[Babel-users] babel in vyos

Juliusz Chroboczek jch at irif.fr
Fri Apr 28 13:11:33 BST 2023

Hi David!

> Unfortunately there just doesn't seem to be enough interest from the FRR
> community;  it's kinda understandable considering FRR has gotten rather
> datacenter heavy.

Where did the cool people go?  BIRD or proprietary routers?

> If someone is interested (and can spare some of that "engineering
> discipline" you mention, Juliusz - it is a very limited resource...),
> I'd be happy to do that "re-port", I can probably do it much faster than
> most other people.  Just without anyone to tend to it afterwards I'd
> feel like I'd just be wasting the effort :(.


> FWIW, as much as it pains me, maybe we need to remove FRR's babeld.  At
> some point it just becomes harmful, and I fear we may already have
> passed that point.  If there is indeed consensus in that regard, I'll
> regretfully volunteer to take the executioner's job and axe it out :(

It would cause me unspeakable sorrow, but I'd understand.

If you decide to do that, it would be good to have a deprecation notice
that indicates that Babel is alive and well, and that users are encouraged
to migrate to BIRD.  I know that I'm asking you to advertise a competitor,
but unless you do that, you'd be harming Babel by giving the impression
that it's the protocol itself that's getting deprecated, not just FRR's

-- uliusz

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