[Babel-users] Bable vs Linux Mesh mode.

Ian Wilkinson null at sgtwilko.f9.co.uk
Mon Nov 17 19:10:18 UTC 2014

Hi All,

I've been trying to do some research on the different Mesh technologies 
available on Linux (specifically for use with WiFi), but have been 
finding a lack of info comparing the different approaches (for example 
do you need to use AHCP or equivalent when using 802.11s support in the 

I've been looking to compare Babel with 802.11s, Batman-adv, smesh and 
olsrd2 (Byzantium seems to use Babel so I am ignoring this.)

Babel seems to be a complete and fairly mature system, the Kernel 
802.11s system also has been around awhile, but I get the feeling that 
it is less tested than Babel.

Is there a reference (wiki or otherwise) that compares the current state 
of play, or are we at the fringe/early stages where nothing is set in 

If not, as users of Babel (and hopefully AHCP), what sort of features do 
you see as the cornerstones of Mesh networking?

Taking Auto-Routing as the bare-minimum do you expect the following:
Auto-IP Configuration,
Fast rerouting,
IPv4 & IPv6 compatibility,
Normal client accessibility (i.e., able to be accessed from a computer 
that doesn't understand the mesh protocols),
Low power / CPU & Memory usage,
Multicast support.

Thanks for any info,


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