[Blends-commit] r1899 - in blends/trunk/webtools: . templates

Debian Pure Blends Subversion Commit noreply at alioth.debian.org
Sat Oct 3 22:44:48 UTC 2009

Author: tille
Date: Sat Oct  3 22:44:47 2009
New Revision: 1899
URL: http://svn.debian.org/viewsvn/blends?rev=1899&view=rev

Print enhancing packages at the end of description.


Modified: blends/trunk/webtools/blendstasktools.py
URL: http://svn.debian.org/viewsvn/blends/blends/trunk/webtools/blendstasktools.py?rev=1899&view=diff&r1=1899&r2=1898&p1=blends/trunk/webtools/blendstasktools.py&p2=blends/trunk/webtools/blendstasktools.py
--- blends/trunk/webtools/blendstasktools.py	(original)
+++ blends/trunk/webtools/blendstasktools.py	Sat Oct  3 22:44:47 2009
@@ -954,28 +954,30 @@
             for dependency in tdeps.dependencies.keys():
                 for dep in tdeps.dependencies[dependency]:
                     if dep.properties['Enhances'] != {}:
-                        print "Package %s is enhanced by:" % dep.pkg
+                        # print "Package %s is enhanced by:" % dep.pkg
                         for enh in dep.properties['Enhances'].keys():
                             # seek for Enhances on same page
                             found = 0
-                            for enhdep in tdeps.dependencies[dependency]:
-                                if enh == enhdep.pkg:
-                                    dep.properties['Enhances'][enh] = '#'+enh
-                                    found = 1 # found enhances in same task
-                                    break
+                            for seek_dependency in tdeps.dependencies.keys():
+                                for enhdep in tdeps.dependencies[seek_dependency]:
+                                    if enh == enhdep.pkg:
+                                        dep.properties['Enhances'][enh] = '#'+enh
+                                        found = 1 # found enhances in same task
+                                        break
                             if found == 0: # If not found seek in other tasks
                                 for enhtask in self.metapackagekeys:
                                     if enhtask == task:
                                     enhtdeps = self.tasks[enhtask]
-                                    for enhdep in enhtdeps.dependencies[dependency]:
-                                        if enh == enhdep.pkg:
-                                            dep.properties['Enhances'][enh] = '../' + enhtask + '#'+enh
-                                            found = 1 # found enhances in other task
-                                            break
+                                    for seek_dependency in enhtdeps.dependencies.keys():
+                                        for enhdep in enhtdeps.dependencies[seek_dependency]:
+                                            if enh == enhdep.pkg:
+                                                dep.properties['Enhances'][enh] = './' + enhtask + '#' + enh
+                                                found = 1 # found enhances in other task
+                                                break
                                     if found == 1:
-                            print " %s -> %s" % (enh, dep.properties['Enhances'][enh])
+                            # print " %s -> %s" % (enh, dep.properties['Enhances'][enh])
     def __str__(self):
         ret = "Blendname: "       + self.blendname  + ", " \

Modified: blends/trunk/webtools/templates/tasks.xhtml
URL: http://svn.debian.org/viewsvn/blends/blends/trunk/webtools/templates/tasks.xhtml?rev=1899&view=diff&r1=1899&r2=1898&p1=blends/trunk/webtools/templates/tasks.xhtml&p2=blends/trunk/webtools/templates/tasks.xhtml
--- blends/trunk/webtools/templates/tasks.xhtml	(original)
+++ blends/trunk/webtools/templates/tasks.xhtml	Sat Oct  3 22:44:47 2009
@@ -156,6 +156,11 @@
 	           <span py:when="project.desc.has_key(lang)">${project.desc[lang]['long']}</span>
 	           <span py:otherwise="">${project.desc['en']['long']}</span>
+	     <div class="enhanced-by" py:if="project.properties['Enhances'] != {}">
+	       The package is enhanced by the following packages: <py:for each="enh in project.properties['Enhances'].keys()">
+		 <a href="${project.properties['Enhances'][enh]}">${enh}</a>
+	       </py:for>
+	     </div>
 	     <div class="registration" py:if="project.properties.has_key('registration')">
 	       <span class="registrationlink" >Please register by following <a
 	       href="${project.properties['registration']}">this link</a></span> if you are using ${project.pkg}.

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