[Blends-commit] r2191 - in blends/trunk/blends: debian doc/en

Debian Pure Blends Subversion Commit noreply at alioth.debian.org
Sun May 30 20:10:50 UTC 2010

Author: tille
Date: Sun May 30 20:10:46 2010
New Revision: 2191
URL: http://svn.debian.org/viewsvn/blends?rev=2191&view=rev

Enhanced documentation regarding web sentinel


Modified: blends/trunk/blends/debian/changelog
URL: http://svn.debian.org/viewsvn/blends/blends/trunk/blends/debian/changelog?rev=2191&view=diff&r1=2191&r2=2190&p1=blends/trunk/blends/debian/changelog&p2=blends/trunk/blends/debian/changelog
--- blends/trunk/blends/debian/changelog	(original)
+++ blends/trunk/blends/debian/changelog	Sun May 30 20:10:46 2010
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+blends (0.6.14) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  * doc/en: Updated documentation about webtools
+ -- Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>  Sun, 30 May 2010 13:54:30 +0200
 blends (0.6.13) unstable; urgency=low
   * Do not use explicite PATH to blend-update-menus to avoid

Modified: blends/trunk/blends/doc/en/00_titletoc.sgml
URL: http://svn.debian.org/viewsvn/blends/blends/trunk/blends/doc/en/00_titletoc.sgml?rev=2191&view=diff&r1=2191&r2=2190&p1=blends/trunk/blends/doc/en/00_titletoc.sgml&p2=blends/trunk/blends/doc/en/00_titletoc.sgml
--- blends/trunk/blends/doc/en/00_titletoc.sgml	(original)
+++ blends/trunk/blends/doc/en/00_titletoc.sgml	Sun May 30 20:10:46 2010
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
-      Copyright &copy; 2004 - 2009 Andreas Tille
+      Copyright &copy; 2004 - 2010 Andreas Tille

Modified: blends/trunk/blends/doc/en/08_websentinel.sgml
URL: http://svn.debian.org/viewsvn/blends/blends/trunk/blends/doc/en/08_websentinel.sgml?rev=2191&view=diff&r1=2191&r2=2190&p1=blends/trunk/blends/doc/en/08_websentinel.sgml&p2=blends/trunk/blends/doc/en/08_websentinel.sgml
--- blends/trunk/blends/doc/en/08_websentinel.sgml	(original)
+++ blends/trunk/blends/doc/en/08_websentinel.sgml	Sun May 30 20:10:46 2010
@@ -169,8 +169,7 @@
        approached. There was some consensus that we need to define a
        general control file featuring the citation information but the
        problem has no real solution in the near future.  To find an
-       intermediate solution which solves the situation for the tasks
-       pages of Blends some <tt>Published-*</tt> tags can be inserted
+       intermediate solution which solves the situation for the tasks       pages of Blends some <tt>Published-*</tt> tags can be inserted
        into the tasks file which are rendered on the according tasks
        pages.  Here comes a list of these tags:
@@ -202,9 +201,69 @@
-  </sect>
+<sect1 id="webconf">
+<heading>Configuring Web Sentinel pages per Blend</heading>
-  <sect id="ddtp">
+To set some typical values for the web sentinel per Blend each Blend
+has to provide a configuration file.  These files are formatted in
+RFC822 files and
+<url id="http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/blends/blends/trunk/webtools/webconf/"
+     name="maintained in SVN">.  The following values can be set:
+  <tag>Blend</tag>
+   <item>Id of the Blend (for instance debian-edu, debian-med, etc.)
+   </item>
+  <tag>ProjectName</tag>
+   <item>Name the Blend in correct spelling.  Please note that English
+         spelling is without a dash and it is "Debian Edu" (not
+         Debian-Edu) and Debian Med (not Debian-Med)
+   </item>
+  <tag>ProjectUrl</tag>
+   <item>URL to technical information about the Blend
+   </item>
+  <tag>Homepage</tag>
+   <item>URL to the user oriented homepage of the Blend
+   </item>
+  <tag>AliothUrl</tag>
+   <item>URL of the Alioth project of the Blend (might be identical to
+   ProjectUrl)
+   </item>
+  <tag>LogoUrl</tag>
+   <item>URL to a logo image of the Blend
+   </item>
+  <tag>ProjectList</tag>
+   <item>E-Mail address of a mailing list where developers and users
+   of the Blend are communicating
+   </item>
+  <tag>PkgList</tag>
+   <item>E-Mail address of a mailing list where developers of the
+   Blend are discussing technical details of packaging
+   </item>
+  <tag>OutputDir</tag>
+   <item>Directory where to put the rendered HTML pages.  The Blends
+   pages are hosted on Alioth and usually stored
+   at <file>/var/lib/gforge/chroot/home/groups/blends/htdocs/&lt;ProjectName&gt;</file>
+   </item>
+  <tag>DataDir</tag>
+   <item>Directory where the rendering code stores temporary data like
+   SVN checkout of tasks files etc.  This is usually set to
+   <file>/var/lib/gforge/chroot/home/groups/blends/data/&lt;ProjectName&gt;</file>
+   </item>
+  <tag>VcsDir</tag>
+   <item>Path to tasks files in Blends SVN
+   <file>/svn/blends/projects/science/trunk/&lt;ProjectName&gt;</file>
+   </item>
+  <tag>CSS</tag>
+   <item>In case a CSS file different from the default Blend CSS is
+   wanted for a specific Blend a (relative) path to this file can be specified.
+   </item>
+  <sect1 id="ddtp">
   <heading>Debian Description Translation Project</heading>
@@ -221,11 +280,66 @@
-Finally the DDTP descriptions can be used to create internationalised
+Finally the DDTP descriptions are used to create internationalised
 pages of existing packages which might help users with insufficient
-skills in English to easily find their software of interest.
+skills in English to easily find their software of interest.  If the
+browser locale is properly set the user will get translated
+descriptions of existing packages - provided that the DDTP
+translations for all these packages are existing.
+  </sect1>
+  <sect1>
+  <heading>Features of the web sentinel tasks pages</heading>
+ For so called prospective packages - packages which are not yet in
+ Debian as discussed above - only the information given explicitely in
+ the tasks file can be provided.  For official packages the Debian
+ infrastructure provides a lot of metadata, that is collected in the
+ Ultimate Debian Database (UDD).  The script which is creating the web
+ sentinel pages collects all this data from UDD and tries to provide
+ the most comprehensive overview over a set of packages for a given
+ task of a Blend.  The following list gives an overview over the
+ metadata of packages belonging to the tasks of a Blend.
+  <tag>Short and long Description</tag>
+   <item>If there is a DDTP translation the descriptions are translated.
+   </item>
+  <tag>Homepage</tag>
+   <item>The Homepage field is taken from
+     the <file>debian/control</file> file.  If this information is
+     missing for some package on the tasks page it might be a sign
+     that the package is not properly maintained and deserves a
+     wishlist bug report to add this information (at least for
+     non-native Debian packages.
+   </item>
+  <tag>Maintainer / last  Uploader</tag>
+   <item>Both are provides as mailto-links.  If the latest Uploader is
+     different from the Maintainer this information is given as well.
+     This is specifically interesting for group maintained packages -
+     actually a tendency in Blends to maintain packages as Blends team
+     - where the maintainer is the Blends team and the Uploader is the
+     name of the actual developer who uploaded the package.
+   </item>
+  <tag>Popularity contest</tag>
+   <item>The popularity contest database contains different values.
+     The tasks page is presenting the most relevant of them: the
+     number of people who really use this package regularly and the
+     number of people who upgraded this package recently
+   </item>
+  <tag>Versions and architectures</tag>
+   <item>A button can be used to uncover the versions of this package
+     in the Debian package pool as well as the architectures for which
+     this version exists.  The button is coloures in yellow if there
+     is a new upstream version available which enables the Blends
+     packaging team to easily detect work items to do.
+   </item>
+  </sect1>
    <sect id="bugs">

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