[Aptitude-devel] Bug#762846: aptitude: Downloading changelogs fails with "Failed to download the changelog of …: Could not open file /tmp/aptitude-root.…:…/aptitudeDownload… - open (13: Permission denied) [IP: … 80]" as root since apt 1.1~exp3

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo manuel.montezelo at gmail.com
Sat Dec 12 15:28:22 UTC 2015

Control: tags -1 + moreinfo

Hi Axel,

2014-09-25 17:19 Axel Beckert:
>Package: aptitude
>Version: 0.6.11-1
>With apt 1.1~exp3 from Debian Experimental installed, aptitude is no
>more able to show downloaded changelogs temporarily when being called as
># aptitude changelog dh-autoreconf
>Err Changelog of dh-autoreconf
>E: Changelog download failed: Could not open file /tmp/aptitude-root.16926:DkJnDf/aptitudeDownloaddH=t5-:ju5CZ9P,wwc211hbduMMVy5CW - open (13: Permission denied) [IP: 80]
>Err Changelog of dh-autoreconf
>E: Changelog download failed: Could not open file /tmp/aptitude-root.16926:DkJnDf/aptitudeDownloady=26TywAuyLtIgj3:oY-p6PB27S7j,xd - open (13: Permission denied) [IP: 80]
>E: Couldn't find a changelog for dh-autoreconf
>Happens in interactive mode, too, when pressing Shift-C. The error
>message is then shown in the status line.
>It still works fine as non-root user, though:
>$ aptitude changelog dh-autoreconf
>Get: Changelog of dh-autoreconf
>Also "apt-get changelog dh-autoreconf" works fine, so this is not a
>general issue in APT.
>Reason is very likely that /tmp/aptitude-root.16926:DkJnDf/ belongs to
>root and is only readable and writable by root while the downloading
>backend likely runs under the new "_apt" user:
># ls -la /tmp/aptitude-root.16926:DkJnDf/
>total 0
>drwx------  2 root root   40 Sep 25 17:46 .
>drwxrwxrwt 59 root root 1920 Sep 25 18:12 ..

I think that this problem was solved within libapt and that now this
problem is not present (there's still the warning reported in #806595).

Can we close this?  If OK, please close directly when replying.

(Could be merged, but I don't think that merging them adds any value).

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo <manuel.montezelo at gmail.com>

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