[Aptitude-devel] Bug#807098: don't ask "Do you want to continue? [Y/n/?]" if there is nothing to do

積丹尼 Dan Jacobson jidanni at jidanni.org
Mon Dec 7 00:48:12 UTC 2015

>>>>> "MAFM" == Manuel A Fernandez Montecelo <manuel.montezelo at gmail.com> writes:


MAFM> 2015-12-06 21:28 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson:
>> Here it always asks too:

MAFM> (missing part of the email, it seems)

Oh, I was referring to forbid-version below, sorry.

MAFM> I think that most of the whitespace happens because aptitude always
MAFM> works with columns.  --disable-columns in the command line probably will
MAFM> help you to get rid of most extra whitespace, but then it will not
MAFM> "tabulate" the fields in the rows.

OK I did aptitude --disable-columns full-upgrade but cat -e still shows

22)     xserver-xorg-video-sisusb       $
23)     xserver-xorg-video-trident      $
24)     xserver-xorg-video-vesa         $
25)     xserver-xorg-video-vmware       $
Accept this solution? [Y/n/q/?] n$
The following actions will resolve these dependencies:$

Indeed, extra blank lines too. Note I always use the CLI version and
never the curses instance of aptitude.

MAFM> There's another bug report open about that, but whitespace in the
MAFM> current "columns" mode is quite likely to remain as it is, because it's
MAFM> a fundamental part of how aptitude output works.

MAFM> (I'm not sure why this is relevant for the current bug report, though).

Indeed I recall trailing blanks are a "wontfix" so I guess I won't pursue it further.

MAFM> I am not sure why you have the need to set this option to true,
MAFM> but in general and by default aptitude already almost always asks.

E.g., check with me with --download-only so I can be sure I'm ready for
the size.

MAFM> So for me Always-Prompt is a quite clear description, and has to do
MAFM> something more than the default "almost always prompt", because that's
MAFM> what aptitude already does anyway.

MAFM> There's also the possibility to use -y/--assume-yes, which (as
MAFM> documented in the man page) overrides
MAFM> -P/Aptitude::CmdLine::Always-Prompt set to true if you are really sure
MAFM> that you want to continue with an action no matter what, like the "purge
MAFM> ~c" -> "aptitude -y purge ~c".

-y: dangerous.

MAFM> Either that or pressing a single Enter in the relatively rare occasions
MAFM> when nothing needs to be done, doesn't look terribly inconvenient to me.


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