[Aptitude-devel] Bug#814037: aptitude: Aptitude::Pkg-Display-Limit is ignored if Aptitude::UI::Flat-View-As-First-View is set to true

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo manuel.montezelo at gmail.com
Tue Feb 9 16:31:01 UTC 2016

Hi Axel,

2016-02-07 19:08 Axel Beckert:
>Package: aptitude
>Version: 0.7.5-3
>if I call either 'aptitude -o "Aptitude::Pkg-Display-Limit=~i" -o
>"Aptitude::UI::Flat-View-As-First-View=true"' or 'aptitude -o
>"Aptitude::UI::Flat-View-As-First-View=true" -o
>"Aptitude::Pkg-Display-Limit=~i"' (i.e. order is not relevant), the
>value of Aptitude::Pkg-Display-Limit is ignored and set to "!~v" which
>is the default for flat views.
>IMHO that default should be overridable on the command line.

Just a note (for explanation, and future fixes) to say that maybe this
is related or side effect of the more general problem of -o in the
command line not always working -- but not merging since I am not sure.

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo <manuel.montezelo at gmail.com>

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