[Aptitude-devel] Bug#839792: aptitude: #839792 (Segfaults when typing (into aptitude) during or maybe shortly before package download) and #837366 (Crash when typing while saying "Updating ... and quitting") might be related
Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo
manuel.montezelo at gmail.com
Sat Dec 31 17:00:22 UTC 2016
Control: tags -1 + moreinfo
2016-10-10 23:13 Axel Beckert:
>JFTR: in case this is actually an issue inside cwidget or in the way
>cwidget is used by aptitude, the two bug reports 839792 (Segfaults
>when typing (into aptitude) during or maybe shortly before package
>download) and #837366 (Crash when typing while saying "Updating ...
>and quitting") might be the same issue or at least related.
With an up-to-date unstable and 0.8.4-1, I cannot reproduce this
(neither of them). Can you still reproduce it?
It seems to me that these recurrent problems involving cwidget, events,
typing and threads have something to do either with the specific locale
settings (mine are the ones below) or temporary ABI incompatibilities,
perhaps due to binNMU recompilations and different order of compilation
of boost, sigc++, cwidget and aptitude. Something similar to what
happened with the Big GCC5 C++11 ABI break, just at a smaller scale.
# env | grep LANG
Another idea would be a difference between using the minibuffer and not
using it.
Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo <manuel.montezelo at gmail.com>
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