[Aptitude-devel] Bug#328616: aptitude dist-upgrade reinstalls stuff removed with dpkg -r.

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo manuel.montezelo at gmail.com
Wed Sep 16 20:59:30 UTC 2015

Control: tags -1 + pending

Hi Tuomo,

2005-09-16 12:22 Tuomo Valkonen:
>Package: aptitude
>Severity: important
>Aptitude dist-upgrade reinstalls packages removed with dpkg -r or other
>package tools. Although perhaps intended, this behaviour seriously hinders
>the usability of the package. If I remove a package -- with any tool -- I
>most certainly do _not_ want it back. If aptitude implements "reinstall
>currently broken packages at later time" functionality, it should do it
>differently, in cooperation with other programs. Either add such an option
>option to dpkg itself, or have a database of packages marked as such, not
>its own database of "packages once installed" or something, as it seems to
>do now.

To celebrate the 10th birthday of this bug report, I think that I fixed
it in the repository and it will be present in the next release, so I am
marking it as +pending.

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo <manuel.montezelo at gmail.com>

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