[Babel-users] Questions on the "new" AHCP
Alex Morlang
alx at dd19.de
Thu Jan 14 19:51:00 UTC 2010
Am 14.01.2010 um 19:20 schrieb ZioPRoTo (Saverio Proto):
> Hello,
> I'm trying to test (again) AHCP on OpenWRT.
> I say "again" because I used AHCP in a little testebed about 18 months
> ago. The configuration was in a .dat file living in:
> /usr/lib/ahcp/ahcp.dat
> and it was only IPv6, and it was completely stateless without server/
> clients.
> It all worked very good to me, and for a while I did not use it
> anymore....
> I met Alex Morlang at Ninux Day and ad 26C3 and I've been told of
> many changes:
> * support for IPv4 configuration
> * ASCII configuration instead of the binary file
> So, I'm reading the archives of this list but still there are some
> questions that I can't find an answer.
> Most of this questions are yes/no answers... probably some question
> needs a short explanation:
> 1) AHCP is a stand alone program, so does not depend on olsr or babel,
> so its configuration is autonomous, correct ? In openwrt I expect to
> configure everything in /etc/conf/ahcp
> 2) is node_id necessary ?
> I don't understand if this script: http://tinyurl.com/scriptfrom26c3
> is necessary to have ahcp work ? So I have to set up something in
> /etc/conf/system ?
this script is totally unrelated to ahcp, it was planned to use the
node-id for measurement purposes.
> 3) If I use AHCP to configure ONLY IPv6, then everything is stateless
> as in the old AHCP and I don't have to make a difference between
> server instances and client instances ?
> I see here: http://www.pps.jussieu.fr/~jch/software/repos/ahcpd/README
> "setting up a server" and "setting up a client"
> But this client server difference is also when using only IPv6 ?
> 4) Il possible to use AHCP only IPv6 + OLSR IPv6 ?
> 5) How do I tell the mesh node what is the IPv6 prefix of the network
> in /etc/config/ahcp ?
you don't, afaik there is no support for this in the openwrt init
use rc.local or commit a better initscript.
> for now thats all :)
> Thanks for clarifications :)
> Saverio
gruss, Alex
P.S.: experimental 6mesh firmware with olsr6 and ahcp grows in git://
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