[PATCH 2/2] [package] ahcpd: update to 0.51, fix scripts

Gabriel Kerneis kerneis at pps.jussieu.fr
Wed Feb 17 13:43:05 UTC 2010

- Full-featured UCI configuration file (including server mode).
- Client mode configuration in /etc/config/network (proto ahcp).
- Launch at most one instance in server/forwarder mode, and as many
  instance as interfaces in client mode.
- Add status and reload options to init script.
- Make /etc/config/ahcpd a config file, simplify Makefile.
- Do not check the pid file (useless).
- 29 January 2010: ahcpd 0.51
  * Servers are now configured with a plain-text configuration file.
  * Implemented client-side support for prefix delegation (-P).
  * Made requesting state more persistent, to deal with packet loss.
  * Fixed a typo that prevented the -I option from working.
  * Fixed compilation on BSD systems.
  * Fixed a bug that could cause an expired lease to be discarded when
    older ones are available.

Signed-off-by: Gabriel Kerneis <kerneis at pps.jussieu.fr>
 ipv6/ahcpd/Makefile           |   30 +++++---------
 ipv6/ahcpd/files/ahcp.sh      |   87 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 ipv6/ahcpd/files/ahcpd.config |   52 ++++++++++++++++++++++--
 ipv6/ahcpd/files/ahcpd.init   |   63 +++++++++--------------------
 4 files changed, 165 insertions(+), 67 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 ipv6/ahcpd/files/ahcp.sh

diff --git a/ipv6/ahcpd/Makefile b/ipv6/ahcpd/Makefile
index a273e44..b1ca537 100644
--- a/ipv6/ahcpd/Makefile
+++ b/ipv6/ahcpd/Makefile
@@ -8,12 +8,13 @@
 include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
 include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
@@ -22,6 +23,7 @@ define Package/ahcpd
   TITLE:=Ad-Hoc Configuration Protocol daemon
+  MAINTAINER:=Gabriel Kerneis <kerneis at pps.jussieu.fr>
   DEPENDS:=+kmod-ipv6 +ip +librt
@@ -32,32 +34,20 @@ define Package/ahcpd/description
  also be used on wired networks.
-define Build/Configure
-	( cd $(PKG_BUILD_DIR); \
-		$(SED) 's,/usr/local/bin/,/usr/lib/ahcp/,g' ahcpd.c ; \
-		$(SED) 's,/usr/local/lib/ahcp/,/usr/lib/ahcp/,g' ahcp-config.sh ; \
-	)
-define Build/Compile
-		CC="$(TARGET_CC)" \
-		all
 define Package/ahcpd/conffiles
 define Package/ahcpd/install
 	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/bin
-	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib/ahcp
-	$(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/ahcp-config.sh $(1)/usr/lib/ahcp/
+	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/ahcp
+	$(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/ahcp-config.sh $(1)/etc/ahcp/
 	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/sbin
 	$(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/ahcpd $(1)/usr/sbin/
 	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/config
-	$(INSTALL_DATA) ./files/ahcpd.config $(1)/etc/config/ahcpd
+	$(INSTALL_CONF) ./files/ahcpd.config $(1)/etc/config/ahcpd
+	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/lib/network
+	$(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/ahcp.sh $(1)/lib/network/
 	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/init.d
 	$(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/ahcpd.init $(1)/etc/init.d/ahcpd
diff --git a/ipv6/ahcpd/files/ahcp.sh b/ipv6/ahcpd/files/ahcp.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b4f7ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipv6/ahcpd/files/ahcp.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+append_bool() {
+	local section="$1"
+	local option="$2"
+	local value="$3"
+	local _loctmp
+	config_get_bool _loctmp "$section" "$option"
+	[ "$_loctmp" -gt 0 ] && append args "$value"
+append_parm() {
+	local section="$1"
+	local option="$2"
+	local switch="$3"
+	local _loctmp
+	config_get _loctmp "$section" "$option"
+	[ -z "$_loctmp" ] && return 0
+	append args "$switch $_loctmp"
+append_args() {
+	local name="$1"
+	local switch="$2"
+	append args "$switch $name"
+ahcp_addif() {
+	local name="$1"
+	local _uciname=`uci get -q -P /var/state network.$name.ifname`
+	append interfaces "${_uciname:-$name}"
+ahcp_server() {
+	local cfg="$1"
+	append args "-C '"
+	append_parm "$cfg" 'mode' 'mode'
+	append_parm "$cfg" 'lease_dir' 'lease-dir'
+	config_list_foreach "$cfg" 'prefix' append_args 'prefix'
+	config_list_foreach "$cfg" 'name_server' append_args 'name-server'
+	config_list_foreach "$cfg" 'ntp_server' append_args 'ntp-server'
+	append args ' ' "'"
+	append_parm "$cfg" 'id_file' '-i'
+	append_parm "$cfg" 'log_file' '-L'
+ahcp_config() {
+	local cfg="$1"
+	config_list_foreach "$cfg" 'interface' ahcp_addif
+	append_bool "$cfg" 'ipv4_only' '-4'
+	append_bool "$cfg" 'ipv6_only' '-6'
+	append_bool "$cfg" 'no_dns' '-N'
+	append_parm "$cfg" 'multicast_address' '-m'
+	append_parm "$cfg" 'port' '-p'
+	append_parm "$cfg" 'lease_time' '-t'
+	append_parm "$cfg" 'debug' '-d'
+	append_parm "$cfg" 'conf_file' '-c'
+	append_parm "$cfg" 'script' '-s'
+setup_interface_ahcp() {
+	local interface="$1"
+	local config="$2"
+	local pid_file="/var/run/ahcpd-$interface.pid"
+	local id_file="/var/lib/ahcp-unique-id-$interface"
+	local log_file="/var/log/ahcpd-$interface.log"
+	unset args
+	mkdir -p /var/lib
+	ahcp_config "$config"
+	eval "/usr/sbin/ahcpd -D -I $pid_file -i $id_file -L $log_file $args $interface"
+stop_interface_ahcp() {
+	local cfg="$1"                
+	local interface
+	config_get interface "$cfg" device
+	local pid_file="/var/run/ahcpd-$interface.pid"
+	[ -f "$pid_file" ] && kill $(cat "$pid_file")
diff --git a/ipv6/ahcpd/files/ahcpd.config b/ipv6/ahcpd/files/ahcpd.config
index c70b71d..ebf6ddc 100644
--- a/ipv6/ahcpd/files/ahcpd.config
+++ b/ipv6/ahcpd/files/ahcpd.config
@@ -1,6 +1,50 @@
-config 'ahcpd'
-	option 'no_dns' 'false'
+package ahcpd
+# This configuration file is used to set up ahcpd in server or forwarder
+# mode.  To use ahcpd in client mode, use 'proto' 'ahcp' in
+# /etc/config/network (see example below).
+config ahcpd
+	option 'mode' 'server' # or 'forwarder' but NOT 'client'
+	# Uncomment the following lines to enable ahcpd on the desired
+	# interfaces.
+	## list 'interface' 'lan'
+	## list 'interface' 'wlan'
+	# The following only makes sense in 'server' mode.
+	# Tweak to suit your needs.
+	## list 'prefix ' 'fde6:20f5:c9ac:358::/64'
+	## list 'prefix' ''
+	## list 'name_server' 'fde6:20f5:c9ac:358::1'
+	## list 'name_server' ''
+	## list 'ntp_server' ''
+	## option 'lease_dir' '/var/lib/leases'
+	option 'id_file' '/var/lib/ahcp-unique-id'
+	option 'log_file' '/var/log/ahcpd.log'
+	# The configuration file is not necessary since you can configure
+	# everything from this file.  But still, you might prefer using it.
+	## option 'conf_file' '/etc/ahcp/ahcp.conf'
+	option 'multicast_address' 'ff02::cca6:c0f9:e182:5359'
+	option 'port' '5359'
 	option 'ipv4_only' 'false'
 	option 'ipv6_only' 'false'
-	option 'no_config' 'false'
-	#list 'interface' 'wlan'
+	option 'lease_time' '3666'
+	option 'debug' '1'
+# Sample client mode configuration
+# THIS MUST BE COPIED IN /etc/config/network.  Ahcpd will ignore it
+# otherwise.
+## config 'interface' 'wlan'
+## 	option 'ifname' 'ath0'
+## 	option 'proto' 'ahcp'
+##  # The following lines are optional
+## 	option 'multicast_address' 'ff02::cca6:c0f9:e182:5359'
+## 	option 'port' '5359'
+## 	option 'ipv4_only' 'false'
+## 	option 'ipv6_only' 'false'
+## 	option 'no_dns' 'false'
+## 	option 'lease_time' '3666'
+## 	option 'debug' '1'
+## 	option 'script' '/etc/ahcp/ahcp-config.sh'
diff --git a/ipv6/ahcpd/files/ahcpd.init b/ipv6/ahcpd/files/ahcpd.init
index 12a8452..4bf651e 100644
--- a/ipv6/ahcpd/files/ahcpd.init
+++ b/ipv6/ahcpd/files/ahcpd.init
@@ -1,54 +1,31 @@
 #!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
+EXTRA_HELP="        status Print ahcpd's status to the log file."
-addif() {
-	config_get ifname $1 ifname
-	append interfaces "$ifname"
-ahcpd_config() {
-	local cfg="$1"
-	interfaces=
-	config_list_foreach $cfg interface addif
-	[ -z "$interfaces" ] && return 0
-	config_get_bool no_config "$cfg" no_config 0
-	config_get_bool ipv4_only "$cfg" ipv4_only 0
-	config_get_bool ipv6_only "$cfg" ipv6_only 0
-	config_get_bool no_dns "$cfg" no_dns 0
-	if [ "$no_config" -eq 0 ]; then
-		unset no_config
-	fi
-	if [ "$ipv4_only" -eq 0 ]; then
-		unset ipv4_only
-	fi
-	if [ "$ipv6_only" -eq 0 ]; then
-		unset ipv6_only
-	fi
-	if [ "$no_dns" -eq 0 ]; then
-		unset no_dns
-	fi
-	if [ -e $pidfile ] ; then
-		echo "$pidfile exists -- not starting ahcpd." >&2
-	else
-		/usr/sbin/ahcpd -s /usr/lib/ahcp/ahcp-config.sh -D -I $pidfile \
-		${ipv4_only:+-4} ${ipv6_only:+-6} ${no_dns:+-N} ${no_config:+-n} \
-		$interfaces
-	fi
+. /lib/network/ahcp.sh
 start() {
-	include /lib/network
-	scan_interfaces
-	config_load ahcpd
 	mkdir -p /var/lib
-	config_foreach ahcpd_config ahcpd
+	config_load ahcpd
+	unset args
+	unset interfaces
+	config_foreach ahcp_config ahcpd
+	config_foreach ahcp_server ahcpd
+	[ -z "$interfaces" ] && return 0
+	eval "/usr/sbin/ahcpd -D -I $PID_F $args $interfaces"
 stop() {
-	[ -e $pidfile ] && kill $(cat $pidfile)
-	[ -e $pidfile ] && sleep 2
-	[ -e $pidfile ] && sleep 4
-	[ -e $pidfile ] && echo "Failed to stop ahcpd ($pidfile still exists)."
+	[ -f "$PID_F" ] && kill $(cat "$PID_F")
+status() {
+	[ -f $PID_F ] && kill -USR1 $(cat $PID_F)
+reload() {
+	[ -f $PID_F ] && kill -USR2 $(cat $PID_F)


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