[Babel-users] Fwd: Report on the testbed results

Jehan Tremback jehan.tremback at gmail.com
Wed Jun 14 17:34:26 UTC 2017

Forwarding these Battlemesh testbed results. Looks like Babel did ok.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Leonardo Maccari <mail at leonardo.ma>
Date: Tue, Jun 13, 2017 at 5:54 AM
Subject: Report on the testbed results
To: battlemesh <battlemesh at ml.ninux.org>

Dear battlemeshers,

Here is the latest and greatest report on the testbed results including:

- ping results
- iperf results
- iperf without Airtime Fairness


I hope i got all the names of the authors right, and since only Bastian did
some change in the doc, please, other people add your stuff (you are
all in bcc since i am not sure all of you read this list).

The last section is a bunch of indication i collected from me and other
people while testing, useful for next year.

Federico reminded me that we have http://docs.battlemesh.org/, is anybody
interested in making the report available also on Read The Docs? maybe one
of those that passed by during the BM and said "hey, I'd like to help
documenting!" and then we lost track of them...

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