[Babel-users] scaling of babeld

Jochen Demmer jochen at winteltosh.de
Tue May 24 14:46:24 BST 2022


how good does babeld scale? Let's say in an optimal environment with
only 10G fiber links and potent hardware (with openwrt) like this:


What do you think how well would a dynamic routed environment with
babeld scale?

I'm working on an idea for a community network called pplznet. Every
household is getting its own OpenWrt devices and we build mainly
multiple rings and those rings are interconnted to each other on some
points. Like a mixed ring / mesh topology in order to achieve both
redundancy but the least possible overhead.

Do you think such a network could handle up to 1.000 OpenWrt nodes or
even more?

What real world bitrate would I be able to achieve?

Thank you
Jochen Demmer aka Junicast

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