#guidelines.";
    non-free	"Nesvobodn? software\n Bal?ky v sekci ?non-free? nejsou sou??st? Debianu.\n .\n Tyto bal?ky nespl?uj? n?kter? po?adavky z Debian Free Software Guidelines. P?ed pou?it?m t?chto bal?k? si p?e?t?te jejich licen?n? podm?nky, zda m??ete software pou??vat pro zam??len? ??ely.\n .\n V?ce informac? o tom, co Debian pova?uje za svobodn? software, naleznete v http://www.debian.org/social_contract#guidelines, nebo ?esky na http://www.debian.cz/info/social_contract.php#guidelines.";
    non-US	"Programy ulo?en? mimo USA kv?li exportn?m omezen?m\n Bal?ky ze sekce ?non-US? nej?ast?ji obsahuj? kryptografii a n?kolik patentovan?ch algoritm?. D?ky tomu nemohou b?t vyv??eny ze Spojen?ch st?t? a proto jsou ulo?eny na serverech ve ?svobodn?m? sv?t?.\n .\n Pozn?mka: Po ned?vn?ch zm?n?ch v exportn? politice USA jsou nyn? tyto bal?ky p?esouv?ny do hlavn?ho archivu v sekci ?main?.";

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