[Aptitude-devel] Bug#607118: Bug#607118: Bug#607118: aptitude: after 'q' is cancelled with ctrl-q, it doesn't work again

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo manuel.montezelo at gmail.com
Tue Sep 8 13:55:59 UTC 2015

Control: forcemerge 607118 658271 681023
Control: tags 607118 + pending

(reorganising the content of previous messages...)

2015-09-07 22:50 To Axel Beckert:
>2015-09-07 10:02 Axel Beckert:
>>>I cannot reproduce this with 0.7.1-1,
>>I can.
>>>Unless it is a difference between i386 and amd64 systems, I wonder if it
>>>was just a temporary glitch, or if it was fixed in some way.
>>I can reproduce it on an uptodate Sid amd64.
>That's odd, I cannot reproduce it (also unstable and amd64).
>I press 'q', dialog appears, with Ctrl-g disappears, with 'q' appears
>again, repeatedly without problems; and I don't get missing key presses
>when moving to Yes/No in the dialog buttons or any other observable

I think that the difference was that you have this option set to true:

  Aptitude::UI::Minibuf-Prompts "true";

I thought that it was strange that the string was reported as "Really
quit Aptitude? [n]y", with the replies in that order instead of "[Yes]
[No]", but it didn't occured to me that the minibuf option was at play
at first, because I haven't used it recently.

Anyway, when I realised and enabled this option, I was able to reproduce
the problem in #607118 and then fix it.

At least the original reporter of #658271 (Matthew) and Axel also had
this option enabled, I don't know about Jö.

>>Control: tag -1 = confirmed
>>Control: found -1 0.7.1-1
>>Control: retitle -1 aptitude: after 'q' is cancelled with ctrl-g once, it doesn't work again
>>Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo wrote:
>>>2010-12-14 20:22 Andrew Pimlott:
>>>> Package: aptitude
>>>> Version: 0.6.3-3.2
>>>> Severity: minor
>>>> Start aptitude.  Hit 'q', and the dialog "Really quit Aptitude? [n]y"
>>>> appears.  Hit <ctrl-g> to cancel, and the dialog is dismissed.  Hit 'q'
>>>> again, and nothing happens.
>>Thanks a lot for that hint! I wondered for years what's the condition
>>under which "q" stops working. You found it!

I think that I found what the problem is, read above, bug #607118.

There are also the bugs #658271 and #681023, which are themselves

#658271 is not specific about how to reproduce it, but the description
of the problem in the original message of the bug report matches the
discussion in #607118.  The steps of Axel to try to reproduce it are
more circuitous, but I think that the fix should work for these cases,
so I merged those, and marked all three as 'pending'.

It woud be great if you can try to confirm if this is fixed once the
next version is released.

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo <manuel.montezelo at gmail.com>

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