[Aptitude-devel] Bug#816431: aptitude: crash (SIGFPE) on limit/filter (pressing L) in tree view

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo manuel.montezelo at gmail.com
Wed Mar 2 15:39:17 UTC 2016

Control: tags -1 + pending

Hi Jason,

2016-03-01 19:57 Jason Woofenden:
>Package: aptitude
>Version: 0.7.7-1
>Severity: important
>Dear Maintainer,
>Aptitude crashes when I press L (lowercase), then type certain
>strings into the "Enter the new package tree limit:" prompt.
>Below is a table of strings I've tried, followed by whether it
>crashed aptitude ("crash") or not ("happy"). Below that I have
>pasted a full backtrace of the crash from the string "wine-dev".
>	wine-dev  crash
>	wine-development  crash
>	wine-foo  happy (no packages match, but it doesn't crash)
>	wine      happy
>	wine-     crash
>	win-      happy
>	wine-development-foo   happy (no matches, no crash)
>	wine-devfoo   happy (no matches, no crash)
>	map       happy
>	moop      crash
>	moo       happy
>	bar       happy
>	baz       crash
>I can't figure out the pattern of why it crashes for some input and
>not others. But I do consistently get crashes on the input labeled
>"crash" above, and consistently _don't_ get crashes on those
>labeled "happy" above.

Thanks for the detailed report.

It was a problem due to divide by zero, presumably when the number of
packages matching is very low (< 10).  Marking as +pending.

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo <manuel.montezelo at gmail.com>

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