[Babel-users] Higher CPU usage since 1.9.x leads to instability on slow devices

Fabian Bläse fabian at blaese.de
Mon Jun 1 00:44:05 BST 2020

Hi Johannes,

thanks again for the analysis!
I made the mistake of not inspecting kinstall_route closer. For some reason I thought that this only does the actual netlink communication.

Your guess actually could explain the behaviour I've seen very well. Installing routes takes a very long time, but only if all routes are installed already.
Therefore it is relatively easy for the node to initially connect to the network, because there are less routes to compare to, when they are received and installed for the first time.

As I've already said it might be possible that I've mixed up babeld version numbers, so I analyzed versions with a known issue.
So it is very possible that this issue does not originate from babeld-1.9.x, but our network just got too big at a very unfortunate time.


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