[Blends-commit] r2111 - in blends/trunk/blends: . debian devtools etc/blends templates

Debian Pure Blends Subversion Commit noreply at alioth.debian.org
Sat Mar 20 21:23:55 UTC 2010

Author: tille
Date: Sat Mar 20 21:23:54 2010
New Revision: 2111
URL: http://svn.debian.org/viewsvn/blends?rev=2111&view=rev

Blends 0.6.12


Modified: blends/trunk/blends/blend-update-menus
URL: http://svn.debian.org/viewsvn/blends/blends/trunk/blends/blend-update-menus?rev=2111&view=diff&r1=2111&r2=2110&p1=blends/trunk/blends/blend-update-menus&p2=blends/trunk/blends/blend-update-menus
--- blends/trunk/blends/blend-update-menus	(original)
+++ blends/trunk/blends/blend-update-menus	Sat Mar 20 21:23:54 2010
@@ -15,9 +15,17 @@
 # a local per Blend conf is sourced later, after argument parsing
+if [ ! -s ${CONFBASE}/blends.conf ] ; then
+    echo "File ${CONFBASE}/blends.conf is missing.  Please check installation of package blends-common."
+    exit 13
 . ${CONFBASE}/blends.conf
 # specific utilities for blend-update-menus
+if [ ! -s ${SHAREDIR}/blend-update-menus ] ; then
+    echo "File ${SHAREDIR}/blend-update-menus is missing.  Please check installation of package blends-common."
+    exit 13
 . ${SHAREDIR}/blend-update-menus
 # Get command line arguments

Modified: blends/trunk/blends/debian/changelog
URL: http://svn.debian.org/viewsvn/blends/blends/trunk/blends/debian/changelog?rev=2111&view=diff&r1=2111&r2=2110&p1=blends/trunk/blends/debian/changelog&p2=blends/trunk/blends/debian/changelog
--- blends/trunk/blends/debian/changelog	(original)
+++ blends/trunk/blends/debian/changelog	Sat Mar 20 21:23:54 2010
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 blends (0.6.12) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Use prerm instead of postrm to make sure the blends-common package
-    is installed to recreate menus and thus avoid problems on purging
-    metapackages like in #574237, #574203, #574208
+  * Use prerm instead of postrm and verify existance of
+    blends-common in this file to deal with problems like
+    #574237, #574203, #574208
  -- Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>  Wed, 17 Mar 2010 08:06:31 +0100

Modified: blends/trunk/blends/devtools/blend-install-helper
URL: http://svn.debian.org/viewsvn/blends/blends/trunk/blends/devtools/blend-install-helper?rev=2111&view=diff&r1=2111&r2=2110&p1=blends/trunk/blends/devtools/blend-install-helper&p2=blends/trunk/blends/devtools/blend-install-helper
--- blends/trunk/blends/devtools/blend-install-helper	(original)
+++ blends/trunk/blends/devtools/blend-install-helper	Sat Mar 20 21:23:54 2010
@@ -77,13 +77,14 @@
     # post{inst/rm} template are appended if some extra scripts are provided or just created
     # an extra postinst has to be saved (*.stub) and restored by the clean target in
     # debian/rules
-    [ -s debian/"$blend"-"$pkg".postinst.stub ] && cp debian/"$blend"-"$pkg".postinst.stub debian/"$blend"-"$pkg".postinst
-    sed -e "s/#BLEND#/${blend}/g" \
-        -e "s/#PKG#/${blend}-${pkg}/g" \
-       /usr/share/blends/templates/postinst >> debian/"$blend"-"$pkg".postinst
-    sed -e "s/#BLEND#/${blend}/g" \
-        -e "s/#PKG#/${blend}-${pkg}/g" \
-       /usr/share/blends/templates/prerm >> debian/"$blend"-"$pkg".prerm
+    for prepost in preinst postinst prerm postrm ; do
+	[ -s debian/"$blend"-"$pkg".${prepost}.stub ] && cp debian/"$blend"-"$pkg".${prepost}.stub debian/"$blend"-"$pkg".${prepost}
+	if [ -s /usr/share/blends/templates/${prepost} ] ; then
+	    sed -e "s/#BLEND#/${blend}/g" \
+	        -e "s/#PKG#/${blend}-${pkg}/g" \
+    		/usr/share/blends/templates/${prepost} >> debian/"$blend"-"$pkg".${prepost}
+    	fi
+    done
 # if config/config exists use this as general helper script

Modified: blends/trunk/blends/etc/blends/blends.conf
URL: http://svn.debian.org/viewsvn/blends/blends/trunk/blends/etc/blends/blends.conf?rev=2111&view=diff&r1=2111&r2=2110&p1=blends/trunk/blends/etc/blends/blends.conf&p2=blends/trunk/blends/etc/blends/blends.conf
--- blends/trunk/blends/etc/blends/blends.conf	(original)
+++ blends/trunk/blends/etc/blends/blends.conf	Sat Mar 20 21:23:54 2010
@@ -10,8 +10,24 @@
 # Utility functions, backend indep
-. ${SHAREDIR}/blend-utils
-. ${SHAREDIR}/blend-actions
+if [ -s ${SHAREDIR}/blend-utils ] ; then
+    . ${SHAREDIR}/blend-utils
+    echo "File ${SHAREDIR}/blend-utils not found"
+    exit 13
+if [ -s ${SHAREDIR}/blend-actions ] ; then
+    . ${SHAREDIR}/blend-actions
+    echo "File ${SHAREDIR}/blend-actions not found"
+    exit 13
 # actual action performed by choosen backend
-. ${SHAREDIR}/${DBBACKEND}/blend-actions
+if [ -s ${SHAREDIR}/${DBBACKEND}/blend-actions ] ; then
+    . ${SHAREDIR}/${DBBACKEND}/blend-actions
+    echo "File ${SHAREDIR}/${DBBACKEND}/blend-actions not found"
+    exit 13

Modified: blends/trunk/blends/templates/prerm
URL: http://svn.debian.org/viewsvn/blends/blends/trunk/blends/templates/prerm?rev=2111&view=diff&r1=2111&r2=2110&p1=blends/trunk/blends/templates/prerm&p2=blends/trunk/blends/templates/prerm
--- blends/trunk/blends/templates/prerm	(original)
+++ blends/trunk/blends/templates/prerm	Sat Mar 20 21:23:54 2010
@@ -15,23 +15,18 @@
 if [ -d /etc/blends -a -f /etc/blends/blends.conf ] ; then
     # Also verify that this Blend provides special configuration
     # If not there is no need to execute the user menu code
-    if [ -d /etc/blends/#BLEND# -a -f /etc/blends/#BLEND#/#BLEND#.conf ] ; then
-	test -x /usr/sbin/blend-update-menus && blend-update-menus --blend #BLEND# 
-	test -s /etc/blends/blends.conf         && . /etc/blends/blends.conf
-	test -s /etc/blends/#BLEND#/#BLEND#.conf && . /etc/blends/#BLEND#/#BLEND#.conf
+    if [ -d /etc/blends/#BLEND# -a -s /etc/blends/#BLEND#/#BLEND#.conf -a -s /etc/blends/blends.conf ] ; then
 	if [ -x /usr/sbin/blend-update-usermenus ] ; then
+	    . /etc/blends/blends.conf
+	    . /etc/blends/#BLEND#/#BLEND#.conf
+	    /usr/sbin/blend-update-menus --blend #BLEND# 
 	    # Initialize debconf if not yet done
 	    if [ _"$DEBCONF_REDIR" = _"" ]; then
     		. /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
     		db_version 2.0
-	    . /etc/blends/blends.conf
-	    if [ -s /etc/blends/#BLEND#/#BLEND#.conf ] ; then . /etc/blends/#BLEND#/#BLEND#.conf ; fi
 	    case "$1" in

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