[Aptitude-devel] Bug#514541: help: "l" Limit display to this search pattern

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo manuel.montezelo at gmail.com
Fri Aug 28 23:55:03 UTC 2015

Control: tags -1 + pending

Hello Allan,

2009-02-08 17:11 Allan Wind:
>Package: aptitude
>Severity: minor
>I use the "l" command all the time and noticed that it was missing, and
>it would be great if the filter syntax could be documented both in the
>help and man page.

As of version 0.6.11-1 (and for quite a while now), there is
documentation about this feature in:

- section “Search Patterns” in the reference manual, which can be
  accessed through the Help element in aptitude itself, brwosing the
  contents of the package aptitude-doc-${language} (at least -en) and

- the man page ("search" command, with some examples and pointing to the
  manual for futher information)

- after this bug report, I just added information to the Help inside
  aptitude, thanks for the suggestion

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo <manuel.montezelo at gmail.com>

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