[Aptitude-devel] Bug#638049: aptitude forgets which packages were installed automatically

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo manuel.montezelo at gmail.com
Tue Feb 23 16:01:04 UTC 2016

2016-02-04 11:42 Harald Dunkel:
>I think I know how to reproduce:
>- install minimal Debian unstable (a container or chroot should do)
>- boot it or chroot to it
>- configure networking
>- enter aptitude and install a package with a huge list of
>  dependencies (e.g. owncloud)
>- leave aptitude
>- enter aptitude
>- mark "owncloud" to be removed (using "_")
>- hit "g" once to get the list of packages to be removed
>- mark "php5" to be kept (using "+")
>- press q
>Now the dependencies of php5 should have lost their "automatically
>installed" flag.

There have been some changes in the last few versions, specially the
last one, related with how packages marked to install/keep are handled
that might have affected this.

With 0.7.6, after following the steps above and pressing '+', this is
the state:

--\ Packages to be removed (1)
ip   owncloud                            -28.2 MB  7.0.12~dfsg-2  7.0.12~dfsg-2
--\ Packages being removed because they are no longer used (52)
idA  fonts-font-awesome                  -1,119 kB 4.5.0~dfsg-1   4.5.0~dfsg-1
idA  fonts-lohit-deva                    -138 kB   2.5.3-1        2.5.3-1
idA  fonts-sil-gentium-basic             -2,186 kB 1.1-7          1.1-7
idA  libjs-chosen                        -333 kB   0.9.11-2       0.9.11-2
idA  libjs-dojo-core                     -4,064 kB 1.10.4+dfsg-2  1.10.4+dfsg-2
idA  libjs-dojo-dijit                    -5,478 kB 1.10.4+dfsg-2  1.10.4+dfsg-2
idA  libjs-dojo-dojox                    -17.7 MB  1.10.4+dfsg-2  1.10.4+dfsg-2
idA  libjs-jcrop                         -397 kB   0.9.13+dfsg-1  0.9.13+dfsg-1
idA  libjs-jquery-minicolors             -100 kB   1.2.1-1        1.2.1-1
idA  libjs-jquery-mousewheel             -53.2 kB  10-2           10-2
idA  libjs-jquery-timepicker             -134 kB   1.2-1          1.2-1
idA  libjs-mediaelement                  -581 kB   2.15.1+dfsg-1  2.15.1+dfsg-1
idA  libjs-pdf                           -2,329 kB 1.1.366+dfsg-1 1.1.366+dfsg-1
i A  libonig2                                      5.9.6-1        5.9.6-1
idA  libphp-phpmailer                    -648 kB   5.2.14+dfsg-1  5.2.14+dfsg-1
i A  libqdbm14                                     1.8.78-6+b2    1.8.78-6+b2
idA  owncloud-doc                        -11.6 MB  0~20151214-1   0~20151214-1
idA  pdf.js-common                       -2,554 kB 1.1.366+dfsg-1 1.1.366+dfsg-1
idA  php-assetic                         -368 kB   1.3.2-1        1.3.2-1
idA  php-doctrine-annotations            -143 kB   1.2.7-1        1.2.7-1
idA  php-doctrine-cache                  -129 kB   1.6.0-1        1.6.0-1
idA  php-doctrine-collections            -103 kB   1.3.0-2        1.3.0-2
idA  php-doctrine-common                 -323 kB   2.4.3-1        2.4.3-1
idA  php-doctrine-dbal                   -1,199 kB 2.4.5-1        2.4.5-1
idA  php-doctrine-inflector              -32.8 kB  1.1.0-1        1.1.0-1
idA  php-doctrine-lexer                  -52.2 kB  1.0.1-3        1.0.1-3
idA  php-getid3                          -2,174 kB 1.9.11+dfsg-1  1.9.11+dfsg-1
idA  php-guzzle                          -1,010 kB 3.9.3+dfsg-4   3.9.3+dfsg-4
idA  php-json-patch                      -58.4 kB  0.1.0-2        0.1.0-2
idA  php-opencloud                       -1,411 kB 1.16.0+dfsg-1  1.16.0+dfsg-1
idA  php-patchwork-utf8                  -3,623 kB 1.3.0-1        1.3.0-1
idA  php-pear                            -2,224 kB 5.6.17+dfsg-3  5.6.17+dfsg-3
idA  php-pimple                          -39.9 kB  1.1.1-1        1.1.1-1
idA  php-psr-log                         -60.4 kB  1.0.0-3        1.0.0-3
idA  php-sabre-dav                       -1,038 kB 1.8.12-1       1.8.12-1
idA  php-sabre-vobject                   -233 kB   2.1.7-1        2.1.7-1
idA  php-seclib                          -1,252 kB 1.0.1-1        1.0.1-1
idA  php-symfony-class-loader            -133 kB   2.7.9+dfsg-1   2.7.9+dfsg-1
idA  php-symfony-console                 -483 kB   2.7.9+dfsg-1   2.7.9+dfsg-1
idA  php-symfony-event-dispatcher        -121 kB   2.7.9+dfsg-1   2.7.9+dfsg-1
idA  php-symfony-process                 -165 kB   2.7.9+dfsg-1   2.7.9+dfsg-1
idA  php-symfony-routing                 -297 kB   2.7.9+dfsg-1   2.7.9+dfsg-1
i    php5                                          5.6.17+dfsg-3  5.6.17+dfsg-3
i A  php5-cli                                      5.6.17+dfsg-3  5.6.17+dfsg-3
i A  php5-common                                   5.6.17+dfsg-3  5.6.17+dfsg-3
idA  php5-curl                           -112 kB   5.6.17+dfsg-3  5.6.17+dfsg-3
i A  php5-fpm                                      5.6.17+dfsg-3  5.6.17+dfsg-3
idA  php5-gd                             -136 kB   5.6.17+dfsg-3  5.6.17+dfsg-3
i A  php5-json                                     1.3.7-1        1.3.7-1
idA  php5-mysql                          -274 kB   5.6.17+dfsg-3  5.6.17+dfsg-3
idA  webfs                               -182 kB   1.21+ds1-10+b1 1.21+ds1-10+b1
idA  zendframework                       -44.0 MB  1.12.17+dfsg-1 1.12.17+dfsg-1

The only one causing losing 'A' now is "php5", obviously, since this is
the one marked to install/keep with '+'.

If I understand correctly, the behaviour that you were/are getting is
packages such as php5-cli and -common to be "i " instead of "i A"?

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo <manuel.montezelo at gmail.com>

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