[Aptitude-devel] Bug#709305: aptitude: Incorrect Italian translation of -aptitude update- output

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo manuel.montezelo at gmail.com
Sat Sep 12 21:10:59 UTC 2015

Control: tags -1 + moreinfo
Control: retitle -1 aptitude: [l10n] Incorrect Italian translation of -aptitude update-

Hi Riccardo,

2013-05-22 14:12 Riccardo Boninsegna:
>Package: aptitude
>Severity: minor
>Tags: l10n
>Sample output of `aptitude update` with it_IT.UTF-8 locale:
> [...]
> Get: 28 http://debian.dynamica.it sid/main 2013-05-21-2016.39.pdiff [7665 B]
> Scaricato 384 kB in 1min 51s (3434 B/s)
> Stato attuale: 27 aggiornati [+27], 16 nuovi [+16].
>The "Scaricato" ("downloaded"), being a plural quantity, should actually read
>Additionally, as in the deselected vs. unselected controversy in dpkg,
>"aggiornati" (updated/upgraded, those words are equivalent in Italian) implies
>that what is called "upgrading packages" has already taken place: as the
>message indicates a certain amount of upgradeable packages which may or may not
>be actually upgraded, that word should be chaged into "aggiornabili"

Sorry that it took ages to handle this bug report, but there are loads of them.

The italian translation has been updated since your report, I think, can
you confirm if this still happens now?

Additionally, it would be great if you could contact the translators of
the .po file, or to provide a patch direcly about this, because I am not
sure about all of the instances where this should be changed.

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo <manuel.montezelo at gmail.com>

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