[Babel-users] Routes not being set by babeld

Juliusz Chroboczek jch at pps.univ-paris-diderot.fr
Mon Jul 21 22:30:35 UTC 2014

Hi Devin,

> interface wlan0 wired false
> daemonise false
> debug 2
> pid-file /babled.pid
> state-file /babeld.state
> log-file /babeld.log


> PS Here's a typical log:

It looks like this node is not hearing any other nodes -- it's sending
Hello packets (the lines starting with "Sending hello") but never
receiving any (there are no lines starting with "Received hello").

Are you sure your link layer is set up correctly?  Are the nodes on the
same wireless cell (iwconfig wlan0)?  Have the nodes associated at the
link layer (iw dev wlan0 station dump)?  Is there a firewall in the way?

A handy trick -- if you do

  ping6 -Iwlan0 ff02::1

you should receive replies from all the neighbouring nodes.  If you don't,
there's something wrong, and there's no chance of Babel working.

-- Juliusz

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